This mod introduces VR support with features including a brand-new UI, customised cockpits with built-in screens, performance fixes, head-aim, and much, much more.
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File credits
Credit to Stumblingdrunk and Perq for their playtesting and cockpit modelling. Credit to KITT of VRWARRIOR for showing what could be done in MW5 and for giving some tips on how to overcome early VR obstacles.
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Version 1.71
Target box bounds for dynamically created destructible objects (satellite dishes, generators, buildings...) are now manually calculated using only visible components and cached - target boxes for these things should now be properly visible and it should be a lot easier to find that thing you're supposed to blow up
Added three new bindable hotkeys: Target Previous Lancemate, Target Next Lancemate, and Order Targeted Lancemate - this allows you to quickly flick through your lance, check their status, see where they are on the map, see their target box, and issue orders if required
Target Based Orders now disabled by default
Target Based Lancemate Selection added (disabled by default) - this option will automatically bring up the order window for a lancemate that is selected with the new hotkeys or by using Target Nearest Friendly
Increased animation speed of target screen when changing targets
Added lancemate callsign to both the target box and target screen
Lance screen now shows the pilot name instead of the player name
Target box size clamped and given a minimum distance from the player, should no longer disappear up close
Version 1.61
Fixed zoom camera FOV, now lines up properly (again...) at 1x and fixes accuracy issues at further zoom levels
Fixed legs and torsos having strange halos around them when using MWVR thermal vision in YAML
Enforcer: fixed Lance/Comms screen sometimes clipping with dash
Firestarter: remodelled, lowered cockpit, updated glass to suit
Cicada: Fixed gap at bottom of cockpit glass
Version 1.60
Using Target Nearest Enemy/Friendly now uses head aim direction rather than torso facing
Can now issues move orders using head aim
Added an auxiliary cursor for head aim that fades into view when looking away from crosshair
Added Target Based Ordering system (enabled by default) - selecting a lance mate will automatically bring up their order window allowing for commanding units with head aim, additionally when an order window is open targeting an enemy will automatically send an Attack Order
Adjusted head aim smoothing to be more responsive for slow tracking movements
Adjusted zoom levels from 1x/2x/3x to 1x/2.5x/5x
Screen shakes removed from being nearby artillery, being underneath the Leopard, and using MASC
Arms and legs have been removed from the rear of the Mech paper dolls
Long weapon names have been translated to shorter versions to prevent running out of space on weapon and target displays - no more clipping
Updated torso and arm crosshair icons on the weapon screen to match the new crosshairs
Fixed head crosshair being visible while shutdown
Fixed ECM being stuck on the HUD on a dropship start
Fixed MASC text disappearing when entering danger level and returning to alarm
Version 1.52u
Fixed head aim sometimes failing to initialise correctly when starting a mission
Version 1.51
Fixed crosshair not returning to default behaviour with head aim disabled
Fixed head crosshair appearing to shift around the torso crosshair under movement with arm lock enabled
Fixed game C++ overriding smooth arm movement when toggling lock due to torso input stabilising and the game deciding to instantly set the arms to the centre
Fixed head crosshair shifting around slightly during torso rotation
Improved head crosshair responsiveness while still reducing jitter
Added yaw offset setting for head aim
Fixed screens not booting up as expected in the tutorial mission
Version 1.50
Head aim is now possible, with a choice between arms only (default) or torso & arms - toggle head aim using the Arm Lock option in the menu or use your Arm Lock keybinds **Note: If the crosshair doesn't feel centered to your view you can customise this using the Head Aim Pitch Offset setting**
Lance/comms menu modified to pass through orders while a comms message is up and automatically switch to the lance screen, the Cancel Orders keybind will simply hide the current message if active - the previous behaviour was that issuing an order while a comms message was up would simply cancel the message, this should result in more predictable behaviour
HUD speed readout now switches to show actual velocity when airborne
Third person camera now works, although you can only view your mech
New high resolution crosshairs
Default HUD scale reduced by 10%
Added Global HUD Scale setting to options menu which will set the HUD scale for all Mechs
