About this mod
Adds NPC preachers to Gnisis minaret and temples across Vvardenfell reading aloud the voice recordings of 36 Lessons of Vivec.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
Come, Hortator, unfold into a clear unknown,
Stay quiet until you've slept in the yesterday,
And say no elegies for the melting stone" (36.5).
"The religious elite is not a tendency or a correlation. They are dogma complemented by the influence of the untrustworthy sea and the governance of the stars <...> This is the love of God and he would show you more <...> This should be seen as an opportunity, and in no way tedious, though some will give up for it is easier to kiss the lover than become one" (36.35).
Version 4.0
* New NPC preachers in Ald'ruhn and Balmora Temples;
* Now modular: lets you enable/disable an option to hear sermons in Gnisis exteriors and/or place animated NPC preachers (holding books and moving lips - animations from Animated Morrowind used) in Gnisis, Balmora and Ald'ruhn Temples and on top of Gnisis Minaret. Also possible to use without any minaret mod - see Readme for installation options info;
* No more dependent on Animated Morrowind;
* Compatible with any minaret mod version ((a) original Gnisis Minaret by Stavroguin; (b) Heart of the Velothi; (с) Concept Art Gnisis Lightweight by RandomPal);
If the mod is incompatible with your temples/minaret modifications or you want to see NPC preachers in any other place in Morrowind - just let me know
* Two schemes of preaching to choose from:
a) Timetable: you can listen to each sermon separately during a period of 30 in-game minutes, starting at 5 AM and ending at 23 PM (the simple formula for the time of the sermon you are interested in is s/2+4.5, where s is a number of sermon; e.g. if the targeted sermon is 30, the calculation is 30/2+4.5=19.5, i.e you can listen to the sermon 30 at 19.30 PM) -- except for Vedis Crosendas in Balmora Temple, he reads only 10 successive sermons during 1.5 hour periods;
A half an hour in-game is not enough to hear the whole sermon through with vanilla time pace, so I highly reccomend using
Pass the Time mod by Necrolesian
Clock Block mod by MementoMoritius
Set the timescale in Pass the Time menu at 7 and you should be able to listen to even the longest sermon (35th, 4 m. 10 s. of real time) during half an hour in game. Moreover, using this mod you would be able to quickly pass the time till the sermon you want to listen to.
b) Random: a random sermon heard every 3 hours, also from 5 am to 23 pm; this scheme makes it possible to hear the whole sermon through without using Pass the Time mod and makes the overall experience more natural and smooth (credits for the idea go to RandomPal); this options only applies for NPC preachers, not for Gnisis exteriors (if you've already used sermons_preachers_RandomExteriorSermons.esp, don't check it, it's bugged; use the Timetable option instead).
* Gnisis Minaret mod was the main inspiration for this one (departing from the very idea of minaret) and made me discover the great recordings of 36 Lessons by doomfunk, Double Negative, RottenDeadite and Vedicrose, your Temple preachers.
Please, check out their pages and subscribe (note that the in-game sermons sound a bit different, more echoed and dimensional):
RottenDeadite SoundCloud
Gnisis Minaret mod by Stavroguin & Mortuus
Heart of the Velothi
Concept Art Gnisis Lightweight by RandomPal
Pass the Time mod by Necrolesian
Clock Block mod by MementoMoritius
doomfunk - for the butter-smooth voice recordings of 36 lessons
Double Negative - for the brilliantly assented voice recordings of 36 lessons and a kind permission to use his assets in this mod
Vedicrose - for the most feeling recordings of 36 lessons ever heard
RottenDeadite - for the most authentic recordings of 36 lessons, totally transcendent effects and a kind permission to use his assets in this mod
RandomPal - for the gorgeous city overhauls, suggestions and advice
Stavroguin & Mortuus - for inspiration and the great immersion mod
Necrolesian & MementoMoritius - for "the law of time solidifies the components of chaos"
https://voicechanger.io - as "the wanderers that still go there hear still the sounds"
It's my first mod, so your feedback and suggestions ARE GREETED WARMLY.
There also exist voiced versions of 36 Lessons by
ASKlein Art (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTFWPuSVkJs&list=PLdbhoAcuYAaConuvv1nflOfsz1HXbg-Dg)
RavenGames (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8fGc9traWXl8UJ8YnS9seQ/videos)
Tyler Dalious (https://www.youtube.com/user/CptJecht/videos)
BluScreen_Jason (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjtXv8pzLwaHobRmJ0YQaw) GodotIsWaiting4U (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA14lJoIodqIN4PydpcN7jg)
LEOthemovie27 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYomL8QsFh8)...
Assets for temple sermons in other cities perhaps?