Neverwinter Nights 2


  1. niceguy
    • premium
    • 8 kudos
    This was the most rewarding thing I played for a long time, immersion is immense. I would love to see more expansions made to this since this town feel like  a home. The way inland navigation is handled is excellent, just tell the guard at the city gates where you want to go and you get sent there. This system allow for in theory a multitude of locations to be added without bloating a map.

    Ever thought of turning Candle Cove to a questhub? There are plenty of small module adventures that could be dusted off, spiced up a bit and then appended to something like this.
  2. OfficerDonNZ
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Tchos enjoying the mod so far Not sure if I'm being dense or got a bug or what but the vampire under the magic shop will not bloody die even with a full party of 6. I can get him down to near death but he just stays there and doesn't kick the bucket. Really getting annoying.
    1. DJStikman
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Same here, did you figure it out?
    2. niceguy
      • premium
      • 8 kudos
      There is something there keeping him alive, well four of them. 
  3. Cropelka
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    so i am playing at d&d hardcore with 5 chars that started on level 10 and I have to drop this mod. It is challenging a lot, yes, but at the same time its extremely frustrating. at some point design flaws of these encounters become too influential. the game announces itself as challenging - encounters with goblins are difficult, yet manageable. a fair fights between your team and their forces. you can try different tactics, approaches etc. and most likely your second, third try will be the successful one. but then lighthouse... oh god. its simply not fun to have 5 characters fighting large monsters in such tiny spaces... full of explosives. you just cant fuken move. its unbearable - or at least very frustrating, but, again, it is manageable.
    but the worst offence was the fight when exiting the lighthouse. your team is squished on a staircase, ganged up by dozen of ogres and a water elemental. it took me at least 10 tries and a lot of swearing to beat them. i was just hopeless, my casters failing every second spell unable to run away... absolute hell. i forced myself to reach the caves full of lizard and fish folks, but this effort drained my remaining energy

    so far ive seen beatiful areas. aesthetically its very well done. story is servicable - but not enough for me to be willing to go deeper into this mod.

    im uninterested in carrying on normal though. i think "balance" problems are rather related to encounters design, not rolls and damage modifiers (however, not being hit by own AoE may make some fights too easy). i am afraid the same design flaws may be a recurring issue in this mod. i dont want to find it out though.

    still, i will endorse it. but let it be said for folks used to d&d hardcore (who arent into extreme optimization and cheesing out every fight):
    play this on normal/easy unless you drive pleasure from frustration and/or anger
  4. Elric2020
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    • 0 kudos
    I have to be honest and say this mod was too frustrating and not enjoyable.  not much of a story, and there was just not enough time and space for good tactics.  the vampire fight in  a closet was no fun. the light house wasn't much better and trying to leave the place and getting mauled was the last straw.  to each his own i guess, but i prefer a mod with a more engrossing story and large varied layouts for fun tactical play.  i suppose i would call this a "battle" mod which is fine for many of you.  I prefer a "story" mod that draws you in and makes you care and think, thats all.
  5. kilgoretrout69
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    • 1 kudos
    Just dusted off NWN 2 again. Loving this mod, but NOT loving all the junk items my party picks up, in a game with a horrid item management system, the last thing I need is more junk items. I've been prowling the folders, but can't seem to locate where they are. Can you point me to where the files for "color" items like rope and sacks and ragged goblin boots are? I'm spending more time dropping these out of my inventory than adventuring. Other than that, I'm loving your campaign. Also, I'm confused, are both OC and MOTB crafting in the game, because the essence types are a mixture of the two, but the readme states OC crafting, and the essences aren't compatible.
  6. Diletante
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    Decided to take the dust off my NWN2 (again) and played your module, recommended by a friend.
    I had to thank him for the tip, and to thank YOU a LOT for the great work.
    I still haven't finished it (damn, the water elementals gave me much more trouble than I bargained for!), however, just had to come here to say how story-wise is great, enough to dwelve into the lore without too much unnecessary stuff. Also, the attention to details is great. A pity I am playing with a female character; the party at the temple of the Lady Firehair, later, sure is promissing...
  7. jamesnorton901
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    I've had some trouble with this mod. It has a lot of great ideas and the designer makes great use of everything the toolkit has to offer. I hate to give it a thumbs down.

    - I think there needs to be something like an intro to pull you into the story. The beginning plops you into an inn and you kind of go from there. Playing Fate of a City mod right now and it has a nice intro, that's kinda what I'm talking about here.

