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  1. khadafiismydoggy
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    can the camera during missions be changed to zoom out further so as to see more zombies.
    1. Redcorpsworld
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      I have never thought of that before and because that's it's a wonderful idea I will add it to the to do list. In short I will add it but there will be a option to download zoomed out POV or normal POV with grindless.

      Thank you for the suggestion
  2. EvoKaneki
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    first of all, thanks for making this mod 🔥🔥.
    i see you change the original song (cuz i made some backup before using your mod), but can you tell me how to change to another song that i want??
    i already rename my song just like the format in music folder, but the song won't play, and i made extra file with same extension (like Action_01.ogg ~ Action_10.ogg) but the song won't playing when i enter the game.
    maybe i must edit or what in another file pls help me.

    sorry for my bad english
    1. EvoKaneki
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      • 0 kudos
      Actually i already know how to change the song, but  i was wonder if i can add more Action.ogg file to play more music when encounter so many zombie....
      i already try adding manually the file till Action_10.ogg file, but the music won't start playing.
      maybe you know how to make the game read more action file to play more song
  3. doomknightofchaos
    • member
    • 10 kudos
    Downloaded the main file only. 

    Is there a reason why enemy drops was heavily nerfed? I was finding cloth fairly frequently to make bandages and now I don't find it at all. Same for other drops like Hide. 

    Sure I get more XP, but I'm dying now more because I don't have the bandages.
    1. doomknightofchaos
      • member
      • 10 kudos
      Yep. This mod made things worse, rather than better. I'm now dying 2-3 times per mission, as needed drops aren't dropping enough. 

      Also from another poster, what is easy or hard mode? I didn't see any ingame option to change the difficulty. Or an option in downloading the mods. 

      Anyway, this has killed all interest in the game now, as its not fun dying constantly and losing all my XP to deaths. 

      I hope you fix whatever you did, so that others don't have issues like I have had. This game could be good, but with the XP grinding of the base game and the resource grinding of your mod, it makes the game too hard to progress. Especially as most good skills are locked behind a very high character AND camp level. 
    2. Redcorpsworld
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      Hi doomknightofchaos,

      I wanted to inform you that I did increase the loot but not to a level that removed it completely. You still have to do things but not grind as much. Dying 2-3 times per mission because of my mod? You stated that you get my exp correct so you should be leveling up? You should not be weak? If your issues with drops are low even after my mod make a request?  "XP grinding of the base game and the resource grinding of your mod" This mod adds more drops but not over powered. I also give exp? 
    3. doomknightofchaos
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      I'm dying 2-3 times per mission because I can't find the resources to craft new weapons, or the cloth to craft new bandages. Increasing my level too high without new equipment, means I'm running into nastier zombies without the equipment to handle them. Without the mod, sure I don't get xp, but I do find the resources I need to do crafting. With your mod, sure I get XP, but then I can't craft the equipment I need to survive at higher level.  

      EDIT: How was this mod created anyway? I looked at the files and they were all obfuscated...
    4. Redcorpsworld
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      Hi doomknightofchaos,

      The fact that you are leveling up due to the xp should make things easier. The levels do not get harder they play the same if you replay levels. If you are talking about camps well no.... That depended on the camp level? Also the fact that you spend the xp is all about the build you want? Just putting all the xp into the camp leveling up will only cause you pain. Hopefully that makes sense hope all is cleared up now. 

      Kind regards
    5. doomknightofchaos
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      • 10 kudos
      That doesn't clear up anything.

      In order to reach level 10 Character, I need a level 10 Camp. The higher the camp level is, the nastier the zombies are in the camp map. The higher my character level is, the nastier the zombies in missions/quests. In order to get many skills I need to be Character Level 10+. I try to spread out my XP spending so that my Character and Camp level are at the same amount. However, even having them currently at 10, I'm not finding new recipes to craft weapons or armor to survive the current content. So having more XP doesn't help me much, as the current content is too deadly because I don't have the gear available to make it doable. 

      And the skills are fairly weak and super expensive in terms of XP. Like level 3 melee is 10000 xp per step, and I only get a boost after spending 40000 xp. The amount of extra xp given by the mod is still not high enough for me to afford that any time soon.

      Thats why I was wondering how the mod was made. So that I can tweak my own experience further. Make the skills cheaper and more powerful, because the current ones offer a pitiful bonus that I haven't even noticed a difference with. 

      EDIT: I found a program that can read .ynm files. Apparently its a format also used by Warhammer Chaosbane, and so someone made a program for making it possible to read and write in them. 
    6. Redcorpsworld
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      I hear what you are saying and in fact I agree most of the things are painful. But you are choosing to level up the camp knowing it makes things get harder. You could of grinded then leveled up like you said. 

