Dragon Age: Origins

Dialogue and Approval System 
I have decided to make my mod more accessible by making it more Qwinn's Fixpack friendly as well as Non-Circle Mage Origins
friendly but not making it a requirements either. So if you have Qwinn's Fixpack module installed and my mod is in your override folder it will/should work together, and shouldn't conflict since the changes should be the same or meant to work together. If not using Qwinn's Fixpack there may slightly different results for the same/similar fixes, as my mod is dialogue oriented it doesn't include the entire range of Qwinn's fixes. My mod mostly includes dialogue fixes in the dialogues that I have edited and a few script fixes that are related to the dialogues.

In some instances there may be the two variants one "with" and one "without" Qwinn's Fixpack, generally addressing most of the same dialogue fixes, however, if Qwinn fixed something in an unconventional way I could not replicate on my own, or if it required more edits to other files. It may not be something fixed or replicated, however, if you have Qwinn's Fixpack, it should still generally trigger because of the compatibility efforts. 

I am basically, just referencing the read me file, and doing a few tests with and without Qwinn's Fixpack module installed—to see if it works together. Most of the fixes seem very obvious and with very obvious route to fix/address, it is just a lot of cross referencing with, in some cases, vague notes. I am just following the notes in the read me file and comparing to the dialogue and implementing, but a few vague notes—don't seem to make sense to the dialogue, and I did a best guess or had to skip.

However, Morrigan's dialogue was a mess, some of the scripts needed fixes and updates, so I did have to make those and they should work with Qwinn's Fixpack—as well as without it.

Zevran's dialgue currently is not compatible/friendly with Qwinn;s Fixpack, as I barely started editing his dialogue anyways. So simply delete his dialogue in my mod if you use Qwinn's Fixpack, for now.

I cannot guarantee it 100% will be perfect but I am trying very hard to make it 98-99% compatible/the same/similar, and I won't know for sure unless thoroughly tested by many players and run-throughs. So feedback would need to be required. But ideally even if not perfect, I do not think the average player will be able to tell the difference unless side by side testing, or comparing both Qwinn's and my notes.

Non-Circle Mage Origins, is my next step for this mod and currently is in progress...

Why bother with extensive notes? Literally, so if I muck up a dialogue so bad I can start from scratch and know what to do. Which I have had to do a few times when first making this mod.

Feel free to follow my progress by checking the Beta-v2 update and next update tags.

Alistair approves and approves more to compassionate responses, and not just favouring humorous responses. He also disapproves greatly to reckless killings of innocent people. He disapproves of tormenting and greedy behavior.

  • Hardening is less harsh. It is over 60 characters but still shows up in my game.
  • Added a less harsh Hardening option for those at least Friendly. It is over 60 characters but still shows up in my game.
  • Removes the non-noble "rule by his side" rejection.
  • Should include all same/similar Alistair Dialogue specific fixes used in Qwinn's Fixpack. Beta-v2 update
  • Should be compatible with Qwinn's Fixpack fixes/restorations for Morrigan if using Qwinn's Fixpack. Beta-v2 update


Alistair Intro:
[Fixed/Restored, Approval for intro dialogue has been fixed/restored and some values increased]
That's all right. No offense taken. (+1 to +2)
Pleased to meet you. My name is <FirstName/>. (+1 to +2)
I look forward to traveling with you. (+1 to +2)

[Fixed/Restored meeting Alistair for the first time, if: female mage, added responses/approval where there was none before]
[Alistair] Wait, we haven't met, have we? I don't suppose you happen to be another mage?
I am indeed a mage.
[Alistair] Really? You don't look like a mage. Uh... that is... I mean... how interesting. (+2)
...interesting how?
<act>Stay silent</act>
(Sultry) It <emp>could</emp> be interesting. (+4)

[Added, if: Educated]
[Alistair] So, I'm curious: Have you ever actually encountered darkspawn before?
(Educated) No, I have only read about them.

Beta-v2 update
[Alistair]  The Joining is... very unpleasant. I wish I could forget it, but I can't. I don't envy what you're going to have to go through.
(Warm) I understand. Thank you, Alistair. (+2)

If Prelude Done:
Why did you keep your birthright a secret?
[Alistair] You never asked?
That's a cheap answer. (-1)
[Alistair] I, myself, never had the pleasure. Not that I haven't thought about it, of course, but... you know.
So you're a virgin! And you're how old? (-1)
[Alistair] You don't have to do that. I know you didn't know him as long as I did.
He was like a father to you. I understand. (+1 to +2)
I just thought you might need to talk. (+1)

[Alistair] It just struck me that I have nothing to remember Duncan by. Nothing at all. There's no body, not even a token of his that I could... take with me. That must... sound really stupid to you.
Not at all. (+1 to +2)
You have your memories of him. (+1)
(Warm) Don't be so hard on yourself. I understand. (+4)

[Alistair] I suppose he did. It probably sounds stupid, but part of me wishes I was with him. In the battle. I feel like I abandoned him.
Yes, that is stupid. You'd be dead. (-1)
(Warm) You didn't abandoned him. You know that, Alistair. (+4)

[Alistair] Thank you. Really, I mean it. It was good to talk about it, at least a little.
Maybe I'll go to Highever with you, when you go. (+1 to +2)
(Warm) I'd like to go to Highever with you, when you go. (+4)

[Alistair] You don't really want to know about my being a templar, do you? It's really quite boring.
I do really want to know, yes. (+1)
(Warm) Is it wrong to take an interest in you, Alistair? (+4)

[Alistair] Join you? In your tent?
(Sultry) You don't have to be nervous. I'll take <emp>good</emp> care of you. (+2, slightly fast tracks)

[Alistair] Your tent. Ah.
(Care) It's alright. We can take it slow. (+2)

[Flemeth's Cut Dialogue workaround]
[Added if: Told about past]
So you said you were raised by the Chantry?

You also mentioned you <emp>know</emp> Arl Eamon.

[Alistair] I... I guess I was expecting her to accept me without question. Isn't that what family is supposed to do? I... I feel like a complete idiot.
Everyone is out for themselves. You should learn that. (Harden)
I care about you. (doesn't Harden)

People like that are out for themselves, but you should lookout for yourself more. (Harden)
You don't need her. You have others who care for you.
(Care) I care about you, Alistair. You could lookout for yourself more. (Harden)

[Alistair] I need to stop letting everyone else make my decisions for me. I need to take a stand and think about myself for a change, or I'm never going to be happy.
It's about time, I say. (+1 to +2)
(Care) You should do that, if it makes you happy. (+4, slightly fast tracks)

[Not Hardened]
[Alistair] You're a true friend and I... love you. I just... wanted to tell you that.
[Added, if: Dalish]
(Dalish Elf) Ar lath ma, Alistair. (+4, I love you)

[Alistair] Good. You'd... want a gentleman to court you, wouldn't you? If... if you were to be courted by someone, that is.
(Sultry) I would definitely <emp>want</emp> that. (+4)

[Alistair] I... did I say beautiful? Do you... have any particular opinion on my saying that?
(Sultry) Only that I was hoping you would. (+4)

[Alistair] Umm... that sounded better in my head. I just mean to say that I've really come to care about you.

I feel the same way. (+2 to +4)
Thank you, Alistair. (+2)

I'd like to discuss something private.
<act>Kiss him.</act> (+2)

[Alistair] Well, we're in camp. Now's as good a time as any to talk, right?
So how would you like to join me in my tent? (+2)
[Alistair] Your tent. Ah.
[Alistair] I know most guys would probably leap at the chance to be with you, but... I don't know if I'm ready for that. It's a big step. 
[Alistair] I guess that must make me sound like an idiot. I mean... turn down an incredible woman like you? I'd have to be.

It's all right. I understand. (+1)

[Alistair] <desc>Laughs</desc> Bluff called! Damn! She saw right through me!
You're so cute when you're bashful. (+2)

[Alistair] I thought that I might... give it to you, actually. In a lot of ways, I think the same thing when I look at you.
Thank you, Alistair. That's a lovely thought. (+2 to +4)

[Alistair] Hmm. You know, according to all the sisters at the monastery, I should have been struck by lightning by now.

Continued from part_camp:

[Added, if: Flirtatious]
(Sultry) Not for <emp>that</emp> performance. (+1)
[Alistair] Before we go, have I told you that I love you? I did? Well, it won't kill you to hear it again, will it?
[Added, if: Compassionate]
(Love) I love you, too, Alistair. (+7)
[Added, if: Dalish]
(Dalish Elf) Ar lath ma, Alistair. (+7, I love you)

[Alistair] I don't know where this is going. We have the Blight to think of, first, don't we? Everything else just seems so... distant.
I don't know that there is a future for us, actually.
I don't want to just give up, Alistair. (+4)
I'll take what I can get. (+2)
I won't let you go, Alistair. No matter what. (+7)
I hope we'll find a way to stay together. (+4)
I wasn't looking for a commitment, you know. (-5)

[Alistair] I was an idiot to let you go. At least this way I can do something right. Don't forget about me. (or)
[Alistair] You know how I feel about you. I'm glad we had the time we did. Don't... forget about me.
[Added, if: Dalish]
(Dalish Elf) Ar lath ma, vhena. (I love you, heart/my heart)

[Dialogue activation switch arounds]
IF: ALISTAIR_ROMANCE_ACTIVE (Alistair_Romance) Beta-v2 update
[Alistair] Your desire is my command. (changed from APP_ALISTAIR_IS_ADORE to APP_ALISTAIR_IN_LOVE)
[Alistair] At your service. (changed from APP_ALISTAIR_IS_INTERESTED to APP_ALISTAIR_IS_ADORE)
[Alistair] Something you need, my dear? (changed from APP_ALISTAIR_IN_LOVE to APP_ALISTAIR_IS_CARE)

Morrigan approves and approves more to responses that allow her to tell stories and showing her respect. She also tends to respond well to sarcastic/cocky, violent and tormenting behaviour to others. But won't exactly approve of straight up slaughter. She still is very judgmental over passive or weak responses.

