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David Brasher

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David Brasher

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Mod: Oblivion Crisis 1_1
Game: TES IV: Oblivion
Requirements: A powerful computer, lest you have lag.
Author: David Brasher
Release Date: 4/17/11
1. Information on the Mod
2. Installation
3. Version History
4. Conflicts, Known Issues, and Troubleshooting
5. Copy Status and Credits
In this mod, respawning daedra from the Oblivion gates attack the nearest town. This
gives you a strong incentive to close the Oblivion gates or complete the main quest.

Have you ever thought, "Oblivion Crisis? What is the big deal? The gates don't even
open if I don't play the main quest. If I do play the main quest, then the Oblivion gates are
just mainly there as scenery. The daedra mostly don't invade Tamriel. They just hang around by
their gates. If I leave them alone, they will leave me alone, and everyone else too. Sure, they
really did a number on Kvatch, but then is it like they ran out of steam and don't have the
strength or will to attack any more cities. (Unless you play through the main quest to get to the
points where they attack Bruma and then the Imperial City.)" So the Oblivion Crisis can come
across as seeming rather lame or weak.

This mod seeks to change this, and perhaps succeeds too well. It ended up being an
apocalyptic mod which can decimate the civilian population of Cyrodiil. The unleveled respawning
daedra walk from their Oblivion gates to the nearest town and start attacking people. When they
die, they respawn after three days at their gates again and walk to town again for more destruction.
They attack all the major towns and a lot of the small villages too.

The towns have put extra guards into position to try to hold back the invasion. The
Imperial City has the best defenses and suffers the fewest civilian casualties. The people in the
other towns are angry that the Empire is concentrating its resources on defending the Imperial City
and abandoning everyone else to their fate.

The Oblivion gates in this mod start opening near the beginning of the game, right after
character generation. So you do not need to go to Kvatch to start seeing a lot of action. The
daedra are not leveled, and players of all levels will encounter everything from Stunted Scamps and
Clannfear Runts to Spider Daedra and Xivilai. (If you are level 1 and you see a Xivilai, it might
be wise to run away.)

Each Oblivion gate has between one and four daedra that respawn at it and attack towns.
The typical gate just has one such daedra associated with it. If you close an Oblivion gate, the
daedra associated with it will be disabled and will no longer attack towns. They will not come back,
even if the gate reopens.

When you beat the main quest, all the daedra added by this mod will be disabled.

So if you want the Oblivion Crisis to be a truly meaningful and terrifying thing, then
this might be a good mod for you.
2. Installation
Make several copies of your savegame before installing this mod. Use of this mod can
cause extensive casualties among the civilians of the towns. If you decide you don't want to
continue playing this mod, you will be glad you have the back-up so you can return to a point
before the daedra attacked and killed so many people.

Extract (decompress) the .esp file to your Oblivion directory, the default is:
C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\
Mark the box next to the "Oblivion Crisis" plugin.

Alternately, extract someplace else. Then move the esp. and sound files to Oblivion\Data.

Uninstallation: Deactivate and remove the .esp. All the daedra which attack towns will
be removed when you do this. The people the daedra killed when the mod was active will remain dead
unless those people are of the respawning sort. The Oblivion gates you closed while playing this
mod will remain closed.
3. Version History
V 1.1 4/17/11 Rebalanced so that there are more high-level guards in cities to fight against the
unleveled daedra hordes.
V 1.0 4/6/11 Initial Release.
4. Conflicts, Known Issues, and Troubleshooting
Conflicts with "Vampire Hunting - Order of the Virtuous Blood." The cause has not been
determined for sure. The symptoms are random CTDs on game load while both mods are active. It is
currently thought that the problem might be system overload - too many actors with AI packages and
too much scripting.

This mod is rather resource-intensive with all those additional actors with low-level
processing, with scripts and AI. If this mod causes excessive lag or CTDs on your computer with the
mods you are running, then you should discontinue use of it.

The Oblivion game engine does not always handle actor AI too well. You may, on a random
basis, see daedra travel unrealistically fast from their gates to their attack targets. Likewise,
you may see them get lost or distracted and take too long to travel or even see them not traveling
at all.

Here is a console code that might be of interest to you:

SetStage AAOCOblivionCrisisDebug 5

This console code is in no way required for playing the mod, but if you wish to use it,
it will start a quest which places map markers on all the daedra added by this mod all across the
entire map. (It is a rather scary sight.) This map has some limitations. It shows present
locations of all the mod-added daedra, whether living, dead, or disabled, but does not differentiate
between these categories.

If you locate a bug, contact David Brasher on TES Nexus so that the situation can be
examined so that the bug can hopefully be fixed.
5. Copy Status and Credits
Bethesda for making the game in an open format anyone can mod.

Copy Status:
Public Domain with proper attribution and courtesy notification. Abiding by that, feel
free to modify this, share this, or use it in whole or in part in another mod.