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This page was last updated on 10 February 2021, 12:05PM
- Changelogs
Version v100
- [10/25/2019]
- -Mainly a bugfix and optimization version:
- Updated help file.
- Removed trailing spaces and used UNIX line endings.
- Refactored error and locale code.
- Added a notification when using Mashed Patch and having TES3cmd installed which suggests the use of Multipatch instead (User-friendly).
- Implemented a self reset of "Updaters" data in case it gets corrupted (asks the user first).
- TES3cmd is shown if it is detected correctly in the Paths section of the Settings dialog (to avoid user confusions).
- TES3cmd was, in some cases, erroneously detected as active when it was outside "Data Files" folder, this is now fixed.
- Refactored/optimised various wxpython dialogs.
- Fixed the "Open..." option menu in the Installers to show information if no package is selected in Menubar or be disabled in the Old Menu.
- Added a new menu option "Import Package.." which imports packages to the Installers directory (User-friendly).
- Added the option to disable the new "7zip crc32 calculation on big files" in the settings (just in case).
- Added a new "Advanced" tab on the settings dialog.
- Fixed a bug in Master Tab (thanks praisejebus732 and Jaiysaun!).
- Cleaned the settings module code.
- Increased the size of the start-up wizard dialog.
- OpenMW implementation additions and fixes. => OpenMW/TES3mp
- Updated the help file.
- Refactored MGE XE and mlox statusbar implementation.
- Added the option to set MGE XE path in settings. Will still try to auto detect the path if not already set.
- Finalized Wrye Mash alpha (as in before beta) v100 for OpenMW. => OpenMW/TES3mp
- Optimized TESLint and Custom Commands, log dialogs.
- Optimized TES3CMD Fixit and Multipatch functions. Wrye Mash will no longer freeze while TES3CMD is working.
- Fixed a regression bug in the query dialogs.
- Time is shown in 24h format now (in lists). Date remains locale specific.
- Fixed a bug in the newly updated query dialog (the one with the check mark).
- Added a warning when changing masters with unknown encodings in a save . The action is cancelled before any changes are made.
- Optimized installers full refresh. A full refresh of 1.34GB installers (and Data Files) takes 5.6 sec in my system
- Implemented 7z crc32 calculation for big files. Depending on the size of the scanned files there is a 2%-20% speed increase.
- Implemented xxhash algorithm in place of crc32 for installer packages (for the packages not their contents), which decreased by 30% the scan time of packages.
- Fixed the toolbar not refreshing when editing mlox in the settings.
- Mash will now try to revert to the backup settings configuration if settings.pkl is missing.
- Structure refactoring.
- Fixed a bug in Tes3lint implementation which was preventing to exit the output dialog.
- Added a new Tab in the Settings dialog named "Defaults". In there you can enable/disable Mash warning prompts and also reset the column widths of Mash lists (e.g. Mods list) into their default widths).
- Optimized and refactored the query dialogs for high resolutions.
- Optimized conf backup (morrowind.ini or openmw.cfg) fail-safe auto-restoration.
- Improved conf file saving for better compatibility with Morrowind/OpenMW.
- Added a filename detection for possible problems with filename encodings. It warns the user when a filename might cause problems with Morrowind/OpenMW or Wrye Mash.
- Refactored Menubar to wxpython Phoenix standards.
- Added chardet support for the mod/plugin description field.
- The High Contrast theme applies to the Help File contents list color now.
- Added a warning when changing Morrowind directory in settings for the need to restart Wrye Mash.
- Added encoding options in the settings dialog.
- Mash first time use Wizard is now allowed to be resized.
- Some code refactoring in the Mash Wizard also added encoding choices (for translated version of Morrowind).
- Added a warning when changing masters with unknown encodings in a mod/plugin . The action is cancelled before any changes are made.
- Added a warning when a master is automatically deselected in the masters list in saves and mod/plugins (when missing or of wrong encoding).