  • Also restored some approval values mentioned in the comments section that were higher than the set amount.
  • Dark Ritual rejection does not result in losing Morrigan as a party member (unless you use dialogue that leads to it), instead just lost approval. Depending on how you reject her, varies how much approval is lost. This is only if you reject right away and not after trying to convince the others.
  • Should include most of the same/similar Morrigan Dialogue specific fixes used in Qwinn's Fixpack. Beta-v2 update
  • Should be compatible with Qwinn's Fixpack fixes/restorations for Morrigan if using Qwinn's Fixpack. Beta-v2 update


Morrigan Intro:
[Fixed/Restored, Approval for intro dialogue has been fixed/restored] Beta-v2 update
It will not show her name but will show the values, and when she does get recruited it will have the amount from her intro during the prelude.

Joining Party:
[Flemeth] You heard me, girl. The last time I looked, you had ears! <desc>Laughs</desc>
[Added if: Flirtatious and Male]
(Suave) I think that's an <emp>excellent</emp> idea, but if Morrigan doesn't wish to join us...  (+7)
[Added if: Compassionate and Female]
(Friendly) I think that's an excellent idea, but if Morrigan doesn't wish to join us...  (+7)

If Prelude Done:
So life in the Wilds must have been very lonely. (+2)
What happened then? (+1)
Did you grow up in the Korcari Wilds?
Very daring. That sounds like you. (+2 to +4)
Touching? Like a handshake? (+1)
How did you become a shapechanger? (+1)
Do you spend a lot of time as an animal? (+1)

[Restored to Scripting commented values]
[Morrigan] The zealots of the Chantry would uproot all such practitioners if they could, but as luck have it some still exist. My mother is such a one.
That's good. Such traditions need to be preserved. (+2 to +4)
[Morrigan] But perhaps you felt a little like a caged bird, as well, caught within that dark tower?
Yes, very much so. (+1 to +2)

[Restored to Scripting commented values]
[Morrigan] Why do you ask me such questions? I do not probe you for pointless information, do I?
It's my favorite way of annoying you.
[Morrigan] Would it not be easier simply to poke at me with a stick?
I could give it a whirl. (+2 to +4)

[Restored to Scripting commented values]
[Morrigan] I did not understand the danger we faced until I was much older. I had never heard of "apostates" or "maleficarum."

They got what they deserved. (+2 to +4)

Can you teach others to become shapechangers?
[Morrigan] Possibly, if I had the desire to. I do not.
As you wish. (+1)
[Morrigan ] By "others," do you mean yourself?
Yes, I am considering it. (+2)

[Morrigan] To indulge in love is to indulge in delusion. Surely a Grey Warden such as yourself does not believe otherwise?

I'm not sure what I believe. (+2)

[Morrigan] Flemeth taught me everything I needed to learn. How to survive. The meaning of power. The truth of men. If other mothers do not teach these things, then I believe them the lesser.

Now I see where you get it from. (+2)
[Morrigan] I shall take this as a compliment. Was it meant as such?
If you'd like to think so. (-1)

[Morrigan] I do. The only question, then, is whether or not you intend to carry through with your promise.
I will deal with Flemeth, as I said I would. (+4)

[Default if: Mage, now if: Background Maginext update
[Morrigan] I'm shocked that you think so, being a mage of the Circle as you were.

I'd like to discuss something personal.
<act>Kiss her</act>
[Restored if: Flirtatious, if not Flirtatious her then usual <desc>Laughs</desc> at you banter]
[Morrigan] Ahh, such a romantic, I see.

Care to join me in my tent?
[Morrigan] Oh? What a wicked, wicked man you are. Shall I take that as a proposition?
Oh, I'm not so wicked, really.
[Morrigan] Oh no? For what reason, then, shall I join you in your tent? Have you... something to show me, hmm?
My tent is chilly. I was hoping to heat it up a little. (sets personality to Flirtatious/Suave)
The way you say that... you're evil!
[Morrigan] Yes, I am. I am evil and I need to be punished.
Follow me, young lady. It is time for discipline. (sets personality to Flirtatious/Suave)
[Added if: Flirtatious, slightly fast tracks and full make love scene even if PC already has]
(Suave) How about you play the wicked role?
[Morrigan] Yes, I am. I am evil and I need to be punished.
No, I meant... really, really evil. (is removed for Flirtatious/Suave)
Follow me, young lady. It is time for <emp>discipline</emp>. (+12)

Dark Ritual Rejection:
Very well. What is your plan? (+2)
I don't trust you. I have no interest in your ritual. (-20)
I do not need to hear any more. The answer is no. (-15)
I will not reconsider. The answer is no. (-10)
I said no and I meant it. (-5)
You are an ungrateful bitch, after all I've done for you! (Morrigan leaves for good)
Please don't do this. I love you. (+4)
Please don't do this. Don't go. (+4)
I never asked you to come back, did I? (Morrigan leaves for good)
I should have killed you long ago. (Morrigan leaves for good)

next update
[Default no conditions, now if: not Mage]
How did you become a mage?

[Added if: Background Magi
How is it you came to the Tower of Magi?

[Default if: Mage, now if: Background Magi]
After Wynne's Regret
[Wynne] Have you given any thought to what Aneirin said? There is wisdom in his words. You are a mage, and you could be what the Circle needs most.
After Jowan met at Redcliffe Castle, Eamon plot non done and while in Redcliffe
[Wynne] And so we meet Jowan again. It must hurt you to see what he has become.
Yes, it does. He was my friend. (restored: +1)

After Rescue the Queen/Captured* 
That's all I could ask for.
I will do what I have to, because it is my duty. (restored: +1)
[Wynne] A Grey Warden through and through. Selfless to the last, devoted to those you protect. I am honored to have served with you. (restored: +1)
This is going to go to my head, you know. (restored: +1)
I would gladly give my life for others.. (restored: +1)

*Unless you have Qwinn's Fixpack they have a less specific conditions instead.

Not yet compatible/friendly with Qwinn's Fixpack.
Unlocks some approval during Zevran's recruiting that was unavailable before. 

(Violent) <act>Kill him now.</act> (Violent Approval)
<act>Kill him now.</act> (Sets Personality to Violent)

(Violent) That could be easily rectified. (Violent Approval, except for Zevran)

Approval by Location
Alistair approves of more justice and compassion dialogue and behaviour.
  • Compassion more specifically towards children, elves and the vulnerable.
  • Also, highly approves of speaking of the Wardens in high regard.
Alistair disapproves of more petty and greedy dialogue and behaviour.
  • Also, disapproves of the Warden using the Warden order as an excuse to misbehave.

Leliana approves to even more acts of charity (giving money to others), mercy and compassion.
  • Also, can approve of streetwise behaviour.

Morrigan approves of more bold, violent and strong dialogue and behaviour.
  • Also, can approve of tormenting others.
  • But doesn't overly approve over slaughter.
Morrigan disapproves of more passive and weak dialogue and behaviour. 

Zevran approves of more flirtation and direct dialogue and behaviour.
  • If not a romantic interest with approve of the Warden kissing other people and other provocative behavior.
  • Also, approves of second chances and occasional mercy.
  • Also, can approve of streetwise behaviour.
Zevran can disapprove of lack of mercy.

(Warm) Of course, I wouldn't want him to suffer. (+2 Alistair) 
I'll give it a shot. (+1 Alistair) 
Maybe you can help him, Alistair.
You're no fun. Let's get going. (-1 Alistair) 
Is this the flower you're looking for? (+1 Alistair) 
A reward's not necessary. (+1 Alistair) 
If the hound's life is worth anything, then pay up. Now. (-1 Alistair) 

<act>Lie</act> Yes, I do.
Yes, you're supposed to give the sword to me. (-1 Alistair) 
Not as much trouble as if I reported you as a deserter. (-1 Alistair) 
That I killed you for stealing. <act>Kill him</act> (-10 Alistair) 
I'm a Warden with no reason to lie. (-5 Alistair) 
Are you questioning my word?!
The Grey Wardens. (-3 Alistair) 
Just begone, before I report you! (-1 Alistair) 
And what if I reported you as a deserter? (-1 Alistair) 

(Warm) Let's try to bandage him up, at least. (+2 Alistair) 
Let's try to bandage him up, at least. (+1 Alistair) 
We don't have time for this. Let's go. (-1 Alistair) 
He's already dead. See? <act>Kill the soldier.</act> (-3 to -5 Alistair)  
I said we don't have time for this. (-3 Alistair) 
I prefer the term "ruthless," myself. (-1 Alistair) 
Shut up and do what I say. (-5 Alistair) 
Fine, if you want to help him, be quick about it. (+1 Alistair) 
We have work to do, and this isn't it. (-1 Alistair) 
We can take you back. (+1 Alistair) 

Overcoming these dangers is part of our test. (+4 Alistair) 
You forget I have magic at my command. We'll be fine. (+1 Alistair) 
We'll just fight our way out of trouble. (+1 Alistair)
We're far from helpless, here. We'll be fine. (+1 Alistair)
You sound like a coward to me.
Let's just get this over with. (-2 Alistair)
It appears that I am the only man here. (+1 Alistair)
Not many humans, maybe. (+1 Alistair)
I'm looking forward to killing them. (+4 Alistair)
I didn't say that I did. (-1 Alistair)

Deep in the Wilds
via Flemeth Dlg
[Alistair] I know him. He's a good man, respected in the Landsmeet. Of course! We could go to Redcliffe and appeal to him for help!
That sounds like an excellent idea. (+2 Alistair)
Keep in mind that Loghain was also an honorable man. (-1 Alistair)

[Alistair]  So can we do this? Go to Redcliffe and these other places and... build an army?
Why not? Isn't that what Grey Wardens do? (+1 Alistair)
As long as there's some profit in it. (-1 Alistair)

[Added and Edited Dialogue Options]
[Alistair] All Grey Wardens in Ferelden are gone except for us. I've lost everyone! For the love of the Maker, don't back out on me now!
[Added City Elf options]
I had to leave my family behind. I know how you feel.
My mother was killed by humans. I know how you feel. (if talked to family friends about mother)
[Added Mage option]
I have lost more than you know. I know how you feel.
I have lost, and have been denied more than you'll ever know. (if female and Cullen ran off from you)
[Added Dwarf Commoner option]
I had to leave my family behind. I know how you feel.

