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About this mod

Give Dogmeat some glue (or other scrap) whilst your companion and he will sniff it for you, adding target map markers for any he finds in the active area. Codsworth's sensors will also detect the same scrap.

Permissions and credits
Give Dogmeat some glue (or other scrap) whilst your companion and he will sniff it for you, adding target map markers for any he finds in the active area. Codsworth's sensors will also detect the same scrap.

Adhesive is the scarce early game resource and Dogmeat's nose is an under used asset. Whilst Dogmeat is your companion he can sniff glue, and the red toolboxes likely to contain glue in the active area. He will update your PipBoy map using coded barks,  mutated opposable claws at the end of his paws, or whatever immersive nonsense works for you.

The player is given a [ SKK Activate scrap detection note ] when the mod is installed (spares can be crafted at Chemlabs). To activate detection, give Dogmeat or Codsworth a [ SKK Activate scrap detection note ] and put one or more detectable MISC components in their inventory. Not junk items, but the actual scrapped component. Adhesive, not Wonderglue.

If you remove the scrap component or the detection note from companion inventory, or dismiss them the detection will clean up and stop when the player next changes location.

Detection range is the default game loaded & active area, which is a radius of 10K game units around the player (roughly Sanctuary workbench to the statue). You will only be notified of unowned items in the area as theft is bad, mmmkay ?

Not only adhesive, there is more ! Dogment will sniff and Codsworth will sense any (one at a time) of the following:

Adhesive and the Red Toolboxes it lives in
Nuclear material
Ammo Boxes and Dufflebags
Wild Vegetable Starch plants

If you put multiple types of scrap component in your companion inventory, they will find the top one from that list in order. For ammo any standard ballistic 10mm, 38, 45 or 308 round will trigger detection. The companion ignores MISC junk items, it's only the raw scrap components and ammo that will trigger detection.

If you want them to carry scrap or ammo without detecting it, remove the [ SKK Activate scrap detection note ]. 

Craft Wild Vegetable Starch. There's heaps of useless rad infested starchy food growing wild around the map that wants to be harvested, but for what ? Codsworth will give you an old General Atomics family recipe during his first detection cycle (any component) so you can make Wild Vegetable Starch for glue. If you give the recipe to your companion, they will use it to detect the wild plant components for you.


In a 15 minute run between Sanctuary, Rocket, Wicked and Egg Rock Pond there are:
13 wild Tato, 21 wild Corn and 68 wild Mutfruit ... get 'em all and cook up some gluey glue. 

Compatibility: The mod has no dependencies on extenders or DLCs and does not change any existing base game scripts, assets or objects. As with 98% of SKK mods, its 100% pure new Creation Kit forms and scripts. 

This mod should work with Dogmeat + 1 companion mods. If you have both as companions Dogmeat detection takes priority over Codsworth. Just try it - nothing can break as the mod actually touches nothing in the game.

Known issues:

(1) Junk, red toolboxes and ammo boxes you have already scavenged before enabling this mod scrap detection may be highlighted, even though they are empty until the cell resets. Either activate them to clear the marker, or ignore them. Checking each container contents just takes too long, best to believe that the boxes are sniff proof.

(2) If you are still running this mod when cells reset and the containers refill (between 8 and 24 real life hours @ default 20:1 timescale) they will not be re-marked. Time stamping and unmarking them to re-detect without crippling script performance is work in progress.

PC Manual install and disable

Copy SKKDogmeatSniffsGlue.ESP and  SKKDogmeatSniffsGlue – Main.BA2 to your...\Fallout 4\Data directory, enable in the Bethesda mod menu, mod manger or whatever. Take the permission note off your companion and change location until the markers clear to keep things clean. The ability to craft Wild Vegetable Starch and any cooked inventory items will of course disappear. Only remove mods if you are happy to accept potential conflicts from load order changes in a save game.  

FAQ What about an ESL version ? SKK mods will not be published in ESL format, because life contains sufficient hassle.

FAQ Would I remove the inference that animals could abuse substances ?
Absolutely, no problem as soon as you remove all base game rewards for the human player's substance and chemical abuse that destroys real lives. Along with torture, cannibalism and ... irony ?

SKK Companion related mods 

SKK Unlock all Companions - anyone available with no quests or effort.
SKK Companion Weapon Auto Upgrade - automatically upgrade default weapons with player level and perks.
Preston is Killable by SKK - break out the shovels. 
Kellogg  CerealKiller companion - reboot an angry companion.
Dogmeat sniffs glue Codsworth senses scrap - put them to work.
SKK Hostile companion actions - companions perform autonomous theft and murder.

SKK mods for Fallout4 will no longer be maintained on from July 2021
If you have read the comprehensive solution description and still need support, use the SKK Mods Discord channel

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SKK solutions are provided as-is for personal use only. No commercial use, monetization, re-use, packaging, re-packaging or distribution of SKK created code/scripts in whole or in part is allowed.
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