X4: Foundations
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  1. 00Nighthunter00
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    I have heard many of you guys voicing yall want this mod to have more indepth stuff in it! I have decided to learn the story coding and such it will take some time but i am working on doing a much better and more intricate xenon war mod from the ground up! This will include factions that will slowly work back in, stations that need to be destroyed to activate certain factions, areas needing clearing opening back up the jump gates and much more! I will also be trying my best to integrate the main story lines so i dont hurt them this ofcourse will only be possible after clearing the areas the story states start in!
  2. EvgeniuXP
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    Как исследовать прыжок? Нет клейтроники, нет деталей корпуса - откуда их взять? Строю станцию детали корпуса и она требует детали корпуса - которых нет во вселенной :(
    1. 00Nighthunter00
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      Это использование переводчика. Детали корпуса вам нужно будет покупать у телади в их секторах, либо вы можете купить чертежи деталей корпуса и таким образом построить завод.
    2. EvgeniuXP
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      Я не могу его построить, так как для него тоже нужен этот материал - круг замыкается
    3. Gerotaritor
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      • 3 kudos
      Есть такое себе решение, но все таки решение, поставь мод "DeadAir Fill"
  3. madr00ky
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Endorsed and voted! I think its a great idea and worth making to be a great mod.
    I have been playing for the last two days and I really like the scenario.
    I have taken The Void and Antigone Memorial back and am about to contest Second Flashpoint. I wish the gate to Segaris could be reopened as the supply chain is very stressed.
    What is weird is how the Argon spawn fleets of miners and traders as soon as I gifted them The Void. Is this vanilla code? I thought its all simulated. And I would be totally fine to have the task to supply the initial build up. The profit than can be made form all the build is immense and enough finance the the expedition and rebuilding.
    I think the HQ should be in Saturn 1 in order to provide a base for trade, or in Getsu Fune as FOB but that is a far less beneficial position for the HQ. If we assume that in the lore the placement of the HQ is intentional, we should think a bit more strategic about it. As it can be moved later on, but needs a lot of universal resources initially for research to make the teleport possible (again) placing it in 5 jumps range of those resources makes sense.

    I modified my game start after taking a first look, especially because of the large Yaki presence. I assume this is the vanilla thing just conpressed to the much smaller area. It would be good if that could be delayed and the Yaki raiding fleets introduced gradually. With the original 15k and ship the player will not be able to benefit much form the Yaki and they are just destroyed by the Terrans quickly. But this is the same issue in vanilla too, I know that.

    I keep playing will provide more feedback at some point. Thanks for the mod!
    1. 00Nighthunter00
      • premium
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      thank you so much for the feedback!

      yes the spawning of ships after taking sectors is vanilla code i have not quite yet figured out how to make it to where they gradually come back i have tried figuring it out but no luck thus far! the idea is to have players take a sector and ships will be built and flown in to reclaim. 

      as far as the yak go i can turn those down but not delayed run into same issue with my limited ability to code but i will certainly look into it!
    2. 00Nighthunter00
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      Also join the my discord i watch that closer than the comments here
    3. madr00ky
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      • 1 kudos
      Thanks I will maybe join at some point, it is okay for now.

      Regarding repopulating sectors, is this not part of the faction logic? The ship spawn is quite a spam, especially with the SCA it is super annoying. I have taken Argon prime for myself And I have permanently 2 Minotaur Raider trying to harass my traders plus one SCA L ship, and as soon i kill or board them they almost immediately respawn. The density is likely due to the a fixed number of pirate ships in the code/faction logic.
      My assumption is that the jobs for creating ships for the factions will just spawn them if there is no warf/shipyard, kind of a fallback to prevent a faction dying out. If that is the case and you can't solve this in the code it might be necessary to provide shipyards/warfs for them to prevent this behavior, which is of course not a nice solution.
    4. 00Nighthunter00
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      I have an idea for a fix ill update you once i get a chance to add it sometime tonight
    5. madr00ky
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Thanks, can't wait to check it out.