Deserted Farmland
via Dog Main Dlg

File also provided to allow PC to be alone or selected party (aka alone with Alistair or Morrigan), but no approval is awarded if they are not in party.
Those darkspawn didn't hurt you, boy, did they? (+1 Alistair)
[Original, Default if: PC is female]
[Alistair] I think he was out there looking for you. He's... chosen you. Mabari are like that. They call it imprinting.
[Restored if: PC is Warm with Alistair, if not: Morrigan will speak instead just as Original Default]
[Alistair] He's going to follow you around now. You should be honored. Mabari are very picky about who they choose.
[Morrigan] Does this mean we're going to have this mangy beast following us about now? Wonderful.

I've always wanted a dog like this. Maybe it's meant to be. (+2 Alistair)
He can come, but he'd better make himself useful. (+4 Morrigan)
[Restored if: PC is male]
[Morrigan] Send the mangy thing away and let us be off!
He doesn't seem to want to go.
Don't be cruel. (-1 Morrigan)
I'm not sending him away. He might be attacked by darkspawn. (-1 Morrigan)
Why not? He's useful in a fight. (+1 Alistair)
Why do you hate puppies? Look at him. Isn't he cute? (+1 Alistair)
Shoo! I don't have time for you. (-1 Alistair, +4 Morrigan)
[Dog] <desc>He continues to wag his tail and stares at you.</desc>
I take it you want to come along?
No, you can't come, I'm sorry. (-1 Alistair)
I'm not your master. Go away. (-1 Alistair)
You're useful in a fight. You can come with me. (+4 Morrigan)
I don't have time for a dog. Leave me alone. (-1 Alistair, +4 Morrigan)
Ugh. I hate dogs. Shoo! Go away! (-1 Alistair, +4 Morrigan)

Forget it. I'm not paying. (+1 Morrigan)
You can certainly try. (+1 Morrigan)
Forget it. I'm not paying you thugs anything. (+2 Morrigan)
Do you really want to fight a mage? (+2 Morrigan)
It's time to test some spells. <act>Attack them</act> (+2 Morrigan)
Hand over everything you've stolen. (+1 Morrigan)
Now you die. That's all you deserve. (+2 Morrigan)
Very well. Here's ten silvers. (-3 Morrigan)
Fine. Here's twenty silvers. Just let me by. (-5 Morrigan)
I'm turning you in to the authorities. (+2 Alistair)
Then I'll execute you here. (+2 Morrigan)
I'm clearing you bandits out of here. (+1 Alistair)

Here's fifty silvers. (+1 Alistair, +1 Leliana, -1 Morrigan)
I met those bandits. They're dead now. (+1 Alistair, +1 Morrigan)
I can spare nothing for beggars. (-1 Alistair, -3 Leliana)

Come with me. I'll help you look for your mother. (+2 Alistair)
Go to the chantry, child. Someone will look after you. (+2 Leliana)
Here. Take this silver. Buy something to eat. (+1 Alistair, +1 Leliana)
Beat it. (-3 Alistair, -3 Leliana)

[Added option if: Violent, prices normal, fast tracks, and Morrigan will approve]
(Aggressive) Charge normal prices, and no harm comes to you. (+7 Morrigan, but +4 after her usual disapproval)

[Added option if: Sarcastic, get 100 silvers/discount, fast tracks, and only Morrigan will approve]
(Cocky) A hundred silvers, a discount, and no harm comes to you. (+7 Morrigan)

Let's talk about this before things get out of hand. (-1 Morrigan)
It looks like he wants a fight. I'm happy to oblige. (+1 Morrigan)
The Grey Wardens didn't betray King Cailan. Loghain did.
You really are blind. <act>Kill them</act> (+1 Morrigan)
They aim to butcher us! They deserve no mercy! (or) I don't want them reporting to Loghain.
No. They die. <act>Kill them</act> (+1 Morrigan)
They were going to kill us!
But I do. <act>Kill them</act> (+1 Morrigan)
Then give them a final prayer, Sister. <act>Kill them</act> (+1 Morrigan)
Take a message to Loghain. (+2 Alistair)

That's right. No hope for any of you fools! (+7 Morrigan, -5 Alistair, -10 Leliana)
There's always hope. Muster your courage! (+4 Alistair, +7 Leliana)
Then lay down and die! There's no hope for any of you! (+12 Morrigan, -10 Alistair, -15 Leliana or more like -5 Alistair, -8 Leliana end values)

Your friend Ser Henric is dead. I have something of his. (+2 Alistair)
Is there a reward, perhaps? (-3 Alistair)

What tithe is acceptable? (+1 Alistair, -1 Morrigan)
Tithe? To the chantry? Are you joking? (+1 Morrigan, -1 Alistair, -2 Leliana)

Lake Calenhad Docks
Who are you?
(Cocky) Uh... right. Let me in and I won't bother you anymore. (Sarcastic Approval)
Uh... right. Let me in and I won't bother you anymore. (Sets Personality to Sarcastic)

I am a Grey Warden and I seek the assistance of the mages.
I am a Grey Warden. Let me in.
I have these documents here...
My documents are actually real.
Grey Wardening isn't something you do. It's what you are. (+7 Alistair)
(Humorous) Aren't queens female? (Humorous Approval)
 Aren't queens female?  (Sets Personality to Humorous)
Prove it?
I don't have to prove anything to you.
Grey Wardening isn't something you do. It's what you are. (+7 Alistair)

I don't have to prove anything to you.
I warn you, my patience is wearing thin. (+7 Morrigan, if intimidation is successful)

I need the first enchanter's help.
(Humorous) The Maker probably doesn't have cutlery. (Humorous Approval)
The Maker probably doesn't have cutlery. (sets Personality to Humorous)

Circle Tower
[All threads agreeing or considering to going into the tower]  (+1 Alistair)
Of course I can deal with them.
Is that all you can offer me?
Ah. Perhaps I can save some of these artifacts.  (-3 Alistair, +1 Morrigan)
[When turning in Godwin]  (+4 Alistair)
What shall I do with this lyrium?
You take it. Consider it a donation. (+4 Wynne)

And all you do is wallow in self-pity. Pathetic.
I will spare you, but I will not help you escape. (+4 Zevran)
You know we cannot allow blood mages to live.
Fight the darkspawn. Redeem yourself.
I feel inclined to agree with Alistair. (+1 Alistair)
No, Leliana is right. (+2 Leliana)
How will you get out? With blood magic?
If you can escape the templars, then you deserve freedom. (+4 Zevran)
I will spare you. Do not make me regret this decision. (+4 Zevran)
I will spare you, but I will not help you escape. (+4 Zevran)

[Added option if: Violent, non-violent version still available without Violent Approval]
(Violent) Killing demons is enough entertainment for me, thanks. (Violent Approval)

[Zevran] Someone was quite the little heart-breaker when they were an apprentice. My, my. (+4 Zevran)
Stop it. You're embarrassing me. (-3 Alistair)
[Original, and now only if Alistair is not in party]
This is no trick. We're here to help.
[Edited, if Alistair is in party]
It's really me... that ill-advised infatuation. We're here to help. (+1 Alistair)
I'd rather spare maleficarum than risk harming an innocent.
I do not fear maleficarum--they should fear me. (+2 Morrigan)
I want to save everyone who can possibly be saved. (+1 Alistair, +4 Zevran)
I will not kill an innocent. (+2 Alistair, +4 Zevran)
[Added option if: Violent, non-violent version still available without Violent Approval]
(Viscious) I defeated everything in my way. Now it's Uldred's turn.. (Violent Approval)
[Added option if: Violent, non-violent version still available without Violent Approval]
(Vicious) Uldred will pay for what he's done. (Violent Approval)

I think I'll just kill you, if that's all right with you. (+4 Morrigan)
Well, forgive me if I'm not very impressed. (+2 Morrigan)
You'll soon follow your servants. (+2 Morrigan)
[Added option if: Violent]
(Violent) I think I'll just kill you. (Violent Approval)

Beta-v2 update
Greagoir is going to find out about this. (+4 Alistair)
Share some of that wealth, or people will find out. (-5 Alistair)
Now maybe I'll tell Greagoir anyway. (+7 Alistair, +2 after deduction)

[Added if: Compassionate, during siege prep and after she has been talked to]
(Warm) I would like to donate some money to the village, Mother. (+7 Alistair)
I am sorry, but I can only spare ten silver. (+1 Leliana)
I hope 30 silvers is alright. (+2 Leliana)
I can offer five sovereigns. (+4 Leliana)

Party Camp
[Added if: Compassionate, Connor Resolved and no Jowan Ritual]
(Warm) I know it was risky, but I had to do what was right. (+4 Alistair, and the usual +10)

[Added if: Compassionate and when Alistair is in Love and has not made love]
(Adore) You can ask me anything, Alistair. (+4 Alistair)
(Adore) If you think the time is right. (+1 Alistair)
(Adore) I think we both have waited long enough. (+1 Alistair, as well as the usual +4)
More via alistair_main... (see Alistair Main section)
[Added if: Compassionate and Flirtatious]
(Sultry) I was hoping you'd ask. I promise to make it memorable.(+1 Alistair, as well as the usual +4)
More via alistair_main... (see Alistair Main section)
[Added if: Flirtatious and when Alistair is in Love and has not made love]
(Sultry) I was hoping you'd ask. I promise to make it memorable.(+1 Alistair, as well as the usual +4)
More via alistair_main... (see Alistair Main section)

[Added if: Flirtatious, when Alistair is in Love and has made love, results in kiss and making love]
(Sultry) ...and I promise to <emp>always</emp>make it memorable too. (+4 Alistair)

[Added if: Compassionate]
(Warm) I would like to make a donation. (+2 Alistair)
I am sorry, but I can only spare ten silver. (+1 Leliana)
I hope 30 silvers is alright. (+2 Leliana)
I can offer five sovereigns. (+4 Leliana)

[Added if: Streetwise, you don't get disoriented from the messenger boy]
(Streetwise) Thanks kid. Here, for your troubles. <act>Pay 10 silvers</act> (+1 Leliana, +2 Zevran)

When distracting Master Tilver's guards.