- Fixed problem in masters list when a file contains unknown characters. It will not bug out but it will deselect the problematic master. (Thanks KarmicKid)
- Fixed a mistake which was preventing rearranging the mods order in the mods tab. (Thanks KarmicKid)
- Fixed a fail-safe in morrowind.ini and openmw.cfg parsing
- Added an extra safety check for unrecognized characters in morrowind.ini and openmw.cfg.
- Added marker checkups in the installers tab.
- Added ability to rename markers in Installers. (thanks MOB2).
- Fixed positioning on renaming in Installers.
- Small speed improvement in package installations. => OpenMW/TES3mp
- Added a check on open if there is already an instance of Wrye Mash running.
- First 64bit release.
- Code updates preparing transition to wxpython Phoenix.
- Fixed another Unicode bug, (thanks movomo!).
- Optimized "Full Refresh" speed in Installers by around 75%!! You got to see to believe it! It went from 23" to 5" in my system.
- Added option to force close Wrye Mash if it is stuck ad infinitum in the debug log.
- Optimized author, description, mod name fields dialog code and datetime dialog (thanks Valascon).
- Fixed an attribute overload bug in mod/bsa enumeration, (thanks Stahpk).
- Added existence check on "Rename", "Duplicate", "Delete", "Repack", "Refresh"... actions on installers. This fixes throwing an error in case there was a deletion Mash hasn't detected.
- "Repack" option in installers tab now repacks rar archives (into .7z).
- Fixed a bug in Masters mini tab column ordering when clicking a column to reorder (sorry, late night mistakes...).
- Optimized the way Wrye Mash finds itself. Safer and fixes problems when having multiple Mash installations.
- Fixed a bug in Installers highlight color.
- Added animation package support. Wrye Mash will recognize animation packages now.
Version v99
- [10/16/2018]
* Added a notification when changing paths in settings to restart Wrye Mash.
* Fixed "syncing or repairing saves" bug which was preventing syncing or repairing saves.
* Fixed a bug in updates check in settings which wasn't allowing to set less than 15 days (in effect also blocking saving manual entries below 15).
* Made DateTime dialog fields and the dialog itself a little bigger to accommodate user variety of scrollbar sizes.
* Made Details (mod info, name ...) dialog a little bit larger to accommodate user variety of scrollbar sizes.
* Added sort by name or by order for Masters list both by clicking the columns and in the masters menu.
* Right hand details panel in Mods Tab has now adjustable width (easier to read Masters list).
* Right hand details panel in Saves Tab has now adjustable width (easier to read Masters list).
* Fixed a Unicode bug in Installers "Duplicate" function.
* Fixed a bug in Installers "Duplicate" function which happened when inputting an illegal char.
* Added 'Rename..." action in Installers tab.
* Fixed a highlight effect bug in Installers Tab.
* Disabled drag and drop on reversed list. It was never supported (even on Yakoby's version) and I don't intend to add support. On the other hand, moving items with the Keyboard is supported on reversed lists. Bonus: I optimized keyboard movement on reversed lists, by reversing up/down arrows, try and see.
* Added the ability to delete Installer packages when pressing the button DEL in the installers tab.
* Fixed an unintended behavior in Installers which prevented using any keyboard key if installers were not sorted by "Load order".
* Added the ability to restore the mod order from a saved game (ess) file. In the saves tab under the masters mini tab select 'Restore mod order from save'.
* Added a menu button in masters mini tab on both Plugins and Saves tabs.
* Installers dated out of Unix Epoch will show start of Epoch instead of throwing an error.
* Fixed a bug in archive explorer.
* Changed default "Docs" behavior in the Installers. Now when installing, all dirs and files under the "Docs" dir will also be installed.
* Created first Wrye Mash theme: "Black fonts for windows High Contrast theme". It only changes the lists font color though to black...
* Created theme engine. For now, only the font color of lists can be changed and the font hover color.
