Cyberpunk 2077

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  1. SaeRenIyo
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    After walking into clouds like my name is John Wick, all I can say is that I fully recommend this mod.
  2. cortlong50
    • premium
    • 123 kudos

    hell yeah bud, thanks guys. (weird, it was there earlier and and now its haha)



    but whatever you do for godsakes stop asking. Test. 


    going to patch the current versions knife head damage soon
    along with release a version that will replace the primary that lowers enemy accuracy slightly. 
    sorry, but the vanilla values are insane. they will bop you for barely poking out to the point of it slowing down firefights and being unrealistic. 
    still fine-tuning the results. i want it to be hard and you should use cover, but being punished every time you poke out is a bit much. 

    NEWS - FEB.1.24

  3. ezzio2030
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Hey Chooms, I had been intending to share this before but was encouraged after reading FrostyWaffles very helpful post as I have approx 350 mods and I mod whatever I can to make the game gritty, hard, tough as balls. That's probably why you're here too. I play on a gaming laptop and once brought it to my buddy's place who plays vanilla Cyberpunk. His reaction was priceless. After a lot of trial and error, I found this combination of mods to be excellent with Hardcore22. It's by no means the definitive list but a great start. For me at least, these mods all play nice together. Backup your game before making any drastic changes! :] I will lastly mention that I haven't updated yet to 2.11 because of the number of mods I have. I'm waiting a little longer before I jump down that rabbit hole. I highly, highly recommend Notepad++ to anyone thinking of getting started editing text files as some of them mentioned below.

    --EDIT-- March 20/24
    I've added a few more mods that I forgot to mention before. With the mod list outlined below including those supplied by FrostyWaffles and a few others, this is what you can expect from gameplay:

    - Traveling on foot from one gig or location to another is a gritty, dangerous thing. Combat is often but welcome because level progression is slow. More shootouts = more exp. The firefights range from small to "holy ***** I need to GTFO. --- Sh*t I ran through that alley to take cover only to run right into a group of Maelstrom".
    - Ammo is scarce. Bullets count. Picking up that random iron off the ground because it has a full clip, pulling out your boot knife or Katana become a routine thing when you're dry.
    - The sounds of Sandevistan from enemies are slightly butt-clenching, forcing you to use tactics and look for cover or clothes-line them with that blunt weapon and hope you break their spine before they have a chance to get their feet back under them.
    - Like Skyrim, your weapons and combat tactics dictate what skills level up. "Leveling" doesn't grant you skill points.
    - Random civilians will take up arms on the streets during firefights. They might be assisting you or they might be targeting you depending on who started shooting first when that car load of Tyger Claws showed up. Civilians only aggro for a short period of time before their adrenaline wears off and they run away. Engaging civilians by accident or on purpose will have you targeted by NCPD.
    - NCPD now actually hunt you and don't just magically know where you are or magically teleport on top of you. Memorable moment was fleeing on foot on the highway following an intense shootout that garnered some wanted stars. Health items on cooldown, bleeding out, NCPD on my tail, busy highway which meant a car load of Sandevistan'd 6 Street just pulled up, all I could do was jump off that bridge right into the river and take cover by a storm drain.
    - Driving becomes a dangerous thing and enemies will continually try to smash into your vehicle and attempt to pin you. Those side-quests from you-know-who after stating Phantom Liberty become very challenging indeed.

    =-=-=-= Environment and Gameplay =-=-=-=

    I know Night City Alive was already mentioned but I want to expand on this because I discovered something pretty cool thanks to mod author post on Jan 20 in response to someone asking how to make the gangs hostile to V. With the tweaks mentioned below, I chose (well in my case) to make everyone hostile to V except for the Valentinos' and NCPD which are still Neutral. (Streetkid playthrough). The result is any gangs driving around or hanging around will attack V on sight. However, if Valentino's are around, they back V up because I left them as Neutral. -- EDIT -- I made them "Friendly" so it's almost like being an honorary member. Also, occasionally random citizens will pickup arms to defend themselves because gangs are rolling in all hostile. I've found myself in shootouts with 6th Street and Maelstrom but with some citizen and Valentino backup. I've done a full playthrough and it only had minor issues with some gigs. For me, the gameplay change was well worth those minor issues that are easily work-around-able. If you go through those lines of code, you can configure who's hostile to who. I'm only posting this because mod author publicly posted so this will be for private use of course.

