MBOptionScreen must be above this mod in load order, or game will crash.
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Version 1.1.0
1.2.0 Beta update! Features: - In-game options menu and configuration - Significant performance Improvements - Weapon preservation is now by weapon class (no more replacing spears with scythes or swords with hammers) - Various bugfixes
Version 1.0.2
Fixed a crash when the game tried to attach an EnteredSettlement event listener when starting a Custom Battle - no longer attempts to load outside of campaigns.
Version 1.0.1
Fixed a crash caused when the main party is null (captured)
Version 1.0.0
initial release
All NPC party leaders (lords, and companions leading their own parties) will attempt to "shop" when they enter a city, look for armor/weapons better than what they're currently carrying, and buy/equip them if they can.
They follow some common sense rules to keep anything too weird from happening. Characters will:
Try to fill empty armor slots, including their horse and harness slots.
Not tryfill empty weapon slots.
Only replace their weapon slots with the same "class" of item - one handed sword, arrows, two handed polearm, bow, etcetera.
Only buy items from their own culture, or neutral culture.
Respect the skill requirements of horses, bows, and crossbows, and only buy those they can use.
Not buy bows/crossbows that can't be used on horseback, if they have a horse equipped.
Not buy a horse, if they have a bow/crossbow that can't be used on horseback equipped.
Spend at most 10% of their current gold on any given shopping trip.
Uses MBOptionScreen to make all options adjustable via an in-game configuration screen. This mod must be after MBOptionScreen in your load order!
Should be able to freely enable or disable on an existing save.
Adds a listener to CampaignEvents.SettlementEntered. Fully compatible with any other mods.