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About this mod

Enhance your dialogue experience with a wider, refined and centered text area, improved text clarity featuring a subtle shadow for better readability — all without annoying transition animations. Now fully customizable!

Permissions and credits

Enhanced Dialogue Interface offers several enhancements for a more user-friendly dialogue experience. It widens dialogue lines, eliminates the black background while introducing a subtle text shadow for improved readability, centers the text, and adds a semi-opaque white background when hovering over objects. Furthermore, it removes delays for dialogue line appearance and closure, providing a smoother and visually enhanced dialogue interaction. Additionally, it is possible to use the numbered keys on the keyboard to select dialogue responses, adding an extra layer of convenience to the interface.

Through the INI file modifications provided by this mod, you gain the ability to completely transform your in-game dialogues. You can adjust text size to your liking, fine-tune spacing for a cleaner appearance, and experiment with various color schemes to create a customized atmosphere. These modifications are not limited to just the main dialogue block; you can also tailor hover effects and entry styles to your preferences. This level of customization allows you to create a dialogue interface that perfectly matches your unique gaming style, ensuring that every conversation in your gaming experience is visually appealing and immersive. Unleash your creativity and take full control of your in-game dialogues like never before.

Click the spoiler tag to display the list of parameters.
[General] (General parameters)
  • iInputDelay: Input delay in milliseconds before being able to choose a response or exit the dialogue.
  • sRolloverSound: The sound identifier that will be played when transitioning from one input to another.
    - Note: An empty value will make the scrolling silent.

[Container] (Dialogue box parameters)
  • fWidth: Width of the dialogue box as a percentage of the available space.
  • fHeight: Height of the dialogue box as a percentage of the original box height.
  • fAutoFitHeight: Controls automatic height adjustment of the dialogue box.
    - Options: 0 = Disabled (dialogue box height remains fixed), Any other value represents a percentage of the available space for which AutoFit can be applied relative to fHeight.
  • sAlign: Text box alignment (just the box).
    - Options: left, center, right
  • fXOffset: Horizontal offset for placement of the dialogue box. Use "0.0" for no horizontal offset.
  • fYOffset: Vertical offset for placement of the dialogue box. Use "0.0" for no vertical offset.
  • fVerticalPadding: Sets the vertical padding around the dialogue box background.
  • fHorizontalPadding: Sets the horizontal padding around the dialogue box background.
  • fBorderThickness: Thickness of the dialogue box border.
  • fBorderRadius: Radius of the dialogue box corners.
    - Options: -1 = Fully rounded corners, 0 = No rounding, Any other value sets the corner radius
  • sBorderColor: Color of the dialogue box border.
  • fBorderOpacity: Opacity of the dialogue box border.
  • sBackgroundColor: Background color for the dialogue box.
  • fBackgroundOpacity: Adjusts the opacity of the background behind the dialogue box.
  • fBackgroundBlurX: Horizontal blur for the background behind the dialogue box, specified in units.
  • fBackgroundBlurY: Vertical blur for the background behind the dialogue box, specified in units.

[DialogueEntryBase] (Base dialogue entry parameters)
  • fTextSize: Controls the size of the text in dialogue entries.
  • sTextAlign: Determines the text alignment for entries.
    - Options: left, center, right
  • bFullWidth: Indicates whether the entry's background should span the full width.
    - Options: 0 = No (adapts to the width of the text), 1 = Yes (full width)
  • fVerticalPadding: Sets the vertical padding around the content of the entry's background.
  • fLineHeight : Line height of the text in dialogue entries.
  • fHorizontalPadding: Sets the horizontal padding around the content of the entry's background.
  • fVerticalSpacing: Adjusts the vertical spacing between dialogue entries.
  • bShowItemNumber: Determines whether to show item numbers in dialogue entries (0 for no, 1 for yes).
  • sFontFamily: Sets the font family for dialogue entries.
    - Options: $NB_Grotesk_Semibold, $NB_Grotesk_Bold, $MAIN_Font, $MAIN_Font_Bold, $HandwrittenFont, $ConsoleFont, $DebugTextFont - NEW FONTS AS OF V2.0.1: $SkyrimFont, $FalloutFont, $Roboto, $Bebas_Neue, $PTSans, $Rajdhani

[Scroller] (Scrollers parameters)
  • fMargin: Margin between the dialogue and the scroller.
  • sColor: Color of the scroller.
  • fOpacity: Opacity of the scroller.

[DialogueEntry] (Dialogue entry parameters)
  • sTextColor: Sets the text color for dialogue entries.
  • fTextOpacity: Adjusts the opacity of the text in dialogue entries.
  • bTextItalic: Determines whether the text in dialogue entries is italic (0 for no, 1 for yes).
  • fShadowStrength: Controls the strength of the shadow for dialogue entries.
  • fShadowDistance: Specifies the distance of the shadow behind dialogue text.
  • fShadowAngle: Angle of the shadow in degrees for dialogue entries.
  • sShadowColor: Sets the shadow color for dialogue text.
  • fShadowBlurX: Horizontal blur for the shadow in dialogue entries, specified in units.
  • fShadowBlurY: Vertical blur for the shadow in dialogue entries, specified in units.
  • iShadowQuality: Shadow quality for dialogue entries.
  • fShadowOpacity: Adjusts the opacity of the shadow behind dialogue text.
  • sBackgroundColor: Sets the background color for dialogue entries.
  • fBackgroundOpacity: Adjusts the opacity of the background behind dialogue text.
  • fBackgroundBlurX: Horizontal blur for the background behind dialogue text, specified in units.
  • fBackgroundBlurY: Vertical blur for the background behind dialogue text, specified in units.
  • fBorderRadius: Controls the radius of the corners of the entry's background in dialogue entries.
  • fBorderThickness: Thickness of the border for dialogue entries.
  • sBorderColor: Color of the border for dialogue entries.
  • fBorderOpacity: Opacity of the border for dialogue entries.

[DialogueEntryHover] (Dialogue entry parameters when hovered)
  • sTextColor: Sets the text color for dialogue entries when hovering.
  • fTextOpacity: Adjusts the opacity of the text in dialogue entries when hovering.
  • bTextItalic: Determines whether the text in dialogue entries is italic when hovering (0 for no, 1 for yes).
  • fShadowStrength: Controls the strength of the shadow for dialogue entries when hovering.
  • fShadowDistance: Specifies the distance of the shadow behind dialogue text when hovering.
  • fShadowAngle: Angle of the shadow in degrees for dialogue entries when hovering.
  • sShadowColor: Sets the shadow color for dialogue text when hovering.
  • fShadowBlurX: Horizontal blur for the shadow in dialogue entries when hovering, specified in units.
  • fShadowBlurY: Vertical blur for the shadow in dialogue entries when hovering, specified in units.
  • iShadowQuality: Shadow quality for dialogue entries when hovering.
  • fShadowOpacity: Adjusts the opacity of the shadow behind dialogue text when hovering.
  • sBackgroundColor: Sets the background color for dialogue entries when hovering.
  • fBackgroundOpacity: Adjusts the opacity of the background behind dialogue text when hovering.
  • fBackgroundBlurX: Horizontal blur for the background behind dialogue text when hovering, specified in units.
  • fBackgroundBlurY: Vertical blur for the background behind dialogue text when hovering, specified in units.
  • fBorderRadius: Controls the radius of the corners of the entry's background in dialogue entries when hovering.
  • fBorderThickness: Thickness of the border for dialogue entries when hovering.
  • sBorderColor: Color of the border for dialogue entries when hovering.
  • fBorderOpacity: Opacity of the border for dialogue entries when hovering.

[DialogueEntryInvalid] (Dialogue entry parameters when invalid)
  • sTextColor: Sets the text color for invalid dialogue entries.
  • fTextOpacity: Adjusts the opacity of the text in invalid dialogue entries.
  • bTextItalic: Determines whether the text in invalid dialogue entries is italic (0 for no, 1 for yes).
  • fShadowStrength: Controls the strength of the shadow for invalid dialogue entries.
  • fShadowDistance: Specifies the distance of the shadow behind text in invalid dialogue entries.
  • fShadowAngle: Angle of the shadow in degrees for invalid dialogue entries.
  • sShadowColor: Sets the shadow color for text in invalid dialogue entries.
  • fShadowBlurX: Horizontal blur for the shadow in invalid dialogue entries, specified in units.
  • fShadowBlurY: Vertical blur for the shadow in invalid dialogue entries, specified in units.
  • iShadowQuality: Shadow quality for invalid dialogue entries.
  • fShadowOpacity: Adjusts the opacity of the shadow behind text in invalid dialogue entries.
  • sBackgroundColor: Sets the background color for invalid dialogue entries.
  • fBackgroundOpacity: Adjusts the opacity of the background behind text in invalid dialogue entries.
  • fBackgroundBlurX: Horizontal blur for the background behind text in invalid dialogue entries, specified in units.
  • fBackgroundBlurY: Vertical blur for the background behind text in invalid dialogue entries, specified in units.
  • fBorderRadius: Controls the radius of the corners of the entry's background in invalid dialogue entries.
  • fBorderThickness: Thickness of the border for invalid dialogue entries.
  • sBorderColor: Color of the border for invalid dialogue entries.
  • fBorderOpacity: Opacity of the border for invalid dialogue entries.

[DialogueEntryInvalidHover] (Dialogue entry parameters when invalid and hovered)
  • sTextColor: Sets the text color for invalid dialogue entries when hovering.
  • fTextOpacity: Adjusts the opacity of the text in invalid dialogue entries when hovering.
  • bTextItalic: Determines whether the text in invalid dialogue entries is italic when hovering (0 for no, 1 for yes).
  • fShadowStrength: Controls the strength of the shadow for invalid dialogue entries when hovering.
  • fShadowDistance: Specifies the distance of the shadow behind text in invalid dialogue entries when hovering.
  • fShadowAngle: Angle of the shadow in degrees for invalid dialogue entries when hovering.
  • sShadowColor: Sets the shadow color for text in invalid dialogue entries when hovering.
  • fShadowBlurX: Horizontal blur for the shadow in invalid dialogue entries when hovering, specified in units.
  • fShadowBlurY: Vertical blur for the shadow in invalid dialogue entries when hovering, specified in units.
  • iShadowQuality: Shadow quality for invalid dialogue entries when hovering.
  • fShadowOpacity: Adjusts the opacity of the shadow behind text in invalid dialogue entries when hovering.
  • sBackgroundColor: Sets the background color for invalid dialogue entries when hovering.
  • fBackgroundOpacity: Adjusts the opacity of the background behind text in invalid dialogue entries when hovering.
  • fBackgroundBlurX: Horizontal blur for the background behind text in invalid dialogue entries when hovering, specified in units.
  • fBackgroundBlurY: Vertical blur for the background behind text in invalid dialogue entries when hovering, specified in units.
  • fBorderRadius: Controls the radius of the corners of the entry's background in invalid dialogue entries when hovering.
  • fBorderThickness: Thickness of the border for invalid dialogue entries when hovering.
  • sBorderColor: Color of the border for invalid dialogue entries when hovering.
  • fBorderOpacity: Opacity of the border for invalid dialogue entries when hovering.

[DialogueEntryAlreadySaid] (Dialogue entry parameters when already said)
  • sTextColor: Sets the text color for dialogue entries that have already been said.
  • fTextOpacity: Adjusts the opacity of the text in dialogue entries that have already been said.
  • bTextItalic: Determines whether the text in dialogue entries that have already been said is italic (0 for no, 1 for yes).
  • fShadowStrength: Controls the strength of the shadow for dialogue entries that have already been said.
  • fShadowDistance: Specifies the distance of the shadow behind text in dialogue entries that have already been said.
  • fShadowAngle: Angle of the shadow in degrees for dialogue entries that have already been said.
  • sShadowColor: Sets the shadow color for text in dialogue entries that have already been said.
  • fShadowBlurX: Horizontal blur for the shadow in dialogue entries that have already been said, specified in units.
  • fShadowBlurY: Vertical blur for the shadow in dialogue entries that have already been said, specified in units.
  • iShadowQuality: Shadow quality for dialogue entries that have already been said.
  • fShadowOpacity: Adjusts the opacity of the shadow behind text in dialogue entries that have already been said.
  • sBackgroundColor: Sets the background color for dialogue entries that have already been said.
  • fBackgroundOpacity: Adjusts the opacity of the background behind text in dialogue entries that have already been said.
  • fBackgroundBlurX: Horizontal blur for the background behind text in invalid dialogue entries, specified in units.
  • fBackgroundBlurY: Vertical blur for the background behind text in invalid dialogue entries, specified in units.
  • fBorderRadius: Controls the radius of the corners of the entry's background in invalid dialogue entries.
  • fBorderThickness: Thickness of the border for invalid dialogue entries.
  • sBorderColor: Color of the border for invalid dialogue entries.
  • fBorderOpacity: Opacity of the border for invalid dialogue entries.

[DialogueEntryAlreadySaidHover] (Dialogue entry parameters when already said and hovered)
  • sTextColor: Sets the text color for dialogue entries that have already been said when hovering.
  • fTextOpacity: Adjusts the opacity of the text in dialogue entries that have already been said when hovering.
  • bTextItalic: Determines whether the text in dialogue entries that have already been said is italic when hovering (0 for no, 1 for yes).
  • fShadowStrength: Controls the strength of the shadow for dialogue entries that have already been said when hovering.
  • fShadowDistance: Specifies the distance of the shadow behind text in dialogue entries that have already been said when hovering.
  • fShadowAngle: Angle of the shadow in degrees for dialogue entries that have already been said when hovering.
  • sShadowColor: Sets the shadow color for text in dialogue entries that have already been said when hovering.
  • fShadowBlurX: Horizontal blur for the shadow in dialogue entries that have already been said when hovering, specified in units.
  • fShadowBlurY: Vertical blur for the shadow in dialogue entries that have already been said when hovering, specified in units.
  • iShadowQuality: Shadow quality for dialogue entries that have already been said when hovering.
  • fShadowOpacity: Adjusts the opacity of the shadow behind text in dialogue entries that have already been said when hovering.
  • sBackgroundColor: Sets the background color for dialogue entries that have already been said when hovering.
  • fBackgroundOpacity: Adjusts the opacity of the background behind text in dialogue entries that have already been said when hovering.
  • fBackgroundBlurX: Horizontal blur for the background behind text in invalid dialogue entries when hovering, specified in units.
  • fBackgroundBlurY: Vertical blur for the background behind text in invalid dialogue entries when hovering, specified in units.
  • fBorderRadius: Controls the radius of the corners of the entry's background in invalid dialogue entries when hovering.
  • fBorderThickness: Thickness of the border for invalid dialogue entries when hovering.
  • sBorderColor: Color of the border for invalid dialogue entries when hovering.
  • fBorderOpacity: Opacity of the border for invalid dialogue entries when hovering.

In the same vein as Undelayed Menus, Enhanced Dialogue Interface undergoes various changes and improvements over time. Feel free to track the mod to stay up to date.

Without the options provided in the archive, the interface runs at 60fps by default.

Copy the "Data\Interface" folder into "Starfield\Data" (You should have "Starfield\Data\Interface").

Open "Documents\My Games\Starfield\StarfieldCustom.ini" (create it if it doesn't exist).

Add these lines if they are not present:


You will find a plethora of presets on the Enhanced Presets page, designed specifically for Enhanced Dialogue Interface and Enhanced Subtitles.
Creative users are also encouraged to share their presets!

The Enhanced Dialogue Interface mod allows you to customize various aspects of your dialogue experience by editing the "Enhanced Dialogue Interface - My Edits.ini" file. This INI file is located in the "Data\Interface" folder within your Starfield installation directory.

To modify the settings, follow these steps:

1. Locate the INI File: Navigate to the "Data\Interface" folder within your Starfield installation directory. Look for a file named "Enhanced Dialogue Interface - My Edits.ini."

2. Open the INI File: Use a text editor, such as Notepad, to open the "Enhanced Dialogue Interface - My Edits.ini" file.

3. Adjust Settings: Inside the INI file, you'll find various sections and parameters that control different aspects of the dialogue interface. These include text size, spacing, text color, background opacity, and more.

4. Edit Values: To customize a particular setting, locate the corresponding parameter (e.g., "fTextSize" for text size) uncomment the line by removing the ";" character and modify its value as desired. Values can typically be adjusted by changing numerical values or text values, such as color codes.

5. Save Changes: After making your desired modifications, save the INI file.

6. View (Almost) Real-Time Changes (Optional): For easier customization, you can utilize the real-time update feature. While in-game, press "Alt+Tab" to switch to your text editor with the INI file open. Make adjustments as needed and save the file. Return to the game and engage in a dialogue with an NPC to see the changes instantly.

7. Launch the Game: Start Starfield to experience your customized dialogue interface.

Note: Be cautious when editing the INI file, as incorrect changes may affect the mod's functionality. Make sure to back up the original file before making any modifications.

Feel free to experiment with different settings to create a dialogue interface that suits your preferences. Enjoy a personalized dialogue experience with the Enhanced Dialogue Interface mod!

Remove the mod's SWF files from your "Data\Interface" folder.