    "Night City Alive" by Katane1991 -

    Katane1991 mentions "Hello, yes it's possible but it will result in a nightmare as V will become the main objective of all AI. They will focus on you because the player is more important." -- Nightmare? Don't threaten me with a good time. SIGN ME UP BUTTERCUP!

    to edit Cyberpunk 2077\mods\NIGHT CITY ALIVE\tweaks\base\gameplay\static_data\database\attitude\attitude.tweak
    and Go to line 1290 to 1337, and change the "Neutral" word to "Hostile"

    -EDIT March 20/24-
    "NCPD Prevention Police Enhancement" (NCPDPPE) by Katane1991
    - NCPD tactics are much, much better.
    - NOTE: Disable this mod for 2 quests. Rebel Rebel and Spider and the Fly. Very minor inconvenience for an otherwise truly excellent mod.

    This next mod - I'm actually only using the optional file "Chase Target" and it works completely fine on its own. The reason I'm only using this one file is because some of the dependencies of the main mod randomly crash my game (I narrowed it down to Enhanced Vehicle System after a couple of days of testing. Something in my load order is not playing nice with it) so your mileage may vary.

    "Driver Combat" by ShinyaON - - Again, I'm only using the optional file "Chase Target"
    - "NCPD\Gang more effectively chase and ram the player vehicle and better handle their vehicles." - It works great with Night City Alive.

    "PED Damage Overhaul" by Hundsfott - - lets you assign shot-points to various body parts such as hitting flesh, metal, cyberware or armor.

    "Enemies of Night City" by viperc48 - - in-game menus allow you to edit health and damage variables as well in addition to other things.

    "Law Enforcement Overhaul" by Yorpie - - Note that there is a compatibility patch for Night City Alive in this mod's optional files list.
    - This was an excellent mod but after trying out NCPDPPE which was the same author as Night City Alive, the synergy is excellent.

    -EDIT March 20/24- 
    "Tougher Security Turrets" by sosuine - - This works two fold. It's harder to destroy turrets, also useful if its YOUR turret that you hacked/engineered. I can't remember where it was, but I was seriously outnumbered and I dove towards the turret under fire when it wasn't looking my way, engineer hacked it and dove back into cover.
    -- A note about turrets. I've never done the netrunner thing really. So I realized much later in NC, that turrets only shoot at targets you've tagged.
    I happen to have "Clairvoyance" by Thortok2000 - installed. One of the things that this mod does as part of its mechanic, is automatically tag enemies in range. (I don't see tags because of my hud settings) and what I noticed is that, if you hack a turret, that thing just automatically starts blasting at anything coming your way like you were on the USCSS Nostromo surrounded by Xenomorphs.

    "Body Shield" by Seijax - - This mod is especially useful in early-game. When you pick up a body, it adds a big buff to your armor value

    "Savage Stun" by enowai - [COMBINED WITH]
    "Buttslinger Quickmelee" by Seijax -
    -- Since gameplay has gotten very gritty, Buttslinger per the author "Properly stun enemies with the quick melee attacks of ranged weapons. Open them to grabs and finishers
    -- When combined with Savage Stun - per the Author "Allows Savage Sling to be triggered from stunning NPCs." -- You can tweak the file, as mentioned on the author's description, so that you do or don't need the "Savage Sling" perk to toss people.

    =-=-=-= Ammo Mods =-=-=-=

    Part of my playstyle is having very limited ammo and limited access to ammo. I didn't know this before but the game auto-generates ammo when you're low. Big no-no for me. This also encourages me to pick up random guns lying around if I run out of ammo. (I also never knew that even if you're out of ammo, picking up a gun off the ground has a full clip in it)

    "No Ammo Handicap Drops" - by Baarn prevents auto-generated ammo when you're low.