(Violent) The festivities are over. <act>Attack</act> (Violent Approval)
The festivities are over. <act>Attack</act> (Sets Personality to Violent)

(Violent) You had your chance. <act>Attack</act> (Violent Approval)
You had your chance. <act>Attack</act> (Sets Personality to Violent)

(Violent) You can't let her get away with what she did. (Violent Approval)
You can't let her get away with what she did. (Sets Personality to Violent)

[Added if: Streetwise]
(Streetwise) <act>Pay 30 silvers</act> Run past those guards over there. (+2 Leliana, +4 Zevran)

[Removed, thus allowing to marry any background]
[Alistair] I don't think that would work. The Landsmeet barely wants to accept <emp>me.</emp> They'll never accept a queen who isn't from a noble family.

Additions, Edits and Fixes
Corrects some miss assigned conditions, unlocking more dialogue and adds new dialogue options while looping into existing threads. Some of the fixes probably are in other mods as well, but I actually will tell you where the error was, what the error was and what dialogue it will open because of it. Full dialogue threads aren't provided but some lines or conditions will be shown to help.

Follower Fixes
  • fixed reversed gender responses when replying "If you don't want to answer, say so". Beta-v2 update
  • fixed from ALISTAIR_ROMANCE_ACTIVE to ZEVRAN_ROMANCE_ACTIVE for "He and I have a connection." response. Beta-v2 update

  • fixed from GEN_RACE_DWARF to GEN_BACK_DWARF_NOBLE for "I happen to be of royal blood, you know." response. Beta-v2 update
  • fixed the approval setting to learn Shapeshifting. Beta-v2 update
  • fixed "Can you teach others to become shapechangers?" to only be asked if not agreed to teach yet. Beta-v2 update
  • changed "My mother died when I was born." to "My mother died a long time ago." to better reflect City Elf Origin. Beta-v2 update
  • removed the CLEAR: APP_MORRIGAN_ROMANCE_CUT_OFF, since this exploit causes issues down the road. Beta-v2 update
  • fixed so you can properly kick Morrigan when using "You're of no use to me now." and "I'm fine with that. I want you gone." Beta-v2 update
  • fixed so "What exactly is an apostate?" does not display for mages as intended. Beta-v2 update
  • fixed so you cannot ask "How is it that Flemeth has survived for so long?" or "The legend tells of Flemeth having many daughters?" after the Black Grimoire is read. Beta-v2 update
  • fixed so you cannot get two rings. Beta-v2 update
  • fixed a love making scene that was suppose to trigger after "We've never talked about our nights together." dialogue and if  "I like that idea. Let's do that." option chosen. Beta-v2 update
  • fixed a romance clear (originally activated it) and romance cut off (put as a condition instead of setting it) that was suppose to trigger after "Then stop acting like such a hostile bitch." option. Beta-v2 update
  • fixed so when confronted about Leliana and then afterwards Zevran there is a non-make love with Zevran option added. Instead of dialogue cut off because only a make love route was put in place by default. Beta-v2 update
  • fixed so when confronted about Leliana (where you ROMANCE_PC_DUMPED_LELIANA_FOR_MORRIGAN) and then afterwards Zevran he now is properly set to ROMANCE_PC_DUMPED_ZEVRAN_FOR_MORRIGAN. Beta-v2 update
  • fixed so when you choose Leliana or Zevran over Morrigan you properly have APP_MORRIGAN_ROMANCE_CUT_OFF and APP_MORRIGAN_ROMANCE_CAN_NOT_RESTART. Beta-v2  update
  • fixed so when confronted about Zevran ROMANCE_MORRIGAN_DISCUSSES_ZEVRAN is set instead of ROMANCE_LELIANA_DISCUSSES_ZEVRAN. Beta-v2 update
  • fixed so you can end the Morrigan romance at any approval range. Beta-v2 update

  • fixed so that Wynne only comments about your sex life with Zevran if you have actually slept with him. next update
  • fixed so that Wynne doesn't switch which love interest you were discussing. next update

Follower Restorations
  • restored Alistair's intro dialogue approval. Also, some values have been increased.
  • restored dialogue about the ritual after speaking with Duncan while still in Ostagar. Also, a compassionate response added with extra approval. Beta-v2 update
  • restored dialogue about his mother's amulet before he mentions it, and you gave him the amulet first. Beta-v2 update
  • restored dialogue "You said you wanted something to remember him by." if you talked about it with him. Beta-v2 update
  • restored romantic dialogue options at Arl Eamon's Estate. Beta-v2 update


  • restored Morrigan's intro dialogue approval. It won't show her name but will display the values. Beta-v2 update 
  • restored dialogue option to give Black Grimoire if it is in inventory when Morrigan asks about recovering it from the Circle of Magi. Beta-v2 update
  • restored dialogue if you bring Morrigan to Flemeth's hut while personal quest is active. Beta-v2 update
  • restored dialogue after dealing with Flemeth—with Qwinn's Fixpack Morrigan will start Dialogue upon returning to camp; without Qwinn's Fixpack you have to initiate dialogue, but you have the options of gifting or gifting through dialogue. Beta-v2 update
  • restored dialogue option for MORRIGAN_DEFINED_MALE_PLAYER_ROMANCE_ACTIVE_AND_NOT_CUT_OFF but reassigned it GEN_GENDER_MALE for the player. So you can activity start, end or bypass a romance with her as it is already assigned that way in the options. The original default is now for those APP_MORRIGAN_ROMANCE_CUT_OFF for the options make more sense to a cutoff romance instead of an active romance. Beta-v2 update
  • restored dialogue to "We must end this." with Interested (original default), Care, Adore or In Love responses from Morrigan. Beta-v2 update
  • restored romantic dialogue options at Arl Eamon's Estate. Beta-v2 update

  • restored dialogue about Connor as long as Connor is known about but demon removal not complete. next update
  • restored dialogue after Rescue the Queen but before Landsmeet restored. next update

Quick Fixes
  • bed100cr_tamlen, fixed when Tamlen refers to the female as lethallin instead of lethallan as he did previously. Beta-v2 update
  • bed100cr_tamlen, moved "Why did you want to come down here so badly?" to the correct dialogue location. Beta-v2 update
  • bhm300_duncan, changed the codex dialogue from once per conversation to normal line, so it shows up in some intended conversation loops and added it to the "I just wanted to say how honored I am to meet you." loop so you can still get the codex without having to start the conversation again. Beta-v2 update
  • bhm200_niall, camera no longer pulls to Senior Torrin for no reason.  next update
  • bhn100cr_dairren and bhn100cr_iona, fixed so when you have the flirtation end badly for either or the lines should not appear again as if you never asked. Beta-v2 update
  • pre100_ash_warrior, dwarves and elves now can hear the tale and the tale will only be repeated one more time afterwards. Beta-v2 update
  • pre100_vet, unlocked dialogue for PRE_MABARI_PC_HAS_FLOWER_NO_QUEST, so they can get reward options too. Beta-v2 update
  • pre100_wynne, at Ostagar will have her codex update properly for mages now. next update
  • lot100_bandit_leader, if the "It's time for you and your men to leave." option is chosen and intimidation successful, the correct results should now apply (experience reward, journal entry and question completion). Beta-v2 update
  • lot100_robbed1, changed the incorrect assignment of ROBBED_PC_GIVE_FOOD to ROBBED_PC_GAVE_HELP which provides the experience reward, but this actually does not take the money. However, the ROBBED _PC_GIVE_HELP_MONEY option does not give the experience reward, and actually takes 10 sovereigns; not 50 silvers. So a few things had to be corrected, now you gain the experience and lose the 50 silver properly.
  • lot100_farmer_uniquelot110_bryant, and/or lot110_grand_cleric, fixed so when you ask about the farm murders you know about it later on when starting his companion quest, thus restoring more reply options. Beta-v2 update
  • lot120_commander, "What makes you think we're traitors?" properly set (it was set the opposite to the PC alone version), if PC is not alone and does not know the Grey Warden's are blamed for the king's death. Beta-v2 update
  • lot110_bryant, fixed script so Bryant recognizes Leliana. Beta-v2 update
  • lot110_bryant, fixed so that he remembers talking to you even if Sten or Leliana aren't in party. Beta-v2 update
  • lot110_grand_cleric, removed infinite Morrigan approval exploit. Beta-v2 update
  • cir200_shopman, removed the Fast Path on the "No, I'm afraid not" option, allowing the intended placement of "All right, let's trade" on top.
  • cir230_cullen, fixed so he no longer uses the ambient line meant if sided with the templars, instead repeats an ominous ambient line "I'm glad I'm still alive, but the Circle's future still remains to be seen.", it makes more sense than the former. Beta-v2 update
  • cir210_godwin, fixed so Godwin does not disappear after talking to you under certain conditions, if the Uldred situations has been resolved. Beta-v2 update 
  • cir210_godwin, fixed so that you have to have the Smuggled Lyrium in your inventory. next update
  • den700_priests, fixed to no longer cut off the dialogue if the warden is an elf. Beta-v2 update
  • ntb100cr_athras, fixed so all non-Dalish elves have the same greeting. next update
  • ntb100cr_athras, fixed so that the dialogue that is missing reward—now gets reward. next update
  • orz200_filda, fixed so that you can lie to Filda that Ruck died heroically as he asked. next update
  • orz200_filda, fixed so that "Lady, your son is a dung-eating lunatic." and "<act>Lie</act> I'm sorry. Ruck's dead." can onyl be asked if Ruck is not killed. next update
  • orz200_filda, fixed so that you can ask about "There are darkspawn in the Deep Roads?" if you have not talked about it yet. next update
  • orz530_ruck, fixes Ruck giving a sword to the Warden dialogue and a Dwarven Longswords is acquired. next update
  • orz530_ruck, restored locked dialogue so you don't have to kill Ruck if Zevran is in party. next update
  • orz530_ruck, restored locked Ruck's "I will stay here. This is my place. I found it first..." dialogue, under certain conditions. Conditions are after "Then... I have done what you wished? Ruck answered your questions?" has been used, Oghren and Zevran are not in party, if you didn't intimidate him and if he isn't smitten by the female Warden. next update