Per Mech HUD scale expanded to allow selecting between 50% and 150%
Crusader rework: misc fixes - Stumblingdrunk
Cataphract rework: misc fixes - Stumblingdrunk
Nightstar rework: misc fixes - Stumblingdrunk
Highlander rework: swapped some screens around
Version 1.41
Fixed thermal vision keybind no longer working and reverting to vanilla night vision after entering and exiting options menu
Fixed stale Ares settings loading after changing settings then Mech switching away and back again
Fixed HUD camera FOV not adapting to HUD scale - thermal camera at 1x zoom now appears to be 1x zoom as expected no matter the HUD scale setting
Changed Ares System Menu keybind name from "System Menu" to "Ares System Menu" - this will also reset it to the F8 key
Fixed cockpit glass alignment issues with Raven (thanks @CyberNek)
Version 1.40
Completely restructured the mod into a core mod that masquerades as a base game pak (thanks MagnumGB!) and 3 sub-mods - for example the cockpits for the base game are a sub-mod, and anyone can now create their own sub-mods for MWVR
Fixed co-op clients from failing to initialise the screens and HUD
Fixed zoom camera from appearing blown out or with poor colours - it is now rendered directly onto a quad rather than into a UMG widget, where the colours were being murdered, and all associated code had been fixed up
Fixed HUD scale setting in Ares menu not applying to the zoom camera
Fixed HUD from appearing to boot up when switching mech
Fixed(?) persistent particle FX from randomly being active at start on co-op clients, it now clears and recreates the current state on initialisation which also ensures correct state when switching mechs
Improved blending and appearance of particle FX - still need to go over all 61 cockpits and adjust spawner positions to more sensible locations
Version 1.31u
Updated UEVR settings to prevent the game running at 500 FPS in the menus
Version 1.31
Improved appearance of persistent cockpit damage smoke particle FX and adjusted to perform better
Fixed vanilla bug where persistent cockpit damage particle FX could endlessly stack if you kept taking small amounts of damage
Fixed vanilla bug where taking massive hits to a location would skip firing the first stage of persistent particle FX
Fixed vanilla and mod bug where there would be fireworks in the cockpit when switching between mechs
Fixed bug where switching mechs would result in all cameras running simultaneously due to PGI automatically enabling everything on the mech - this resulted in poor FPS until zooming and using the thermal camera at least once
Fixed (hopefully) the issue where co-op clients would sometimes fail to initialise screens and HUD
Fixed Mech LODs (again) - using different method that will work for future modded mechs and actually works outside the editor...
The hotkey for nightvision should now only control MWVR thermal - should fix issue where YAML shared the same hotkey
Fixed problem with issuing move orders to lance mates, should now be able to order them off in the distance
Added option to control game speed, can select between default, 90%, 80%, and 70%
Fixed glash mesh alignment issues on Stalker and Cicada
Thermal vision added as a replacement for night vision
Cockpit glass FX no longer shows up in the HUD camera (thanks CyberNek)
CustomDepth rendering auto-toggled to save FPS, removed highlights from loot boxes and infantry
Mech LOD settings tweaked to reduce pop in and stuttering animations - fixes Unreal Engine bug
Fixed water rendering (vanilla bug)
Fixed all(?) dithering artifacts on terrain, rocks, and more (requires separate download)
Improved appearance of lasers
Particle FX in the cockpit rebuilt in Niagara using GPU instead of CPU, fixes stuttering when hit
Engine.ini editing no longer required
LOD Quality settings added for buildings and trees/foliage - use EPIC foliage to remove tree pop-in
Antialiasing can now be controlled from the mod options, NONE is still recommended
Screen Ghosting Fix setting added that fixes ghosting with DLSS/TAA enabled (crosshair/HUD will still ghost)
Particle Quantity and Particle Lighting settings added
Updated UEVR config file to remove Depth Testing, disabled auto-hide, and clear out locked variables to allow the new in-game settings changes to work correctly
Changed default keybinds
Refactored project in preparation of modding source release
Reworked Assassin: fixed mesh issues with windscreen and switched to updated cockpit glass, thanks @CyberNek
Reworked Awesome: adjusted the angle of the central dash
Reworked Banshee: lowered the bottom frame on the front screen and applied updated cockpit glass mesh to suit from @CyberNek
Reworked Battle Master: adjusted the angle of the central dash
Reworked Centurion: lowered the bottom frame on the front screen
Reworked Champion: shifted a screen that was poking through the glass
