Seamoth Arms (BepInEx - Nautilus)
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About this mod
Yes! Now can use arms with Seamoth!
- Requirements
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SMLHelper versions no more supported!
Steam Legacy Branch no more supported!
(older version remains available in the Files tab)
MOD create a new Equipment Type: "SeamothArm" integer code: 100- MOD create a copy of all Exosuit arms (claw, drill, grappling, propulsion and torpedo) with this new type.
- These arms can only be used in Seamoth.
- These arms can be crafted in the Vehicle Upgrade Console.
- Slot Extender is required for MOD to work!
Arms now is fragment based.Fragments must be found and scanned.Three fragments must be scanned for each type of arm.- Fragments removed!
- For unlock: scan same type of exosuit arm.
Using Arms:
- Arms can be select with default button "O" Left Arm and "P" Right Arm.
- Only one arm can be used at a time.
- If the arm is selected, it can be activated with the left mouse button.
- BepInEx Subnautica Pack
- Nautilus
- Modded Arms Helper (BepInEx - Nautilus)
- Slot Extender (BepInEx - Nautilus)
- You must have all requirements installed.
- Simply extract the SeamothArms archive into your BepInEx\plugins\ folder.
"SeamothClawArmFragment" for "SeamothClawArmModule"Locations: Crash zone sand, Kelp forest sand, Grassy plateaus sand."SeamothDrillArmFragment" for "SeamothDrillArmModule"Locations: Mushroom forest sand; Grassy plateaus sand; Dunes sand plateau."SeamothGrapplingArmFragment" for "SeamothGrapplingArmModule"Locations: Crag field sand/rock/ground."SeamothPropulsionArmFragment" for "SeamothPropulsionArmModule"Locations: Mountains sand/rock; Koosh zone sand."SeamothTorpedoArmFragment" for "SeamothTorpedoArmModule"Locations: Underwater islands island top/tech site scatter; Blood kelp tech site scatter.