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  1. Limai9999
    • supporter
    • 40 kudos
    2. Do not use controller emulation in DSX (Xbox 360 or DualShock 4) if you connected your controller using a wire (Patch 2.1 or newer)

    1. Mod Issues
    If you don't see the mod's settings, or something else doesn't work for you,
    PLEASE update all dependent mods to the latest version.
    Only after that send a bug report.

    If you don't see the mod's settings reinstall redscript, or/and if you have REDmod installed, you must install cybercmd

    2. How to play with Haptic Feedback and other native features along with modded Adaptive Triggers?
    1. Disable controller emulation in DSX. (use OFF instead of Xbox 360 or DualShock 4)
    2. Connect your controller using a wire.
    1. Haptic Feedback is not "HD".
    2. Some Adaptive Triggers may be broken because game tries to override the modified AT.

    You can always use BT connection.
  2. Limai9999
    • supporter
    • 40 kudos
    Update for Patch 2.12a is available!

    Can you guys suggest me some ideas for new features?
    1. Limai9999
      • supporter
      • 40 kudos
      I've already made triggers effects for vehicle collisions and going to enhance a player led a bit.
      Maybe I should improve some weapons?
    2. DeadZero1387
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Phone calls from the controller's speaker would be damn awesome, can it be done?
    3. WinterElfeas
      • premium
      • 27 kudos
      Feeling the foot steps left / right with a subtle vibration (left and right on the controller), similar to how it is e.g. in Death Stranding when you start to carry heavy stuff
    4. Limai9999
      • supporter
      • 40 kudos
      Unfortunately, so far I can't interact with the controller speaker or Haptic Feedback in any way.
      Maybe someday it will be possible, but not yet.
    5. WinterElfeas
      • premium
      • 27 kudos
      Oh sad, DSX doesn't offer API for it that's why?
    6. Limai9999
      • supporter
      • 40 kudos
    7. risotoO
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      That works great and it's a real game changer! 
      I just have a question: I was wondering if there was the possibility to remove the charge level notification of the controller? Every 5 or 10 minutes I have this notification that pops and that's pretty annoying. As my controller is connected to the PC I don't care about its charge level so it would be nice if we could deactivate this.

    8. Limai9999
      • supporter
      • 40 kudos
      risotoO, yes of course. There is a switch in the mod settings, which disables pop-up notifications.
    9. risotoO
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you, I didn't see that earlier :)
    10. sodie
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I am only running DSX, all Stram inputs disabled, the trigger effects and led colors work as intended but it seems there is no Vibration, for example when I am hit by a bullet or an enemy melees me, there is no Vibration.

      How do I enable that as well?

      If I go to DSX's Settings --> Controller ---> Controller Audio and Enable Audio Haptics (USB ONLY) then I do have vibration, but it is for every audio sources in the game, and the controller vibrates non-stop, which is kind of annoying (it even vibrates to music).
    11. nie768
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      this may sound ridiculous..
      I suggest new features is 'Disable controller' 
      when ever I plug dualsense the game always freakout swaping button layout between PC and DS layout.
      you can simply unplug DS to solve the problem but the thing is... I use my DS5 to talk to my friends in discord.
      Yes, you heard me right I use DS5 as Microphone. and I always stream 2077 to my friends.
      so it would be nice if we could have this feature.
      (IDK why this feature is not in the base game at the first place)
    12. Limai9999
      • supporter
      • 40 kudos
      Hi nie768, to disable input you can just disable controller emulation in DSX and the microphone will still work
    13. Stranium
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Dash haptics !!!!
    14. orangpelupa
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      it vibrates by receiving output from the "speakers" rear channels. if someone found a way for programmatically connect cyberpunk to output audio simultaneously to other audio device, this may be achievable albeit cumbersome (e.g. maybe need to have manual audio output selector in-game, as windows often borked the audio output selection)

      in the mean time, anyone can use any audio mirroring tools like EqualizerAPO or OBS to mirror audio to dualsense speakers and you can feel the roar of engine, the rain drops, etc

    15. HankChen72
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      I would like to ask about the problem of x360 and ps4 controllers being recognized at the same time in the game? How to solve it? This will lead to repeated input of commands, thank you
    16. IrealiTY
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      on the default dualsense mapping on steam, the long-press right side touch the touch pad opens the map, and the left one opens the character menu, could this be implemented in the mod too?
    17. jodsdjof
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      hi thank you so much ! Does this works for 2.0 ? and with GOG ? thanks !
    18. Zentence
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      the possibility of adding support for DualSense Elite Gamepad - back buttons? :D
    19. supercoldzzz
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      always can do
    20. TheMonsterMan
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      I haven't tried other cyberware arms, but I remember the monowire feeling underwhelming considering limbs and heads are flying off left and right. Maybe beef that up somehow?

