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About this mod

Makes the Sixth House the most difficult content in the game. Intended for use with my other rebalance mods.

Permissions and credits
Beware the Sixth House
V 3.0.2
by mort

3.0.2 Fixed ascended sleeper spells and magic level (thanks archslug!)
3.0.1 Forwarded PFP changes, thanks Sigourn, again!
3.0 Community rebalance and bugfix patch (mostly thanks to DukoOsshiiKhan)
2.1 Forwarded Patch for Purists Changes (Thank you Sigourn!)
2.0 Complete rebalance of the rebalance (wow!)
1.3 Soundgen fix, ash vampires are no longer hyperspeed
1.2 re-add keening to Ordos in the combined files, reduce fight to 50 to allow their cool dialogue (this applies to both combined and modular)
1.1 fix adds the Ash Vampire stats back - thanks Sataniel on MMC discord

Makes the Sixth House the most difficult content in the game. Intended for use with my other rebalance mods.

This makes Dagoth Ur, the Ash Vampires, all Dagoths, all ash slaves, corprus beasts, ascended sleepers and every other corprus beast to be incredibly difficult. They have lots of health. They do lots of damage. Their spells hurt, and some even regenerate health.

V3.0 Changes
DukoOsshiiKhan on the nexus provided some excellent suggestions and bugfixing ideas that I knew had to be in the mod. Without further ado, version 3.0 of Beware the Sixth House

Atronach spam is fixed for Dagoth Endus and Dagoth Ur
Dagoth Odros no longer has his vanilla stats if you load separate esps

Ash Vampire health is set to 2x vanilla instead of 600 across the board
All Ash Vampire magicka is generally increased to ensure they cast more spells
All Ash Vampires are now immune to paralysis, poison, and normal weapons, with 75% immunity to fire (as they are all originally Dunmer)
All Ash Vampire speed is now 15 (from 10-13)
All Ash Vampire agility is now 100 (for accuracy and to prevent knockdowns)

Dagoth Odros has reduced spell points, CE 90 sanctuary, and CE chameleon 60, as well as slightly faster speed. You will be forced to use magical attacks to beat him.
Dagoth Araynys has dispel on self added to his spell, as a sort of anti-magical ward against damage over time and debuffs. He also resists electricity 50%.
Dagoth Gilvoth is immune to fire and frost, and no longer has 15 speed.
Dagoth Endus has his conjuration wrath spell removed, it now deals fire damage 3s 5-20 as well as disintegrating armor. However, this is now a radius 3 area spell.
Dagoth Tureynul has shock damage area 3,3s 10-30 added to his spells, as well as 50% magicka resist, and 50% shock resist.
Dagoth Uthol has his melee spell now with 40-40 absorb health and magicka, and absorb agility 20-30 for 60s. I would recommend not getting into melee range.
Dagoth Vemyn has his magicka reduced to 600. His spell effects have been slightly buffed, and his melee attack minimum slightly increased.

Dagoth Ur Changes
Dagoth Ur Health 900->1500
Dagoth Ur Magicka 1500->3000
Dagoth Ur Fatigue 500->1500
Resist Magicka 50%
Sanctuary 50%
Resist Fire 75%
Immune to paralysis, poison, normal weapons
All spells except wrath of dagoth removed (to ensure he uses it)

Dagoth Ur Phase 2 Magicka 1000->5000
Dagoth Ur Phase 2 Fatigue 1000->5000

Wrath of Dagoth spell had blind and burden removed, is now
Damage health 3s 10-50
Damage fatigue 3s 10-20
Damage magicka 3s 10-30
Damage agility 1-10
Damage intelligence 1-10
Damage luck 1-10
Damage speed 1-10
Damage strength 1-10

Soul Value Changes
ash vampire soul value 350->500
ascended sleeper soul value 350->450
ash ghoul soul value 250->350
ash zombie soul value 100->150
ash slave soul value 100->150

These changes are applied to named Dagoths who share the same creature type.

