Fallout New Vegas


  1. EdmondNoir
    • premium
    • 747 kudos
    Hey NMC I have a update on stability with this mod/ New Vegas on a Windows 10 PC. So for me the following worked just fine EVGA 1080 Graphics card 16gig RAM and VRAM windows 10. I cannot crash or break the system and I tried via setting player.setav speedmult 1000 tgm to zip around the map and then tried tcl for almost 2 hours and never went over 7gigs of VRAM memory out of 16 and started before game launch with 5 gigs in use. I ran your Medium texture pack but honestly I think I could go higher. I use dead floral overhaul tho I did notice using the not dead version caused more micro stutter when loading the next cell. the dead version did not have this issue.

    Stability instructions are as follows:

    -Ensure you have set the games AA to off not 2 samples not 4 just off - do this first as changing this after you update your ini sets the ini back to default which is bad.

    -Enable Memory Patch for a ENB some of these settings will be tweaked further in Gamer Poets Video - setting it up as I write it and following his video to further fine tune is fine or use one or the other but Gamer Poet Glosses over some of the things. For one get the enblocal.ini files from the offical ENB page not a ENB mod - Rudy mentions this. After getting the files update them to what I wrote below and/or fine tune afterwords to gamer poets video.

    Manually editing enblocal.ini

    1. Turn Anisotropic Filtering and Antialiasing/Multisampling off either through the Launcher menu or manually in your fallout.ini and falloutprefs.ini. Use ENB's AF and AA or force them in video card control panel.
    2. Download the most recent version of ENB from ebdev: http://enbdev.com/download_mod_falloutnv.htm
    3. Extract the downloaded archive (wherever)
    4. Open the "Wrapper Version" folder [a note on "Injector Version" later] and copy/cut the files d3d9.dll, enbhost.exe, enblocal.ini, and enbseries.ini
    5. Paste the four files into your Fallout New Vegas root directory (the same place as your FalloutNV.exe) Users of the newest version of FNV4gb.exe: place
    d3d9.dll in the "exes" folder generated in the same directory as your fnv4gb.exe
    6. Open enblocal.ini and edit the following lines:

    SpeedHack=true ;should be set by default in all versions, but double-check to be safe. This is ENBoost.
    ExpandSystemMemoryX64=true ;if you have a 32-bit OS set this to 'false'
    DisableDriverMemoryManager=false ;default=true, can increase stability when using poor video card drivers. Otherwise reduces performance if 'true'
    ReservedMemorySizeMb=;values=128, 256, or 512. Lower MAY increase stutter, but higher can CTD sooner. Try lower if limited on VRAM (<2gb)
    VideoMemorySizeMb=optimal value for 64-bit OS = (VRAM + system RAM - 2048 ) So for my system I have 16Gigs VRAM and 16 RAM I personally set this to 16 but i could go higher 1600+1600-2048. (NOTE 16 GIGs= 16000MB)

    7. Close and save enblocal.ini

    -Follow this guide by gamer poet:
    1. NMC
      • premium
      • 1,337 kudos
      Thanks very much EdmondNoir, that's really useful information!

      I hope EPDGaffney gets to see this as there are definitely elements in this that we did not cover in the megapost... And hopefully given your reasearch and feedback here, this will save a great many Win10 users a lot of headaches in future with this mod (and me a lot of headaches trying to advise things!), so I am very grateful for your efforts and for sharing the information here. Thank you!

      A very well deserved kudos +1. Much appreciated mate.
    2. Type2Error
      • premium
      • 145 kudos
      I've Only played twice, 2 hrs each session, but usually crashed between 30-45 minutes of playing without fail. I've tried all the fixes I could find but it seems this was that last little tweak I needed to push my stability further. I've never tried enboost without graphics because I didn't really think to try & I don't like enbs. I also thought you couldn't run enboost without the graphic stuff until seeing your post, so thank you for the information!

      -NMC's Large Texture Pack + Charge's 4k everything being overwritten by it so anything NMC didn't touch is being up-scaled to 4k. (Also 145 mods - 135 plugins)
      -Ryzen 3600 @ 4.3 ghz + 16gb 3733 ram + GTX 1080 ti and I couldn't get fallout to stop crashing before the enboost; it seems this has worked for me, just posting so others try this too.
    3. NMC
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      • 1,337 kudos
      That's great news Type2Error- it certainly looks like this method can help on Win10, even allowing the large pack to be used too... it seems the key is to get ENBoost to hook correctly and EdmondNoir's guide seems to allow this to happen effectively. Thanks for the useful feedback!
    4. EdmondNoir
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      • 747 kudos
      Sorry to dig up this old post but It worked for me and im trying to help the user "TrashHorse" He wanted my guide that I made that allowed me to stabilize FNV. I never had a CTD doing this and so im bumping my post so that he doesnt have to look for it he will see it on the front page.

      in addition to this guide also do the following:

      MAKE SURE TO TURN OFF STEAM OVERLAY BEFORE YOU PLAY FNV- There is a memory leak issue and you will CTD out of memory if you dont very quickly (minutes to a hour).

