This mod replaces all of the Dunmer lanterns (including the paper lanterns and streetlight) from the original game with smoother, more detailed versions (yet not with a ridiculous amount of new polies: they're optimized).
This mod does not have any known dependencies other than the base game.
You are free to: Adapt - remix, transform, and build upon the material
Under the following terms: Attribution - You must give appropriate credit. Non-Commercial - You may not use the material for commercial purposes (i.e. no payment of monetary compensation as a condition for the download).
If author(s) is/are not able to be contacted through a reasonable effort, Then you are free to copy and redistribute the material for use in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
File credits
Bethesda Blender Foundation Pherim (for the Ashlander Lantern retexture no.1, hosted here with permission) starwarsgal9875 (for the Ashlander Lantern retexture no.2, hosted here with permission) Wolli for the TR patch
Donation Points system
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Version 13.2
Fixed the OAAB_Data Patch adding glow effect if you select no glow
Version 13.1
Added OAAB_Data patch
Fixed emissive properties on a few meshes
Version 13.0
Applies light mesh improvements from "Improved Lights for All Shaders" to DLR meshes
Fixed/added AttachLight nodes to lights so the light and/or light shaders are attached in the correct location
Improved vertex normals on candles to reflect light better
Added emissivity to all candle flames so they glow properly
Reduced material brightness on lights and illuminated paper materials so they still "pop" but are less overbrightened in daytime scenes
General optimization of several meshes
Version 12.5
Fixes for Light_De_Lantern_02,06 meshes
Version 12.4
Added glow effect option for smooth ashlander lanterns
Repackaged archive
Added fomod installer for MO2 users
Still BAIN compatible (for Wrye Mash users)
Version 12.3
Compatibility fix for the glow effect lanterns and The Midnight Oil
Version 12.2
Fixed normals on paper lanterns
Minor optimization of all models
Fixed archive format for installer compatibility
Version 12.1
Fixed mis-named texture path in TR patch
Version 12.0
Added optional glow effect to lanterns
Minor optimizations and improvements to many models
Version 11.0
Fixed the optional smoothed ashlander lantern patch
Removed legacy support for lantern_04 alternates
Added TR patch, courtesy of Wolli
Revised Permissions
Version 10.2
Visual improvement for light_de_lantern_02 (added wick and fixed flickering candle bug)
Repackaged file to be MASH compatible.
Removed thumbs.db to reduce file size
Version 10.1
Fixed misplaced lanterns
Version 10.0
Optimization patch for all models to improve performance, with no loss in quality
Also fixed light source position, shadowbox, and bone offset (for held position) on some lanterns
Version 9.0
Removed collision from all lanterns (except the Streetlight which had collision before)
Fixed bounding box issues which were causing floaters when placing lanterns
Used papill6n's candle flame visibility tweak on Light_De_Lantern_05, 10, 14 so that the flame should display properly
Version 8.0
Added Light_De_Lantern_05, 10, 14
Fixed candle flame visibility in glass lanterns (thanks papill6n)
Fixed mesh opening on Light_De_Lantern_01, 07, 11
Version 7.0
Added Light_De_Lantern_01, 07, 11
Fixed Ashlander lantern orientation
Version 6.0
All Ashlander bug lanterns have been replaced
Version 1.0-5.0
Initial release and updates.
This mod replaces all of the Dunmer lanterns from the original game with smoother, more detailed versions.