Fallout 4
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  1. rdunlap
    • premium
    • 162 kudos
    I could not understand why Bethesda didn't give us at least one Player Home or settlement that was weather tight and secure. This is my fix for it.
    This is the combined Rebuilt Series and gives you all the rebuilt homes in one esp. As each gets done it will be added to this mod as well.

    Enjoy the mod and let me know what you think. Don't forget to endorse it if you think its worth a download so others will give it a try. Post any issues you may have here and I will get it fixed.

    FOMOD installer version added to downloads page. The FOMOD installer lets you choose your options during installation with your Mod Manager.

    It turns out that SateliteWorldMap.esp that comes with Satellite maps breaks several things not just my mods. So for now until he addresses it *(I am going to PM him) don't use the esp just the textures. What the esp does is change the World cell borders which moves X 0 and Y 0, since Bethesda used the world cell for some of the stuff involving these houses *(only random it seems) this made those parts go away to somewhere. Probably hanging over the institute. Anyhow you can still use the mod because the map is SUPER cool. Its only the esp that breaks things.

    ### Update: XunAmarox has released a better version of Satellite World Map here

  2. lapdragon
    • premium
    • 64 kudos
    List of settlements that we plan to rebuild (in rough order).

    Croup Manor *Done
    Taffington Boathouse *Done
    Somerville Place *Done
    Spectacle Island *Done
    Jamaica Plain *Done
    Kingsport Lighthouse *Done
    Coastal Cottage *Done
    Tenpines Bluff *Done
    Sunshine Tidings *Done
    Murkwater Construction Site *Done
    Home Plate *Done

    Egret Tours Marina
    Country Crossing
    Hangman's Alley

    and maybe more to come after!

    I'm gonna make this one a sticky, and not to be mean, but we'll start deleting new "what's next guys" comments, just to keep the thread cleaner. :-)
    1. Grifman
      • member
      • 13 kudos
      Any updates coming soon? Been a while since any were uploaded. Or has worked stopped on this mod?
    2. ceano
      • premium
      • 134 kudos
      Seems like they just abandoned the mod without a word and without at least release a final version of what they got
    3. NeuroticPixels
      • premium
      • 124 kudos
      Yeah I'd like to know, too, if this is ever going to be updated. I really, really want this mod but I'm worried about all the bugs that have been posted.
    4. lapdragon
      • premium
      • 64 kudos
      We've not abandoned the mods - I check comments and issues every week or so, and Robert had just taken a break away from FO4 for a while.

      Robert is presently working on an update to Somerville, and I'm puttering around with Egret Tours and The Mechanist's Lair. Hangman's Alley has been backburnered because the changes that Robert wanted to make were difficult to make without extensive nif editing.
    5. ceano
      • premium
      • 134 kudos
      Good to see that you guys is still here
    6. ceano
      • premium
      • 134 kudos
      WOW...almost 5 month with no news at all what is going on with this mod, i don't expect daily or even weekly news update...just let us know what is going on at least every other month
    7. deleted34304850
      • account closed
      • 57 kudos
      My take on this is, no news is good news.
      My own criteria for mods that haven't been updated in a while is to make a profile in my NMM, and the next time I start a new play through, those mods are not loaded at game start.
      Now, it has to be said, I've been running with this mod in its current state for over a year, and I've not had a single issue with it. When Sim Settlements came to Nexus, I branched a game and put Sim Settlements into the restored Tenpines Bluff settlement and the two of them worked like a dream.
      So, that's my plan with this mod. It won't be loaded as part of my next play through, but with Sim Settlements, and now Snappy House Kit updates, it may be that I won't miss it.
      However, the day this gets updated, I'll be all over this like a rash, because it is an awesome collection of very well done restorations.
    8. ceano
      • premium
      • 134 kudos
      Yes i agree with you if there is a mod that has not announced earlier that they are working of some new content, but this mod has done that so i just want to know how everything is developing and how far gone a new update is.

      NEW content for this mod is...

