Requirements (important!! You will get brown face if you don't have these, there's nothing to be done
about this for some reason bethesda decided to be super finicky about
missing textures in Fo4)
Looksmenu (And all its requirements)
Femsheppings KS Hair Conversions
Eyes of Beauty - grab the compatibility plugin in the fomod
HN66s Long Lashes
Looksmenu Customization Compendium
Extended Facial Sculpting
(Edit: Don't get ThBrows, already included in LMCC. my bad XP)
Soft Requirements (I don't think missing these will be as problematic but if you want the best results grab these!)
Hipoly face
FSM body textures (i use oni face and body w/ 2k sizes but using vanilla sizes is more broadly compatible so just do whatever is more convenient for you :] )
Important! If using 2k sizes also make sure to grab - natural face 2k textures, as well as 2k sizes for all the textures linked.
The K makeup - makeup replacer, i only use the eyeliner/shadow replacers but ymmv if you want the lipstick replacer
CC's improved haircolors - much milder colors, looks way less cartoony
EOW Makeup Colors
Recommended mods
Facelight (also grab the third person fix!)
CLO - custom lighting overlay - adds a lightweight customizable overlay to make the world brighter/more colorful/contrasted. super useful if you want reshading but don't wanna deal with an enb