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Version 4.1.1
Added TLK file.
Added the dialogue wheel option "You're not" for MaleShep during Kaidan's second post-mission conversation.
Version 4.1
Ashley and Kaidan will now initiate their first post-mission conversations themselves regardless of Shepard's gender (rather than having to choose "Can we talk?" for Ashley and "Looking for personal input" for Kaidan).
Ashley's second post-mission conversation will now also initiate as soon as a romanced FemShep speaks to her.
Kaidan's post-confrontation dialogue will now occur properly for FemSheps who chose Liara over him.
Restored Ashley's post-confrontation dialogue (if Liara was chosen instead of her) for both male and female Shepard.
Fixed some subtitles for FemShep's romance dialogue with Ashley and MaleShep's romance dialogue with Kaidan.
Updated compatibility for ME1 Recalibrated 2.3.1.
Version 4.0.1
Fixed an issue in the moddesc.ini file for ME3Tweaks Mod Manager 6.0 Preview 5 (Build 104).
Version 4.0
Fully converted into a DLC mod.
New installation method using ME3Tweaks Mod Manager.
Version 3.5
Fixed Shepard's animations in the post-sex scenes for FemShep/Ashley and MaleShep/Kaidan.
Liara will no longer forget who she had a confrontation with if Shepard breaks up with Ashley or Kaidan after choosing them over her.
Moved files with ME1 Recalibrated's fixes to their own folder.
Updated compatibility for ME1 Recalibrated 1.51.
Version 3.4
Incorporated ME1 Recalibrated's fixes to Citadel: Rita's Sister and Citadel: The Fan in order to allow compatibility.
Fixed a bug where Kaidan's post-confrontation dialogue would occur for FemShep when the confrontation was between Ashley and Liara.
Version 3.3
Kaidan's post-sex scene will now occur for MaleShep.
Version 3.2
Added more dialogue options to MaleShep and Kaidan's post-Eden Prime conversation.
If Kaidan is being romanced (and Ashley isn't), Shepard will now always have the option to say they are "only interested in men" in Liara's second post-mission conversation.
Fixed a vanilla issue where Liara's romance would still be initiated if the "Don't try to study me!" option was chosen in her first conversation.
Version 3.1
Fixed a crash that could occur during the beacon cutscene on Eden Prime.
Version 3.0
Shepard can now flirt with Ashley and Kaidan at the same time.
Kaidan's jealousy conversation can now occur during his second post-mission conversation with MaleShep.
MaleShep can now end the romance with Kaidan during the jealousy conversation.
Fixed an oversight that prevented the Paramour achievement from being earned when romancing Kaidan as MaleShep.
Reduced clipping in the romance scene between Kaidan and MaleShep.
Removed MEUITM-compatible version, which is now obsolete in light of MEM.
Added optional file that allows the same-gender love interest to activate the beacon on Eden Prime.
Added optional file that allows certain NPCs to flirt with both male and female Shepard.
Version 2.0
Reworked the dialogue wheel options leading up to the flirt that initiates Kaidan's romance.
Added two Renegade options for MaleShep during Kaidan's romance.
FemSheps romancing Ashley and MaleSheps romancing Kaidan can now dance with them at Flux.
Ashley and Kaidan's ambient flirts on the Citadel dock now depend on an active romance, rather than Shepard's gender.
Fixed instances of Ashley referring to FemShep as "sir" in the post-Eden Prime conversation and the Virmire debrief.
Kaidan will now only express an attraction to Liara if he is not being romanced.
Version 1.1
Added MEUITM-compatible version.
FemShep can now flirt with Ashley in her first post-mission conversation.
Version 1.0
Initial release.
Both male and female Shepard can now flirt with Ashley and Kaidan and pursue romances with them.
Through the restoration of unused dialogue, every line is voiced and animated properly.
Characters will not refer to Shepard as the wrong gender.
Romances with Ashley and Kaidan will no longer start automatically; Shepard must now choose to flirt with them in order for a romance to begin.
Shepard will appear properly in the romance scene.
Same-Gender LI Activates Beacon - Allows the same-gender love interest (Ashley for FemShep and Kaidan for MaleShep) to activate the beacon on Eden Prime, giving them a larger role and more dialogue in the early part of the game. This also allows Ashley to flirt with FemShep in the scenic view scene on the Citadel.
NPCs Flirt Regardless of Gender - Allows Gianna Parasini, Conrad Verner, and two businesspeople on Noveria to flirt with both male and female Shepard.
Compatibility This mod is compatible with ME1 Recalibrated as long as its compatibility patch is selected during installation.
Technical Information for Modders:
Mount Priority: 15
TLK ID: 604745240
Conditionals: 2700-2703
If you are using Origin, make sure automatic game updates are disabled through Origin's settings.
Same-Gender Romances for ME2 - Allows Tali and Thane to be romanced by both male and female Shepard, fixes issues with imported same-gender Ashley and Kaidan romances, and allows other same-gender content whenever possible.
Same-Gender Romances for ME3 - Fixes issues with imported same-gender romances with Ashley, Kaidan, Tali, and Thane.
Kinkojiro, for allowing compatibility with ME1 Recalibrated.
Everyone who contributed to ME3Explorer's development, as this mod would not exist without it.