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  1. alikoko
    • member
    • 15 kudos

    If you're not interested in using RT reflections & RT shadows (which you really shouldn't as RT shadows are severely bugged) , give this mod a try for lower RT cpu load thus higher fps when cpu bound. i also posted some benchmarks in the comments section of the mod. it adds between 5-20% to your fps depending on the number of npcs present in the area (less NPCs = more fps gained vs vanilla when cpu bound)
  2. Kaycred
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    thanks for this, it made my fps go up.
    the raytracing in this game is really bad, i have a 16 gb, ryzen 7, the latest build and the raytracing kills it.
    actually my game looked better without raytracing and putting most settings on ultra or even plus.
  3. Ksaes
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    There is no performance uplift whatsoever (4.04).
    1. ElementaryLewis
      • premium
      • 386 kudos
      There is for me, but a little bit.
    2. noodles1989
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Same, zero difference.
  4. mluka17
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Incredible mod and works perfectly with the current version of the game (4.04).

    It worked wonders, I'm using the "performance" version without Reflections and Shadows as recommended and it gave me around a 20% fps increase to an average of 82fps as per my AMD software (usually between 80-100fps depending on location/activity) and I haven't fully optimized my settings for performance, but rather for looks. 

    I'll also be attaching a test video I made, as well as a small showcase which even tho my software doesn't allow recording over 1080p60fps still (I believe) captures the beauty of the game and its scenery, which is just incredibly enhanced by Raytracing. I have since recording this video(s) additionally optimized and modded my game enabling HW for everything except Geralts hair, as it sometimes gives it a yellowish tint when in shade. (I recommend checking out the last 30-40 seconds of both clips for some beautiful sunsets)

    Thank you for the mod and I hope others enjoy it as much as I do! :)
    1. Dupwnt
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      That is what I would call unplayable.   Every time you pan the camera the game becomes a stuttering mess.  You can clear that right up by using a driver level frame rate limiter (not the in game limiter).   You'll technically be running at a lower frame rate of 60 but the game will be 10x smoother since higher frame rate is worthless if you've got that sort of stuttering going on.    Let me know if you want help getting it sorted out.  I'm running an AMD card as well so I'm familiar with the software you're using.
  5. paul59910
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    La mise en place avec Vortex est elle dans les projets?
  6. applefttsher
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    the NG version is an absolute embarrassment even now, RT runs in W3 with the same fps as Pathtracing in cp77. This is a pure abomination of an update, and they've stopped releasing any updates whatsoever.
  7. Mndfck
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Mod crashes my game after loading.

    EDIT: Managed to make it work by deleting and reinstalling RTXGI setting unlocker. Game finally completes loading then crashes again after walking 5 meters away from the save point.
  8. TheGabrilos
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Are Ray traced still bugged as of today?
    1. ElementaryLewis
      • premium
      • 386 kudos
      Without using any of RT mods you can find. Kinda yes.
    2. TheGabrilos
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you for letting me know! 
  9. Budauz16
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This might be the best mod regarding performance in The Witcher 3.
  10. modkingrigz
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Highly recommend. Went from 42-55fps to using the performance 55fps-74fps. The low coming from heavy populated city but that is expected.
  11. Elissay
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Can this mod be used together with improved RT shadows and reflection mod ? 
    1. ElementaryLewis
      • premium
      • 386 kudos