    I personally run around with 12 shells, 48 pistol, 72 heavy, 8 sniper. Accomplished via:

    "Custom Max Ammo" by yakuzadeso - 

    To quote the helpful post from Rext100 on that mod's post page, here is how you tweak the .lua file which 100% works for me.

    "As of 2.1 (not feb update) the mod works really weird for me. To put the value you want to have (in the init.lua file), you need to take into account a offset of +100, so if you want 72 to be your max ammo count, you need to do 72-100= -28. I do not think the problem comes from this mod only, but definitely a interaction with a lot of other mods."

    So my init.lua looks like this to accomplish my desired numbers:

    MaxHandgunAmmo = -52
    MaxRifleAmmo = -28
    MaxShotgunAmmo = -88
    MaxSniperRifleAmmo = -92

    "Refill Ammo from Vehicle Trunk" by bobrobbow -  - You edit the vehicle_ammo_refill.reds file to match your custom max ammo. (Taking offset into consideration here is not required. So for example, mine looks like this. (The top portion of the file is the only section you need to edit) - This is great because the way my game is setup, gangs are driving around and I get into a lot of firefights in the streets. My vehicle often becomes my cover or I'll run back to it. Unfortunately, doesn't work with motorbikes. To refill your ammo, you hold the button down as you would to open the trunk. On a vehicle like the Weiler that has no trunk, the effect is done by opening the hood.

    if IsDefined(transactionSystem) && IsDefined(player) {
                let pistolmax: Int32 = 48;
                let riflemax: Int32 = 72;
                let shotgunmax: Int32 = 12;
                let snipermax: Int32 = 8;

    "Discard Magazine Ammo on Reload" by SknTheLisper -
    This mod has options for "Combat Discard" where ammo is lost only if you reload during combat and other options as well.

    "Reduced Loot" by djkovrik -

    Among other things, this mod lets you tweak in-game how much ammo is found inside objects (defined by "Query" amount which are those inside ammo boxes or non-combat dead bodies - bodies that were placed there by the game i.e. gigs)
    Note: By default, in the Mod Settings UI, the "step" counter is 5. So I edited the ammo.reds file to change the "step" to 1 since I'm working with such small ammo numbers. Accomplished by editing each line's @runtimeProperty("ModSettings.step", "1") from 5 to 1.

    =-=-=-= HUD =-=-=-=

    I personally hate all the things that show me where enemies are located. i.e. through walls, on the mini map, the little icon that shows their detection level, or their constant chattering that shows me text boxes above their head etc..

    "Limited Hud" by djkovrik -

    - In the in-game Mod Settings menu under "LHUD and LHUD Addons" - there are all kinds of variables. Under "LHUD" there is an option to toggle off the combat icons that appear over enemies such as their alert status etc.. As an aside, since my game is setup that I have absolutely no idea where enemies are and they're often out to get me just driving around, the "Nervous System" cyberware "Atomic Sensors" sort of becomes like a spidey-sense. You get that "Peter-Tingle" on screen when you're walking down the street and a car load of gangers are noticing you.

    =-=-=-= QoL =-=-=-=

    Silent Silencers and Throwing Knives by rmk1234 -

    "In World Navigation" by jackhumbert - - I really hated how I drove around with my eyes glued to the minimap. Since I am using very minimum HUD elements and no mini-map unless I'm scanning, this works great for me. Among other things, there are in-game configurable options such as markers appearing only when driving, only on foot or both.

    "Objectives HUD" by Matt2014 - - I highly, highly recommend this wonderful mod. Since I have mini-map turned off and HUD completely disabled except for barebones and like to be able to just explore things randomly and not always look at the map to pick an objective, this mod allows you to see gigs/quests/tarot cards etc.. on your HUD. It is very configurable such as you only see markers in your line of sight and configurable distance. (Mine is set to 250 meters). This really worked wonders in allowing me to play through the game in an exploration way and not a - map - pick destination way. "Oh hey, there's a gig over there.. I'll check it out".