Quick Restorations

  • bec100cr_valendrian, male only restored "How did I get volunteered for this?!" if you haven't agreed to save the women yet. next update
  • pre100_cailan, restored cut Human Commoner dialogue available to Human Mage with (Trickster) <act>Deceive the king with a put on accent.</act> and sets the personality to humorous. Basically, a fun reason to reintroduce the dialogue. Not exactly flawless, because you can advise on how far north the darkspawn have gotten. Also, Duncan confirms the information making him complicit in your deception. Which would be non-cannon for Duncan, but I think passable in a pinch.
  • pre100_gentle, restored locked dialogue that was meant for mage "Because most men are jealous and superstitious." but was under a non-mage dialogue "You speak very strangely. Why is that?", only open to non-circle mages. next update
  • lot110_ser_donall, restored Alistair introducing Ser Donall, as well as extra dialogue, if approval is warm. If not warm the default neutral introduction skip intro will apply. Beta-v2 update
  • lot100_refugeef, lot100_refugeef_2, lot100_refugeef_3, lot100_refugeem, lot100_refugeem_2 and lot120_refugeef restored various ambient lines. next update
  • cir200_greagoir, restored for mages who where undercover for Irving line "Perhaps it makes up for the part I played in Jowan's escape?" and also made the option available for those who don't side with the templars, and mages who weren't undercover will get the default response. I felt that Greagoir still could have tied up your Mage Origin and Broken Circle more appropriately even if you didn't side with the templars. Beta-v2 update
  • cir200_greagoir, restored the option to turn Morrigan in, however, there is no corresponding cut scene, she simply disappears after "I think not" and skipping her "You have made your choice, Grey Warden. So be it. 'Tis not the last you'll hear from me." line, and Greagoir acts as if she had a proper escape. I was able to get this to work with Qwinn's Fixpack which includes a custom cutscene, so if you prefer the escape cutscene and additional line you will need Qwinn's Fixpack. Beta-v2 update
  • cir200_greagoir, restored Wynne turning in Blood Mage Warden. Beta-v2 update
  • cir200_greagoir, restored turning in Godwin to Greagoir. One response will be for if mages in army and the other, if templars in army. You can also turn in Godwin after the sale so it makes sense to have blackmailed him then threated to turn him in anyways. Also a script added for non-Qwuinn Fixpack users, so Godwin will no longer be on the second floor afterwards. I will also update a RtF version (AreAt-v1.2) to unlock Owains store, and also have Godwin removed when he should be. If you use that mod use that version's, and delete this mod's version. Beta-v2 update
  • cir210_godwin, restored so you can ask "I'm curious about why you needed the lyrium." or "Why do you need all this lyrium?" as long as you have accepted Rogek's quest. Beta-v2 update 
  • den250_marjolaine, resorted approval for "That part of Leliana's life is over." and "I trust Leliana, no matter what you say." reply options. Beta-v2 update
  • den250_marjolaine, resorted a friend eligible setting for "She shouldn't have to listen to you.", "That part of Leliana's life is over." and "Let us just deal with her and go." Beta-v2 update
  • den600_landsmeet, restored all companion interjections when Anora turns on you. Originally, it was set as priorities starting with Alistair who has to be in your party for the Landsmeet anyways, and therefore cutting off all other companions' dialogues. So depending who is in your party they will all speak and in this order: Alistair, Leliana, Morrigan and Sten. Beta-v2 update  

Restored Store Dialogues:
  • cir210_owain (also added enchanting), den200_couldry, and arl200cr_mage. Requires .are/.lst files of the area since merchants cannot be scripted into an existing area. I forgot moved this to Return to Ferelden (Ferelden Revision) mod, if interested—it is in the Areas and Atmosphere file.

Other Edits

  • pre100_gentle, changed various class mage condition to background magi condition. To be compatible with non-circle mage mods. next update
  • cir100_carroll, changed various class mage condition to background magi condition. To be compatible with non-circle mage mods. next update
  • cir200_greagoir, changed various class mage condition to background magi condition. To be compatible with non-circle mage mods. next update
  • cir200_keili, changed various class mage condition to background magi condition. To be compatible with non-circle mage mods. next update
  • cir210_blood_mage02, changed various class mage condition to background magi condition. To be compatible with non-circle mage mods. next update
  • cir210_godwin, changed various class mage condition to background magi condition. To be compatible with non-circle mage mods. next update
  • cir300_niall, changed various class mage condition to background magi condition. To be compatible with non-circle mage mods. next update
  • cir230_cullen, changed various class mage condition to background magi condition. Also gen00pt_combos.ncs edit to switch GEN_FEMALE_MAGE (Gender Female and Class Mage to Background Magi). To be compatible with non-circle mage mods. next update
  • cir240_uldred, changed various class mage condition to background magi condition. To be compatible with non-circle mage mods. next update

Mage Origin
[Before required High (30) Cunning, now Med (15) Cunning]
(Cunning) I think you will teach Mouse so I will stop bothering you.

After defeating the demon.
[Added attribute specific responses if: Med (15)]
(Cunning) I already know, Mouse. You are also a part of the test. (fast tracks dialogue)
[Various dialogues]
(Willpower) It seems you would prefer to possess me yourself.

While trying to obtain the rod of fire.
[Fix, Before triggered from PC_HAS_FORM_TRIED_SWEENEY to OWAIN_PC_HAS_FORM]

Jowan, I need this form stamped. What should I do? 
Old Sweeney's still around? (which unlocks "I heard about your family." for Sweeney dialogue)
I don't think I know Sweeney. (which unlocks "I heard about your family." for Sweeney dialogue)

[Added, that Owain will enchant if, by the off chance, you want/need it]
I need some enchanting done.

While trying to obtain the rod of fire.
[Before required both Med (15) Cunning and High (30) Cunning, now both Med (15) Cunning]
(Cunning) I'm studying the combustible properties of marsh flora.
(Cunning) I need controlled heat to isolate the active reagents.
[Added a Med (15) Cunning option where Senior Torrin will respond "Very Well" and the form will be signed]
 (Cunning) Ines Arancia does mention unconventional methods.

bhm200_lab_mage_1 and bhm200_lab_mage_2:
Fix/Restored dialogue locked because instead of providing a condition to open a Leorah dialogue option ("Why aren't you letting anyone into the cavern stores?"), it was locked by that same condition. Basically, you can't [HEARD_ABOUT_LOCKED_STORE] cause you have not [HEARD_ABOUT_LOCKED_STORE] error loop.

[Added Fast Path if: Compassionate]

(Friendly) Is something wrong?

[Edited/Added, a looping link so you can explore more of his dialogue]
I shouldn't distract you from your duties.
Maybe we could go elsewhere and... continue our discussion? (now looped in)
Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. (to end dialogue)

While thinking over helping Jowan with the "I need to think this over" option, you can have a more dignified way to go "undercover" with Irving. Instead of inquiring obviously, or begging Irving to spare Jowan; pick one of the options below. You then get looped into the [TOLD_LILY_NO] dialogue without having to tell her and Jowan "No". So Irving comes to you instead of you going to him. I personally like this thread better, but I don't like straight up saying "No" to Jowan/Lily either; so best of both worlds.

[Added Undercover dialogue thread options]
I've done what you asked. Now I must go back to my studies.
No, I was hoping to getting back to my studies.

More undercover responses
[Edited first to make sure it matches TOLD_LILY_NO for new loop and added another option]
He wanted my help to escape, but I refused him. 
He wanted my help to escape.
[Added if: Med (15) Cunning]
(Cunning) I suspect he really is a blood mage. I will do this.

Response to Duncan
[Added Fast Path option if: Educated]
(Educated) I have read that mages are effective against the darkspawn. (slightly fast tracks)

bhm700_firstdoor, bhm700_seconddoor, bhm700_bookcase and bhm700_cannon:
Fast track the dialogue in the basement. Several fast path options to skip a lot of extra dialogue.

[Added Fast Path option if: Educated]
(Educated) I know how these doors work. Say the password.
(Educated) They amplify any spell cast into them.

[Added Fast Path option if: Med (15) Cunning]
(Cunning) The door is warded. Let's try that door there.
(Cunning) Jowan help me move the bookcase.

City Elf
[Added and cloned/moved "Faster" Fast Path options]
You know how I feel about today, Shianni. (Fast)
I can't wait! The sooner the better! (Faster)
I don't like the idea of this arranged match business. (Fastest)

Female only, after the women were taken.
[Added Med (15) Willpower option]
(Allows Scraper to still get a non-Scrapper "She's spirited" looped response)
(Willpower) You can certainly try. (clears personality from Peaceful/Passive)

After finding Shianni.
[Added Med (15) Strength option]
(Strength) They'd have to kill me; I would never leave you. (sets personality to Compassionate)
[Added Med (15) Willpower option]
(Willpower) They'd have to drag me away; I would never leave you. (sets personality to Compassionate)

After joining the Wardens.
[Added option if: personality is Compassionate]
(Love) I am sorry, I said I'd never leave you.

First meeting.
[Added Fast Path option]
Can we help you, human? (Duncan set to good tempered and then Valenrian interrupts right away)

Dalish Elf
Beta-v2 update
Inside the caves.
[Before required High (30) Cunning, now Med (15) Cunning]
(Cunning) Perhaps this place is a tomb.

next update
[Before required High (30) Cunning, now Med (15) Cunning
Why attack the tower at all? Unless they know the plan?

[Added Fast Path option if: Educated]

(Educated) You are Ash Warriors, are you not?
[Edited, Codex 211 for dwarves available]
You trained with the dwarven berserker warriors?

[Added Fast Path option if: Educated and a Mage]

(Educated) Being a realm of spirits, demons and <emp>of course</emp> the Black City.
[Edited, Codex 81 for non-mages available]
I've seen quite a few mages today.