      P.S. can't go back to playing without this mod on PC. Great work and much appreciated.
    21. adkhn999
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I am only running DSX, all Steam inputs disabled, the trigger effects and led colors work as intended but it seems there is no Vibration, for example when I am hit by a bullet or an enemy melees me, there is no Vibration.

      How do I enable that as well?
    22. Beazelkree
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      You must use HideHide app to hide unwanted emulated controller
    23. DeadZero1387
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Well, patch 2.1 will have native Dualsense support, thank you so much for keeping the idea alive and helping us enjoy the game this way while it happened. Cheers!
    24. fancypantzz
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      +1 thank you so much
    25. KrowZeroSix
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Except it seems the built in dualsense support might only work for the steam version, so if you have the GOG, it looks like this may still be necessary. I can't get the 2.1 ds controller working at all.
    26. ElGamerEduard
      • supporter
      • 4 kudos
      i can confirm that it also works on GOG. Last night I just connected the dualsense via a USB cable and it worked (Haptic feedback + Adaptative triggers) (with DS4 and Steam closed)
    27. serratedturnip
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Honestly as far as new features go I would say I prefer your mod over the official support in pretty much every way tbh, the options for customisation is what does it for me. If there was some way to have your mod work with the native haptic support, personally for me it would be perfect.
    28. Oni152
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Suggestion: haptics that respond to the music in the game. I had this natively before the  latest update broke it, and scenes inside clubs felt insanely immersive. 

      Edit: Just realised 'audio haptics' in the app does exactly what I wanted
    29. mlrhoades1
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      I just wanted to say thank you.  I've relied on this mod for a year or so.  I jumped back into CP2077 after the update and was excited to see they've implemented DualSense support finally!  Alas, it just wasn't the same.  It made me really appreciate the depth of effects on this mod.  So, thanks a lot for your work.  You're a saint.
    30. Limai9999
      • supporter
      • 40 kudos
      mlrhoades1, thank you very much!
    31. BananaKING42
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      serratedturnip btw this is now possible by having the controller connected via cable and disabling Steam input. That way you get the trigger effects from this mod and the haptic feedback from the game
    32. Gn3xus
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      BananaKing42, this is actually not possible atm so, no.
      No native haptics + this mod. Period.
      What you're describing is all of the game's audio is being converted to haptics by DSXv2 if you have that option turned on when wired, yes it works (and has for a long while now) but it's not native HF + mod.

      Atm, what you describe can simply not be achieved yet (it will be with DSXv3 eventually)
    33. BananaKING42
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      @Gn3xus idk what to tell you but the haptics feel exactly the same whether I have DSX running in the background with the mod or playing pure vanilla. It's definitely not just the standard rumble you would get by playing wireless with this mod.

      The haptics emultation of DSX is turned off as this just lets all the sound through the controller which can just not be what it does natively. The vibrations are really messy then.

      Can you describe how the haptics should be as per the PS5 version? I don't have one, so I cannot test it myself
    34. Gn3xus
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Well to you they feel the same but they really are not, however close they can sometimes be felt, I'll give you that.

      Haptics (in native mode on PC / can't tell by memory how they felt when I played on PS5) are just a tad more nuanced, a bit more subtle (too subtle even, to my liking at least) than regular rumble/vibration (which is not used at all in native mode) data used for Xbox controllers which is what you get with the mod, DSX's Improved motor rumble option is very good at giving an almost matching feel to them but they're really not the same. I suppose that's what you're feeling (just try turning it off and you'll get how massive of a difference the two effects datastreams are felt in your hands).

      My bad on assuming you were describing the other option in DSX which can be cool in many games but is indeed an unbearable mess whenever there's any action in CP - though you can tune it and not have the speaker mirroring the game's audio, which is always a nice-to-have feature.
    35. BananaKING42
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      Thanks for clarifying.

      I still don't feel a difference between using DSX and full vanilly without DSX running. Haptic feedback that should be there (e.g. depending on the surface you drive on, a fading rumble when there is a grenade exploding, etc.) is there in both versions. If the difference are that subtle, I honestly don't mind at all.