    --EDIT March 20/24--
    "Better Optical Camo" by Lukas0610 -
    -- I'm mentioning this mod as a QoL if you need to be invisible to prevent aggro in certain gig situations. For me at least, it just functions as a "Flip it on when I need it" type of thing.
    "Truly Invisible Optical Camo" by Aureliuh -
    --You may need this if stealth was not your thing this playthrough (I've done it to death and now I just go guns blazing) and you need it as a temporary QoL switch flip combined with "Better Optical Camo".
    "Faster Swimming and Diving"by x1EGG -
    -Refer to earlier comment about jumping off the bridge into the river to flee an absolute gong-show. This may be happening often so this is a nice QoL.

    =-=-=-= Misc =-=-=-=

    "Vehicle Fast Travel" by DeepBlueFrog - - I agree with author's sentiment "I never cared much for Fast Travel options since they rob the player from interesting encounters along the way." Mod is configurable in-game. Essentially disables fast-travel and turns fast-travel terminals into vehicle-call-points. You can keep your "recall vehicle" button enabled if you wish. I have everything turned off. 

    If you go the "disable fast travel" route and want to make use of the Metro, here is a great companion mod for the metro

    "Metro Pocket Guide" by djkovrik - - This mod lets you chose your start and end metro points on the map. Once you're at the NCART station, it will show you which train to take, where to get off etc..

    "Faster Metro" by OceanSmith -

    "Remove Fast Travel from Metro" by OceanSmith -

    -EDIT March 20/24-
    "Slower Progression" by sosuine - - This mod, especially when combined with
    "Skillful Attributes" by paktojack - as mentioned by FrostWaffles, are two of the main reasons why all those glorious random firefights are so useful. Sharpen those skills, choom.

    "Slow Stamina Regen" by Syynx -
    - Per Syynx If you really want a custom speed, locate the file 
    "...Cyberpunk 2077\bin\x64\plugins\cyber_engine_tweaks\mods\SlowStaminaRegen\init.lua" and open it with Notepad, the 0.25 at the end of the middle line is what you want to change (default value is 1.0)TweakDB:SetFlat("BaseStatPools.PlayerBaseStaminaRegen_inline5.value", 0.25)
    1. cortlong50
      • premium
      • 123 kudos

      gonna pin this in a few, just got done working on my car and im a little out of it but ill get back to this because this comment is what people should look at when they want to customize their experience. 
    2. ezzio2030
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Hey man thank you! I appreciate that! I follow these simple rules when it comes to modding. Probably because of years of Skyrim headaches.
      1. Read description of mod -> Posts -> Bugs
      2. Install mod manually
      3. Keep the archive of the mod stored in a directory (I get a little OCD so I have sub-folders like Gameplay / Tweak / Framework / Vehicle etc..)
      --- This way if I want to delete a mod, I can refer to the archive to see exactly what was in it so I can delete accordingly
      4. Keep a running text file. As soon as a mod is copied into my game folder, I type that mod's name into the text file and then I move the archive into an "Installed" subfolder. 
      5. Once a mod passes the honeymoon stage and I know it to be working fine, I go back to the text file and move it to the section "Runs Good"
      6. If I delete a mod, I go back to the text file and move that mod's line to the bottom of the file under "Deletions" with a note why I deleted it. Sometimes you delete a mod because it borks your game. Sometimes its just to try a different mod that does something similar.
      7. If I manually edited a file from a mod, I type up what file and why
      -- i.e. nano drone - tweaked at bin\x64\plugins\cyber_engine_tweaks\mods\nanoDrone\modules\data.lua
      8. If a mod I download has a post or bug about it conflicting with a different mod even if I don't have it, I add that note in case in the future if I've forgotten, I can see in my file - "oh yeah this thing conflicts with this mod I have"
      9. Take a snapshot of my Cyberpunk directory occasionally. Like, two days ago before I downloaded 2.11 ,  I copied my directory onto an external drive. I went and downloaded the update and started the process of updating my mods starting with the framework mods. Somewhere down the line, the game wouldn't start. Probably because one of my many mods. Hell I just deleted my Cyberpunk directory, copied over my backup and I'm back to where I started without having to pull my hair out.

      On paper it looks like a lot of work but it's really not that bad. Following this method I've never had more than a minor inconvenience when something goes wrong.
    3. CinnaChomik
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Honestly love the fact someone else made a list like this. Finding relevant mods for a hardcore experience can be a needle in a haystack at times with how great and big the cyberpunk modding community is, but also just plain compatibility, so lists help others a lot to make a unique game experience.

