Dragon Age: Origins

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  1. HollownessDevoured
    • member
    • 40 kudos

    Return to Ferelden (Ferelden Revision), is a revision of Ferelden project, which means it is meant to evolve further. This mod is expected to have update installments that may be released/updated in the coming months. The next is the the Areas and Atmosphere Expansion, the editing of areas (waypoints, NPC behaviour, etc.), addition of areas and the addition/editing of more MORs (slight makeovers to custom).
    Update 27/03/2024 
    Notice: Bad news, I think I might stop adding/updating mods on Nexus. The new colour theme direction Nexus is going is murder on my eyes, so my high activity to help with troubleshooting and providing more mods just won't be possible. The high contrast will just be too much eye strain. Sorry guys. I am debating on finishing up my last project or not, or migrating to another modding site. Thank you for all the support.
    Update 26/04/2024 
    Notice: Nexus closed the top beta concerns thread on the feedback board and locked the beta feedback posts, including one I had made. They are shutting down anyway for people to give feedback on the top issues (one they reconsidered after some backlash on the feedback board).

    I am done. Unless more/other people complain (aka enough backlash), they clearly just don't want to hear it from me specifically, I see no reason to stay on the site. For now I am just going to lock all comments sections since I will not be providing any more troubleshooting as long as Nexus plans to implement this high contrast theme. I can just move on to other projects and sites. I may remove all my mods off nexus eventually too. Sorry to disappoint everyone but I am very disappointed and disheartened at nexus, this is no longer a place that brings me joy.
    Update 27/04/2024
    Bug! Solved: I believe I have found out the reason for some things not working for some players. RtF module must be enabled for Denerim Sundial/Chantry Door to work. But if you do not want Amaranthine just delete the RtF_module.erf in the addin file. I know I am basically inactive now, but I thought I'd at least share this fix quick.
  2. forfunandmore
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Hello Hollow, I'm playing the mod with Areas and Atmosphere without the Amaranthine Portion, I really like the rest of the changes/additions to the game like Night Denerim and Dynamic Weather at Lake Calenhad. They are amazing by the way! How would I remove the Amaranthine Map placeable on the Allied Supply Crates in the Party Camp? https://i.imgur.com/elVRV9z.png

    I've tried deleting and editing the values of //Amaranthine Map in the Return to Fereldan\Ambience and Environment\Placeables by Location\Party Camp\party_camp.ncs file and recompiling them with the DAO Toolset and loading a save before Lothering (Because I assume (bEnteredLothering) is triggered by entering Lothering) but no luck so far. Thanks again for providing the source files Hollow:)

    Also might I suggest in case you don't know already that there are some browser extensions that allows you to customise background and text colours to help with your eye strain? Mine works on all webpages, and it's easy to toggle on/off with a click. Hope it helps!
    1. HollownessDevoured
      • member
      • 40 kudos
      Sorry I was away for a week house sitting. 

      Try deleting genip_map_ext.utp.
    2. forfunandmore
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      No Bueno ;-; I tried deleting "object oMap = UT_GetNearestObjectByTag(oMainControlled, GENIP_MAP_EXT);" from party_camp.ncs and recompiled. I also tried removing the entire (Ambience and Environment) + (Areas and Atmosphere) folders and it is still showing. 
    3. HollownessDevoured
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      • 40 kudos
      That is weird, did you try a fresh or first time load of the area? Or only the save file that you saved it there?
    4. forfunandmore
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Yep, also before entering lothering on an old character that hasn't had any modules installed (Except RfCIP for RtF) . Everything else is removed but the map https://i.imgur.com/hzjfVf6.png
    5. HollownessDevoured
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      • 40 kudos
      Do you have multiple party_camp.ncs? Sometimes I  even with fresh loads can still have like a temporary saved version of a NCS file saved in a game, forcing the older version to keep showing but usually clear up in a day or so. Did you try doing a search of genip_map_ext.utp?

      Also, and just to clarify you do not have the RtF module? Because it is there. In fact, I don't think I have the map on the Ambience and Environment party_camp.ncs I think I blanked it out.

      Update via PM:
      Hello:) You locked the comments so I am messaging instead, apologies if you're too busy to make replies!
      I made sure that there is only ever one party_camp.ncs file yeah, however genip_map_ext.utp does not seem to exist in any of the folders not even RfCIP for RtF. Perhaps I am missing something? Also, I've tried disabling Return to Fereldan DAZIP in the DA:O ModManager and the map disappeared, so maybe it is tied to the DAZIP itself? I have no idea how to edit DAZIPs though, if the map can't be removed then I will settle for a smaller resize of the map so that it is not overlapping the crates if it is even possible.​​​​​ Thanks again Hollow for the amazing mod and all your help!
      Yes, I am no longer modding or providing troubleshooting support on nexus, I left a notice on those locked threads on why.