* Fixed "Enable Highlight on Hover in Lists". It will not reset line colors anymore. Also Added color option in the theme engine.
* Optimized, refactored "Load" menu" item in Mods Tab.
* Fixed an age-old bug in Mods Tab when selecting "Load" menu to load a saved list. It was throwing an error if a mod in the list was missing. (Thanks Valascon)
* Fixed a bug in repack engine affecting some installers
* Fixed a bug in archive explorer which was throwing an error on some installers
* Made "Comments" field in the Installers Tab friendlier to the end user.
* Added "Minimize to Systray" option in the Settings.
* Fixed a bug plaguing Wrye Mash at least since Melchior's version, with some installer packages not displaying sub-packages when containing a "Docs" folder. (Thanks Valascon)
* Further optimized settings dialog, also made strings translatable.
* Added an option in settings to disable showing the error log.
* Recoded and further optimized the MenuBar
* Fixed a problem with the MenuBar "View" sub-menu which wasn't allowing to reverse the active sorting. (thanks Abot)
* Fixed a bug in the MenuBar, which when clicking "Reset Bethesda Dates", the BSA Mini Tab was not getting refreshed .
* Fixed BSA list enumeration bug. Now enumeration goes according to datetime order (as it supposed to).
* Recoded the Help browser. Now supports copy, select all, hotkeys. It is also more colorful among other things.
* Complete update of the help file. Fixed spellings, removed obsolete material, updated images, fixed typos and some more.
* Updated credits and licenses
* Cleaned up unused icons in code and in files, changed the default icons and increased their resolution on the statusbar.
* Added a "Use Big Fonts on Lists" option in the settings dialog, for people with tired eyes.
* Fixed a bug in esm line color on Mods Tab.
* Fixed a newly introduced bug in mod enumeration.
* Added a new "Sort by" menu in Installers Tab.
* The Installers are allowed to move only when set to "By order" from now own (like Wrye Bash does).
* The Installers list does not not allow any movement anymore when "Sort by Active" or "Projects first" are set. If this creates problems please say so
* Fixed 2 bugs in TES3cmd restore. One opening the wrong tes3cmd backup dir, and one which allowed restoring from Data files to Data FIles.
* Added a small toolbar with a save and a restore button, above mod details in Mods Tab (like MO), for storing/restoring the plugins order.
* Added a simple junk filter for the "Repack" option in the installers.
* Added a "Repack" option for the installers. It opens the new Archive Explorer and the user may select which folder is the "Data Files" folder, of the installer. Afterwards it automatically creates a new "repacked" archive from it.
* Added an Archives Explorer for the Installers Tab which shows the archive contents to the user. For now it runs only when selecting the new "Repack." option.
* Basic .omwaddon and .omwgame support added to Wrye Mash (no Mashed patch for those yet). => OpenMW/TES3mp
* Added a dialog (which can be set to not appear) after TES3cmd fixit which asks if the user likes to redate ESMs and ESPs in continuous dates (aesthetics).
* Added a dialog after TES3cmd fixit which checks if Bethesda masters are earlier in the mod order from other masters and asks if the user wants to move bethesda masters in front of the other masters.
* Optimized and refactored mlox implementation.
* Check for updates now takes into account if Mash is a beta version.
* Fixed statusbar field not being reset to profile text after selecting a menubar item.
* Fixed a newly introduced bug which was throwing errors when installers Tab was empty (thanks StaticNation).
* Fixed a bug in Screenshots column when resizing the columns (thanks StaticNation).
* Fixed a bug when showing a screenshot from a save in the Saves Tab which had corrupted image information (thanks StaticNation).
* Optimized selecting (not activating/deactivating) multiple items(or all) in Mods Tab list. Now it is almost instantaneous even on huge lists.
* Optimized selecting multiple items(or all) in Saves Tab. Now it is almost instantaneous even on huge lists.
