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About this mod

This mod allows Ashley and Kaidan to be romanced by both male and female Shepard, utilizing unused dialogue in the game files.

Permissions and credits
  • Both male and female Shepard can now flirt with Ashley and Kaidan and pursue romances with them.
  • Through the restoration of unused dialogue, every line is voiced and animated properly.
  • Characters will not refer to Shepard as the wrong gender.
  • Romances with Ashley and Kaidan will no longer start automatically; Shepard must now choose to flirt with them in order for a romance to begin.
  • Shepard will appear properly in the romance scene.

  • Same-Gender LI Activates Beacon - Allows the same-gender love interest (Ashley for FemShep and Kaidan for MaleShep) to activate the beacon on Eden Prime, giving them a larger role and more dialogue in the early part of the game. This also allows Ashley to flirt with FemShep in the scenic view scene on the Citadel.
  • NPCs Flirt Regardless of Gender - Allows Gianna Parasini, Conrad Verner, and two businesspeople on Noveria to flirt with both male and female Shepard.

This mod is compatible with ME1 Recalibrated as long as its compatibility patch is selected during installation.

Technical Information for Modders:
  • Mount Priority: 15
  • TLK ID: 604745240
  • Conditionals: 2700-2703

  • If you are using Origin, make sure automatic game updates are disabled through Origin's settings.
  • Drag and drop the 7z file onto ME3Tweaks Mod Manager.

See Also
  • Same-Gender Romances for ME2 - Allows Tali and Thane to be romanced by both male and female Shepard, fixes issues with imported same-gender Ashley and Kaidan romances, and allows other same-gender content whenever possible.
  • Same-Gender Romances for ME3 - Fixes issues with imported same-gender romances with Ashley, Kaidan, Tali, and Thane.

  • Kinkojiro, for allowing compatibility with ME1 Recalibrated.
  • Everyone who contributed to ME3Explorer's development, as this mod would not exist without it.