      Yes, it is tied to the dazip (RtF module = Amaranthine), it (the map) is the entire entry point of the RtF module to Amarantine. Sorry, I didn't think you had it (the RtF module), or else you wouldn't need it (the map) to be removed. So just disable/uninstall the module?

      Areas and Atmosphere doesn't need RtF module to work, they can be separate, aka Denerim day/night, Lake Calenhad Docks, etc. I just lumped them under the same download since they are all areas.
  3. BPM64
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    I'm getting a vey annoying bug afte the tower ishal skip, where everywhere, including inside the buildings, there is this stormy and windy weather, could you help me?
    1. HollownessDevoured
      • member
      • 40 kudos
      Oh, strange the VFX clears for me every time. I'll look into this when I get back home/to my PC, I am away for the long weekend atm.
    2. BPM64
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Hey so you know, the problem went away after i traveled from camp to the kokari Wilds. 
    3. HollownessDevoured
      • member
      • 40 kudos
      I'll still look into it when I get back home :)
    4. HollownessDevoured
      • member
      • 40 kudos
      So, I looked at my script and the VFX is removed, did you by accident delete tower_skip.ncs?
  4. TheDrifterVerse
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    First off, great mod; closest thing we'll get to a remaster.

    One small problem: I am on the second level of the Brecilian Ruins right after the room with a bunch of pressure plates and skeleton guys. I open a double door that has 2 arcane warriors on either side, and they start spamming spells that causes the game to freeze within a second of the door opening. This is the second encounter with these arcane warriors, the first is in the fountain puzzle and those guys were acting weird standing in the corner and what looked like to me, just spamming buffs, they had a bunch of spell failed or something lines above their heads, idk they didn't crash the game so I didn't pay attention.

    Small side note: I got a 2h sword from the quartermaster in the mage's circle that has spell shield on it and as a warrior it just makes me invincible because all damage just drains stamina. Also, in the mage's circle, the female apprentices were just floating heads. I don't have any mods that would affect that, I don't think, and it is not very noticeable, seeing as how the one alive one (Keili) is in the back, and the rest are just heads on the floor that most people wouldn't notice.

    Other than all that, it's great! :)) I really liked the skipping of Loghain's cutscenes before Lothering; really makes it more immersive with how you find out what he's doing through dialogue and gossip.
    1. HollownessDevoured
      • member
      • 40 kudos
      If your game cannot handle the Arcane Warriors delete lair_of_the_undead_mons.ncs.

      The 2h sword is not from my mod, maybe check your other mods?

      Floating heads is missing resources or conflicts. Do you have all the required mods? Specifically, Cross-Mod Integration (Connect the Mods)?
    2. TheDrifterVerse
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Okey, nevermind it was not the arcane warriors. I have seen the text above their heads and it just says spell immunity. I originally blamed them because they are the only enemies I can see. I deleted the file like you said and nothing changed, however my save is right at the door if I run away it crashes if I go through the door it drops to 2 fps then freezes.

      probably kossith armory has the sword, forgot to delete that when starting a new game and now I'm too scared to delete mid playthrough (:

      I removed the robes in the files and the women and one of the men were naked so I assume it might be a conflict idk I don't have anything that should conflict so I thought I'd bring it to your attention just in case. I've since moved on from mage's circle and haven't seen it anywhere else so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    3. HollownessDevoured
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      • 40 kudos
      Sadly, you'd need to re-enter the area again so that they are no longer there. You saved the hostiles into the area after entering.

      Yes, removing/deleting the UTI files would then make them naked. They are dressed in unique clothing that require the resources files mentioned. So if you are sure you have all the required mods, then a conflict is probably it. Conflicts are sorted on your end.
    4. TheDrifterVerse
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you for timely responses :)

      I was able to fix it by walking down the stairs with the camera close and facing behind me. The arcane warriors were NOT the cause, I assume it might be the horror demon but idk :)
    5. HollownessDevoured
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      • 40 kudos
      Sorry, I misunderstood I thought you meant nothing changed, as in they didn't get removed.

