Fallout 4


  1. Tinuvia
    • premium
    • 303 kudos
    Version 1.5.2
    adds some SS2 Chapter 3 compatible building plan variants and some bug fixes. 

    Adds new Chapter 3 tags for 3 building plans

    • Watchtower: TurretTower 1x1, Citadel 2x2
    • Prison: The Slam

    Adds chapter 3 variants for 6 building plans

    • Armory: Sierra Army Depot Interior
    • Battlefield scavengers: Front Line Scroungers Interior
    • Field Medic: Band Aid Ward Interior
    • Messhall: Bang Bang Canteen Interior
    • Recruitment center: Headhunter Interior
    • Training Yard: Leg Day Interior

    Renames 2 building plans
    To avoid confusing the new chapter 3 building classes with the building plans

    • interior "Messhall" is now called "Communal Dining"
    • interior "Field Hospital" is called "Makeshift hospital"

    Various Bug fixes

    • Replaced some meshes that were moved from SS2 to Extended to make room for chapter 3 on xbox (these would not have caused crashes, just invisible objects).
    • Fixes wrong mesh path for some decorations in the CoA buildingplan skins
    • Fixes the missing walls in the 2x2 multi-residential Townhouse Stone  (at level 3)
    • Fixes the bed in Harman Kardan (was mistakenly set as Player Bed)
    • Removes the extra sleeping bag in L1 Van House

    Hope you enjoy playing!
  2. alanq64
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    So I loaded SS2 and all the add-ons one by one because I was getting ctd. This one along with 27 others will not let me get past the loading screen. I have BAKA uploaded and my plug-ins are well below the max. I have no idea why some work and this is one of several that don't. Buffout 4 isn't working with NG yet. This is a list of the ones I found not working.
    wasteland venturers ss2, vault tec tools, shazbot's cots, settlers at war, settlers at play, so i made plans, apocalyptic additions sirlach, simhomesteadscrappers, ss2robotmod, capital wasteland robots patch, caravansnatex 1.3, brick and clay, tiny living 3.1, tech settlements, ruined homes and gardens 2, new holidays, junk town 2, dzk's concrete defensible positions, rags and riches, prarandomaddon2, powerful plots for superlative settlers, mysticrogues_ss2plotcraft, legalize the commonwealth, have a nuka sim settlements 2 plot, happy trails, downtown 2
  3. Dipskcit
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    How do you get the armored wall plans to line up nicely? 
  4. LizardCor
    • premium
    • 15 kudos
    Well done mod. Thank you
  5. fettyonfettyonfetty
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hello, some of the city plans from the Wasteland Venturers pack require ArmorKeywords.esm to function. The only downloadable versions of this on Nexus are extremely bloated mods, or a standalone by the name armorkeywords.esm which turns half my game text into french. Is there any work arounds for this? 
    1. Tinuvia
      • premium
      • 303 kudos
      I think you may have posted on the wrong mod. Wasteland venturers does not include any city plans.
  6. DhannyBoy
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Mod is lovely and the additions rule! As an aside, is it possible to have a standalone ice cream freezer for placing in player homes without needing the plot? (I'm also curious if the freezers system to turn batter into ice cream is anything like Buddy's ability to make Ice Cold beverages, and/or if they could do each other's function)
    1. Tinuvia
      • premium
      • 303 kudos
      Thanks! :)
      Hm - we'll consider a standalone machine for when we get around to the next update. It’s the same principle as Buddy’s system but a different list of ingredients and products so it isn’t interchangeable, unfortunately.
  7. localidiot1
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This mod is glassed, don't bother downloading
    1. Tinuvia
      • premium
      • 303 kudos
      In what way is it not working for you?
    2. localidiot1
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      In the way that Kinggath had to re-upload SS2 because the new engine glassed literally all of Nexus
    3. Tinuvia
      • premium
      • 303 kudos
      Kinggath had to re-upload the latest version of SS2 because he initially uploaded with the ba2-archives packed in the NG-version of creation kit, so that the archive header was set to the new versions (7 and 8) instead of the old version (1). He reverted to the pre-NG version and re-uploaded. 

