Fallout New Vegas

Mod articles

  • Imperium Radio - Legion Radio Station

    Hey everyone - I have completed my latest Legion mod after a couple months of work and I am very proud of it.

    Imperium Radio is a lore friendly Legion radio station with a professionally-voiced DJ who reacts to story events and player choices! Contains 50+ news stories and 20+ songs from popular composers and artists in Classical Latin, Greek, and more!

    As I'm sure most people here are interested in the Legion, I think you will all like it:

    Imperium Radio - Legion Radio Station...

  • Factions Reloaded V2.6

    Hey all! As promised, we are getting closer and closer to this mod being fully voiced and it is getting more polished each month!

    V2.6 Update notes:

    Aulius Gabinius now is fully voiced along with his quest, thanks to BigSundae! His character model has been slightly adjusted to match his new voice and his karma disposition has been changed to evil
    Changed Legion Scrappers to Legion Salvagers, now only wear various Legion garments. Will be seen wearing regular legion helmets, explorer hoods, rarely vexilarius hoods, and others. These units are supposed to take and wear trophies, so they shouldn't have all worn the same gear. Updated their weapon lists to either have service rifles, cowboy repeaters, lever action shotguns, or hunting rifles (which are weapons u...

  • Factions Reloaded Legion V2.5

    Huge update!

    Only a month later, I have found some time and motivation to keep working on this 10+ year passion project of mine. Hope everyone enjoys, and please let me know if you encounter any bugs!

    V2.5 Changelog:

    Recreated the NCR Radio Outpost by the Cliffside Prospector Camp. Looks much better and the camp is larger. During testing, NCR was able to hold the camp about 60% of the time.
    New Legion assault near Wolfhorn Ranch. Small NCR outpost that has been completely redone from the ground up with a unique note and some loot. Stuck between Nipton and the Legion Raid Camp (and now Legion-occupied Wolfhorn Ranch), they don't stand much of a chance against the incoming Legion ambush.
    Generally improved most of the interactions in the south...

  • Factions Reloaded Legion V2.4

    Hey all!  

    Long time no see (again)! I have taken the last couple of weeks to re-teach myself the GECK and make a hefty list of updates. 
    Please let me know if anyone encounters any new bugs, as there have been quite a lot of new scripting changes and updates to the mod. I've tested it pretty thoroughly, but with this many changes you never know!

    V2.4 Changelog: 

    Marcus Tiberius + all his quests are now fully voiced  - Thanks to EndchapterVA for voicing!
    Legion fame and xp has been adjusted to be more lore friendly for all quests. Quests should now give legion coins as well
    If Marcus Tiberius, Quintus Fulvius, or Aulius Gabinius are killed, their respective quests now automatically fail
    Improved bounty quests (Deserters Must...

  • Factions Reloaded Legion V2.21

    Hey all! It's been quite a while - about 2 or 3 years. I hope everyone is doing well, and I got that itch after reading years of comments about little bugs that finally got me motivated to get off my you-know-what and fix them.

    Here's V 2.21 (I know the version name is off but I had to re-learn how to upload a file here and I had more than a couple missteps along the way.

    -Fixed Legion Deserter faction - Now will properly attack both Legion and player, and killing Deserters will not affect Player's reputation with the Legion or make Legionaries hostile. This was probably the most annoying bug and the most mentioned. It's finally fixed. I'm sorry for taking so long with this one.
    -Balanced mercenaries from Sniper No Sniping quest.

  • Factions Reloaded Legion V2.01

    Hey everyone,

    After a lot of years I finally came back and decided that enough was enough. I love making mods and I felt like I needed to fix this thing once and for all and get rid of a lot of the bugs. I had to reteach myself how to mod as it's been like 6 or 7 years, but I want to get back into it.

    Anyways here's the changelog for Factions Reloaded Legion V2:

    -Fixed legion merchant, now will sell player items.
    -Fixes "Ten Feet Tall and Scary as Hell" quest to now end correctly when turned into Quintus. (Hotfix 2.01 fixes this, make sure you are up to date).
    -Fixed legion sniper dialogue.
    -Redid the wall around Camp Aqua. It now is open near the back where it leads towards the cliff, so anti-legion players have a second entrance to th...