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-Neato -GPUnity

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About this mod

Improved graphics settings catering to higher-end and lower-end systems. Also features Lens Flare and Startup Movie toggle option.

Permissions and credits
This tool enables additional settings, without replacing original graphics settings. Errors with the game's settings have been fixed and Field of View values have been converted from vertical values to horizontal values, conforming with other games. Tool only needs to be opened once to apply changes to the game. 

New Options:
- A full range of Field of View options, ranging from 55 to 110.
- Additional 'Reflection' settings, offering an improved alternative to vanilla with a 'Balanced' setting, and an option for 'Clear' reflections.
- Four new 'Level of Detail' options. Three options above 'Ultra' and one below 'Low', for maximum customization.
- Additional 'Shadowmap Resolution' settings, ranging between 256px to 4096px
- Toggle Startup Movies
- Toggle Lens Flares

Audio errors - The game exhibits audio errors if the frame rate exceeds 105fps. This has nothing to do with the mod. Cap the frame rate to avoid audio bugs. 
Field of View - Max suggested value is 85 as higher values cause player legs to disappear. 
4K shadows - Shadow resolution has been limited to 4k to avoid shadow flickering and sharp shadows. 

All findings and options have been carefully considered and tested for the best player experience. 

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