Fallout New Vegas

Hey everyone,

After a lot of years I finally came back and decided that enough was enough. I love making mods and I felt like I needed to fix this thing once and for all and get rid of a lot of the bugs. I had to reteach myself how to mod as it's been like 6 or 7 years, but I want to get back into it.

Anyways here's the changelog for Factions Reloaded Legion V2:

-Fixed legion merchant, now will sell player items.
-Fixes "Ten Feet Tall and Scary as Hell" quest to now end correctly when turned into Quintus. (Hotfix 2.01 fixes this, make sure you are up to date).
-Fixed legion sniper dialogue.
-Redid the wall around Camp Aqua. It now is open near the back where it leads towards the cliff, so anti-legion players have a second entrance to the camp.
-All items and footlockers now owned by legion in Camp Aqua - big oversight on my part.
-Fixed floating tents and campfires at Cottonwood overlook & Camp Aqua.
-Added map marker to deathclaw riverside nest and added a couple of legion barges to explain how the legionaries crossed the river.
-Floating tent outside camp searchlight removed, replaced with sleeping bags and tiny encampment for the legion sniper.
-Floating head pikes out front, benches being too low, merchant stand floating all fixed.
-Two camp gammas fixed, now they are named Aqua Beta and Gamma.
-Infamous floating sandbag by wolfhorn farmstead fixed, also set legion farther away from NCR troops so the player gets to participate/see more of the battle.
-Fixed floating sandbags between nelson and camp forlorn hope, skirmish for no mans land should run slightly smoother. NCR should win if the player does not help.
-Expanded Quintus Fulvius's dialogue and added depth to his character.
-Expanded Marcus Tiberius's dialogue and added depth to his character. Changed his armor to be more lore friendly.
-Floating stuff by crashed vertiberd fixed at Billy's Gang camp. 
-Billy's gang now hostile on sight, added slightly more decoration and loot

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