      Egret Tours Marina
      Country Crossing
      Hangman's Alley
    9. ZalrokSoulDeath1
      • supporter
      • 7 kudos
      DLC Restored Areas Would just be awesome!
  3. rdunlap
    • premium
    • 162 kudos
    Hi everyone!
    It’s been a good long while since any but close contacts have heard from me. I apologize for this, truly I do. However, I had reasons (still do) and have decided to share them so people will maybe understand what is happening and *(hint) what may be coming soon. On Feb 6th 2017 I got up and prepared to return to work from taking a week off for vacation. At that time my morning routine included making a cup of coffee *(important morning milestone this), and then driving the 35 or so miles to work while chatting with Lapdragon *(usually about our mods). On this morning while pouring my coffee I had a heart attack, and either during or subsequently had a spinal stroke when part of the blockages broke loose and blocked blood flow to part of my lower spine. I won’t go into all of it but to recap I was forced to retire from public work and learn to transition from working 6 days a week as a supervisor for a multi-state company to home... all the time home, and to top it all off there are now some pretty severe limitations from the stroke.

    TMI!! Too Much Information! Right? Well, I felt the need to share at least that much. All of the above meant some wide-reaching changes for me to learn to live with and adjust to, a process that is still ongoing. I have a large and supportive family making it easier for me *(4 kids and 15 grandkids) but I had to lay the mods aside for a while. Not having had enough spare brain to apply to the problem, I logged back into the Nexus today for the first time in over half a year and have plans! They are as follows:
    1. Learn my way around this crazy new Nexus layout.
    2. Begin a new playthrough of Fallout 4 to get my appetite whetted for modding it sharpened back up.
    3. Review the Rebuilds in detail and any that need some attention will get it.
    3b. As an addendum to 3 any that we find stable and complete will be indicated on its mod page and it gets checked off the list. We didn’t leave unusable mods in play and the ones we have we have for a long time considered feature complete and *(mostly) bug free. Even the feature complete ones have todo/wishlists associated with them however.
    4. Begin interacting with the community again. This step is last since I am going to move a tad slowly while getting back into Rebuilds, I find my concentration and acuity affected since the changes in my life, so please be patient. I don't handle stress as well as I used too.

    1. WatcherCCG
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      I had intended to ask if the Murkwater rebuild had made it into this compilation yet, but holy crap, let me put that aside (and apologize for the question) to thank the good lord for you surviving that horrible ordeal. I cannot begin to imagine how awful the abrupt changes to your life have probably been, even with such a massive and, from the sound of it, utterly wonderful family supporting you. I hope you can bounce back from this, Robert. Please, take whatever time you still need to get yourself straight after all of this. We'll all just hit that track button (assuming most of us haven't already) and stand by in support of your recovery. God bless and I hope things get better for you, sir.
    2. rdunlap
      • premium
      • 162 kudos
      Thank you!
      They have and continue to regularize. There is a lot of learning to live with new limits involved so its mostly just that the old fart has to get his brain wrapped around it all now. The condition is stable and unchanging at this point. :) I have begun working on the series again btw and murkwater has always been on the list to answer the question. There is a change coming in how we handle the whole series to simplify it for me. we are going to move all the individual settlements here as optional downloads and centralize it all.

      Again thank you for the well wishes. Good friends and great family has sustained me.

    3. WatcherCCG
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      Everything moved to this page as modules? That seems like a good move, keep everything organized in one place, with a simple all-in-one master module as the main file, I would guess.

      And I'm glad things are getting better. Take whatever time you still need, we'll be waiting.
    4. deleted8592883
      • account closed
      • 0 kudos
      First of all, warm wishes on your road of recovery. Thanks for the mods you've created and released - they've brought a lot of joy to a lot of people. I look forward to seeing what you create, and hope that the process gives you something challenging and fun to do.
    5. NoahHall
      • account closed
      • 0 kudos
      Really sorry to hear about all that. I know a lot of people here on the Nexus tend to get a bit upset when mods stop receiving updates with no word on the matter(Hey, at least it means they love your mods!), but I'm glad peoples' patience has paid off and you're recovering and adapting. Really excited to see the rest of the Rebuilt settlements. (Particularly Egret Tours Marina, that collapsed floor in the middle of the building really gets in the way.)

      Try not to overwork yourself, though. No mod is worth worsening someone's health or something like that.
    6. rdunlap
      • premium
      • 162 kudos
      Lapdragon has been at work on Egret for a good while. Last i saw of the project he had a flooring issue to work out but it was shaping up nicely.