      ENB Transparency bug fix must be disabled or things in game such as objects and celling will be invisible. A lot of ENB's have this enabled so make sure it is turned off. trust me on this.
    5. NMC
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      • 1,337 kudos
      Actually I can go one better and sticky this post, as on reflection I should have- especially with the new memory leak info and enb bug additions.

      It is invaluable information and will save a lot of Windows 10 users a lot of problems, and as time goes by and more and more Win7 users inevitably migrate, then this is here as a definitive stability guide.

      So thanks again EdmondNoir and my apologies for not stickying this post when I should have, and I hope others appreciate your efforts and taking the time to step thru the solution here too.
    6. batatere
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      • 0 kudos
      I'm very relieved that there was a mod that fixed NMC Texture Pack because its a great mod but the problem it hade made me uninstall it but when i saw this mod i freaked out and installed NMC Texture pack and NMC's Pre Generated LOD and launched the game and felt so much better.
    7. Noxoumet
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      • 10 kudos
      I was crashing when nearing Primm. Not anymore. I am back wtih 60+ FPS, no crash, and even the stutters between cells have been reduced. Primm only used 3.5 Go VRAM out of my 8 Go, but without these tweaks, i couldn't even enter town. I recommend giving this a try.

  2. NMC
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    • 1,337 kudos
    Quick update for Tale of Two Wasteland users- burner9875 has kindly just created and released a pregenerated LOD mod for use with my texture packs for users of Tale of Two Wastelands!

    NMC's Pre-generated LOD for TTW (by burner9875)

    I owe a huge thank-you to burner9875 for creating this mod, I sincerely appreciate his amazing efforts here. Fantastic work :D

    AND- he has also today updated and improved the  Pre-generated LOD for NMC's Texture Pack mod, to complement my texture pack here, so please check it out, you need this to finish the look of this mod!
  3. NMC
    • premium
    • 1,337 kudos
    Missing textures/ Vanilla textures still showing up?

    You need to enable 'archive invalidation' in order for ANY new textures to be used in-game, not just for this mod.

    Follow this guide or check Youtube if you are not sure. It depends how you installed it- Nexus Mod Manager, VORTEX, manually etc. This guide covers how to do it:
    Archive Invalidation - How to use

    It's worth switching 'Archive Invalidation' off and then back on again if it's not working, and doing the same whenever you install any new mod containing textures or meshes.
  4. BeardedDevil912
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    my road textures are not loading does anyone know how to fix that?
    1. krimskill
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      • 0 kudos
      You need archive invalidation. Vortex's version doesn't work at all so you need a different mod. I've had a lot of issues with the standard Archive Invalidation Invalidated but you might fare better then me. Wish you luck and safe travels.
  5. ButterscotchZ
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    • 0 kudos
  6. DesterBGood
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hey, I have a gtx 660, (My RX 6600 XT broke,FM) So what pack can I run, The small or medium one ?
    1. AverieZoranov
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      for a gtx 660 id personally say small at best
      i used to use a 670 and that barely got me anywhere, so good luck, hope it works alright /gen
    2. DesterBGood
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      So Sorry For The Late Response, Yes The Small Pack Worked, But Sadly My RX is totaled, And Card Prices Are Ri-Dunkulous. Anyways, So Sorry For Being Dirt Bag, And Thanks !
  7. ButterscotchZ
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    • 0 kudos
    How do i install washed out wasteland????? i cant find it anywhere
  8. Deimos5677
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    can i use the Large preset on a 1650?
  9. Sturmmantel75
    • premium
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    Is there a way to use only the landscape textures? I use upscaled vanilla textures for everything 
    else because I like the vanilla look, but these landscape textures look phenonemal.

    EDIT: Okay I just set all the other folders of the mod in Mod Organizer 2 to "hidden" except the landscape folder and it seems to run fine by now.
    • supporter
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    this is the only mod that i have besides the ones from VNV. this texture pack makes my game crash constantly in loading screens and causes black textures in interiors. i know that its this mod because it stopped as soon as i disabled it
    1. cellsoup
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      doesn't happen to me

      follow this: LOD Guide | Viva New Vegas (moddinglinked.com)
  11. PlayerOblivion
    • premium
    • 11 kudos
    Hey I noticed that NMC includes some new meshes for the Repcon HQ and "Hotel High End" and I'm wondering if it's fine to not use these new meshes? I really just want to use the new textures. I ran through Repcon HQ with the NMC meshes removed and didn't run into any issues (as far as I could tell). But just in case there are problems with using the vanilla meshes for Repcon HQ alongside NMCs textures I thought to ask here.
  12. RomanStabbyStab
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    • 0 kudos
    MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\nvdlc01westtownn\normals\nvdlc01westtownn.n.level4.x-4.y9.dds.

    This is the only Texture pack I have enabled and I ran through most of Dead Money DLC completely fine until I reached the part where I put Christine in her area. Any time I try to enter that door to that area the game insta-crashes with this model error stating I am missing textures.
  13. BigJamaal
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    • 1 kudos
    Nvm I missed the 4gb patch recommendation that seems to fix my crashing for now at least.