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  1. procc
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Legendary Edition - not working.
    But with this MOD it works - https://www.nexusmods.com/masseffectlegendaryedition/mods/1152
  2. javinho
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    If anyone is having trouble to make No MiniGames and Remove shared cooldown work together, the following solved it for me:

    1. Install your game and DLCs and run it once to validate everything;
    2. Install the mods you want with ME3Tweaks Mod Manager;
    3. Still with ME3Tweaks, install both No MiniGames and Remove shared cooldown lastly, in this order;
    4. Install ALOT with MEUITM2 and whatever else you like;
    5. Do your Coalesced.ini edits and fix it with ME2 ini file fixer.

    It happens that the file SFXGame.pcc is tweaked a lot by the mods and in this order it does not mess the mods functionality. Found this solution after 3 days of pure pain trying to make it work. Hope it helps.
    1. TheInvoker
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      can you explain better please?
      i'm a point 3, i installed with that order

      i don't use ALOT....is it need to make these mods to work even if it's graphical mod?

      which coalesced.ini edits should i do?
  3. TheInvoker
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    minigames ok, but scanning is not working for me

    it's probably due to the fact that i'm using also the
  4. Zephielle
    • member
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    This is a real help, THANK YOU VERY MUCH. I just wish i'd knew what change i can make to the coalesced.ini to get only the planet scanning part of this mod..
  5. 1bz3
    • member
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    Very unfortunate. Overwrote files. Does not appear to work. Do I need to restart the computer, or re-install the game? Currently using Vanilla. Only mod I have for Mass effect 2 (2010) edition. 

    Current Biogame file has: 

    And that's it. Does something need to be re-enabled to make sure it works? 
    1. Cuntianna
      • member
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      it's Mass Effect 2 > BioGame > CookedPC  and simply copy the PCC files from the NoMinigames folder and paste them into the CookedPC folder; that's what i did and it worked (don't forget to backup tho)
  6. 1stRedhawk
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    mod has compatibility issues with ME2 Ultrawide, looks like there is a workaround to fix it
  7. pecocus
    • premium
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    I'll add my voice to the pleading...  PLEASE make an LE version!
    1. EuphoArt
      • member
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      same! i was testing in  on LE2 and it really doesn't work, the game crashes and comes back to the launcher :(
  8. sparrow75
    • member
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    Legendary edition mod : https://www.nexusmods.com/masseffectlegendaryedition/mods/304?tab=description
    1. EuphoArt
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      is this only for the hacking or there are planets too?
  9. Psiren666
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    First Thanks for  a must have mod for this game especially when replaying saves lots of tedium. Though I use consul commands to get credits and resources  lets me get on with playing saved countless hours between using this mod and that.

    Tip for those who have modded game with Alot,Meuitm and other textures.

    Today i added new textures etc but forgot to add this mod and looking through the thread it seemed the only soulution was to unistall reinstal add this mod and others i use then redo Alot,meuitm etc. Thats a lot of time so I tried using the Mass effect moder within Alot and used it to repack game files after adding this mod after I had already installed all the textures and other extras such as lighting maps. 
    It worked and all mods run as designed to with no texture or lighting issues for me.

    Steps I did.

    Run Alot as Admin.> Settings (left panel) in Troubleshooting section >open Launch Mass effect Modder (gui)
    In Mass effect modder in ME2 section click on repack game files after it is done you should be good to go. It worked for me so no reason it wouldnt if it is just this mod you wanted to get working.
    Hope it helps someone out.
  10. astire721
    • member
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    Thank you!