      Personally added the ammo mods into my game, didn't even know they existed until now but are just what i needed to make my setup feel complete lol. And the warning note about the wonky lua file value changes was very much appreciated. Saved me a lot of time figuring it out.
    4. ezzio2030
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      FrostyWaffles was really happy to see your initial post. you pointed me towards Cyberware Capacity Shards RNG Removed, Skillful Attributes and Slow Health Regen - so thanks for that! These were such a complimentary choice that I aborted my playthrough and started a new one. again. I'll finally get past that phantom liberty intro eventually haha. I'm really content now with my setup. I basically ditched driving and just walk/run/hitchhike where I need to be which really opened up some of the great scenery that I always just drove past in tunnel vision from one objective to the next. Since fire-fights are aplenty and gritty and challenging, with my nerfed game progression (I just completed Act 3 and I think I'm only level 12) just navigating NC to get to where I need to be is a welcome challenge that serves the purpose of also leveling skills.

      I wanted to add, since I took your suggestion with Skillful Attributes, that the Skill Trainers mod works very well in a non-game-breaking way. I had tried it out before but almost got rid of it since in vanilla CP you just sort of breathe and you're level 50. However, the mod really shines with the skill level revamp. Every level you can train at a specific NPC [global max 5 times per level] for eddies. 

      Stay safe choom! I would love it if people posted any other suggestions. I feel like cortlong50 excellent mod here is ground zero for anyone looking to get away from the roflstomp that was vanilla Cyberpunk and use the suggestions from others here to start their downward spiral into the gritty underworld of NC. 
    5. dframed
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Glad I check back on this comment regularly! Thanks so much for all the information (and updates!)
      Maybe you could ask the author to put something in the forum that you could update and make easier to find - this info is invaluable for us of those looking to tweak and for mods that play nice with HC22
    6. foxbluejacket
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you, exactly what I wanted.
    7. TheJoelaco
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Edit: replied to the wrong post.
    8. dframed
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Can scratch No Ammo Handicap Drops off the list now. You can set the ammo pickup per weapon at the bottom of each weapon section in Reduced Loot :)

      From the mod No Ammo Handicap Drops description:
      Reduced Loot - If you're using that mod, you don't need mine. Set Handicap drop count sliders to 0 to get the same functionality.
    9. dframed
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      I'd also like to add Limited Encumbrance for the weight restrictions immersion aspect. It works with Perks and also backpack mods too so you can increase your carry capacity.

      It's another hardcore/immersve mod that really makes you think about your load out. I use this with the Restrict Crafting to Apartments mod to force myself to use the apartment (which synergises nicely with Wannabe Edgerunner and Survival Mode!)
    10. TheDudeAbides157
      • member
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      "This also encourages me to pick up random guns lying around if I run out of ammo. (I also never knew that even if you're out of ammo, picking up a gun off the ground has a full clip in it)" 

      Was this changed? Because when if I have 0 of an ammo type and I pick up a weapon that uses that ammo the new weapon will be empty.
    11. wildernessbox
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Curious what you set your clarvoiyance/lhud settings to.
    12. mccninja
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      hey this sounds great going to try this all out now just one question what's your setting for Enemies of Night City
    13. Kovenicus
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Concerning the ammo drop, however I try tweaking the settings from Reduced Loot, it doesn't seem to be doing anything. I opened an ammo can during an NCPD Assault that contained 56 shotgun ammo (despite putting a maximum of 10)
      I'm using Survival System on the side that seems to be touching ammo spawning rate, could there be a conflict with this mod ?