    7. wellden
      • premium
      • 188 kudos
      Welcome back from a bad place rdunlap. the older we get, life is full of the unexpected ( I lost my wife to a plane crash) Just wanted to say I am glad you are back and still here! Many thanks for all mod authors do...it's valuable time and unselfishly given for us to enjoy our games more! Much respect and peace
    8. slowone
      • supporter
      • 3 kudos
      I am so sorry to hear of your illness, and glad that you are progressing with help from family and friends, Im just about to launch FO4 after a year away from it and wanted to check up on your mod. Look after yourself and thank you for your work.
    9. Frogzilla82
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Would love more updates to this. Hope you recover well.
    10. Nite0Xcom
      • premium
      • 17 kudos
      Best wishes on your recovery and health.
      The Rebuilt Series were always some of my favorite touch up mods. Glad to see you're still around.
      I hope you take all the time you need getting back to things. Your health and well being has to come before everything else..
    11. Faunts
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      Wishing you a speedy recovery, what an awful thing to go through! Sounds like you have a great support network though, times like these really make you appreciate those around you. Have a wonderful day.
    12. thunderlord2200
      • supporter
      • 3 kudos
      my god really happy you survived that with out to much ill effect. i hope you are doing better and feeling alot better over all. sry to hear how bad it was. just glad u are still around. must injoy the life u have to the fullest now
    13. RadioactiveToaster16
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Im so sorry about your injury. i hope you recover fine. but one question... NX farming pro isnt on the nexus any more, idk why.
  4. BSteezy
    • member
    • 1 kudos
  5. darchangel89
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Is there any way to just get the added workshop items? I really enjoy building my own settlements, and always tear everything down and rebuild it from scratch, but I install this mod, just to get those workshop items
    1. BSteezy
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      It's been years since this question, but if anyone is wondering the same, you can much the same look as these buildings with Snappy Housekit, although that mod has a ton more assets as well.  One thing this mod has that Snappy Housekit doesn't is the red and green Pier Shack pieces this mod uses to make the small buildings at Tenpines Bluff.  Someone could probably create their own mod to provide this by duplicating vanilla pier shack pieces and doing material swaps. 
  6. Maaryolvus
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    Is every rebuilt settlement you have on here so far merged into this mod or no?
  7. Camster8o8
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Does this mod require CC content? I dont have it all and some houses are just invisible/completely missing for me; Sunshine tidings, tenpines and a couple others. Just wondering if that is the culprit or if i've done something wrong here lmao
  8. legoman9570
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Loved using this mod when it first came out, and I am probably going to reinstall it again for my bajillionth playthrough. Are there any plans to continue restoring other settlements as well?
  9. oisinanderson26
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I just started a new game recently and found this, and first of all, I just wanted to say that this is a beautiful mod and I love the restored houses.  I'd like to use this every time I revisit the game, I think.

    I've run into a couple of weird situations with it, tho. Nothing too game breaking so far, but the CC Deco beds crash Croupe Manor as soon as I save(I wound up just not using them), and for some reason, even though I own all the settlements, Preston keeps trying to send me to "clear out" the bunker at the Coastal Cottage. Not the Coastal Cottage itself- just the bunker.  I wouldn't mind so much, but the radio beacon doesn't fit so I have to use console commands to get past all that, and then Preston just assigns it to me again. Finally I just decided to leave it in my quest log since I don't really need Preston any more and can leave him at the Castle.  No matter what I do or what mods I have, he finds new and interesting ways to bedevil me. It probably boils down to mod conflicts of some kind, but I wanted to mention these things just in case anyone ever wants to revisit or update the mod.

    Rdunlap, I hope you're ok and wish you the best- I know you went through a lot awhile back.  Anyway, thank you for these creations!

  10. fargoth83Amschend
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    The mod does not work for me. Only thing that could possibly conflict with it is the settlement surplus mod I have installed. Houses are indeed rebuilt but rubble, junk and such remains. Some of the doors are sunk into the ground so you can't enter them except with console commands. A bit disappointed but I read of the health issues the modder is having and I just want to wish him all the best. 
    1. streetyson
      • member
      • 116 kudos
      Do you use a PRP/FPSfix type of mod? They'd prob conflict without patches, but may work if you load this Rebuilt Series after them?
  11. DarthVedda
    • premium
    • 8 kudos
    I have used this mod for years, it works fine.   Never had any of the issues or bugs that have been posted here.  Maybe I've just been lucky.
  12. VictorDoUrden
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Really needs to be a note that mod wont work without the windows installed as well
  13. bIackjack95
    • supporter
    • 4 kudos
    Having an issue where the houses are like colliding with the old house? How do I fix this?


    1. mechaaries
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      chunk it down the loadorder that usually helps.