Reworked Cicada: raised the seat up
Reworked Stalker: shifted seat back
Reworked Vindicator: lowered the dash and removed a widget on the lower part of the windscreen
Reworked Warhammer: misc improvements - Perq
Reworked Wolverine: lowered the dash, fixed a broken pillar, and removed the frame from the lower part of the windscreen
Camera position standardised for all cockpits
Camera moved further back and slightly lower to match pilot body better, and cockpits where this caused issues have been modified to suit
Added custom clipping plane to UEVR to prevent pilot body and seat from clipping with the new camera position (you must import new config file for this to take effect)
Improved cockpit lighting (you must modify Engine.ini with the updated settings from the guide for this to take effect)
Version 1.10
Atlas added - Perq
Awesome added - Perq
BattleMaster added - Stumblingdrunk
Champion added - Perq
Cyclops added - Perq
Dervish added - Perq
Dragon added - Perq
Highlander added - Stumblingdrunk
JagerMech added - Perq
Kintaro added - Perq
Marauder II added - Perq
Orion added - Stumblingdrunk
Shadow Hawk added - Perq
Victor added - Perq
Wolverine added - Perq
Reworked Locust: fixed holes near footwell
This mod completely overhauls the in-Mech experience with a fully custom user interface, remodelled cockpits with physical screens, extensive optimisations, and many tweaks and improvements. This mod supports all base game and DLC Mechs.
Join us on Discord for support, mod compatibility, mod recommendations, and pre-release updates here: MechWarriorVR Discord
62 customised cockpits with built-in screens, covering all base game and DLC Mechs
Head aim feature - aim arm mounted weapons using your head (toggle using the Arm Lock and Toggle Arm Lock bindings)
New Heads-Up-Display that includes speed, jump-jets, temperature, torso-twist state, and more, in a compact VR friendly layout
New HUD weapon cooldown pips that show an animated cooldown progress
Custom thermal imaging and zoom camera capable of 1x/2.5x/5x zoom levels (toggle thermals with the Toggle Night Vision binding)
All cockpit screen UIs built from scratch for VR to be easy to read and optimised for performance
Minimap rendering rebuilt for performance and on-screen clarity (toggle zoom level with the Show Battlegrid binding)
Additional minimap indicator that highlights the currently selected target
A new 3D target box with added lancemate names, replacing the 2D screen-space target box that doesn't work correctly in VR
Removal of 2D screen-space markers and other screen-space elements that render incorrectly
New bindings to Target Previous Lancemate, Target Next Lancemate, and Order Targeted Lancemate - can now quickly cycle through lancemates, check their status, and issue orders
Order lancemates to move to location using head aim
New in-cockpit damage particle effects written in Niagara to use GPU only, fixing poor performance and stuttering issues when taking damage
Hundreds of recompiled shaders and modified assets to remove distracting dithering patterns and fix VR rendering issues
In-cockpit Ares System Menu (Ares System Menu binding) which allows for customising the HUD, screen, and team colour themes, as well as adjusting screen brightness and HUD scale
Much more, including additional graphics settings, performance options, UI improvements, rendering bug fixes, and many QoL changes
IMPORTANT KEYBINDS F9: Recentre VR view F10: Toggle VR - you will want to toggle VR off while in the Leopard Home: Toggle VR mouse cursor Ins: Open UEVR menu F8: Toggle Ares system menu for customising the Mech interface - use your weapon selection bindings to navigate the menu, this defaults to the arrow keys and Right Ctrl for select
QUICK START GUIDE This quick guide will take you through getting the mod set up and working
Download the latest release from the Nexus including the UEVR Config file
Rename the UEVR config file to MechWarrior-Win64-Shipping
Download praydog's Universal Unreal Engine VR Mod from here UEVR Nightly Release, you'll need the file NOTE: You will need this release for the mod to function correctly
Extract the UEVR zip file somewhere, you may need to add an exception to your antivirus software for this folder
Install and activate all four MechWarriorVR mods included in the zip file along with the MW5 Mod Compatibility Pack in MW5 using the in-game mod manager or whatever method you prefer
Connect your headset and launch your headset software: SteamVR, Oculus, or Virtual Desktop
Launch MW5 however you wish NOTE: You do NOT want to launch MW5 with any command line parameters eg. -allowhmd and -d3d12
Open Settings, go to Graphics, and set everything to LOW except textures which can remain MAXIMUM. You will likely be able to increase these settings later if you have performance to spare.