      Edit : I set the ammo spawning rate for each ammo type to 0.25 (vanilla) in the Survival System settings and it seems to be working now... doesn't make any sense but hey! 
    14. TheDudeAbides157
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Kovenicus check the Reduced Loot mod's posts. The mod author has a stickied post,

      "The mod does not fully work as expected so it might be better just not to use it atm. I tried the new approach with 3.0 (through loot tables) but it did not work well. So maybe I'll roll back to the previous logic one day but it won't happen soon because busy with other mods."
    15. RomarioGee
      • premium
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      That's a great list pal. Thnx for posting. The only issue I have is the scarce ammo. I mean it doesn't make any sence in a city where it's always gangs and guns and gun shops everywhere. Also the weight systems suck ass. But I haven't found a mod for slot system in CP. So I roleplay that it doesn't make sence to run around in jeans and jacket and suddenly pull a machine gun outa ass.  If I want a large weapon I need to go to my car and get it from inventory (unles I am wearing appropriate coat or similar). I can only cary appropriate cancelable weapons a pistol revolver knife or smg for example. Oh if only someone could make a mod for limited clothing slots and car inventory slots. You wouldn't even need to f*#@ about with ammo numbers as they would take up a specific amount of slots. One can only wish
    16. Katane1991
      • premium
      • 68 kudos
      Hi man and what a good collection of mods you shared, I wasn't aware of most of them. Now I'm starting a new playthrough and using most of what you shared.
      Thanks for using Night City Alive and NCPDPPE, check the last update and new optional files, you will like the "fugitive" experience it brings.
  4. 1324343w
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    fully recommend this mod.XD 
    I really realy love this mod, thank u give us the "real" N.C. ,
    love u
  5. ByteSix
    • member
    • 8 kudos
    So I'm shooting the rippers in the first tutorial mission, only mods are this and it's requirements, new save, new 2077 install and even new windows install, but they all survive with like a sliver of health, I don't recall this being the case pre 2.0 and shortly after 2.0?
    1. cortlong50
      • premium
      • 123 kudos
      i havent played for a minute but it sounds like a recent patch may have changed health values a little bit. so ill take a look at this in a minute. 

      theyre even surviving when youre shooting them in the head? what gun? and what enemies are you dealing with (mission would be helpful so i can go test with the same level in the game to see what is going on)
    2. ByteSix
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      It's the first tutorial mission when you get past the short path prologue.
      Basic b&@*$ enemies and the starting weapon the game gives you is a Unity.
  6. DreGWriter
    • member
    • 7 kudos





    too bad you dont got a donate button on your mod page because I came back to this page specifically for that. Been playing with this mod for a few days now and the experience with this mod + Enemies of night city truely adds such an amazing player experience I just had to come back and pay for it. Too good to be free.

    I appreciate your work on this mod.
  7. Gothgrave
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hey there, before anything I'd like to say that, as it seems to be the case for many people, this mod saved Cyberpunk 2077 for me. The looter-shooter-esque elements had me completely disinterested after playing for about an hour or so, but giving it a chance after installing this brought the game to be among my favorites. I'd go so far as to compare this mod with another one for The Witcher 3 called The Witcher 3: Enhanced Edition, which set out to do a similar thing, and had the same effect on that game as this mod does to CP2077.

    There's one thing that I'd like to change about the mod though, and I'm not asking you to do it and upload a completely separate version for what is an admittedly small change, but rather I'd like to ask for orientation on how to make the change myself.

    What I'd like to do is make it so that the attributes Body and Technical Ability grant an increase in max HP and armor respectively. I've tried messing with the curves through WolvenKit, by setting both of them (body_to_health under body_passives_curveset and tech_ability_to_armor under tech_ability_passives_curveset) to this, so that I get 2 points per attribute point, as their tooltips say. However, repacking the mod and installing the modified version of the .archive file in place of the original seems to have no effect, however the remainder of the mod works fine. If it'd not bother you, would you be able to give me a few pointers on what I might be doing wrong? Thank you.
  8. AviatorETR
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    The mod seems to bring player health to half, is there any way to modify this and return it to normal? I have a damage scaling mod and will gladly double player damage taken, but half health can be problematic for overclock with netrunners.
    1. cortlong50
      • premium
      • 123 kudos
      you can edit the mod yourself in wolvenkit so that it doesnt do that. not sure how thats gonna go for ya. 