* Added CTRL+A to select all saves on Saves Tab.
* Restored asking to delete a mod by pressing DEL button in Mods Tab list (which was disabled in Yacoby's version).
* Fixed a bug in TES3cmd clean which on some rare occasions was prevented from finishing.
* Fixed a bug in TES3cmd implementation (v99beta2) which it was not updating the mod order on the GUI (thanks StaticNation).
* ESM files buggy behavior when dragging and dropping them is fixed.
* Recoded drag and drop in Mod/Bsa lists. Now long lists are faster with slightly different behavior (Using ctrl+arrows has the old behavior).
* Optimized and refactored mod, bsa, plugin lists.
* Fixed a bug in mod enumeration. Now it is also faster.
* Fixed 2 unicode bugs on the Mods Tab info fields. (thanks StaticNation).
* Fixed line endings on saved logs (TES3lint, multipatch, TES3cmd Fixit, etc). They look nice now on Windows OSes. (thanks StaticNation).
* Basic context menu items are ready (when selecting items) in OpenMW Tabs. => OpenMW/TES3mp
* Basic Menu items (MenuBar and Columns Menu) are ready for OpenMW Tabs. => OpenMW/TES3mp
* Refactored and optimized Save/Mods/Plugins details, also cosmetic changes.
* Added Alphanumeric search key presses on BSA archives mini Tab.
* "Run Custom" remembers last used command now.
* Added special color rulesets for TES3lint, multipatch, TES3cmd Fixit when shown in the log dialog.
* Optimized speed of TES3lint, multipatch, TES3cmd Fixit, Custom Commands and any Adv. log functionality. Now they run fast...
* Fixed a bug in TES3lint implementation where it was always using -n flag regardless of settings (thanks calemcc).
* Added a small cosmetic effect (font highlight on hover) on Tab lists, can be switched off.
* Fixed a MWSE "missing files" icon bug (thanks Pherim for beta testing).
* Added Restore/Backup buttons in Mods Tab (like MO) to restore/backup mod order. => OpenMW/TES3mp
* Installers bugfixes (age old).
* Refactored MenuBar code, also made MenuBar strings translatable.
* Added basic context menu for the packages miniTab in OpenMW/TES3mp. => OpenMW/TES3mp
* Added ability to visit a mod's webpage in Nexus on the Downloads Tab for OpenMW/TES3mp (only Nexus for now). => OpenMW/TES3mp
* Added basic context menu on Downloads Tab (remove, rename) for OpenMW/TES3mp. => OpenMW/TES3mp
* Fixed a bug in Columns Sort sub-menu.
* Added column alignment filters for tab lists.
* Completed mod installer for OpenMW/TES3mp (Merge, replace, rename, copy, move functions+). => OpenMW/TES3mp
* Created a junk filter for OpenMW/TES3mp mod installer. => OpenMW/TES3mp
* Extract Nexus mod page and version from mods filename. => OpenMW/TES3mp
* Auto-detect Data Files root from Packages added. => OpenMW/TES3mp
* Created a Package explorer for Mod Packages, choose what folder to install. => OpenMW/TES3mp
* Optimized the first use Wizard for OpenMW/TES3mp. => OpenMW/TES3mp
* Created a first use Wizard for regular Wrye Mash.
* A sudden epiphany => small speed improvement in Installers (timed as always).
* Created a new welcome dialog.
* A lot of code refactoring, optimizations and cleaning.
* Added MWSE support, Installers Tab recognize 'MWSE' from packages and install contents into 'Data Files/MWSE.'
* Total reconstruction for the Settings window. Now it is able to accommodate all the new settings.
* Small fixes in Utilities Tab.
* Fixed an issue where selecting a mod by pressing the first letter of the mod's name wasn't scrolling the window to the mod's position in the list (Thanks Abot).