      However, that has no bearing on this mod since it has not been updated with the NG-version of the creation kit, meaning this mod is compatible for both players who have and haven't upgraded. I have reverted to the old version of ck until either the new archive headers are patched by Bethesda, or long enough time has passed that F4SE and dependent mods have updated, and the player base has moved to NG.

      Are you having issues with this mod?
    4. GenesisBravo
      • premium
      • 18 kudos
      same here, I've isolated this mod, when activated, I crash
    5. Tinuvia
      • premium
      • 303 kudos
      This mod in itself doesn't cause crashes. It has been verified by myself and several others on various load orders, on the old FO4 version (before April 25th) as well as on the new NG-version. 

      Crashes in FO4 can be caused by anything from a broken mesh or texture to graphics driver updates and not least mod conflicts. You can get the best information on what is causing the crash in your game from the Buffout 4 logs. If you run the logs through Auto Scanner you get more readable and detailed information on what could conflict and tips on how to stabilize your load order and game.

      If you get a report from Buffout 4 or the Auto scanner that indicates this mod or a mod conflict involving this mod, please post the crash logs here so I can take a look at them.
    6. Moldius
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      After the new update, I'm having issues with a couple of SS2 mods. This one included. I can't seem to get past the main menu with a new game or when loading a save with this mod enabled.  The same goes for :
      Pra's Random add-on
      SS2 Superstructures
      Junktown 2
      It's not crashing. It just never actually loads. Any ideas?
    7. Tinuvia
      • premium
      • 303 kudos
      Generally when you’re stuck on the main menu loading screen you have reached the script data limit. This can happen either with several large addon packs (such as ours) or if you have lots of city plans. The solution is to install Baka Scrap heap if you haven’t already, this ups the limit and should let you load into the game. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/46340
    8. Moldius
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      I gave it another shot with your advice. Unfortunately, no luck. I'll play around with it more later. Another patch is coming on Monday to screw it up again... Everything was working before this damned update.
    9. Moldius
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      After a lot more investigating, it was the city plan megapack that was stopping the others from working. Once disabled, I was able to start new games and load without issue. Odd that this has only been an issue since the new update. But, at least it's sorted.
    10. Tinuvia
      • premium
      • 303 kudos
      Glad you got it sorted!
    11. EricAntiHero
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      what city plan was it?  I have starlight dome from the megapack running, and it requires WV2 and when i installed through Vortex, I got the infinite load screen with no main menu launch.  I also downloaded Baka to help with extra issues, and that didn't help.  Finally, I just disabled this one and my load times decreased substantially.    
      Never mind, I just read it was the mega pack.  Thing is now i have to download each piece individually to keep my settlements running smoothly.
  8. zeuserich
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    I have a very minor issue with Beans and Books plot - cinnamon buns are missing textures on one side. They used to be perfectly fine, but after some time I noticed that the top half is missing a piece of mesh, and you can see through it. If you take the actual bun it has the same issue, but turning it upside down it looks perfect... which of course doesn't work for those buns that are embedded in the plot. What could've caused this?

    And a separate question - is there a way to force a specific plot plan via console, without cheating and opening all the plots? I had a premade plot set by the settlement plan, which doesn't open until much later in the ss2 quest line, and it's not available in the list yet, and only opens if I open every single building plan and plot.
    1. Tinuvia
      • premium
      • 303 kudos
      Are you using a mesh replacer for the sweet roll? Eg the one from fadingsignal? That would cause the missing pieces.

      To force a plot:
      in the console, click the plot - make sure you select the plot itself and not the items on the plot - and type “cf unlocklevel”. This forces the plot to the next level. There are more specific commands to use for each level, but you have to lock them up in the SS2 wiki under Creating Addons.
    2. zeuserich
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Apparently, I am using exactly that mod from fadingsignal. Was able to fix the issue by unpacking your mod, and replacing the textures with sweet roll/cinnabun ones.

