Fallout 4


  1. Arthmoor
    • premium
    • 7,431 kudos
    Please read this, you'll be happier for it:

    1. This was created with the official CK.

    2. Yes, the required game version is mandatory. We often have to absorb official updates into our fixes so that everything continues to work properly. Because of this, we will NOT provide older versions of the patch for any reason. Update your game.

    3. Removal of mods is not supported by Bethesda. DO NOT deactivate this patch even if you suspect it of causing some kind of problem. You WILL fubar your game and in doing so, you forfeit any support from us.

    4. Do not unpack the BA2 assets. Doing so forfeits any support from us. Use the mod as distributed.

    5. There is no such thing as a clean save. See #3. Do not follow advice from others claiming this to be true, because it is not, and never will be.

    6. If you send me a PM asking about something that's been covered in the readme, sticky posts, or the description of the mod, I will summarily delete the message without a response. All of the information you need is readily available. Read it.

    7. We do not support Fallout 4 VR on PC or console. Please do not ask. The data files for the game on VR are not identical to the standard PC version and thus we cannot guarantee compatibility and cannot provide support for anyone trying to use it on VR.

    8. We also do not provide patch support for Creation Club DLC. This would require additional expense that few if any team members are willing to put out. Any bugs in this content should be reported directly to Bethesda so they can fix it at the source.

    9. Do not post asking about why the DLC is required, simply accept that it is. No, we will NOT provide you a special non-DLC patch or combinations suited only to certain DLCs. We unified for a reason. Required mean REQUIRED. Any posts on this subject will be summarily deleted without a response, along with any replies from other users prior to us noticing them. This is not a democracy. You don't get a vote. Repeat offenders who don't take the hint will be blocked without notice.

    Provided by BenRierimanu:

    10. Object flicker is not usually the fault of the unofficial patch, please see if your precombine and or previs patch solution is in the correct spot for your load order. For PRP, there's a very big and obvious image on the mod description for what to do there and typically applies to any variant of it, if it doesn't fix the issue, bother me on the respective mod page.
  2. Arthmoor
    • premium
    • 7,431 kudos
    Starting to get why other mod authors have a wall of stickies about stuff like this now, but:

    This mod thread is not a general troubleshooting area. We are here to provide support for the use of UFO4P in your games, not to provide general support for every tangentially related thing in your games. We have been noticing lately that these types of posts coming here are leading people to the false conclusion that this patch is responsible for those problems and then they tell others elsewhere and all context is lost. This ends now.

    From now on, any post not having something directly to do with the UFO4P itself is not permitted here. Go and use the general forums for your general troubleshooting. Nexus has plenty of people who frequent those areas, and so does Reddit. Please go and use those. There are also a number of mod support chat rooms on Discord you could use as well.

    Posts violating this will be locked, removed, and the posters possibly blocked as well.
  3. Arthmoor
    • premium
    • 7,431 kudos
    As was mentioned in other posts, the 2.1.1a update only adds Canary support to help with efforts to track down a potentially lethal engine bug (lethal to your saves that is).

    For details on what exactly that means, see Kinggath's mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/44949

    You'll also need to install that in order for the support to be of any value. So please consider doing so. The more people who install this and play with it running, the sooner the cause can be found and presented to Bethesda for a proper fix.
  4. BenRierimanu
    • premium
    • 465 kudos
    Known issue for PS5 users, PS4 is fine:
    One of the DLC (Workshops / Wasteland Workshop) has a plugin master file that UFO4P and other plguins depend on that's not named correctly to the ones we expect on other platforms. BGS has to fix this one.
  5. Arthmoor
    • premium
    • 7,431 kudos
    If you are getting messages in Vortex that the archives in UFO4P are not valid, please update to the new Vortex stable version. It has been updated to properly read the new archive headers.

    You should be on 1.11.3 or greater for this error to go away.

    I would like to point out again, for the umpteenmillionth time though, that this "error" is only an "error" to the mod manager. The game will not have any issues loading the archives. Ignore it if you don't want to update Vortex for whatever weird reason.
  6. Arthmoor
    • premium
    • 7,431 kudos
    A verifiable test case for the stuttering issue has been created by Glitchfinder. As predicted, it wasn't due to anything WE did, but rather something Bethesda themselves needs to fix. I have the files myself and will link them somewhere in the morning for anyone who wants to verify this themselves.

    The tl;dr of it though is this: ANY mod which makes an edit of ANY kind to an NPC WILL contribute to the issue. It makes absolutely no difference what kind of edit it is, but the issue was introduced with the NG Update. Not by anything we did to the patch.

    EDIT: Here are the files to replicate the test: https://www.afkmods.com/StutterTest.7z

    Use a save in Sanctuary Hills next to the workshop. Install the no overrides version first. Run from there to downtown Concord. You should encounter an FPS hit, but no major hitching or stuttering and by the time you get there all the NPC should have been spawned.