Beta-v2 update:
[Before required High (30) Cunning, now Med (15) Cunning
I have a note. <act>Hand him a piece of paper.</act>

[Added option if: you engage in dialogue about Tranquil or enchanting]
I need some enchanting done.
Beta-v2 update:
[Before required High (30) Cunning, now Med (15) Cunning]
Because the ancient Tevinter Imperium was ruled by mages.

Beta-v2 update:
While talking to Flemeth during Prelude Deep in the Wilds

[Before required High (30) Cunning, now Med (15) Cunning]
Believed or not, some things must be accepted.

[Before required High (30) Cunning, now Med (15) Cunning]
What about those treaties Flemeth gave us?
[Before required less than High (30) Cunning, now less than Med (15) Cunning]
Surely there are other allies we could call on.


I've changed my mind. I'm cleaning you out. --> I've changed my mind. I'm clearing you out.
I'm cleaning you bandits out of here. --> I'm clearing you bandits out of here

[Added option if: Peaceful and without needing persuade/coercion]
(Peaceful) You can both compromise, and the merchant still makes a profit.
You don't think you're being unscrupulous?
(Peaceful) You can both compromise, and the merchant still makes a profit.

Lake Calenhad Docks
Originally Carrol can ask about the colour of Darkspawn blood, you say that it is red, but lore and Inquisition Codex confirm black ichor/black blood. So this fix corrects this.
<act>Lie</act> No, it's red, like any other blood.
It's black, and it burns you when it touches you.

Denerim Market
Streetwise personalities get an advantage with Couldry, he'll charge 50 silver for the first two pickpocket marks, then stay one fee behind for the rest. Let's just say successful haggling. You will still pay full price for the break ins though since you can get one free anyways.
[Added option if: Streetwise]
(Streetwise) I am familiar with these types of arrangements. 
(Streetwise) No, I think 50 silvers again. <act>Pay 50 silver</act> Who's the mark?
(Streetwise) I think 1 sovereign. <act>Pay 1  sovereign</act> Tell me about it.
(Streetwise) 3 sovereigns. <act>Pay 3 sovereigns</act> This better be worth it.

[Added option to unlock Couldry quests if no: Stealing]
We want to know about it all. (skips a line compared to if: stealing)

When Anora is not supported by the Warden.
[Before a default response, now if not: High (30) Cunning or higher]
[Added if: High (30) Cunning or higher
(Cunning) You are your father's daughter, Anora.
[Added if: personality is Sarcastic/Cocky]
(Cocky) We clearly outlived your use for us, Anora.
[Added if: personality is Humorous/Smart, and Leliana]
(Smart) This is the result of not bending to Anora's will.

Added responses can have conditions like attribute or skill, but now there is a new custom one. To make sure not too overload certain dialogues with too many choices Personalities are defined. Compassionate (Warm), Humorous (Smart), Flirtatious (Sultry or Suave), Sarcastic (Cocky), Peaceful and Violent. You will notice they mostly reflect the sound set choices this is by design to better reflect your Warden, and so I did not have to edit/use a .tlk file (they can be finicky). Your choices can add a said personality but that means if you are all over the place you will get tagged for more and more personalities, so keeping in character will help you not be flooded with too many choices. But you can also clear these personalities with other choices. Existing responses are not going to be changed to match these new personalities; rather help set or clear them.

Most of the setting or triggering of Personalities will be done during Origins, Prelude and Lothering (see below), and from then on Personality responses will start to become available (look for the tags). It will be harder to clear certain personalities such as humorous/smart, sarcastic/cocky and violent. However, you will be able to clear other personalities more easily such as compassionate (by using more cold or hardened responses), flirtatious/sultry/suave (by romantic rejection responses) and peaceful/passive (by choosing more aggressive/violent responses). This is to help you keep in character more, or show you how your character has developed. If you want to opt out delete plt_gen00pt_personality.plo and toolset_dlgicons_per.gda, you should then not get Personality options (just don't remove after using it a bit, cause it will still partially apply). But to me this is channeling our inner DA2 personalities.

What will Personalities do?
They are a way to organize the added dialogue to match your character better; by displaying options that your personality setting/clearing has selected for you. It is like a personality quiz that you take early game, and mid to late game you see the results. Some backgrounds, races and genders will be more prone to certain personalities too.

Also some personalities will also have—in their own way—other effects. Compassionate/Warm dialogue options tend to result in occasional approval or higher approval than the other options, as well as dialogues with acts of charity (giving gold in more dialogues). Flirtations/Sultry/Suave dialogue options tend to result in approval or higher approval than the other options. Sarcastic/Cocky dialogue options tend to result in more fast tracking and occasional approval/disapproval depending on the party members. Humorous/Smart dialogue options tend to result in occasional approval/disapproval depending on the party members. Peaceful/Passive dialogue options tend to result in occasional approval/disapproval depending on the party members. Violent dialogue options tend to result in occasional approval/disapproval depending on the party members.

Extra tags related to personalities and other conditions: Friendly, Warm, Care, Adore, Love (all five for Compassionate/Warm), Crafty (Flirtations/Sultry/Suave), Trickster (Humorous/Smart), Aggressive, Defensive, Vicious and Hostile (Violent and/or Sarcastic/Cocky). Educated, automatic for Mages, Human Noble and Dwarf Noble. Streetwise, automatic for City Elf and Dwarf Commoner and Dalish Elf, automatic for Dalish Origin. You do not have to worry about the tags but if you want to know about the tags this is just the explanation. I have extra "in case' of use; not promising all extensive use of each.

Educated, usually just means you are well informed, give more well read responses and can fast track some explanation dialogues. Streetwise, you are not oblivious to city life and crime. Dalish Elf, you may have Dalish lore or language type responses, and you might think isn't that just the same as Dalish background? Yes, but I needed a condition that if someone opts out of they don't get these extra personality dialogues they don't want. These are probably going to be used lightly at first for this mod and require a fresh/new game file to set.

Contradicting personalities. Note that you can still be compassionate and violent, or flirtatious and sarcastic, or most combinations. But hopefully you didn't trigger to many counter opposite personality settings like peaceful and sarcastic, since peaceful doubles as passive occasionally and most sarcastic and cocky comments are usually polar opposite to that. Basically, passive is going to be a hard trait to stay unless you really go out of your way. I wouldn't worry, it is more or less an early game tag you are suppose to grown out of, and eventually only peaceful will be used, if you manage to get it or keep it.

List of conditions:
  • Compassionate
  • Flirtatious
  • Humorous
  • Peaceful
  • Sarcastic
  • Violent
  • Educated
  • Streetwise
  • Dalish Elf

List of all labels:
  • Warm (label used for Compassionate)
  • Friendly (Compassionate condition)
  • Care (Compassionate condition)
  • Adore (Compassionate condition)
  • Love (Compassionate condition)
  • Flirtatious
  • Sultry (Flirtatious condition)
  • Suave (Flirtatious condition)
  • Crafty (Flirtatious condition)
  • Humorous
  • Smart (Humorous condition)
  • Trickster (Humorous condition)
  • Peaceful
  • Passive (Peaceful condition)
  • Cocky (label used for Sarcastic)
  • Violent 
  • Aggressive (Sarcastic or Violent condition)
  • Defensive (Sarcastic or Violent condition)
  • Hostile (Sarcastic or Violent condition)
  • Vicious (Sarcastic or Violent condition)
  • Educated
  • Streetwise
  • Dalish Elf

Personality Approval:
Months later after coming back to this mod (because the previous way I was editing was very tedious, I needed a break) I found a more efficient way to do this system. Each personality has an approval (or disapproval) setting. I like the way I set up the intro of personalities and approval so some I have kept the same. The rest will have these results.

Compassionate Approval:
  • +4 Alistair
  • +1 Leliana
  • +2 Wynne
  • -1 Morrigan

Flirtatious Approval:
  • +1 Zevran

Humorous Approval:
  • +2 Alistair or;
  • +1 Alistair (Hardened)

Peaceful Approval:
  • +2 Leliana or;
  • +1 Leliana (Hardened)
  • +2 Wynne
  • -5 Morrigan

Sarcastic Approval:
  • +2 Morrigan
  • +1 Shale

Violent Approval:
  • +4 Morrigan
  • +1 Oghren
  • +2 Sten
  • +2 Zevran

Mage Origin
Of course it is. <act>Attack</act> (sets personality to Violent)
Fight each other? We're not warriors. (sets personality to Peaceful/Passive)

Why wait for scraps? Come get some now. (sets personality to Violent)
No. <act>Attack.</act> (sets personality to Violent)

Starting? I'd say they've already gone. (sets personality to Sarcastic/Cocky)
Maybe someone could help you fix them. (sets personality to Compassionate)
Are you daft? I've seen you in here many times. (sets personality to Humorous/Smart)

Responses to Sweeney's request to "burn a big hole in the seat of the trousers of the templar that patrols the library"
I'll see if I can manage that. (sets personality to Humorous/Smart)
That's your problem, not mine. (clears personality from Compassionate)

Keeping the creepy-crawlies away? (sets personality to Humorous/Smart)

Response to Leorah saying "They'll think I'm incompetent!"
Well, are you? (sets personality to Sarcastic/Cocky)

It's all right. I want to know. (sets personality to Compassionate)
I'm sure it isn't boring. (sets personality to Compassionate)
Only a fool would not appreciate this talent. (clears personality from Compassionate)
Your problems do not concern me. (clears personality from Compassionate)
Someone like you is better off tranquil, anyway. (sets personality to Sarcastic/Cocky)
Blessed is... that woman, Andraste, who... um... did stuff. (sets personality to Humorous/Smart)

What do you care? (clears personality from Compassionate)
I thought all templars liked killing mages. (clears personality from Compassionate)
We should get to know each other. (sets personality to Flirtatious/Sultry)
I've seen the way you look at me... (sets personality to Flirtatious/Sultry)
[Added option] How you feel about me isn't really a secret. (sets personality to Flirtatious/Sultry)
What kind of templar is so easily frightened? (sets personality to Sarcastic/Cocky)
I wasn't looking forward to being run through, either. (sets personality to Sarcastic/Cocky)