      I am planning to make a vortex extension for the game so if you make mods you can make collection. 

      "Warhammer Chaosbane" Its made for xbox creation tool or windows if that makes sense. It allows you to decompile most of the files in the right way making it a lot more fun to mod with. The fact is they use sha256 on some of the files so it can make it a pain... I've been busy with stuff if you have questions on how to mod it hit me up. I'll give you some pointers.

      Kind regards
    7. EvoKaneki
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      broo, you have a skill issue...
      i play the game and it was so EZ. every time i run a mission, i always make the level higher than my current level and it's still the same.
      i think you play this game in rush and barbaric
  4. kamtar
    • member
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    I'm a bit lost, is V.7.1 Grindless-3-V-7-1 the same but modified version of Overhaul v1-3-V-1-1 ?
    So you need only one or the otherm bc the 2 edit the same file ?
    If so, what is the difference ?
  5. dontgivea
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    I've made my own version of the replacement files, so that the zip is only 40mb instead of the multiple hundred mb you currently have listed.

    Let me know if you want me to provide this.

    It works the same as the current one but only includes the files modified from the originals.
    1. Redcorpsworld
      • premium
      • 5 kudos

      Been on leave for a bit and just now getting back into it. What compression format did you use? I would love to chat about it.

      Kind regards
    2. ShadoxLunik
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      (sorry for off-topic but glad to see a modder on that game) 
  6. Azulius
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    wow.. amazing, you modified 5,259 Files across 1,784 Folders, cant even imagine the ammount of work
    1. Redcorpsworld
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      Not every file is modified but making sure that they work I had to upload the whole sections that interacted with each other. I can make anything in this game but the sad truth is that I can't keep going without funding.

      Kind regards
  7. twlee88
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    love this game but unfortunately the mod scene is not very active.

    As for this mod itself, i'll say its brilliant. the quality of life improvement  brilliant! however, the +100% movement speed is overkill, anyway to turn it down?
    1. Redcorpsworld
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      Hi twlee88,
      There is a way to turn it down. If you can tell me what you want I can most likely program it. 
  8. Hhazael
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    almost 2 years passed please add pov 
    1. Redcorpsworld
      • premium
      • 5 kudos

      Its on the road map for overhaul.
    2. n1cck
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Yeah, ability to change FOV will make a big difference.
  9. MauroP
    • member
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    Hi,I was wondering about your update,I know it's been a while but:

    Also making a mod that adds 2000 new items and other things...

    is it done or? I cannot find link for your discord or anything like that.Idk do you still have those updates at all? 
    1. Redcorpsworld
      • premium
      • 5 kudos

      I've made it and it works. But....
      I don't have testers so development is slower than a snail. Yes I could post it but the problem is that I don't want people to have a bad time with my mod. I strive to make mods that people can be happy with that are stable. If the mod has the chance to mess up a save I will not post it but when its stable I will.
      Its in beta at this moment and has around 1800 lost count after a bit hahahah. I used a DB and queried the values for the config files to speed up my progress. Makes it less error prone since it makes the files for the mod. I've taken a public DB that had values for items and repurposed them for this game. I queried the DB to change the values for groups like melee and guns with the mean for the damage for each group. Still needs a lot of balance. I can always change the values. The animation was the nail pulling part since I had to reverse engineer the animation. Long story short it works but has problems... Cool fact you can edit the files to never do the fall over animation.... Can't be knocked over anymore

      I am a single programmer so this is slow and a money pit. I had to make custom tools since this game was made with Microsoft tools. Not going to go into detail since its already to long. 

  10. bukoloco
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Hi, tried  your mod but it won't let me start/play the game. I pasted the mod to replace the folder and files as per instruction. But I only get two beeps when the game is about to restart, then nothing. The Steam play button is green again. Tried game without the mod and it starts with no issues. Note: I installed v7.1 and not the old one. Did I miss any step?

    I got it working, I guess v7.1 was a patch? Just used v7 and it worked right out of the box. Thanks!
    1. Redcorpsworld
      • premium
      • 5 kudos

      bukoloco thank you for letting me know. To my tests it should work but they could of updated it.
      I do have a mod in the working that is a overhaul to the game but its a money pit. I plan to update and make more mods for this game but can't make anymore for the time. 
      If you want something made make a comment on this mod and I might make it or update this mod with it ;)

      Want to know why I've been gone:
      I've been really busy lately taking care of my partner. I've not really talked about it on any platforms and had to go dark.

      Kind regards
  11. mrmrchoice
    • member
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    What version is this compatible with?
    1. Redcorpsworld
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      Hi mrmrchoice,

      Always up to date how sensitive these files are? You have problem or something?

      Kind regards