About this mod
Removes the tunnel vision effect that ruins photos and videos of ME2
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits

This is a simple mod I made that removes the Vignette Post Processing element.
This lets you take nice screenshots and videos (and tiledshots) without having to use ReShade.
This completely removes the darkened corners that appear on the screen, leaving no trace behind.
Even ReShade leaves a bit of darkness in the corners - and this comes with none of the caveats ;)

Install this mod with ME3Tweaks Mod Manager. Ensure you have a game backup before installation so you can uninstall
it if you choose not to use it. Drag the archive onto ME3Tweaks Mod Manager, and press Import or Install.
Choose your options at the dialog prompt that shows up.
To uninstall, restore the files in ME3Tweaks Mod Manager's 'Target Info', and restore the 'Startup_XXX.pcc' files.
Otherwise, repair your game with Origin or Steam.
ME1 Vignette Remover | ME3 Vignette Remover

Included in this mod are files for ME2Controller, NoMiniGames, and the ME2Controller NoMiniGames startup files.
Install the ones you wish to use - you must also install the corresponding mod beforehand.

If you like this mod, please give it an endorsement on Nexus.
If you like my work, check out my modding site ME3Tweaks where you can learn how
to mod Mass Effect 3 or create your own mods online with ME3Tweaks ModMaker.
You can play awesome modded ME3 MP games as well as SP editing!