    Exit the game and switch to the file with the overrides. Reload the Sanctuary Hills save. Run to downtown Concord again. You should notice the difference immediately once you've reached where the 2 bloodbugs usually spawn by the car, and it will become increasingly worse as you continue. Assuming your game doesn't crash, you should eventually be able to reach the spawning area and still see raiders dropping in from above. The stuttering should be VERY obvious.
  7. ASavageTurtle
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Hey Arthmoor, as always thanks for the mod. I've been a user of since I got a pc back in '17. Was wondering though, I'm using a downgraded version of F4 and as I've seen a couple of people touch on in threads Vortex is telling me I've got missing masters. CC content I'm assuming. Is there an older version of UF4P I can use or do I just have to suck it up until more mods update?
    Much love Broski,
  8. B3N3VOL3NT
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    "Pick up Coroni's Tesla Cannon" does not grey out upon quest completion.
    New Tesla Cannon "content".
  9. Chromerator
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Will Vortex handle the BA2 assets fine or should I worry about it unpacking those files?
    1. Arthmoor
      • premium
      • 7,431 kudos
      As long as you've updated Vortex to 1.11.3 or later, it will handle it fine.
    2. Chromerator
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Alright. Thank you for the reply!
  10. blackmorth
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    I would appreciate if you could hold 2.1.5 in Old Files for little longer, even if GOG updates to the newer version, as there are still some essential mods that still wasn't updated with NG, like Buffout 4 for investigating and fixing CTDs. Or at least until we have an alternative.

    Thank you for the hard work and keeping up with the updates!
    1. Arthmoor
      • premium
      • 7,431 kudos
      Buffout 4 was updated, not sure why you think it wasn't?

      Our release handling has nothing to do with other mods. It's based on what's being done with the game itself. So if the GOG version updates, then we remove the old copies of the patch that won't be compatible with what they're shipping. If GOG does a stupid and hacks things up believing that the new DLCs need an always-on connection, then we can't support that at all because it deviates from the norm.
    2. FaithXo
      • premium
      • 4 kudos
      Buffout 4 got updated? Where?
  11. sen13
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I was disabling my mods one by one to find out what caused my stuttering. It bringed me here. Regarding that May 15th sticker, do we have to wait and hope if Bethesda makes a new patch to fix this new issue and until then nodody can use any NPC mod with UF4P? Or, is there any chance you Arthmoor will be able to fix this?

    Just asking to know what will be my best approach for a new gameplay. Don't want to play without any of this, UF4P or NPC mods, but also don't believe Bethesda will release any new fix to address this...
    1. Arthmoor
      • premium
      • 7,431 kudos
      We'll all need to wait on Bethesda to fix the issue because only they can. It has absolutely nothing to do with any particular mod, it's an engine issue they caused. Not us, not anyone else.

      If you're on PC though, don't worry too much about it. Unless you install a mod that edits literally every NPC you'll probably never truly notice it.
  12. PegasusKoga
    • supporter
    • 16 kudos
    On XBox i did not have the luxury of stopping the next gen update and it hit me full force.

    After spending an entire night building my LO again i went to sleep with the realization that my game was completely kaput because i got crashes as soon as i entered a cell.  Diamond City?  Crash.  Goodneigbour? Crash.  Most of my settlements?  Yup, crash.

    So i went tabula rasa and deleted all my mods and the game to see if a reinstall would fix things.

    Then i read your bit about the stutters and crashes related to npcs and i'm starting to wonder if i should even bother if it's the game itself that has become flawed.

    You know the game probably as well as Todd Howard so i ask you, should i bother or should i just wait until those complete morons (sorry, i'm angry) at Bethesda try to fix things?
    1. PegasusKoga
      • supporter
      • 16 kudos
      I'm happy to say the Unofficial Patch is not the culprit (thank God).  I am adding my mods again one by one until i find the one that causes the crash and UOP passed the test.

      But i do no longer expect or or ask for an answer now because my problems are not related to this mod.
  13. Invect0
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    my game started crashing when trying to talk to Codsworth after exiting vault 111 and now it crashes everytime i walk in Sanctuary if Codsworth is approx 500 units near me (probably failing to start reunion quest), this only happens when playing on Next Gen for me, i tried XEdit to see if anything conflicts or modifies him and DLCRobot.esm is the only one with minor conflicts and then this patch UFO4P that conflicts with his dialogue and thats all so im i have no idea whats the issue there, i even started crashing after loading a save where i spawned him in Qasmoke cell to test if he truly is the problem and it seems to be the case so the main quest is unplayable unless i use commands to force compete these quest which i dont want therefore i can't play on Next Gen Steam edition
    1. Arthmoor
      • premium
      • 7,431 kudos
      Whatever you're running into isn't a vanilla NG issue or an issue with UFO4P. My new game I've been playing started off with the NG update and has been running flawlessly for 26 hours and counting.
  14. androshalforc
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    hello new player just getting back into fallout

    i see that the prerequisites for this mod include from the creation club

    Enclave Weapon Skins
    Enclave Armor Skins

    those mods dont appear to be available in the creation club anymore. or at least i dont see them there. are they still required or have those mods been absorbed into another mod (enclave remnants? ).

    if they are required does anyone know where to get them now?
    1. CarrotofTruth
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      You automatically get those with the next gen update.
    2. androshalforc
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      so no longer a prerequisite
  15. NSergioX
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Great joob, but this mod gives me the following bug: Yao Guai Roast showing +0% Melee
    any solution? :O
    1. Arthmoor
      • premium
      • 7,431 kudos
      No. This mod actually fixes that bug and it's never been removed. You have something else undoing it.
  16. redravens13
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Thank you for your work on the patch.  I have no issues with it.  The issues I had before the next-gen upgrade are still occurring.  It comes down to the game engine's limitations, which was and will be on Bethesda.  Your patch does make the game run a tad bit smoother and corrects a lot of aggravating glitches to generally improve game play.  Thank you again.