Ensure that Ray Tracing is disabled, this provides zero visual benefit and may cause crashes
Go to Display and ensure DLSS Quality is set to OFF otherwise you will get ghosting
Launch UEVR with MW5 still running, it might be easier putting MW5 in windowed mode with ALT+ENTER
In UEVR ensure OpenXR is selected and Nullify VR Plugins is enabled
Click Import Config and navigate to the UEVR config file you renamed earlier NOTE: The config zip file must be renamed to MechWarrior-Win64-Shipping before import (leave it zipped up). After import an Explorer window will open and it now should contain a folder named MechWarrior-Win64-Shipping
Above the Inject button, open the dropdown box and find MechWarrior-Win64-Shipping from the list and select it
UEVR will warn you that it has detected VR plugins in MW5, click Yes to go to the plugins directory and delete or move the Oculus and OpenVR folders (you will need to close MW5 in order to do this, restart it once deleted)
Once this is done hit the Inject button
Inside MW5 you should now be able to press Ins to toggle the UEVR menu on and off. You can change keybinds in here later if desired
Start an instant action game, pick a mech with VR in the top left corner and put on your head set, you should be in VR at this point
Press the F9 key to reset headset position, and if you want to see your mouse cursor while in VR hit the Home key
In mech you can also press F8 by default to open the settings menu for the mech displays and HUD, use your weapon selection bindings to navigate the menu, this defaults to the arrow keys and Right Ctrl for select
Annihilator - Perq
Assassin - Perq
Atlas - Perq
Archer - Perq
Awesome - Perq
Banshee - sic*
BattleMaster - Stumblingdrunk
Blackjack - sic*
Black Knight - sic*
Catapult - Perq
Cataphract - Stumblingdrunk
Centurion - Perq
Champion - Perq
Charger - Stumblingdrunk
Cicada - sic*
Commando - sic*
Corsair - Perq
Crab - Perq
Crusader - Stumblingdrunk
Cyclops - Perq
Dervish - Perq
Dragon - Perq
Enforcer - sic*
Firestarter - Stumblingdrunk
Grasshopper - sic*
Griffin - Stumblingdrunk
Hatamoto-Chi - Stumblingdrunk
Hatchetman - sic*
Flea - Perq
Highlander - Stumblingdrunk
Hunchback - sic*
JagerMech - Perq
Javelin - sic*
Jenner - sic*
King Crab - Perq
Kintaro - Perq
Loader King - sic*
Locust - sic*
Longbow - Stumblingdrunk
Marauder - Perq
Marauder II - Perq
Mauler -sic*
Nightstart - Stumblingdrunk
Orion - Stumblingdrunk
Panther - sic*
Phoenixhawk - sic*
Quickdraw - sic*
Raven - sic*
Rifleman - Perq
Shadow Hawk - Perq
Spider - sic*
Stalker - sic*
Thunderbolt - Stumblingdrunk
Trebuchet - Stumblingdrunk
UrbanMech - sic*
Victor - Perq
Vindicator - sic*
Vulcan - sic*
Warhammer - Perq
Wolfhound - sic*
Wolverine - Perq
Zeus - sic*
62 / 62 cockpits modelled
CREDITS Stumblingdrunk and Perq for their playtesting and cockpit modelling KITT for his VRWARRIOR mod that inspired this, tips on how to overcome early VR obstacles, and letting us spam his Discord channel while working on this praydog for his work on UEVR that allows us to bypass the buggy VR rendering plugins bundled with MW5 and get much better performance to boot MagnumGB for his work on the MW5 Compatability mod