- [10/16/2018]
Version v98
- [5/23/2018]
* Added a safety switch which in case of fatal error, auto restores the last Morrowind.ini/openMW.cfg backup.
* Added the ability to select a mod by typing its first letter in the Mods Tab (which was missing in the Yakobys version) (thanks Zikerocks)
* Fixed alphabetical sorting on Mods Tab (thanks Zikerocks)
* Optimized Morrowind.ini parsing (faster when having a lot of mods)
* Optimized OpenMW.cfg parsing
* Implemented BSA support for OpenMW
- [5/23/2018]
Version v97
- [5/6/2018]
* Bugfix Version (thanks Oooiii), fixed a bug in Installers unpacking
* Speed improvement in Installers
* Some code optimizations
* Updated Credits
- [5/6/2018]
Version v96
- [5/4/2018]
* Optimized mlox auto detection x5 faster
* Cosmetic Change in Installers Tab (display KB, MB, GB in sizes)
* Small speed improvements all around but mainly in Installers Tab
* Optimized default window settings (For new/clean installations)
* No need to restart Wrye Mash anymore when there are changes in StatusBar (like when adding mlox location)
* Fixed a bug in Settings which didn't allow to fire some Settings notifications
* Fixed a bug in Installers Menubar
* Optimized Error log, added option to save log
* Added Archives mini Tab, Wrye Mash can fully handle BSA files now
* Various code optimizations/refactorings and cosmetic fixes all around
* Added option to Restore Default Dates for Official Bethesda Masters and Archives (Helps with problems in Steam)
* Added "Create Mashed Patch" which automates creation, enabling and list importing for Mashed Patch
* Added TES3lint implementation. In a way a GUI for TES3lint within Wrye Mash
* Fixed a rare bug in Mods Tab
* New better live logging of interface actions
* Added Custom Commands menu option. You may save custom commands and execute them on items you select in Mods Tab
* Refactored and optimized TES3cmd implementation (+one Unicode fix in TES3cmd log)
* Cosmetic changes and the ability to save the log for TES3cmd "fixit" function
* Added "Create MultiPatch" option for TES3cmd
* Unicode bugfix in Utilities Tab
* Code optimizations in Utilities Tab
* Refactored Screenshots and added 'Size' attribute in Screenshots Tab
- [5/4/2018]
Version v95
- [3/29/2018]
* Cosmetic fixes in TES3cmd Cleaning window
* Fixed a bug in TES3cmd implementation which prevented cleaning files if they had a space in their filename (thanks Oooiii)
* Optimized TES3cmd implementation code
* Fixed * Open "Data Files dir"- in Menubar to open Data Files instead of Morrowind dir
* Many general bugfixes (Omissions in Yakoby's code and before).
* Fixed a bug in Installers which prevented uninstalling active mods
* Fixed 2 bugs in Menubar
* Small improvements in speed all around Wrye Mash interface
* Code optimizations in Installers, small speed improvements all around(timed)
* Improved Installers speed (full refresh) by up to 50% (timed) by changing default progress
* Fixed a bug in installers (key error).
* Optimized About dialog.
* Many Unicode bugfixes for the regular Morrowind version.
* Mash.ini has been removed for now. It produced more bugs than benefits, it will come back again in the future as an option in settings.
* Wrye Mash can merge leveled lists now and create a Mashed list patch for OpenMW
* OpenMW mod data folders are shown in the Downloads tab. Unload/load data mod is ready.
* Full Profiles solution basis is complete (working but not allowed creating/changing yet)
* Cosmetic, addons and code optimizations in the Setttings dialog
* Opening wizard for OpenMW is complete
* Downloads tab (beta) is complete (replaces installers in OpenMW/TES3mp mode)
- [3/29/2018]
Version v94
- [3/2/2018]
* Wrye Mash will notify user when a new Wrye Mash version is released (configurable in settings and asked on first run).
* Changed Mlox browse dialog, from a dir dialog to a file dialog in settings.