      Another question I have, all the Argon Stations require Terran and universal building material. Its not an issue, i am just wondering why.
      It might be its somehow due to the fact that I have made a small mod that duplicates Argon structural elements and make them available as blueprints that require Terran materials. But I would not know how these elements would have found their way into the station blueprints of the Argon.
      And yes, all Argon stations want all the building materials. Its cool though, as there will be no stagnation for Terran materials when the game progresses and that means a lot of profits... :D
    6. 00Nighthunter00
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      I most certainly can make that the case with making the materials take terran ones link me your mod and i wouldnt mind adding that in if you would like that
    7. 00Nighthunter00
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      Also have a mod developer helping me now little idea of whats to come is im going to make destroying stations in certain sectors unlock certain jobs to be spawned 
    8. madr00ky
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      • 1 kudos
      You seem to misunderstand, the Argon already use Terran materials for building stations. And I don't understand why that is.
      My mod is not released anywhere, it was a first step for an Idea of a Yaki Expansion, but I couldn't even firgure out how to apply the Terran color scheme to the elements and then I got side tracked and now the mod just serves for me to have those elements on my Terran stations.
      I only made the blueprints available to buy from the Terran and Pioneers, that is why its very odd that it seems the Argon use them. I thought the AI station blueprints are based on pre-made blueprints.

      Its nice you have some help. I got Ideas too but not much time for digging into modding right now and I guess I will wait for what you have in mind first. But there is so much that can be done.
      And I don't know yet how the plots work and such stuff. There is an opportunity for a new story. I can generate voice lines with AI, you know, pretty good ones. Already tried that with changing the ugly robot voice from the "better piracy" mod. So, giving this scenario a proper plot line, with a proper writing, is totally possible. But I have just a lot of ideas, but never done something in this scope. :D
    9. 00Nighthunter00
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      I have begun working on it now will update soon
    10. 00Nighthunter00
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      I did a little testing tonight no luck so far gonna do some more tests trying to make it to where they dont appear out of thin air and rn thats not possible without doing some md scripting which im working on
    11. madr00ky
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      • 1 kudos
      Adding another issue with the AI jobs that need some fixing: AI player centric builders.
      The AI has plenty builders, but most of them are exclusively waiting for the player to use them. There is a mod that simply removes those builders from the jobs list, but thats not a solution to the very issue that a faction might has like 10 building sites but the only builder used is maybe stuck on one factory that is not getting the resources which can lead to stagnation.
      The AI is not even using the player builder when it is set on auto, which is the typical Egosoft half ass game design.
      And in my case I have plenty Argon building sites that are not finished and I have no idea what happened to the builder. In Antigone Memorial has never been visited by AI builder, two construction sites both have all resources to complete the factories but nothing is getting done even after I tried to offer one of my builders, they just wont use it. And perhaps because the shipyard is one of the buildings that is stuck in the process, there are no new ships spawning out of nowhere but also no new new builders build by the Argons. Not sure if they will ever finish anything. The only active Argon builder is currently building HAT factories. And since the AI jobs might be a major thing to be changed, using other mods to fix this is out of the question any ways.
    12. 00Nighthunter00
      • premium
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      Yeah alot of that is by game design but some can be edited i should have time in a few days to kinda dive into issues with jobs to see if i can fix some of this
    13. madr00ky
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      • 1 kudos
      Yeah the issue with builder jobs is pretty bad and can ruin the entire game. The construction sites have eaten up all  the claytronics and hull parts before I was able to finish my complex for these materials and now I have to restrict trading any of the sectors with building sites. Worse is that they can be easily destroyed and than the resources poured into them are lost. Something is really off about this, the AI is not taking my building ship but also not from the Terran or Teladi. I hope as soon I build a XL shipyard and offer building ships they will buy some and actually use them. Otherwise I can stop playing this safe.
  4. Shadabfaiz
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    How does it work with existing save games ?
    1. madr00ky
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      • 1 kudos
      But its worth starting a new game. Quite a unique situation.
  5. Souhna
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    question......since u placed  all faction representatives into the terran sectors, did u also put up ship yards for this factions in the terran sectors ?
    or did u just "declare " all factions as dead ? because factions by only there owen ships.
    did u also  removed the respawn point for the  "dead " factions  ? regrding respawns of new stations and ship yards in old sectors ?
    1. 00Nighthunter00
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      New stations will be built by the factions once a shipyard is built for each faction and sold to them using recycle ships and stations but i plan to add terran build ships for each faction in the future this is a test build rn not a final
    2. Souhna
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      ah ok, because it would make much more sense to also have a running economy with the "normal wares" like  claytronics, hull parets weapon parts and so on. so that the other factions can rebuild themself

