Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord


  1. Drogean
    • premium
    • 69 kudos

    @bleinz you might as well use the new Companion Framework tried and tested here
  2. Pbpro
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Crashes in 1.3.0 beta on launch.
    1. Chazn2
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      Can confirm.
    2. Drogean
      • premium
      • 69 kudos
    3. Zainn
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      Yeah can also confirm
    4. spicebadger
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Confirmed crash. Unlimited Wanderers works still.
    5. arthurfom
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      • 1 kudos
    6. Bleinz
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      s#*! I was away for a while. I'll check it!
  3. tgoad
    • supporter
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    Do you have some documentation on what lines of code do what? Especially in regards to the skills area, and also different equipment ids?
  4. Dwilly69
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    Could be related to the dozen other mods or the game being the game but, the encyclopedia is showing the added companions in locations. But when i arrive they are not in the tavern or anywhere in the settlement. Anyone else have this problem?
    Oh i should also add that i already have one of the added companion in my party currently so i am unsure of what changed i did not add a mod since then.
    Awesome mod btw love it so far.
    noticed it was happening with la Fouaciere and Nigidius Maius but, Creidhne and Boinebroke work just fine. i dont notice an obvious difference in code but im no coder.
    1. Bleinz
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      Yeah. It's the base game, not any mod. The encyclopedia location is never true. And the way it works is this: one wanderer spawns in every city once you visit it, then no wanderers can spawn in that city for 6 weeks.
  5. MindfulDroid
    • premium
    • 83 kudos
    I'm getting a crash before the main menu with only this mod enabled :/
    On beta 1.1.0
    Any ideas?

    edit: v1 loads fine though
    1. Bleinz
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      Do you get no crash with no mods enabled? Sometimes new updates can mess up the game files, it's a good idea to uninstall all mods, verify game files and then reinstall mods every time there's an update.
      There's nothing else I can think of... If it doesn't work, then I'm sincerely sorry :(
    2. MindfulDroid
      • premium
      • 83 kudos
      tried again on beta 1.2 and now it loads, go figure
    • member
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    I can't find npc in the game's encyclopedia.
    1. Bleinz
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      Make sure you started a new game or else you'll have to wait a long time to be able to find them. New wanderers spawn every 6 weeks.

      Also if you want to be sure all of the wanderers are available at the start of the game, use my other mod Unlimited Wanderers.
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you very much. I solved my problem.
  7. amirkardas
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Can i use this mod on my save or I have to start a new game? thank you for the awesome mode
    1. Bleinz
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      You can use it on your save but new wanderers are spawned every 6 in game weeks so you might not find the wanderers you want for a long time.
      If you want to get all of them from the start you'll have to start a new game and use my other mod Unlimited Wanderers.
  8. Bancheis
    • premium
    • 0 kudos

    In response to post #79649713. #79655198 is also a reply to the same post.


    Bancheis wrote:

    In response to post #79358113.


    Bancheis wrote: Wow, thank you for this mod. I really love it! I was super disappointed with how limited the wanderers seemed at first. This helps balance it out.

    Suggestion/Request: Is it possible to implement a system to auto-equip the wanderers in your party from the loot window and party loot with gear that is better than their own descending from top to bottom? I am doing a campaign where I don't recruit any normal units, only wanderers. But I am finding it quickly frustrating to manually upgrade them each time and end up missing something (like one dude just doesn't get boots ever).

    Yeah, that could probably be done. Like a button in the inventory screen that when clicked checks your inventory for better equipment of the same type and equips it. I'll look into it. If I do it I'll post it as a separate mod and link it to you here.

    Problems I see straight away are, how do you actually know when an item is better? Even the really straighforward ones usually have a drawback in their weight if they give more armor for example... and weapons all have so many attributes to them, type, tier, speed, reach, damage, etc... For instance I like using 2H cleavers on horseback, which are extremely slow but have the likes of 140 damage. So I'll have to really put my mind to it. Maybe a second button to set the specific wanderer's priorities.


    Yeah, I see what you mean. Perhaps tying configuration to the unit types makes sense. Like any wanderer in the Infantry group automatically goes for your configured infantry outfit where you choose either Heavy armor/Light armor, then calculating values favoring chest armor and arm armor at 100% of the value with leg armor at 50% of the value, upgrading when the total amount added together is higher than the previous one. Choose weapon types, then choose weapon preference of Damage amount/Damage Type/Speed of chosen type. Or maybe just a simple sorting based on weighted values would be the best solution. A manual configuration file can be made to allow for users to specify their own weighted values. So you have Cavalry with the weapon values in reach being 100% valued over damage which is 50% valued and speed at 75% etc. Then it just becomes a simple division and addition calculation with higher values prevailing.
    Other than that, I know some people liked what a few mods have done in the past for Warband where you could configure the weapon slots by type and choose to upgrade armor and horses. That would probably be the more simple method, and just go based on armor value totals than worrying about light vs heavy. Could always separate the two and make it a check box or drop down for one or the other, but then you have to draw a line between what is heavy and what is light. If you do make something for it, that would be amazing. However I know you have your own ideas on what you want to make for other mods and the ones you currently are building, so I won't be upset if this isn't something you want to take on your plate Thanks for at least hearing me out and considering it good sir!

