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  1. MizterMoonshine
    • premium
    • 22 kudos
    I don't really know why but when I use this mod, some of the heads (maybe all) are pink with missing textures. The files don't conflict or overwrite in MO2 so I don't know what is going on.
    1. Dandion
      • supporter
      • 43 kudos
      Are you using it together with this one? Cause you should. Mine does not replace every single one as of right now. I have no idea, what could have caused the problem, apart from that, heads should be working, I've just checked all the texture paths for the human races heads right now.
    2. MizterMoonshine
      • premium
      • 22 kudos
      Yeah I am using that mod. Like I said the files don't conflict so I have no explanation for this.
    3. Dandion
      • supporter
      • 43 kudos
      How do you install it? I guess, I should have mentioned, that you should MANUALLY do that. If you using Vortex or MM, that is what might be fucking everything up.
    4. MizterMoonshine
      • premium
      • 22 kudos
      I installed it with MO2, and no file conflicts, so idk man.
    5. Dandion
      • supporter
      • 43 kudos
      Try installing manually.
    6. SaintJustinian
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Perhaps you removed the normal map files? Doing that creates pink textures.

      Regardless, I do have an issue with the in-built normals, as in Openmw, they don't always work right. Disabling the normal map option works, so there is an issue with the normal maps themselves. 
    7. Dandion
      • supporter
      • 43 kudos
      I'm aware. My normals are just mapped BW textures. It works fine on MWSE (which I use) and, for whatever reasons, causes problems with OpenMW.
    8. warhammerempire
      • premium
      • 13 kudos
      The reason why the "normal maps" are broken in OpenMW is that they do not appear to be normal maps but are instead detail maps (and are loaded as such by the nif files). However, since they have the _n suffix, OpenMW automatically loads them as a normal map. If the detail maps were renamed from _n to something like _d or _detail or any other arbitrary suffix other than _n, _nh or _spec (and the meshes updated to match), then the mod should work just fine in OpenMW.
  2. Fargoth117
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Are you planning on updating this every time one of the Project Tamriel projects gets new heads?
    Cause if so you've found a life long fan here. I would consider downloading this with every update!
    Requesting you do the other TR Races like Maormer, Malahk Orcs, The Queys, Ynesai, The huge varieties of Khajiit and such....that sounds like a lot. Do you take donations?
    1. Dandion
      • supporter
      • 43 kudos
      It is a lot. I wanna do everything eventually, but as of right now I do not have time on my hands. Donations - I doubt you can send me any money, even if you strongly wanted to, cause I, sadly, live in the current big evil bad country, and there are massive hiccups with money transfers rn. But thanks for thinking my stuff is good)
    2. Fargoth117
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Oh, you also live in the United States? Lol
      Well, I am pleased to hear that you will be pursuing everything.
      I will be keeping an eye on this for the future. As it stands rn. It's too jarring to play as or run into any of the other races in comparison to your fine work. So I'll just leave this on the backburner. I think this will be a standard of quality mod in the future that everyone will flock to. Keep up the good work!
    3. Dandion
      • supporter
      • 43 kudos
      Can't say I wish to live in the US (sorry xd), but man, it would be better, then the current one I have to endure.

      Thanks a lot for your kind words, my dude.
    4. Fargoth117
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      No problem friend! Best of luck to you!
  3. Utyug805
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Hey if I had a few Character Ideas should I email you or send them here?
    1. Dandion
      • supporter
      • 43 kudos
      I'm kinda not doing anything right now, got a lot on my plate irl, but eventually I'm going back to finish all this MK head business. I guess, you can leave all your ideas right here in the next comment, or message everything via nexus dms. I'll get back at it in time.
  4. TakeshiSantos
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I tried to use it with both Tamriel Unlimited and Project Tamriel Races, one at a time, and the heads doesn't appear in the character creation.

    My load order in MO2 is:
    - All Mackom-related mods (Humanoid Heads, Player Heads, hairs and patches)
    - Dandion Mackom-Like Heads
    - Tamriel_Unlimited/Project Tamriel Races
    - TR Head Replacers and patches
    - Dandion's Project Heads for TR
    1. Dandion
      • supporter
      • 43 kudos
      Try sorting with LOOT, and then using TES3Merge and tes3cmd multipatch, if you do not. I don't know, if that would help, but it's just a must for modding in general.
    2. TakeshiSantos
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Sorted with LOOT and used TES3Merge, now it works as intended. Too bad TR doesn't has support for Better Bodies or Robert's Bodies, they're mismatched on my game.
  5. Vrolok
    • supporter
    • 8 kudos
    I generally prefer the original head look and feel, for their alien yet pleasing aesthetic, but this mod has some of the best looking Mackom like heads, better than the original ones from Mackom even, IMO

    Kudos for hard work!
    1. Dandion
      • supporter
      • 43 kudos
      Thanks. One certainly does try)
  6. MizterMoonshine
    • premium
    • 22 kudos
    I've been using this mod and from initial testing it seems to work in the new TR updated as well. What is the difference?
    1. Dandion
      • supporter
      • 43 kudos
      I thought it is kinda obvious from screenshots, but okay:
      Well, first, mine is just better =D I'm adding more unique looking heads with details that look like the original TR heads.The TR replacer does not have stuff like this at all. Second - it does not cover all of them. As does not mine. These two mods literally should be used together, cause for now mine tries to cover everything that is not in this one. Ye, the heads my mod adds are rare, but very distinct, like tattooed imperials. In time it will fully replace every head with it's own, true to the original TR variation.
    2. MizterMoonshine
      • premium
      • 22 kudos
      I see, thank you. I just wasn't sure.
  7. Tezrel
    • member
    • 13 kudos
    What mod is it that enables your knight in picture #05 put his claymore over his shoulder like that - could you link perhaps, please & thanks?
    1. Dandion
      • supporter
      • 43 kudos
      Jammings off is the name of the mod.
  8. CoffeeBeard0
    • member
    • 10 kudos
    This is going to be good stuff, love MacKom Heads!
    This will probably work even if just using TR_data and mods that use it?
    1. Dandion
      • supporter
      • 43 kudos
      Yes. These heads in particular are remake of the ones from PC_data.bsa, which is included, when you download TR.
  9. Datboijames
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Hey! These look epic!
    I too am a massive fan of good ol' MacKom heads, keep up the good work my man! Excited to see more you do. :)
    1. Dandion
      • supporter
      • 43 kudos
      Thanks a lot. I take special pride with the face with a lot of rubies on it, daim, he looks goooooood. xd
      I will try to update it more or less consistently, I always forget, what a pain in the ass retexturing is every single time I take pauses from modding.
      Anyway, I like that you like it, my dude! =)