      the point of that is, paranide or argon or any other faction wont  use nor trade the wares from terrans and oposite way.
      it also would make much more sense so place direclty 1 ship yard for each factions in the outer  sectors of the terran areas.
    3. 00Nighthunter00
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Yea alot is to be implemented i am working on i will give more details soon
    4. 00Nighthunter00
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      Ok so there are a few issues with the statement the problem with your idea is the code of the game doesnt let main faction jobs spawn in dlc space unless otherwise allowed so i would have to go through and add some code to each one to get them to spawn now that in its self is not a issue however the base game is set to have a evenly spread amout of jobs per area of space so adding the warfs and shipyards to each sector even if they are spread out would hurt the economy but the idea for adding base components to terran space is on the list i will be manually going through and adding specific jobs for specific sectors its the only way to have the galaxy slowly come back to life if you have any other idea please join the discord i get notifications there but not here
    5. madr00ky
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      • 1 kudos
      Interesting stuff. So when the Teladi own a few sectors, do they have their own economy?
      If so, it would probably enough already to help rebuilding retaken space.
      I use the recycle mod already and what I do is to build defence stations in neutral sectors and then sell them to factions, they start to build factories there and even ship yards if the original is destroyed. So all we need as a player is access to the basic universal building materials. And if we can go to the factions leaders we have also access to blueprints and can help building new factories and our own of course.
      And with the closed cycle build mode you can build everything from the Argon with only hull/claytronic/energy.
      So, if the Teladi do not have their own economy, all you need to do to enable a jump start is placing a factory for hull parts and claytronics somewhere. Doesn't even need to be big, as long as there is a base source the player can do the rest and start reclaiming the galaxy.
  6. zibafu
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    so since I wanted to make a new game, I installed this, the description lists segaris as being owned by teladi and the antigone to segaris gate is shutdown, yet in my game the xenon own that area and the gate from...neptune to brennans triumph is disabled

    only realized this because I decided to do scrap stuff and cant get a manticore now
    1. 00Nighthunter00
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      List your mods please if you use any and please jpin the discord i dont check here often
    2. 00Nighthunter00
      • premium
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      Also i would need ypur save file so i could figure out this issue
  7. epicproffi
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    I activated it in the already developing XRSGE, oh, and panic began there, it turned out to be fun.
    1. 00Nighthunter00
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Im glad i will gladly make a patch in the future to make it work better with that mod 
  8. KaiserOmega
    • premium
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    I'm getting a laugh from this, as I did a custom start almost exactly like this, except I was completely alone in one sector with the PHQ, but with ALL blueprints unlocked. Let me tell you though, the Xenon kicked my ass several times before I was even able to get out of that single sector. Going to add this to my mod list later
    1. 00Nighthunter00
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      I saw it from a guy that wasnt working on improving it and said its a cool idea i should add to it and make it better it will prob be updated in the next week to be even better got a few things in mind
  9. thoraero
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    I just notice your description about reviving factions with Recycle Ships and Stations. How do you do it?
    1. 00Nighthunter00
      • premium
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      Basically each faction needs one shipyard to slowly rebuild if you get a basic shipyard up and sell it to them by talking to your manager they will take it and rebuild their faction this only works when put of terran space tho
    2. 00Nighthunter00
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      But i will say im looking at making it to where the player doesnt have to manually give them stations will take a bit but ima be doing some ai logic tuning
    3. thoraero
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      Ohh this is amazing! I will definitely give it a try.

      Do I need to build the shipyard in a free neutral space or can it be within my controlled sectors? 
    4. 00Nighthunter00
      • premium
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      Need to be in non dlc sectors but i am working on a solution to make it where you dont have to buold a shipyard to start
  10. epicproffi
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    Hello, what's the difference between the original mod? Has the problem with the faction quest chain been resolved, since there are no stations in other sectors? The Xenons have now become more active, or maybe they send a couple of ships to storm the earth’s sectors and then go into hibernation altogether. In the original mod, the earthlings take all sectors in a couple of hours, since the xenons are not a threat with their weapons and numbers.
    Maybe you should make patrols like in JOBS ---THIS--- mod.
    1. 00Nighthunter00
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Alot of that has been addressed please join my discord and i can give you some more details
    2. 00Nighthunter00
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      I ran this game mode all night in seta mode terrans have not advanced an inch from what i have seen the player will definitely need to help
    3. 00Nighthunter00
      • premium
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      Also this mod adds a bunch of xenon patrols and bigger fleets subject to change and be balanced if needed and i will continue to update this mod as i feel it needs it or there are suggestions
    4. 00Nighthunter00
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      As far as faction questline i would have to see if i could fix those but as of rn they will not work correctly
  11. thoraero
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    I really like the original mod but Xenon presence in each sector was rather underwhelming. It only took a few destroyers to seize back control.

    I will definitely give this a try. Thank you.
    1. 00Nighthunter00
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Np yeah i will probably still need to add more xenon but this is a test version much more xenon parrols
    2. 00Nighthunter00
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