* Added a welcome message on first run for newbies.
* Added a dialog to run when Installers dir is not defined on start.
* OpenMW/TES3mp:Added auto-detect/browse function for OpenMW profile dir (where openmw.cfg, saves dir, etc are contained)
* OpenMW/TES3mp:Created the entries for the Settings menu (OpenMW)
* Settings dialog remembers position now.
* Mash.ini is now an override. You do not need to have it. If you create one, it will override installers setting. You can use it when you need the Installers in a remote or relative directory.
* Optimized mlox path setting/detection.
* Another bugfix/check in installers.
* Fixed all progress indicators in Installers tab.
* Optimised the way "Installers" deleted files (fix errors when deleting folders containing many files).
* 7z console popups are now hidden.
* OpenMW/TES3mp:Basis for setting regular/openmw-tes3mp switch in Wrye Mash.
* OpenMW/TES3mp:Wrye is able to read openmw mod config (openmw.cfg).
* OpenMW/TES3mp:Wrye is able to to read and show in mods tab, the esps and esms from openMW virtual data folders.
* OpenMW/TES3mp:Load order synchronization with openmw.cfg is complete.
* Possible fix of a -universal Wrye editions- bug (Hey Stahpk)
- [3/2/2018]
Version v93
- [2/6/2018]
* Fixed an ages old bug in the installers which plagued Wrye Mashes from times immemorial.
(It prevented in some instances to install directly from an archive)
* Fixed a bug in balt progress bar
* Some optimizations in installers code
* Added varius informative dialogs for bugs in installers
* Fixed a unicode bug in installers (thanks stahpk for reporting it)
* Basis for setting regural/openmw-tes3mp switch in Wrye Mash
* Wrye is able to read openmw mod config (code in, not enabled)
- [2/6/2018]
Version v92b
- [1/22/2018]
* Added a Menubar
* Added help text for menu items in the statusbar 2nd field (needs better text in places)
* Added context menu (which was missing) for selected items in Utilitie tab
* Fixed pickle file creation bugs (hackish)
* Wrye Mash starts with some better predefined settings
* Added support for windows XP
* Changed the way Wrye Mash finds the help file
* Added option to disable the new menubar or the old column bar in settings
* Code optimizations
* General Bug fixing
* Can now import non unicode morrowind.ini mod order from previous versions of Wrye Mash
* Updated Wrye Mash Help file (need help on that)
- [1/22/2018]
Version v91
- [1/15/2018] (not released)
* Added mod order "#" number in the mod tabs columns
* Can change mod order both with "modified" and "#" now
* Added "About" button in toolbar
* Added/fixed missing "delete" function in screenshots tab
* Added remaining character count in dialogs needing one
* Better date/time dialog.
* Added a real time log when TES3cmd is run (Instead of waiting to finish before showing any info). Good for the nerves
* Finally fixed a long hunted unicode folder bug
* General bug fixes (few regression bugs also)
* some code refactoring
- [1/15/2018] (not released)
Version v90
- [12/31/2017] (not released)
* Cosmetic change in Progress dialog (Installers) displays more information
* Small cosmetic changes here and there
* Fixed unicode bug in "Copy active mods" (how did I miss that?)