    Skite wrote: There's the hidden stats of 'equipment effectiveness' or something like that.
    This stat is what is used in simulated battles, to gauge a unit/companion/PC effectiveness.

    There's already a few mods out that do this, if you're interested.

    Thanks, Skite, I'll check them out.

    I didn't realize how hard it would be to do this without overriding dlls... I'm not sure there's a way to add new buttons to the gauntlet ui without modifying the actual classes in the main game dlls.

    That said, I managed to do something. As of now I have managed to upgrade all equipment of the same type the wanderer has equipped to others that have better stats (ignoring weight for now) when you press a hotkey at the inventory screen. I'll see if I can use the companion's group to choose what stats I favor.

    Ah cool. That alone is amazing. Even if there is no button. Let me know if you want me to beta test it for you.
    Also, thanks Skite for that info. Really good to know that system exists. Should be a very useful tool for modding.
    1. Bleinz
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      Okay, I'll let you know when I have something you can test. I want to fix a couple obvious issues first.
  9. Bancheis
    • premium
    • 0 kudos

    In response to post #79358113.


    Bancheis wrote: Wow, thank you for this mod. I really love it! I was super disappointed with how limited the wanderers seemed at first. This helps balance it out.

    Suggestion/Request: Is it possible to implement a system to auto-equip the wanderers in your party from the loot window and party loot with gear that is better than their own descending from top to bottom? I am doing a campaign where I don't recruit any normal units, only wanderers. But I am finding it quickly frustrating to manually upgrade them each time and end up missing something (like one dude just doesn't get boots ever).

    Yeah, that could probably be done. Like a button in the inventory screen that when clicked checks your inventory for better equipment of the same type and equips it. I'll look into it. If I do it I'll post it as a separate mod and link it to you here.

    Problems I see straight away are, how do you actually know when an item is better? Even the really straighforward ones usually have a drawback in their weight if they give more armor for example... and weapons all have so many attributes to them, type, tier, speed, reach, damage, etc... For instance I like using 2H cleavers on horseback, which are extremely slow but have the likes of 140 damage. So I'll have to really put my mind to it. Maybe a second button to set the specific wanderer's priorities.

    Yeah, I see what you mean. Perhaps tying configuration to the unit types makes sense. Like any wanderer in the Infantry group automatically goes for your configured infantry outfit where you choose either Heavy armor/Light armor, then calculating values favoring chest armor and arm armor at 100% of the value with leg armor at 50% of the value, upgrading when the total amount added together is higher than the previous one. Choose weapon types, then choose weapon preference of Damage amount/Damage Type/Speed of chosen type. Or maybe just a simple sorting based on weighted values would be the best solution. A manual configuration file can be made to allow for users to specify their own weighted values. So you have Cavalry with the weapon values in reach being 100% valued over damage which is 50% valued and speed at 75% etc. Then it just becomes a simple division and addition calculation with higher values prevailing.
    Other than that, I know some people liked what a few mods have done in the past for Warband where you could configure the weapon slots by type and choose to upgrade armor and horses. That would probably be the more simple method, and just go based on armor value totals than worrying about light vs heavy. Could always separate the two and make it a check box or drop down for one or the other, but then you have to draw a line between what is heavy and what is light. If you do make something for it, that would be amazing. However I know you have your own ideas on what you want to make for other mods and the ones you currently are building, so I won't be upset if this isn't something you want to take on your plate Thanks for at least hearing me out and considering it good sir!
    1. Skite
      • BANNED
      • 1 kudos
      There's the hidden stats of 'equipment effectiveness' or something like that.
      This stat is what is used in simulated battles, to gauge a unit/companion/PC effectiveness.

      There's already a few mods out that do this, if you're interested.
    2. Bleinz
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      Thanks, Skite, I'll check them out.

      I didn't realize how hard it would be to do this without overriding dlls... I'm not sure there's a way to add new buttons to the gauntlet ui without modifying the actual classes in the main game dlls.

      That said, I managed to do something. As of now I have managed to upgrade all equipment of the same type the wanderer has equipped to others that have better stats (ignoring weight for now) when you press a hotkey at the inventory screen. I'll see if I can use the companion's group to choose what stats I favor.
  10. Cocolito187
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    I don't know if it's been mentioned, but the location of my companions are never where the encyclopedia says they are. Often it says they're in a castle or village, but are either in a random city, or nowhere at all (I used a Dev cheat to teleport to all of the cities and confirmed this). One time when I was able to find one and got her into my party, I sent her to complete a quest (I think it was Family Feud), then she just disappeared from the game. She was still in the clan, but wasn't in any city (this was after the quest was complete).
    1. Bleinz
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      Those are vanilla game behaviors, it has nothing to do with this mod. Sorry :(