      replace the player health hard curve with the vanilla one and give it a test. 
    2. AviatorETR
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      One more question I can think of, how would I go about making the weapon levels spawn how they do in vanilla? From the start, you get tier 3 weapons, but firstly, when going for crafting, starting with tier 3 stuff feels a bit cheap, as it doesn't feel like I really work for tier 3 and tier 3+ cyberware upgrades. Secondly, it significantly reduces the amount of tier 1 and 2 parts you can get. Weapons should start out at tiers 1, and 1+, and go on from there.
    3. cortlong50
      • premium
      • 123 kudos
      its been covered a ton of times in the comments, youd have to mess with player power levels (which is what makes this mod fundamentally work, they are tied to the weird ass way this game handles damage. if you can figure it out we would all jump with joy)
    4. AviatorETR
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I'll be honest, I gave up on trying to modify the mod itself for health, I don't really know what I'm doing. I did, however, use a save editor to change the OverclockedStateHealthCost constant multiplier to 5 instead of the vanilla 10 on my save file. This is a perfect fix, as it doesn't require doubling the damage the player takes, it just halves the cost of overclock, so I can still do all the overclock hacking I used to do. I don't know if you plan to change this, but it would make netrunning with overclock better with this mod, as only having half the overclock RAM did kind of break my netrunning a bit. It's not my mod to make decisions on though, but the value is OverclockedStateHealthCost if that info interests you for a change.
    5. cortlong50
      • premium
      • 123 kudos
      that definitely interests me! 
      hopefully that will get me on the right path to start editing the netrunning because that has been a long standing complaint and something that honestly this mod does sort of break. 

      thanks for that info and reporting back! ill take a look asap. 
    6. AviatorETR
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      Yeah, I never had a problem with the lower health, except for the overclock cost issue. The weapon rarity thing has become a non-issue to me lately, and I was able to fix the overclock issue via save editor. Granted I have to do that with every runner I play as, but I'm just glad it's an option. I'm sure it's somewhat more complicated for actually modifying the mod, but I was glad to give you that info.
    7. cortlong50
      • premium
      • 123 kudos
      i just like hearing when people put in the work. i get a lot of weird requests that just dont make any sense or people want me to wipe their ass for them and that does get a little grating after a while haha so you actually digging in and finding the issue si dope and makes me wanna get back on the horse and tighten this damn mod up. 
    8. Mrpotato1420
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      May I ask what save editor you used? I am struggling with the same thing and don't know how to get around this inconvenience. 
    9. dframed
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      CAT save editor is the only one I know of 
  9. M9R3
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This only works on a new save on VH? Or can i install it in my current save? Thanks.
    1. cortlong50
      • premium
      • 123 kudos
      on VH? what is that? 

      either way you can install and uninstall this at any time. you should be good to go. 
    2. TheDudeAbides157
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      • 0 kudos
      Very Hard?
    3. cortlong50
      • premium
      • 123 kudos
      ahhh, im an idiot. 
    4. TheDudeAbides157
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Took me like 5 minutes of sitting here pondering wtf it meant, so don't feel bad lol
    5. cortlong50
      • premium
      • 123 kudos
      i dead ass googled VH like "....what the hell" haha
  10. Kirerin
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    (I am writing through a translator) Hello developer! I have a problem, the mod doesn't work. I have read the description and instructions attached in the text file. Nothing helped. I tried to install the mod on an almost clean game (red script, RED4ext, Archive XL, Tweak xp, Codeware, CET were installed), but the mod still does not work. I've liked your work since the first version of "HARDCORE22". I really hope for help, because without this mod there is no desire to play.
    1. cortlong50
      • premium
      • 123 kudos
      what about it is not working?

      there is a comment above that says it wasnt working, but it sounds like they had a conflict somewhere, test without any other mods at first to make sure that nothing is overwriting this mod. if that doesnt work let me know and ill assist further. 
  11. DLV636
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    For anyone having trouble getting it to work like i did lol.... Red4ext & TweakXL are BOTH needed. Honestly its better to just download ALL the core mods to be safe. (ArchiveXL, redscript, CET, codeware, etc.)

