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About this mod

A large walled city with a a market place, two harbors, a fish market, a neighborhood, a hospital, a fort, a large players home, a senate, a greenhouse, water tower, and a generator. A lot of local shops, shrines, and decor help to give the city a better lived in feel. A city that would easily surpass Diamond City.

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Hey everyone,

So my hope was a fully developed city with its own feel, and I believe I achieved that. There are several notable 'districts' to the city. First, the marketplace includes several shops. a hospital, and the major avenue. There is two harbors, a city one that is smaller and has a fish market, and the national one that can hold large ships and is next to the industrial district. The industrial district has a fully developed green house, a power plant, and a water tower. It's in-between the entertainment district and one of the neighborhoods. The entertainment district is a large Spanish stairs inspired plaza with a bath house and large inn close by. There are two notable neighborhoods (upper and lower) with a large amount of bed space for settlers and designed to feel live in. On the opposite side of the settlement is the "governing" district. That has the main shrine, a theater, a school, a senate, a fort, and a large players home. 

I designed the city to feel like an actual city that was picked for defensiveness and sustainability. I hope you like it!