      Regarding plot - I meant that I need to replace the current Beans and Books plot, into the Pushing School recreation/education plot. Unfortunately it's locked until later in the quest line, but the settlement plan put it in the first place, and I replaced it by accident. I was wondering if there's a console command to simply force a plot to change into a different plot.
    3. Tinuvia
      • premium
      • 303 kudos
      Load order won’t matter unfortunately since we are using the vanilla sweet roll and fadingsignal’s mod replaces that vanilla mesh. You may have to experiment - unpacking our archives and removing the texture might work.
      EDIT: I see you fixed the sweet roll

      To change to a specific locked building plan you need the form ID of that plot and you need to find the right console commands on the SS2 wiki - but they’re not “open knowledge” since these are only used by addon creators and other developers.
    4. zeuserich
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      I can find the form id, I think, just by clicking on both plots. It's the command itself which replaces the plots I can't find so far. Found the ones to force them to upgrade, but that's it. Guess I'll just play the quest line and open it naturally. Another way to do it is to refresh the entire settlement, but it has it's own issues too.
  9. ErikaVenice
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    hello i wanted to ask, are there more pizza recipes? because i can only see 3
    1. Tinuvia
      • premium
      • 303 kudos
      Hi, so far there are 5 recipes! The 2 you are missing are unlocked by magazines in two of our building plans
      One is in a plot where you might end up sitting and reading magazines, and it's not in a library. The other is in a dubious restaurant. Let me know if you'd like the actual building plan names
    2. ErikaVenice
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      ohhh thank you, i will look for them and let you know if i cant find em ahahah thanks for the tips!
    3. ErikaVenice
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      hello, i have sort of given up on the search, would you please tell me the name of the plans T-T thank you <3
    4. Tinuvia
      • premium
      • 303 kudos
      The recipe for Cait’s cat pizza can be found in the 2x2 recreational (or municipal sanitation?) “The Shitter”. The recipe for Raider pizza is in the 2x2 commercial “Raider Grill” - it requires ingredients which are sold by the Raider Grill vendor, but custom vendors can be a bit wonky at times.
    5. ErikaVenice
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      my apologies, but i do have both of them up and running, how do i aquire the recipes?
    6. Tinuvia
      • premium
      • 303 kudos
      They might turn up first at level 3, otherwise look around inside the buildings
    7. ErikaVenice
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      it worked! thanks :)
  10. 0931abc
    • supporter
    • 5 kudos
    Sir,Can I make a Chinese translation text
    1. Tinuvia
      • premium
      • 303 kudos
      EDIT: If you want to translate to Mandarin there is already a translation here, maintained by ChosenOfAtom: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/59487 However, that translation is only for version 1.4.0 of Wasteland Venturers.
    2. 0931abc
      • supporter
      • 5 kudos
      ok sir
    3. 0931abc
      • supporter
      • 5 kudos
      Sir you food description is really delicious. I on the translated time even wanting to eat a big bucket of ice cream and a big pizaa.Yummy!
  11. Saito404
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    For some reason, Farmer's Glue isn't unlocked for me despite meeting all the requirements.
    EDIT: Nevermind, setstage MinRecruit00 400 fixed it.
    1. Tinuvia
      • premium
      • 303 kudos
      This is an odd bug that a couple of players have encountered. I think might be due to a mod conflict - do you know if you have any mods that make changes to the minutemen quests?
    2. Saito404
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      No, I only have WATM mod. The First step quest was a regular Tempines - Corvega quest.
    3. Tinuvia
      • premium
      • 303 kudos
      From the mod description, WATM does make changes to the minutemen quests (including First Step) but it doesn't say if they changed how the MinRecruit00 stage 400 is set. This could of course just be a vanilla bug too. 

      EDIT: The only other thing I can think about would be if you'd started the Tenpines quest without going through Preston, meaning that it wouldn't be the First Step quest you got but one of the other radiant settlement quests "help, my friend has been kidnapped etc".