* Added new functionality "Snapshots" for active mod order. Users can save and exchange mod order easily now
* Replaced in mods tab: clicking the text fields (right) and editing with new dialogs. Click ok in the dialogs also saves any changes directly
* Replaced date/time field with a dialog. Better. Clicking OK saves
* Fix: Clicking "masters" field or any other field without selecting a mod/save no longer produces any actions
* Fixed mlox implementation. It also now works only with the exe of mlox
* Added option in settings to define mlox directory
* Removed sort order with mlox from mods context menu. This is implemented in running it from the menu
* Added automatic insertion of mlox icon in the toolbar after mlox directory is defined (needs restart)
* Implemented "revert last changes" for mlox in menu (talking about the exe now)
* Fixed TES3cmd implementation
* When TES3cmd is installed in data files it is automatically identified by Wrye Mash
* Added "Restore modified files" for TES3cmd
* Added MGE XE identification. When installed a new icon of MGE XE will be automatically added in the toolbar (needs restart)
* General Bug fixes (some regression bugs also)
- [12/31/2017] (not released)
Version v89
- [12/25/2017] (not released)
* Further improved Unicode handling, utilities tab
* Replaced name input with auto generated one. It now uses an auto generated ID
* Fixed utilities bugs
* Some cosmetic changes:
-mods tab color (removed white highlight, mods with no problems default to grey),
-screenshots display image fills window (missing in Yacoby's)
-Saves tab journal artifact is fixed and map notes display in a more cosmetically nice dialog
* When you run Wrye Mash for the first time sort "by modified" is the default
* Fixed Yacoby's "editing the file header" bug
* Fixed Progress dialog to work as intended in many places
- [12/25/2017] (not released)
Version v88
- [12/18/2017] (not released)
* Further improved unicode handling, installers tab
* Fixed installers bugs
* Implemented a python unicode bug fix into the code (yeap python has bugs too)
* Updated 7zip, updated code to handle it
* Changed the way "information" is transfered inside the structure. Better unicode sandwich.
* Decided against unicode identifying in favor of unicode tolerance (heh heh go figure)
* Improved Yacoby's drag and drop function
* Added PNG image capability in screenshots tab (why was it missing?)
* Clarified the text in some dialogs/menus
* Added the ability to recreate "mash_default.ini" instead of crashing (and mash.ini)
* Fixed a lot of typos
* Installers default directory is set inside morrowind dir
* Added "Open Installers dir" in installers tab
* Personalized "Open {your tab} dir" in every tab
- [12/18/2017] (not released)
Version v87
- [11/11/2017] (not released)
* Using latest (2.x) unicode wxpython and python with Yacoby's latest dev source
* Improved unicode handling, unicode names in mods tabs do not produce any problems any more
* Wrye Mash can be installed in any unicode named folder without any byproducts anymore
* Updated code to handle newer python/wxpython
* Many (many) bug fixes (in general but mainly in mods tab)
- [11/11/2017] (not released)
- Author's activity
February 2021
10 Feb 2021, 12:05PM | Action by: polemos
File added
Wrye Mash 2021 - x64 - beta6 - manual installation archive. [version v101b6]
10 Feb 2021, 12:00PM | Action by: polemos
File added
Wrye Mash 2021 - x86 - beta6 - manual installation archive. [version v101b6]
08 Feb 2021, 3:01AM | Action by: polemos
Attribute change
Name changed to 'Wrye Mash - Polemos fork - 2021'.
08 Feb 2021, 2:38AM | Action by: polemos
File added
Wrye Mash 2021 - x86 - beta5 - manual installation archive. [version v101b5]
08 Feb 2021, 2:34AM | Action by: polemos
Attribute change
File 'Wrye Mash 2020 - x64 - beta4 - manual installation archive.' category changed to Old versions.
08 Feb 2021, 2:34AM | Action by: polemos
File added
Wrye Mash 2021 - x64 - beta5 - manual installation archive. [version v101b5]
November 2020
16 Nov 2020, 7:13AM | Action by: polemos
Attribute change
File 'Wrye Mash 2020 - x64 - beta4 - manual installation archive.' version changed to v101b4.
03 Nov 2020, 2:20PM | Action by: polemos
File added
Wrye Mash 2020 - x64 - beta4 - manual installation archive. [version v101beta4]
02 Nov 2020, 8:13PM | Action by: polemos
File added
Wrye Mash 2020 - x64 - beta4 - manual installation archive. [version v101beta4]
July 2020
23 Jul 2020, 11:47AM | Action by: polemos
File added
Wrye Mash 2020 - x64 - beta3 - manual installation archive. [version v101beta3]
13 Jul 2020, 7:43PM | Action by: polemos
Permission change
Author changed their permission instructions.
