Elden Ring

File information

Last updated

Original upload

Created by

Wolfalpino2 or TandC or Yoruichi

Uploaded by


Virus scan

Some manually verified files

About this mod

This is a first- upload and an introduction to the project I'm working on.

This first upload will replace some change your main menu screen and loading, plus some other UI stuff.

I know that's not it, but i prefer to release something more consistent when it's ready and stable, so be patient.

Permissions and credits
The porpoise of this project is to rework many aspects of the game

Swords ready, just need to finish different versions of them, with different templates

The final realease will come with Hack & Slash and Seamless coop.

I will probably rework also H&S a bit, but can't be sure now.

Armor pieces are on the way.

You have the option to change the Symbol on the Sword (and Armor in future release):

.Rar with all the Symbols ready for swapping and the instructions on how to do that in the same file/folder is uploaded



installed aside of your main game
(or somewhere in your Hard disk)
to be sure to play offline and Main Game File Safe

(Check below)

Once you have ME2, you must drop the content inside the "mod" folder. (ME2 -> mod). Specifically, the weapons and armors will be in the "parts" folder:

ModEngine2 -> mod -> parts

Same is for the UI which will be in the "hi" folder and go in the:

 ModEngine2 -> mod -> menu    folder.  

Everything should be fine, just check that everyhing is in place

then start the game from "Claymores in the Continent" link

Detailed instructions in the Readme

(Thanks to TADcanoe)


for a better experience in the Claymores way
download it from the nexus and place it in the ModEngine 2 "mod" folder (just follow those instructions)

before installing Claymores mod

Suggested/Highly Recommended:


If you want to play with friends use Seamless coop  (with same password and exact same version/mods installed)

->  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZFyM2j84OM

->   https://www.nexusmods.com/eldenring/articles/94
Seamless Coop password for the Project:


While i'm actually more busy with modding then playing, the group is set and needs to be populated for a better experience/quality for the project
Be patient and share the project/help support installing so we might have a community to play with, feel free to join my Discord aswell

Seamless Coop with this project requires (or will require) to have the same game version installed (vanilla + mods)
So i suggest you to make a dedicated new ModEngine2 folder in your Hard drive and put the main mod file from this page in it

While it requires a bit (5 minutes if you are already pratical a bit) to set up Seamless Coop working, this can improve your experience in the game

The Final realease will Inlcude or require other mods, like:

- ER Hack 'n' Slash
Remove Spirit Summon Color
- Seamless Coop

other mods you find fitting for the project feel free to suggest me on discord or comments, i might not be aware of them at the present moment

Also Check:

- Youtube project list -> Claymores in the Continent

- THE 3 MAIN ARTICLES of this mod IN THE "ARTICLES" Section

Reddit page (sometimes i publish stuff there) ->   r/Claymore

the project is bigger

Feel free to join the crew if you want to help 

future releases want to be more Game-changing. 
I'm Actually LF help for some major and minor works/reworks in the project, so join if you are interested and free

If you like the idea, I suggest you to start playing this first realeases for fun and wait for the future release to be played for real (new run or ng+ in offline/seamless coop)