This mod adds a glowbug swarm around Spriggans to make them look more fae-like and magical. It optionally includes a replacer I made for the spriggans themselves, patches for other popular replacers, and masculine "twiggan" versions of the spriggan if you use my replacer.
DLC requirements
DLC name
Permissions and credits
Author's instructions
You are free to: Adapt - remix, transform, and build upon the material
Under the following terms: Attribution - You must give appropriate credit. Non-Commercial - You may not use the material for commercial purposes (i.e. no payment of monetary compensation as a condition for the download).
If author(s) is/are not able to be contacted through a reasonable effort, Then you are free to copy and redistribute the material for use in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
File credits
* My wife - for prodding me into making this (she wanted a treeman to go with the spriggans) and for providing critique along the way * MacKom - for the base texture which provides the shading detail to the texture * Bethesda - for the spark of inspiration which led to the creation of this wonderful game
Donation Points system
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Removed heartwood tweak - recommend using Patch for Purists
Version 3.0
Rebranded mod
Repackaged mod
Added fomod installer
Added patches for other spriggan replacers (no twiggan support for them)
Added vanilla option
Version 2.0
Completely reworked texture and cleaned some models
Repackaged mod to be Wrye Mash Installers compatible
Fixed No Glow No Flies pluginless replacer which still had flies
Version 1.0
Initial release
Spriggans Glow Previously known as Spriggans and Twiggans
What this mod does:
This mod adds a glowbug swarm around Spriggans to make them look more fae-like and magical. It optionally includes a replacer I made for the spriggans themselves, patches for other popular replacers, and masculine "twiggan" versions of the spriggan if you use my replacer.
MD Replacer - the original replacer packaged with this mod (and featured in the screenshots on this Nexus page). Smooths the spriggan model and replaces the texture with a high resolution texture and glow map.
If you use the MD Replacer option, you can optionally choose to encounter masculine variants known as "twiggans". Don't forget to merge leveled lists!
If you use MO2, you will note that as of 3.0, this mod is packaged with a fomod installer. The archive is still BAIN compatible for Wrye Mash Installers users.