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File information

Last updated

Original upload

Created by

TEKA - TJ - Colobos

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Safe to use

About this mod

Reverted the regional names back to their originals that were erroneously changed in the .esps, and renamed "Gizels_House02.wav" to "Deseles_House02.wav" so the sound file is utilized by the plugin, preventing a crash upon entering Desele's House of Earthly Delights in Suran*. Plugins cleaned with Tes3cmd. Requires the original Better Sounds mod.

Permissions and credits
Reverted the regional names back to their originals that were erroneously changed in the .esps, and renamed "Gizels_House02.wav" to "Deseles_House02.wav" so the sound file is utilized by the plugin, preventing a crash upon entering Desele's House of Earthly Delights in Suran*. Plugins cleaned with Tes3cmd.

This mod requires the original Better Sounds mod.


1. Download and install both "Better Sounds" and "Better Sounds_Patch_v1_1" from Better Sounds.

2. Install this mod.

3. Use the .esps from this mod. Do not use the .esps from the original Better Sounds mod, as the ones from this mod replaces them.

A settings suggestion for OpenMW users can be found here.


- Colobos for sharing this wonderful work. He has been AWOL for a while and thus contact has been unsuccessful. If/when he returns and decides that this upload is no bueno, I shall remove it immediately.

- Darklocq for providing the info to get Better Sounds shipshape.

- alvazir for additional debugging.

*Crash does not occur if using OpenMW.