      It can be a sticky area, I get the odd crash there once in a while. Before and after my mod.
  5. Iamzadrotko
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Just arrived in Lothering and met Carver Hawke. Or just his floating head, cause he doesn't have a body! Latest version with all optional files...
    1. HollownessDevoured
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      • 40 kudos
      Sounds like you are missing Back to Ferelden that is the Carver outfit resource.
    2. Iamzadrotko
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Nope, I have it in the "override" folder.
    3. Iamzadrotko
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Oops, as it turned out, Carver is "optional file", while I've only installed main.
    4. HollownessDevoured
      • member
      • 40 kudos
      Yeah, I mention it was for the Carver outfit, but I'll update the required files that it is the optional file. 
  6. Hera1
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I've been trying out your mod and so far, I'm very impressed. Although I've only just wrapped up Ostagar, the changes made I appreciate. But I do
    have a couple of questions. In the past I've used both Extra Dog Slot and Zevran ASAP. To the best of your knowledge, would they be compatible, if
    they're even needed. Beyond those two mods, the other major one I wanted to ask about was Skip the Fade. I admit that I'm one of those people who
    can't stand that section of the Broken Circle quest line. So, is that compatible or needed?

    But congratulations on developing this mod. I can't wait to see more of it as I progress through this run. I also just wanted to report that I've found
    zero bugs or graphical glitches. No missing heads or clothing textures whatsoever. That alone is a good indication of the quality of your work.
    1. HollownessDevoured
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      • 40 kudos
      My mod already has a Zevran after Lothering mod, no clue about Extra Dog slot. I don't skip the fade I have All Shapeshifting from Mouse (Fade Fast Tracking) and Fade Away (Fade Colour Curves). Most report the like the fade after those mods, but if you still want to skip should be fine.

      The size of the mod does mean there may be issues just because of how many files edited, but this mod has been in progress for about 2 years, and republished as a collection 2 times. So that is basically 2 years of troubleshooting but also 2 years of added content.
  7. HawkeyedCadash
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    • 0 kudos
    I think I found a bug in the Dwarf Noble origin with Duncan's Grey Warden friends looking very underdressed (naked).  I checked their UTCs (to make sure the error wasn't on my end) and it just says "grey_warden_armor" without any of the usual class/race/gender markers.  Otherwise, your mod looks awesome and I look forward to further playing through it!
    1. HollownessDevoured
      • member
      • 40 kudos
      You might be missing a required mod or have a conflict. Invisible bodies are not a bug, it is a missing resource or conflict. You are most likely missing RfCIP for RtF or have a conflict with tmp7704's Warden Armors.
    2. HollownessDevoured
      • member
      • 40 kudos
      My bad, naked is missing UTI files or a conflict (for some reason I thought I read invisible), and it is missing, I forgot to redress these NPCs. I'll update today.

      edit: Update available.
  8. David2710
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hello, I would like to leave the Qunari as they were before. Could you tell me what I should delete pls? or if you could make a version without that modification it would be good. Thank you.
    1. HollownessDevoured
      • member
      • 40 kudos
      Delete the following: 

      • DA2 Qunari folder, from RfCIP for RtF
      • Qunari Update folder, from Appearances and Equipment
      • Quanri Armor folder, from Appearances and Equipment
      • epi200cr_sten.utc, from Appearances and Equipment
      • gen00fl_sten.utc, from Appearances and Equipment
      • m_genfl_sten.mor, from Appearances and Equipment 
      That should be all.
    2. David2710
      • member
      • 0 kudos
    3. HollownessDevoured
      • member
      • 40 kudos
      No problem :)
  9. ScrierOne
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    Another Leliana-related request/suggestion. The talent "Coup De Grace" is bugged in that you can lose it during gameplay: in Leli's Song, by equipping and unequipping her default daggers, and in Origins by... well, I don't even know how, but somehow it happened to me EDIT: trying on the Harlequin's Motley. Both of these items "improve backstabs", which grants "Coup De Grace" and then removes it when you unequip the item.

    (Also depending on your intended gameplay style, the talent itself can be kind of a trap to begin with, since it removes the ability to do shatter combos with basic attacks.)

    Point being, I don't suppose you could make a version of ALLeliana.gda that assigns the talent point in "Coup De Grace" to something else? Another point in locks/traps, or Stealth, for example.

    (I tried to do this myself, but couldn't figure out what the GDA lines stand for.)
    1. HollownessDevoured
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      • 40 kudos
      At this point you may just want to remove ALLeliana.gda while playing Leliana's Song. I do not play it enough to understand what the devs messed with or compatibility issues. Maybe I'll rework her ALLeliana.gda in the future but at this time I am neck deep in working on a bug fix mod for origins (over 100+ fixes atm), I don't think I can face a campaign's bugs at this exact moment.