    - The first mission you get is to go clear out the lighthouse of monsters and the first two levels are painfully small with tiny rooms which makes tactical combat impossible, I'm probably being too kind here, it was a cluster TBH. The third level was fine and I eventually completed it and carried on.

    - The pirate ship was cool and well designed.

    - The underwater dive tour was cool and very creative. Although other than collecting pearls it didn't serve much purpose.

    - Then came this underwater area with a cool temple but pathfinding in this area was absolutely atrocious, my party was all over the place and because the topography and weird ceilings and narrow areas, using the exploration camera or the strategy camera leaves a lot to be desired. I also had a bug where my character's weapons were disappearing. At first I thought the monsters in the area had the disarm ability and it had been dropped. But when I pulled up my inventory it was showing that they still had it equipped.

    I may eventually finish but for now I'm putting it aside, just too frustrating.
  8. reznorms
    • supporter
    • 7 kudos
    Can't believe I missed this campaign in the past! I played only 7-8hours (and most time I was just looking around and doing minigames) but the story seems nice already, plus there are so many things I like to see implemented in more adventures. Congrats Tchos, you made a GREAT job
    1. Tchos
      • premium
      • 181 kudos
      Thank you very much for the compliment!
  9. sertekin
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    • 0 kudos
    how long gameplay
    1. Tchos
      • premium
      • 181 kudos
      I have a hard time estimating. I'm an exploring type of player, and I always take longer than other people to finish other games, but in this one I know exactly what to do, and I could finish it in one sitting, but the previous poster mentioned he was playing 7-8 hours and was still early in. I need more people to report how long they spent playing it so I can give an estimate.
  10. NicotineCaffeine
    • member
    • 11 kudos
    Why can't ever be your character the pirate?? Sigh.
    1. Tchos
      • premium
      • 181 kudos
      In response to post #27893959.


      NicotineCaffeine wrote: Why can't ever be your character the pirate?? Sigh.

      Probably because pirates are villains by definition, and evil-oriented modules are more of a niche genre.
      If you just mean you want to play a sailor, you might try Dark Waters by Adam Miller, where you gain a ship by chapter 2 and can sail around doing ship to ship combat and boarding battles with pirates.
      If you want to play a villain, then there's Path of Evil by Kamal.
    2. NicotineCaffeine
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      • 11 kudos
      No, i like to play as pirate, to assault ships and things like that. Simply becouse you plunder ships load of gold and treasures doesn't mean you're evil. (of course i think that "good" or "evil" for instance are questionable definitions by the way..) Never heard of Francis Drake?
      But anyway, let's talk about the module: the level of detail and the effort about the scripting is unsurpassable. I think that if the original campaing had been done like your module would had been much more successful. But i think there's something wrong with the enemies, becouse they cut you down like butter, i think they're a little too strong. And understand me, i usually CHEAT. Nonetheless i have a really hard time all the same.. For not talking about the hag. I equipped a trinket that gives me immunity to death magic and negative energy and level drain, still she cast me a spell similar to harm and my character dies. I wonder how.
    3. Tchos
      • premium
      • 181 kudos
      It's not a spell, it's one of the Supernatural Abilities sea hags have, as shown in the Monster Manual (or the SRD here). The immunities you describe don't seem to apply here, as you need immunity to fear effects:

      Evil Eye (Su)
      Three times per day, a sea hag can cast its dire gaze upon any single creature within 30 feet. The target must succeed on a DC 13 Will save or be dazed for three days, although remove curse or dispel evil can restore sanity sooner. In addition, an affected creature must succeed on a DC 13 Fortitude save or die from fright. Creatures with immunity to fear effects are not affected by the sea hag’s evil eye. The save DCs are Charisma-based.

      Glad you liked the module in general. To make it easier, there are several options I recommended in the readme file and in the book in the beginning room.
    4. NicotineCaffeine
      • member
      • 11 kudos
      Uh... I never play without the medallion of thought equipped... (that gives me immunity to mind-affecting spells, including fear).
      But i think it was a bug of the system, becouse when i returned with some allies (i usually play alone) when the hag used her 'powers' it appeared the writing "the hag uses.. etc" that wasn't appearing before. And it didn't happened again.
    5. Tchos
      • premium
      • 181 kudos
      That is odd. I double-checked the script, and the first thing it does is to check for fear immunity, and only proceeds if the target isn't immune. But it's good that it didn't happen again.