    Also, for me atleast, it ONLY worked starting a brand new game (on very hard difficulty) won't work on existing saves/games. 
    Save to downloads, extract compressed zipped folder, copy/drag 2 folders to main cyberpunk folder. Easy peezy. Well... If you got all the right info lol 

    Cortlong50- Dude, thank you so much. Your the shit. I bought cyberpunk, played 5min and hated it. Bullet sponge npc's are TERRIBLE. You made the game actually playable and enjoyable for me. It's how it should be vanilla IMO. 
    1. cortlong50
      • premium
      • 123 kudos
      let me clear up some stuff from this comment real quick. 

      1 red4ext is required for tweakxl to run, so that first part makes sense. 

      2 you can install and uninstall at any time with this mod. you do not have to start a new game. it was designed to be added during play, and removed if someone doesnt like it. 

      3 hell yeah thanks dude, i felt the same damn way, there was no chance i wasnt going to play this game but my god the combat was just something i could not sink my teeth into and was ruining the experience haha so im glad youre liking it. 
    2. DLV636
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      I'm sure I did something wrong in the process, new to modding on CP. I prob missed redext only seeing tweakXL in requirements. Maybe add redext for the noobs? lol 
      Good to know you can take it out anytime, not sure why I couldn't get it working at 1st... beginningIsh-game playthrough (after prologue) I set to VH, saved, exited, installed, loaded save and it was still taking 3-4 headshots on street npc's to kill them. Started fresh game & it was good to go. 

      Also, is there any way to tweak game files or something to up enemy damage by 3-5 shots or so? Want to make firefights last a weee bit longer if its possible. EDIT: I have found wolvenkit in comments, will try not to f*#@ s#*! up lol
      But ya, again, thanks for the work you put in to create mods for everyone its greatly appreciated & you made the game playable for ALOT of people. Devs should learn a lil something from you lol Hope the coffee is always hot
    3. cortlong50
      • premium
      • 123 kudos
      youre good dude, glad you got it figured out!

      let me know if you have any questions about how to edit enemy health, lll do my best to walk you through it. its super easy really the main thing is the testing time after you make changes haha thats always the killer. if i didnt have to test i could make new versions of this mod every day, its so simple. 

      ANYWAY, have fun, glad to hear that its working now. 
  12. shining12
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Hey, I have to ask for help.
    The mod wont work correctly for me.
    The HP for my character is changed to 104, the drops early in the game are tier 3, but everything else isnt working.
    I can stand in front of 5 enemys and soak there bullets no problem. I wont die from headshots, i think, at least I´m not just insta dropping.
    My dmg seems to be vanilla. Headshots wont kill enemys and even just some rando gang dudes need 3-4 headshots to die.
    Yes the game is on Very Hard in all save files i tested.
    First I installed it with Vortex.
    Then I reinstalled it with Vortex.
    Then I deleted it and downloaded it fresh with Vortex and since that didnt work I installed it manualy.

    I tried it with a character in Ch. 1, a character in ch. 2 and my level 60 character.

    I checked the logs in r6/logs but the mod isnt listed in there and it says compilation complete.
    The only thing that seems out of the ordinary is a warning:
    [WARN - Mon, 17 Jun 2024 17:51:24 +0200] At D:\GOG\Cyberpunk 2077\red4ext\plugins\Codeware\Scripts\Codeware.Global.reds:127:1:

    a field with this name is already defined in the class, this will have no effect

    I just freshly reinstalled the game yesterday and downloaded all mods today ( tweakxl/red4ext/...)

    Is there anything else I can trie?
    Any thing else i can check?

    Have played the game with your old mod and it is just so much fun, that i cant go back to vanilla very hard difficulty anymore.
    1. TheDudeAbides157
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Do you ave other mods running besides this and the requirements? If so, try to run with only this and see what happens?

    2. shining12
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Welp maybe after reinstalling the game after 4 month i should have botted it up once without this mod. Okay the mod works, tried it with only this mod tweak and red and feeled the same. Then i thought maybe trie it without that mod and yeah its alot easier. Still not as difficult as i remeber the old mod to be.
      I remember that you couldnt stand out in the open for just 1 sec without moving our you would die in a firefight.
      Looks like i have to tinker a little bit with the settings.
      And get some more mods for difficultie.

      @TheDudeAbides157 thanks for the quick response.
  13. MikeFisher7777
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    nice !