About this mod
Grants your party the ability to fly without requiring the use of the Astral-Touched Tadpole.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
- Donations

This mod, and a collection of Aether's other mods are currently being maintained by Magnetuning (hi) and Aimryax! You can find a list of mods we're maintaining, and their Patch 7 update status here.
This mod is working with Patch 7!
Grants your party the ability to fly without requiring the use of the Astral-Touched Tadpole. The ability will be available to the player character and their party members as soon as you load into the game.
Thanks to Fararagi for allowing me use their code as reference to create this mod.
Make sure you have a Mod Fixer installed.As of Patch 7 Mod Fixer is no longer required!- In the Baldur's Gate 3 Mod Manager, enable the Script Extender by clicking on the 'Tools` tab at the top left of the program, and then by clicking 'Download and Extract the Script Extender'.
- Now import this mod's .zip file into the Mod Manager, and drag the mod from the right panel of the mod manager, to the left panel.
- Save and export your load order.
You can find the rest of the Spells For All series here:
Black Hole For All
Detect Thoughts For All
Disguise Self For All
Find Familiar For All
Fly For All
Guidance For All
Mage Hand For All
See Invisibility For All
Shatter For All
Speak With Animals For All
Speak With Dead For All