Added consistency fixes to the unique corprus stalkers and lame corprus monsters Sigourn performed here

Unused Dagoth Placement
New esp - Places Dagoth Malan, Dagoth Aladus, and Dagoth Mulis
Dagoth Malan - Odrosal, Tower
Dagoth Aladus - Tureynulal, Bladder of Clovis
Dagoth Mulis - Dagoth Ur, Inner Facility

v2.0 Changes
So, after some feedback I realized this was maybe a bit too far in the damage sponge / one-shot freakbeast direction.
Here are the current stats in this patch:

===Generic Enemies===

=Ascended Sleeper=
300 health
25-75 melee
Drain Fatigue 20
Fire Storm 1-10
Frost Storm 1-10
Paralyze 5s on touch
Shockball 2-40

400 health
25-75 melee
Immune to paralysis, poison, normal weapons
small AOE Drain health 15-15 for 5s
Burden 100 for 20s + 10-40 fire damage
Paralyze 5s on touch

=Ash Ghoul=
220 health
15-45 melee
2-20 lightning
3-8 sound
10 pt shield
Ash Feast - 30s of Drain health 3

250 health
15-45 melee
Immunity to poison and paralysis
Flamebolt 10-50
Frostball 5-40
Dire Shockball 40-50
Ash Feast
20 pt reflect

=Ash Slave=
60 health
5-15 melee
2-20 lightning
3-8 sound
10 pt shield

120 health
5-25 melee
Immune to shock
shockball 2-40
Firebite 15-30 touch
reflect 20

=Ash Zombie=
90 health
1-20 melee

130 health
5-30 melee
Minor speed increase

=Corprus Stalker=
60 health
5-15 melee

100 health
3-35 melee

=Lame Corprus=
90 health
8-24 melee

150 health
15-40 melee

===Unique Enemies===
=Named Dagoths not in this section have their default stats as above with some minor changes to spells make them a bit more random=

=Dagoth Gares=
350 Health, no other changes

=Dagoth Vemyn=
300 health
9-20, 20-50, 15-15 melee
Hand of Vemyn - Damage Health 10-30 pts on Touch, Damage Fatigue 20-30 pts for 3s on Touch, Absorb Strength 3-6 pts for 120s on Touch
Wrath of Vemyn - Damage Health 10-20 pts on Target, Damage Fatigue 10-20 pts for 3s on Target, Absorb Strength 1-5 pts for 120s on Target

600 health
15-100, 45-80, 15-15 melee (he's got sunder!)
Immune to Paralysis, Normal weapons
Hand / Wrath - Paralyze 10s, Damage Fatigue 50 for 3s, absorb strength 10 for 120s

=Dagoth Uthol=
300 health
Hand of Uthol - Absorb Agility 2-4 pts for 120s on Touch, Damage Fatigue 20-30 pts for 3s on Touch
Wrath of Uthol - Damage Health 10-20 pts on Target, Damage Fatigue 10-20 pts on Target, Damage Magicka 10-20 pts on Target, Weakness to Magicka on Target

600 health
Wrath of Uthol - Absorb health/fatigue/magicka 40-40-40
Hand of Uthol - Weakness to Magicka 100 for 10s

=Dagoth Tureynul=
300 health
Hand of Tureynul - Damage Fatigue 50 pts on Touch, Damage Strength 20-30 pts on Touch, Damage Endurance 20-30 pts on Touch
Wrath of Tureynul - Damage Fatigue 10-20 pts on Target, Damage Strength 10-20 pts on Target, Damage Endurance 10-20 pts on Target

600 health
Wrath/Hand - Damage Fatigue 50, Damage Strength 20-30, Damage Endurance 20-20 (Hand 30)

=Dagoth Odros=
440 health
Hand of Odros - Damage Fatigue 60 pts on Touch, Absorb Agility 3-6 pts for 120s on Touch, Burden 30-40 pts for 60s on Touch
Wrath of Odros - Damage Fatigue 60 pts on Target, Absorb Agility 3 pts for 120s on Target, Burden 20-30 pts for 50s on Target