      Do you have any scenario where I could test this in-game? A certain action, etc.? Because as I said, I haven't found one yet
    36. Gn3xus
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      You're welcome. I honestly was doubting myself for a moment when you first reported that initially (outta hope I guess) so I had to have another go since 2.1 release and my quick try-native-but-nope-that-mod-is-way-better moment.

      Anyway, sure, (without spoilers) I tried by loading a save in the early vault&climb part of dog eat dog, where it's dark (should be obvious where) and you have Songbird in holo/relic convo.

      Initial loading HF vs Rumble is almost identical (when you have the convo glitch appearing and she then says her line) but somewhat different.

      The obvious comes when you simply move, jump, dash, vault, climb.. Some HF are noticeably different whilst some are even absent when there is rumble.

      Haven't tested further since I really don't see the point in native implementation over the mod at all (it's all gimmicky vs it's all fine tuned and really cared about)
    37. BananaKING42
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      I'm gonna have to try out that scene when I come to it.

      But tbh I just tested it again (also with the improved rumble option turned off) and I a m hard pressed to notice any clear differences. Just walking/sprintig and jumping doesn't give any vibration in vanilla or with the mod, while vaulting, grenade eexplosions, haptics while driving and shooting, etc all feel the same.

      Be that as it may, I would prefer the mod in any case due to the handcrafted feel you mentioneed. The triggers and LED bar effects are so much more refined than in vanilla currently
    38. BananaKING42
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      So I just tested the mod and vanilla during a braindance to see if there is a noticeable difference in the haptic feedback (there isn't as far as I can tell) and I noticed that there are absolutely NO adaptive trigger effects in the vanilla game. Is that right? If so, I gotta say that this mod just got even more awesome. The level of detail and care that was put into the trigger effects is astounding. The vibration and resistance changing depending on the fast forward or reverse speed. Not even mentioning the excellent usage of the LED bar and player light.

      Truly, hats off to the mod author. You put the developers to shame. This mod uses the potential of the Dualsense in more ways than most triple-A releases
    39. Kirito3TP
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      I think that it would be awsome to have an in game gyroscope support instead of the steam input thing that emulates an xbox controller.
    40. JLMisGroot
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Please Please Please!

      Give an option to simulate a gun properly. What I mean by that is to use the resistance on the left triggers while holding a gun until that gun is fired. At that point the effect should then switch over to the machine gun recoil emulation trigger effect you've currently got going on with the right triggers (when shooting an automatic firearm) and leaving the right trigger to cleanly simulate the trigger break with a bit of high frequency vibration while holding during automatic shooting. There seems to be a lot of potential in this adaptive trigger tech that isn't being fully used yet. Having the simulated recoil 'bump' in the left trigger rather than the right, as a gun guy; this just makes more sense in really attempting to increase immersion. 

      I don't know how to help, but would be very willing if there's any kind of tutorial anywhere on scripting these trigger states together. Right now I'm ignorant as hell. 

      I would also really appreciate the inclusion of a Rigid Brake/Reverse----Resistance Accelerate preset option in the acceleration trigger options. Also the click gear switch trigger haptics function option while driving seems to be delayed from the actual gearshift about 500-750ms which makes the effect feel kind of wrong in practice. Having access to more options for the guns would be great too, perhaps if each setting would have access to the DSX sliders and drop down you'd be able to tune things up a bit more. I don't know how you are scripting together the changes in the trigger states say, for the collision effects, unless that's putting the controller into a different state and things are just assigned per state, which would make what I'm requesting impossible for the time being, unless someone smarter and more experienced in this than I figures how to script trigger states to particular game states, such as shooting etc,,

      idk you figured out how to slow down the effect when time dilation is happening via sandevistan so I'm hopeful that this is possible, because the gun effects are so close, but so far away as someone who shoots often and really enjoys the whole adaptive trigger thing so far.