I just wanted to say how honored I am to meet you. (sets personality to Compassionate)
I'm sure he was just trying to survive. (sets personality to Compassionate)
It's good to see you again, Duncan. (sets personality to Compassionate)
I'm not allowed to be in the library? (sets personality to Humorous/Smart)
As an apprentice, old men talking have defined my life. (sets personality to Humorous/Smart)
I've always done what Irving asks of me. (sets personality to Peaceful/Passive)
It was rather dull, and I think I'll leave now. (sets personality to Sarcastic/Cocky)

You're starting to worry me, Jowan. (sets personality to Compassionate)
I just want both of you to be happy. (sets personality to Compassionate)
Love will conquer all. (sets personality to Compassionate)
And you'll only have yourself to blame. (clears personality from Compassionate)
All this skulking about is rather excessive. (clears personality from Compassionate)

Hah! You should see your expression. It was priceless. (sets personality to Humorous/Smart)
Well, you are somewhat demonic-looking. (sets personality to Humorous/Smart)

Going through another personal crisis? (sets personality to Sarcastic/Cocky)
This fat cow is your lover? (sets personality to Sarcastic/Cocky)
My condolences, Lily. (sets personality to Sarcastic/Cocky)
A farm? Well, suit yourself, I guess. (sets personality to Sarcastic/Cocky)
Great. Get married. Have some kids. Can I go now? (sets personality to Sarcastic/Cocky)

My leash, you mean. (sets personality to Humorous/Smart)
That's it? After throwing me to the wolves? (sets personality to Sarcastic/Cocky)
I am glad to be a part of the Circle. (sets personality to Peaceful/Passive)
That's all I get? (sets personality to Humorous/Smart)
Does Duncan not know where his quarters are? (clears personality from Peaceful/Passive)
If that is your command, then I must obey. (sets personality to Peaceful/Passive)
Yes, and it was an utter waste of my time. (sets personality to Sarcastic/Cocky)
He was puffed up and full of himself. (sets personality to Humorous/Smart)
It was an honor to meet a Grey Warden of his stature. (clears personality from Sarcastic/Cocky)
Duncan's opinion means nothing to me. (sets personality to Sarcastic/Cocky)
Why, is my social life of interest to you? (sets personality to Sarcastic/Cocky)

Human Noble Origin
What? Why can't I go into battle with you and Fergus? (sets personality to Violent)
If you don't send me, <emp>I'll</emp> kill you. (sets personality to Humorous/Smart)
Very well. I'll do what you think is best. (sets personality to Peaceful/Passive)

Response to Howe mentioning his son's/daughter's interest in you
I'd like that. (sets personality to Flirtatious/Sultry/Suave)

After the siege
And take <emp>vengeance</emp>. (sets personality to Violent)

I don't remember returning the interest. (clears personality from Flirtatious/Suave)
Don't hold your breath. (sets personality to Sarcastic/Cocky)

What about tonight... in my room? (sets personality to Flirtatious/Sultry)

Response to father 
I've no interest in becoming a Grey Warden. (sets personality to Peaceful/Passive)

He said they were a small order, and no longer important. (sets personality to Sarcastic/Cocky)
Is there a reason I should care? (sets personality to Sarcastic/Cocky)
Don't strain my abilities or anything. (sets personality to Sarcastic/Cocky)

After the siege
We can find another way. We can fight. (sets personality to Violent)
I love you both, so much. (sets personality to Compassionate)

Tell me about yourself, Ser Gilmore. (sets personality to Compassionate)
Stupid dog! He never behaves. (sets personality to Sarcastic/Cocky)
Just joking! Yes, he wants to test you. (sets personality to Humorous/Smart)

I'll just get rid of him, then. (sets personality to Sarcastic/Cocky)
Perhaps we need a new cook. (sets personality to Sarcastic/Cocky)
Mother, why are these people here? (sets personality to Sarcastic/Cocky)
Nan's head exploded and my hound ate the kitchen staff. (sets personality to Humorous/Smart)
I'd rather not keep chasing this stupid dog. (sets personality to Sarcastic/Cocky)
I love you, too. (sets personality to Compassionate)

Response to Landra
Weren't you drunk? (sets personality to Humorous/Smart)
Of course. It is good to see you again, my lady. (sets personality to Compassionate)

Response to Dairren
Perhaps we should speak alone sometime, Dairren? (sets personality to Flirtatious/Sultry)
You're being modest. You fought very well. (sets personality to Compassionate)
Go soak your head. (sets personality to Sarcastic/Cocky)

Response to Iona
Perhaps we should speak alone sometime, Iona? (sets personality to Flirtatious/Suave)

After the siege
Maybe you want to find Howe and ask him? (sets personality to Humorous/Smart)

"The Art of Passionate Love" by Brother Capria.
I could show you what I learned. (sets personality to Flirtatious/Sultry/Suave)
I'm only joking, Dairren. (sets personality to Humorous/Smart)

My passion lies in other areas.
Combat. (sets personality to Violent)
Making love. (sets personality to Flirtatious/Sultry/Suave)

You consider it an honor to do menial tasks? (sets personality to Sarcastic/Cocky)
Why don't you come to my room later tonight? (sets personality to Flirtatious/Sultry/Suave)

If I had a maid like yourself, I might consider it. (sets personality to Flirtatious/Sultry)
If she found a maid like you, I might encourage her. (sets personality to Flirtatious/Suave)
Surely you're joking. Someone as beautiful as you? (sets personality to Flirtatious/Sultry/Suave)
Something more intimate, later on in my room. (sets personality to Flirtatious/Sultry/Suave)

You'll be missed, Brother. (sets personality to Compassionate)
Women are overrated. (clears personality to Flirtatious/Suave)
Men are overrated. (clears personality to Flirtatious/Sultry)
No fewer than three, if you please. (sets personality to Humorous/Smart)
Have fun on the long march. In the cold. (sets personality to Humorous/Smart)
I certainly hope not! (sets personality to Humorous/Smart)

City Elf Origin
Summerday? (sets personality to Humorous/Smart)
According to your breath, it's get-drunk-before-noon day. (sets personality to Humorous/Smart)

Stay calm. Do whatever they say. (sets personality to Peaceful/Passive)
When the door opens, attack! (sets personality to Violent)
Try it. See what parts you lose first. (sets personality to Violent)

Everything will be all right. (sets personality to Compassionate)
Like dogs, Shianni. (sets personality to Violent)
Not just them. All the humans who hurt you. (sets personality to Violent)

Forget Soris. We're still here; that's what matters. (sets personality to Sarcastic/Cocky)
I love you too, Shianni. (sets personality to Compassionate)
Enough with the mushy stuff! (sets personality to Humorous/Smart)

Instead, I have to marry who you say. Great. (sets personality to Sarcastic/Cocky)
A small chance is still a chance. (sets personality to Humorous/Smart)

Here's ten silvers. Take it. Stay here where you belong. (sets personality to Compassionate)
Get lost. (clears personality from Compassionate)

Here's ten silvers. Take it. Stay here where you belong. (sets personality to Compassionate)
Get lost. (clears personality from Compassionate)

Maybe you'll get a cage for a wedding present. (sets personality to Humorous/Smart)

Response to Nelaros / Nesiara
I was until I saw you. (sets personality to Flirtatious/Sultry/Suave)
You're ugly <emp>and</emp> slow? (sets personality to Sarcastic/Cocky)
I'm joking, of course! Just breaking the tension. (sets personality to Humorous/Smart)

Response to Nesiara
Must be an ugly city. (sets personality to Sarcastic/Cocky)
I apologize. That was rude of me. (clears personality from Sarcastic/Cocky)

In response to Duncan's arrival
Let's just kill him.
I'm joking. (sets personality to Humorous/Smart)
I'm serious, Soris. I hate humans. (sets personality to Violent)
Fine, let's just scare him then. (sets personality to Sarcastic/Cocky)

Don't worry. We'll get them back. (sets personality to Compassionate)
We're gonna kill some humans! (sets personality to Violent)
Step one: Be a man and quit whining. (sets personality to Sarcastic/Cocky)

Of course. (clears personality from Peaceful/Passive)
It's a little late for regrets. (clears personality from Peaceful/Passive)
He forced my hand. (clears personality from Peaceful/Passive)
What's important is that Shianni's safe. (sets personality to Compassionate)

I'll paint these walls with human blood! (sets personality to Violent)

He died. We're alive. Let's keep moving. (clears personality from Compassionate)
Well, I never wanted to get married anyway. (clears personality from Compassionate)

Response to Soris
Let's not endanger ourselves needlessly. (sets personality to Peaceful/Passive)
I'd welcome you getting what you deserve. (clears personality from Peaceful/Passive)
Let's just talk this over, shall we? (sets personality to Peaceful/Passive)
Dream on, human. (sets personality to Sarcastic/Cocky)
Human scum! You'll regret what you've done here! (sets personality to Violent)
Then just imagine what we'll do to you two. (clears personality from Peaceful/Passive)

Response to Vaughan's deal
All right. (clears personality from Compassionate)
Then give me the money. I accept your deal. (clears personality from Compassionate)
But I won't get to kill you, and I really want to. (sets personality to Violent)
All I want is your head. (sets personality to Violent)

Dalish Elf Origin Beta-v2 update
Let them go. You judge humans too harshly. (sets personality to Compassionate)
Give them a warning. Killing them will only bring trouble. (sets personality to Peaceful/Passive)
Kill them--what do I care? The others will never know. (sets personality to Violent)
Ha! I'd like to see these ruins. (sets personality to Sarcastic/Cocky)
You've frightened them enough. They won't bother us. (clears personality from Violent)
Kill one. The others will make sure no one else comes. (sets personality to Violent and clears personality from Peaceful/Passive)
So they can bring a mob to drive us out? Kill them all. (sets personality to Violent and clears personality from Compassionate)

Statue Examined
It's worn, but it looks vaguely familiar... 
This isn't the time or place for a history lesson, Tamlen. (sets personality to Sarcastic/Cocky)
It's interesting. So much of our past is lost to us. (sets personality to Compassionate)
Maybe. Why should I care? (sets personality to Sarcastic/Cocky)