Author changed their file credits.
April 2020
21 Apr 2020, 10:29PM | Action by: polemos
File added
Wrye Mash 2020 - x64 - beta2 - manual installation archive. [version v101beta2]
15 Apr 2020, 7:56AM | Action by: polemos
Attribute change
File 'Wrye Mash 2019 x86 - Installer' category changed to Optional files.
15 Apr 2020, 7:55AM | Action by: polemos
Attribute change
File 'Wrye Mash 2019 - x86 - manual installation archive.' category changed to Optional files.
14 Apr 2020, 12:28AM | Action by: polemos
File added
Wrye Mash 2020 - x64 - beta - manual installation archive. [version v101beta]
March 2020
30 Mar 2020, 1:10AM | Action by: polemos
Attribute change
Name changed to 'Wrye Mash - Polemos fork - 2020'.
Description changed.
October 2019
25 Oct 2019, 8:17PM | Action by: polemos
Attribute change
Description changed.
25 Oct 2019, 7:57PM | Action by: polemos
Changelog added
Change log added for version v100
25 Oct 2019, 7:54PM | Action by: polemos
Changelog added
Change log added for version v100
25 Oct 2019, 7:48PM | Action by: polemos
Readme file added
- Mod page activity
September 2024
09 Sep 2024, 4:51AM | Action by: nornund
'Wrye Mash - Polemos fork - 2021'
08 Sep 2024, 5:04AM | Action by: Nimak1
'Wrye Mash - Polemos fork - 2021'
06 Sep 2024, 10:26PM | Action by: TenshiOkihana
'Wrye Mash - Polemos fork - 2021'
05 Sep 2024, 7:28PM | Action by: cyrodiilpickle
'Wrye Mash - Polemos fork - 2021'
05 Sep 2024, 7:03PM | Action by: acanthus64
'Wrye Mash - Polemos fork - 2021'
04 Sep 2024, 4:11PM | Action by: thermonuclearunicorn
'Wrye Mash - Polemos fork - 2021'
04 Sep 2024, 12:15PM | Action by: Damskovic
'Wrye Mash - Polemos fork - 2021'
03 Sep 2024, 8:04PM | Action by: jessrm89
'Wrye Mash - Polemos fork - 2021'
03 Sep 2024, 6:47PM | Action by: Dracknus
'Wrye Mash - Polemos fork - 2021'
03 Sep 2024, 12:32PM | Action by: luluviibi
'Wrye Mash - Polemos fork - 2021'
03 Sep 2024, 8:38AM | Action by: samzgm
'Wrye Mash - Polemos fork - 2021'
02 Sep 2024, 6:13PM | Action by: Khajiitera
'Wrye Mash - Polemos fork - 2021'
August 2024
31 Aug 2024, 3:58AM | Action by: raulo369369
'Wrye Mash - Polemos fork - 2021'
31 Aug 2024, 12:08AM | Action by: stefankk
'Wrye Mash - Polemos fork - 2021'
30 Aug 2024, 6:15AM | Action by: VorxInfernal
'Wrye Mash - Polemos fork - 2021'
28 Aug 2024, 11:41PM | Action by: cooldude5005
'Wrye Mash - Polemos fork - 2021'
27 Aug 2024, 7:46PM | Action by: gapcia
'Wrye Mash - Polemos fork - 2021'
27 Aug 2024, 3:26AM | Action by: VentusDante182
'Wrye Mash - Polemos fork - 2021'
25 Aug 2024, 11:12PM | Action by: LessRaidingMoreTalking
'Wrye Mash - Polemos fork - 2021'
25 Aug 2024, 6:09PM | Action by: StormcloakKiller
'Wrye Mash - Polemos fork - 2021'