      P.S. Just noticed that the "Kyubi" rifle in game does this effect sort of in the vanilla game, I think it would really add to the immersion to add that bit of kick to each shot with automatics. Dunno if this request is a nightmare, if it is i'm sorry, any resources on how you made your UPD program/script i'm fascinated by these triggers and wanna learn all I can.
    41. JLMisGroot
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      also noticed that normal mele charge attacks don't have any kind of anticipation feel to them like some of the cyberware arms like for example the gorilla melee charge attack. An option for that like with the car trigger resistance would be awesome
    42. JLMisGroot
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      disable those audio haptic settings and disable the controller recognizer on DSX, should then let the game think it's a dualsense and send HD haptic information. You should be able to get this working with steam input on. I've been able to get all of it working together. haptics, gyro, & this mod.
    43. Denreik
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I hadn't played CP2077 in months and was really confused with DSX 3.0 and sticky post that said "DO NOT USE DSX V3", but was dated October 2022. Furthermore it was confusing figuring how NOT to use DSX.3.0. Long story short everything works after in DSX 3.0 Settings I enabled "close DSX 3.0 on launch and start DSX 2.0". Might be very helpful for anyone who wants to use this mod when >3.0 is installed.
    44. 18790373504
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Hello, I want to use my own controller touchpad and player lights instead of the lights by the mod program, I should how do that?
  3. 18790373504
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hello, I want to use my own controller touchpad and player lights instead of the lights by the mod program, I should how do that?
  4. vujvhklv
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I can't use this module normally, and the UDP number on the console keeps reporting an error after entering.The error reads:"Can't read config data, because it's empty.This was most likely due to the rapid change of trigger effects, so you can ignore it."
    My version is2.12a
    1. 18790373504
      • member
      • 0 kudos
  5. Chris346logo
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Not working for some reason neither are my vehicle mods
  6. LeonXT5000
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    thank so much for this brilliant mod! 

    "ForceLeftTrigger and ForceRightTrigger is not in correct format. It should be (0)(0)(0)(0)(0)(0) with numbers replacing zeroes."

    change the vehicle options to galloping or something else in mod settings in the game. 
  7. IanBrandonAndersonn
    • supporter
    • 3 kudos
    This mod looks cool but I'm wondering what's the significance if Cyberpunk 2077 already has Haptic Feedback and Adaptive Trigger implementation for PC?

    I like the different LED implementations from this mod.
    1. Limai9999
      • supporter
      • 40 kudos
      Native support for adaptive triggers is very poor IMO. This mod enhances AT support and adds LED support, but you lose Haptic Feedback
    2. BananaKING42
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      I don't get it. Everyone says that haptic feedback isn't working when using this mod but I honestly cannot feel any difference when playing with it or vanilla (I removed all mod files to test it).

      All effects feel the same (grenades causing fading vibrations, weapons, driving, dodging). Either the difference is extremely subtle or the PC version has different haptic feedback than the PS5 version.

      I deactivated Steam input and play with the controller connected via usb wire in both cases. Playing wireless deactivates the haptic feedback, though, that is true. To get vibrations in wireless mode, I have to activate controller emulation in DSX, but I play wired all the time.

      As it is right now, I get the (much better) trigger effects from the mod while retaining the rumble/haptic feedback from vanilla. At least it feels that way
    3. rogermorse
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      @BananaKING42 can you give me a chat on steam if you can, I see you are also into haptics and triggers etc I might have some questions (same nick on steam, with swiss flag). Didn't find you on Steam.
  8. hhhhhhw
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I'm getting an error when driving a car. It appears when I'm entering vehicle combat. Game crashes afterwards.

    "ForceLeftTrigger and ForceRightTrigger is not in correct format. It should be (0)(0)(0)(0)(0)(0) with numbers replacing zeroes."

    Newest patch 2.12a with all necessary mods updated and Github version of DualSenseX.
    1. Limai9999
      • supporter
      • 40 kudos
      Unfortunately, this version of DSX is outdated and may have bugs. This mod is tested with Steam version of DSX only.
    2. hhhhhhw
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Ah, okay. I really like this mod, I guess I'll get the Steam version then. Thanks for the response!
  9. CenturioResurgentis
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    Do the haptics work wirelessly with the firmware update a few months ago that allowed it?
    1. CenturioResurgentis
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      nevermind i'm an idiot lol
  10. blazemere
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    Is this mod why I get popup messages informing me of my controller's battery charge?  If so, is there a way to turn off that notification?  I'm not interested in knowing how charged my controller's battery is while in game (especially since I'm wired, but even if I wasn't I wouldn't be interested for immersion purposes).
    1. Limai9999
      • supporter
      • 40 kudos
      there is a switch in the mod's settings to turn off this
  11. ZakaGinger
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I have vibration not working in the game for some reason, can you tell me what to do? Triggers work just perfectly, but there is no vibration at all.
  12. Hauler24
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    The mod isn't working as of today after the small patch that was released. Not sure what the issue is, but nothing came up for me when in game and I don't see the screen that shows up sadly. The screen being the one that scrolls with all the data.