600 health
Wrath/Hand - Damage Fatigue 60, Damage Agility 30, Burden 150 for 50s (Hand 200)

=Dagoth Gilvoth=
400 health
Hand of Gilvoth - Damage Health 20-30 pts on Touch, Damage Fatigue 20-30 pts on Touch, Damage Intelligence 20-30 pts on Touch, Damage Willpower 20-30 pts on Touch
Wrath of Gilvoth - Damage Health 10-20 pts on Target, Damage Fatigue 10-20 pts on Target, Damage Intelligence 10-20 pts on Target, Damage Willpower 10-20 pts on Target

600 health
Wrath/Hand - Damage Health 40 (hand 50), Damage Fatigue 50, Silence for 10s

=Dagoth Endus=
300 health
Hand of Endus - Summon Flame Atronach for 90s on Self, Summon Storm Atronach for 90s on Self, Disintegrate Armor 30 pts for 3s on Touch, Disintegrate Weapon 30 pts for 3s on Touch
Wrath of Endus - Summon Flame Atronach for 90s on Self, Summon Storm Atronach for 90s on Self, Disintegrate Armor 10-20 pts for 3s on Target, Disintegrate Weapon 20-30 pts for 3s on Target

600 health
Wrath/Hand - Summon Flame Atronach, Summon Storm Atronach, Disintegrate Armor/Weapon 300 for 3s

=Dagoth Araynys=
400 health
Hand of Araynys - Damage Health 20-30 pts on Touch, Damage Fatigue 20-30 pts on Touch, Damage Agility 20-30 pts on Touch, Damage Speed 20-30 pts on Touch
Wrath of Araynys - Damage Health 10-20 pts on Target, Damage Fatigue 10-20 pts on Target, Damage Agility 10-20 pts on Target, Damage Speed 10-20 pts on Target

600 health
Wrath/Hand - Damage Health 50, Damage Fatigue 40, Damage Agility 30, Damage Speed 20

=Dagoth Ur=
300 health
50-75,25-100,60-60 melee
Wrath of Dagoth —
Damage Health Damage Health 5-50pts for 3sec on Target
Damage Strength Damage Strength 1-3pts on Target
Damage Speed Damage Speed 1-3pts on Target
Damage Endurance Damage Endurance 1-3pts on Target
Damage Agility Damage Agility 1-3pts on Target
Damage Willpower Damage Willpower 1-3pts on Target
Damage Luck Damage Luck 1-3pts on Target

900 health
50-75,35-100,60-60 melee
Immune to paralysis
Wrath of Dagoth - 30-50 damage health for 3, blind 30, burden 100, damage fatigue 10-20, damage magicka 10-30
All other Ash Vampire wraths

When the player gets Corprus, they begin to gain strength and endurance. This assumes the effect is similar to everyone, at the cost of their mind. The corprus beasts are incredibly resilient according to in-game lore. A single Ash Vampire fought off a brigade of Buoyant Armigers single-handed. This mod makes it so that is probably true.

If you want all of the changes below, load Beware the Sixth House and nothing else. If you want only some of the changes, load the mods you want from the modular folder.

1. Sixth House Rebalance - changes the stats and spells of the 6th house creatures (including Ash Vampires and Dagoth Ur)
2. Ash Vampire Script Fix (based off the mod by hollaajith) - Killing Ash Vampires now weakens Dagoth Ur
3. Keening belongs to Odros - Keening is now replaced by a cheap copy. The real Keening is now held by an ash vampire to prevent easy looting.
4. Sunder and keening hurt on pickup - Wielding the tools grants you a mortal blow, but looting them is okay? This changes it to give you a single tick of damage when you loot them.

Tribunal Rebalance

Bloodmoon Rebalance

More Deadly Morrowind Denizens by Autumn: https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/48745
I consider this part of my rebalance series, if you use my other ones and say "hey what about the rest of Morrowind" - Use this!

Sigourn - bugfixing
DukoOsshiiKhan - rebalance suggestions
Dagoth Ur Fix by hollaajith (permissions permit modification)
edited and cleaned his dagoth ur script fix