Mirror Room
You're imagining things. (sets personality to Sarcastic/Cocky)

Worried. Where is Tamlen? (sets personality to Compassionate)

After speaking with the keeper
Why do you want to know?
I don't think that's a good idea.
I will not disobey the keeper. (sets personality to Peaceful/Passive)
Are you sure about that? (sets personality to Humorous/Smart)
Fine. Come along then. (clears personality from Peaceful/Passive)

After ruins
He will tell me soon, or else... (sets personality to Violent)

<act>Lie</act> I did ask. She's fine with it. (sets personality to Sarcastic/Cocky)

At the abandoned campsite
Spooked already? I don't hear anything. (sets personality to Humorous/Smart)

After first darkspawn attack
You're asking me? (sets personality to Humorous/Smart)

At the ruins
Don't talk like that! You don't know. (sets personality to Compassionate)

Why listen to anything a shemlen says? (sets personality to Sarcastic/Cocky)
Three of them. We drove them off.
You're going to let those shemlen drive us off? (clears personality from Peaceful/Passive)

I would like to hear the story of your father's battle. (sets personality to Compassionate)
Why would you relinquish such a relic? (sets personality to Sarcastic/Cocky)

Enough, Ashalle! I don't need to be mothered by you anymore. (clears personality from Compassionate)

Talking about your parents
That was a foolish and weak thing to do. (clears personality from Compassionate)

The shemlen are responsible for this. (clears personality from Peaceful/Passive)
Sure, old man. (sets personality to Sarcastic/Cocky)
So I made a mistake. Why go on about it? (sets personality to Sarcastic/Cocky)
Tell it yourself. I'm no storyteller. (sets personality to Sarcastic/Cocky)
Well, children, it starts with a mommy and daddy elf... (sets personality to Humorous/Smart)
We chose wandering the lands rather than the human rule.
Just think of the celebration we'll have <emp>then</emp>!. (sets personality to Humorous/Smart)
Not to mention that shemlen cities smell terrible. (sets personality to Humorous/Smart)

We don't have much call for thieving. (sets personality to Peaceful/Passive)
You won't have to resort to that anymore. (sets personality to Compassionate)

Thanks for nothing, then. (sets personality to Sarcastic/Cocky)
Can we skip the introductions? It's been a long trip. (sets personality to Sarcastic/Cocky)
You're pretty observant... for a king. (sets personality to Humorous/Smart)
I highly doubt it, but anything is possible. (sets personality to Humorous/Smart)

After the Joining
Another side mission away from the main force? Thrilling. (sets personality to Violent)
I refuse to be sent on an errand. (sets personality to Sarcastic/Cocky)

Guess Duncan's got a taste for street rats. (sets personality to Humorous/Smart)
You're a charmer, I see. (sets personality to Humorous/Smart)
Or, I could just kill you. (sets personality to Sarcastic/Cocky)
Just don't get too distracted back there. (sets personality to Flirtatious/Sultry)

You're not all that smart, are you? (sets personality to Sarcastic/Cocky)
There's no need to cower, fool. (sets personality to Sarcastic/Cocky)
I'm not going to hurt you--without reason. (sets personality to Humorous/Smart)

Korcari Wilds
It appears that I am the only man here. (sets personality to Humorous/Smart)
I'm looking forward to killing them. (sets personality to Violent)

The Joining
I don't like this any more than you do.
Will you both shut up? (sets personality to Sarcastic/Cocky)
Stop yammering! You're giving me a headache. (sets personality to Sarcastic/Cocky)

Here's some food. <act>Give the food to the prisoner.</act> (sets personality to Compassionate)
I'll see what I can do. (sets personality to Compassionate)
That's horrible! Why haven't they fed you? (sets personality to Compassionate)
Forget it. I need to go. (clears personality from Compassionate)
And I bet you're as innocent as the sunrise. (sets personality to Humorous/Smart)
They certainly are. (sets personality to Humorous/Smart)
I'll take that. <act>Kill him and take the key.</act> (sets personality to Violent)

Let's try to bandage him up, at least. (sets personality to Compassionate)
We can take you back. (sets personality to Compassionate)
He's already dead. See? <act>Kill the soldier.</act> (sets personality to Violent)

I am <FirstName/>. A <emp>pleasure</emp> to meet you. (sets personality to Flirtatious/Sultry)

Deep in the Wilds
I'm not, thanks to Morrigan's mother. (clears personality from Sarcastic/Cocky)
Afraid you were going to be left alone? (sets personality to Humorous/Smart)
I'm fine. I appreciate your concern. (sets personality to Compassionate)
It takes more than a few darkspawn to kill me. (sets personality to Sarcastic/Cocky)

Who cares what she is? We need to do something now.
Alistair is the real Grey Warden here, not me.
[All responses that end with "I know how you feel."] (sets personality to Compassionate)
My brother is out there, somewhere. I need to find him. (clears personality from Compassionate)
So I should take on a suicide mission, instead? (sets personality to Sarcastic/Cocky)
Oh, pull it together, will you? (clears personality from Compassionate)

That sounds like an excellent idea.
We'll find a way. It's up to us, after all. (clears personality from Sarcastic/Cocky)

I'd be happy with just staying alive. (sets personality to Humorous/Smart)
We're going, old woman. Don't push us. (sets personality to Sarcastic/Cocky)

So why <emp>did</emp> you save us?
Of course not! (clears personality from Humorous/Smart)
It changed when most of them were slaughtered. (clears personality from Humorous/Smart)
The Grey Wardens are no more. Let someone else do it. (clears personality from Humorous/Smart)

I suppose we should thank you. (clears personality from Sarcastic/Cocky)

After Morrigan Recruited
Are you sure they didn't just die from horror? (sets personality to Humorous/Smart)
That <emp>must</emp> have been a long time ago. (sets personality to Humorous/Smart)

You should listen to your friend. We're not refugees. (or) You should listen to your friend. I'm no refugee.
You can certainly try. (clears personality from Peaceful/Passive)

You're toll collectors, then?
You're fixing the highway? I think not. (sets personality to Humorous/Smart)
Perhaps you should charge more, then. (sets personality to Sarcastic/Cocky)
I'm just saying it's rough business for such a pittance.
It's hard to be outnumbered by common thugs. (clears personality from Peaceful/Passive)

I don't have that kind of coin.
I kill you. Problem solved. (sets personality to Violent and clears personality from Peaceful/Passive)
Do you really want to fight a Grey Warden?
Actually, let's add bandit-slaying to that list... (sets personality to Violent and clears personality from Peaceful/Passive)
You know, the Grey Wardens could use a donation. (sets personality to Sarcastic/Cocky)
Not enough, I'm afraid. (sets personality to Violent and clears personality from Peaceful/Passive)
I've changed my mind. <act>Attack</act> (sets personality to Violent and clears personality from Peaceful/Passive)
Wrong answer. <act>Attack</act> (sets personality to Violent and clears personality from Peaceful/Passive)
Do you really want to fight a mage? (clears personality from Peaceful/Passive)
You are too kind. (sets personality to Peaceful/Passive)
It's time to test some spells. <act>Attack them</act> (sets personality to Violent)
Very well. Here's ten silvers. (or) Fine. Here's ten silvers. Just let me by. (sets personality to Peaceful/Passive)
That's not very sporting of you.
Forget it. (clears personality from Peaceful/Passive)

I want my money back. (clears personality from Peaceful/Passive)
I'm clearing you bandits out of here. (clears personality from Peaceful/Passive)
You and your men need to leave. Now. (clears personality from Peaceful/Passive)
I've changed my mind. I'm clearing you out. (clears personality from Peaceful/Passive)
It's time for you and your men to leave. (clears personality from Peaceful/Passive)

I didn't "wander" anywhere, thank you.
I could make trouble for you, human. Is that what you want? (sets personality to Violent)
Yes, I am a Grey Warden.
Teyrn Loghain betrayed the king, not us! (clears personality from Peaceful/Passive)
Perhaps you'd like to rephrase that... or die. (sets personality to Violent)
Just traveling through. (sets personality to Peaceful/Passive)

Here's fifty silvers. (sets personality to Compassionate)
I can spare nothing for beggars. (clears personality from Compassionate)

You poor thing! Did you and your mother get separated? (sets personality to Compassionate)
I don't think she's coming, child.
Don't be a fool! She's dead! (clears personality from Compassionate)
The mean men killed her. She's dead. (clears personality from Compassionate)
Yes, well, good luck with that. (clears personality from Compassionate)
Yes, I have. She's over there somewhere. (sets personality to Humorous/Smart)
Beat it. (clears personality from Compassionate)

Is no one going to shut this madman up? (clears personality from Compassionate)
Watch where you throw accusations, fool! (clears personality from Compassionate)
Ignore him, people. I know I intend to. (sets personality to Humorous/Smart)

That's enough! This ends now! (clears personality from Compassionate)
You poor man. What happened to you? (sets personality to Compassionate)
It must have been horrible. How did you escape?
I'm not evil. Please, won't you talk to me? (sets personality to Peaceful/Passive)

This is ridiculous. You should be put out of your misery. (clears personality from Compassionate)
Standing around and shouting won't save you. (clears personality from Peaceful/Passive)
That's it. Time to put you out of your misery. (sets personality to Violent)
Could you cluck like a chicken when you do that? (sets personality to Humorous/Smart)
No, of course not. (sets personality to Peaceful/Passive)
I know dogs made of sterner stuff than you. (sets personality to Humorous/Smart)
I'm calling you an idiot. Listen to yourself for a moment! (clears personality from Compassionate)

Calm down. The darkspawn can be fought and beaten! (sets personality to Compassionate)
Better tainted by blood than by fear. (sets personality to Sarcastic/Cocky)

That's right. No hope for any of you fools! (clears personality from Compassionate)
Then lay down and die! There's no hope for any of you! (clears personality from Compassionate)

What tithe is acceptable? (sets personality to Compassionate)
Tithe? To the chantry? Are you joking? (clears personality from Compassionate)

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