      Do you have access to the xls file? that is way easier to edit then covert to gda.
    2. ScrierOne
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      I was talking about Leliana's reassigned talents in general, not Leliana's Song specifically (I had already finished that campaign when I reported the previous issue). Of course, removing and granting talents is easily doable with console commands, so it's not a big deal in that sense. I'd just on principle prefer to have my mod setup working "as is."

      Naturally, I recognize that you're a modder working for free on your own time rather than a customer support person, so I'm not demanding anything here.

      (EDIT: And the Coup De Grace issue is a base game bug which you probably can't fix. That's why I'm wondering how to change Leliana's default talents.)
    3. HollownessDevoured
      • member
      • 40 kudos
      Wait this a universal known bug. This might be an item properties bug not a ALLeliana.gda bug nor my mod's bug.

      But I can try to look into it eventually, see if I can find a fix.
    4. ScrierOne
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Yep. Sorry if I haven't been clear. I didn't mean to imply that this is a bug in your mod at all.

      I'm only wondering how to change ALLeliana.gda so that the bugged talent isn't one of Leliana's starting talents.
    5. HollownessDevoured
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      • 40 kudos
      As I recommended remove ALLeliana.gda or edit the xls and convert to gda, but if you want to change the ability yourself change 3002 (Coup De Grace) to another ability ID. I seriously live on the Ability ID page on the wiki, it is great reference when reviewing resource files.

      edit: So I was thinking of a fix/work around for the item property, instead of being a temporary ability does +1% melee critical chance and +5% critical/backstab damage (all under the Improves backstabs) sound like an adequate replacement?
    6. ScrierOne
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Changing the abilities with console commands is what I've been doing, but what I didn't understand was how to edit the GDA (the GDA format isn't legible to me at all, and I didn't even know what xls files were). I also didn't want to delete ALLeliana.gda because I want to keep the changes you made except for Coup De Grace. However, thanks to your replies I did now manage to find the xls files, so I think I'll be able to figure it out. Thanks for the help!
    7. HollownessDevoured
      • member
      • 40 kudos
      Awesome, np!
    8. ScrierOne
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Anyway, to answer your question about changing "improves backstabs", that does sound like a decent replacement for the item property.

      (I also did figure out how to edit the xls -> gda files dor myself, so I learned something today.)
    9. HollownessDevoured
      • member
      • 40 kudos
      It is super handy, editing xls files, just be sure to copy the originals and save it elsewhere so you have the originals as is as reference. I should have mentioned that before, I just am multitasking and forgot to say it earlier X /
  10. David2710
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hello, I love your mod, could you review the chasind robe and the enchanter's robe please? all outfits work for me except those. Thank you
    1. HollownessDevoured
      • member
      • 40 kudos
      Sounds like you are missing the SotA Recolour file for Chasind Robes and a conflict or missing Loincloth Fashion for First Enchanter Robes and Senior Enchanter's Robes.
    2. David2710
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you for answering so quickly. For loincloth I download the awakening compatibility version, I guess I should download the normal version then, right?
    3. HollownessDevoured
      • member
      • 40 kudos
      Yes, you need the origins version.
  11. depressedbrownchocolate
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Hello HollownessDevoured!Sorry if I sometimes *pop up* to ask "possibly" dumb questions.I was wondering, do you know the name of files that make amaranthine appear in DAO possible?I want to see if it conflicts with any popular romance/dialogue immersion and/or fix files!It doesn't appear in my map after clicking on the map in camp so I want to check if it conflicts with any extra mod I have. (Sometimes the files that are of the same name do the damage :'l)
    1. HollownessDevoured
      • member
      • 40 kudos
      The files are:

      • wide_open_world.map (this is likely the culprit)
      • genip_map_ext.ncs
      • genip_map_ext.upt
      • party_camp_map.ncs
      • PRCSCR_CampMap.gda (ID: 66666170)
    2. depressedbrownchocolate
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Thanks for your reply. I searched in my mod files snd voila! It was Denerim Map Location Fix from Pet Peeves Fix Patch (which is one of the mods that you recommended "i think" in your description. You said don't download The Black Vial since it's already in your mod.) So it's best if you update your description to mention not to download The black vial AND Denrim Map Location Fix. As soon as I took out the file. Amaranthine worked! I visited it and everything was alright.
    3. HollownessDevoured
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      • 40 kudos
      Ah! I forgot to mention it, they both have the fix. Thank you for pointing out; I'll update notes.