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Melchior Dahrk

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About this mod

"...the door is only seen at dawn and dusk, and the star is the 'key' that opens it." - Nibani Maesa
To align with what the in game dialogue suggests, the entrance to the Cavern of the Incarnate will now only be visible during the magical hours of twilight.

Permissions and credits
  • Russian

" [The Dream is the Door] is a common phrase among wise women, meaning that dreams are the door to the visions of prophecy... You say the star is the key, Azura's Star? Then the door is only seen at dawn and dusk, and the star is the 'key' that opens it. " - Nibani Maesa

To align with what the in game dialogue suggests, the entrance to the Cavern of the Incarnate will now only be visible during the magical hours of twilight. This is accomplished with a new animation for the door being revealed.

My other VFX mods:
