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  1. aurreth
    • member
    • 18 kudos
    Incorporated this mod into v1.1 of Outpost Beacon Override.  I'm not removing this one, just combining a few things to cut down on my load order.  If you use Beacon Override you no longer need this mod; if you don't want to mess with your build radius this one will still be here.
  2. nikoligrim
    • premium
    • 117 kudos
    Thanks for this. The game has put so many unnecessary restrictions on a single player game it's ridiculous.

    I can now place my items in costal locations where they should be located without worrying about some stray pebble making them float in midair.
    1. aurreth
      • member
      • 18 kudos
      You're welcome

      I'm randomly poking at some of the other restrictions as time allows, but a lot of them are embedded in the building script and I'm a bad enough programmer that I'd rather wait for the CK before looking at how to get around them (though I'm sure someone else will beat me to it lol).
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Wooo hoooo, the CK is out, I've been waiting so impatiently for this to see what you can do with underwater building. The most I could do so far is build a fortress in water but I would love to see some Creations from aurreth! Thank you btw, I'm actively using your mods for my outposts which I consider indispensable!.
    3. aurreth
      • member
      • 18 kudos
      I don't do Creations   Any mods I make will be released here, where you don't have to pay for them and where you can talk to me about problems or suggestions for improvements, and where I don't have Bethesda telling me what I can and can't do.
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      I don't do Creations 
        Any mods I make will be released here, where you don't have to pay for them and where you can talk to me about problems or suggestions for improvements, and where I don't have Bethesda telling me what I can and can't do.
      Thank you aurreth, I appreciate you and incredible your work and now more stoked than ever. Waiting patiently for anything you do, no rush. In the meantime I have got a copy of the creation kit myself so will have some studying to do since I am not a modder but I am interested in learning.
  3. RaidersClamoring
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    SFSE required?
    1. aurreth
      • member
      • 18 kudos
      Is it listed as a requirement?  Is ANYTHING listed as a requirement?

      Ok, ok, I'm still on my first cup of coffee, sorry.  No, this is does not use SFSE.  I mean if you are using Plugins.txt then you need SFSE, but I personally don't care how you load the ESM.
  4. Madmonk16
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Finally found a mode that lets me build on water, found a great planet to build on, But the damm mod wont load
    Currently using Vortex to download and I don't have a degree in computer programing. Vortex didnt install it so I went to manual down load it, but it dosent say where to transfer the files. Love the game and starfield mods, even found  some great mods that I love ,but getting them to load into the game,is getting to a pain in my ass.
    I just spent the last two hours going over the Build in water mod Download ,the SFSE  and Plugin ,now I give up,
    1. aurreth
      • member
      • 18 kudos
      Install SFSE.  You can do this with Vortex.
      Install Plugins.txt.  You can do this with Vortex.
      Vortex, left side, last item, click on Load Order
      In the right pane, click on the button that says something like "let Vortex deal with my load order".  The left pane should populate.
      If it doesn't, in the menu bar click on the middle entry, Refresh List.

      Now Plugins.txt is enabled and Vortex will automatically add new mods to it when you install them.
  5. DigitalBoy760
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    Just installed this, and I can now dive and swim around underwater, but the water breathing effect isn't working. I have this mod loading last in the load order, and I checked it in Xedit, and water breathing is set to 1, so it's there. 

    I installed while I was in New Atlantis, and tested in that pond in the lower level of the commercial zone near SSN, and also in the ocean near the spaceport, but I haven't fast traveled anywhere yet. Do I need to fast travel somewhere then back before it activates?
    1. aurreth
      • member
      • 18 kudos
      Should take effect when you load the game.
    2. DigitalBoy760
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      Hmmm.... I checked in the console with player.getav WaterBreathing, and it was 0. Set it to 1 and I was able to stay under indefinitely. Not sure why it wasn't loading the value from the ESM, as it's dead last in the load order.
    3. aurreth
      • member
      • 18 kudos
      You could try changing the flags in xEdit, maybe add "Is Permanent AV Cached", or "Minimum Value 1"
  6. BlueGunk
    • premium
    • 110 kudos
    Thanks for this! Apart from Neon, is there a decent earth-like planet I could build an outpost next to a sea?  I don't seem to have any luck finding such a planet. At this rate I'll have to resort to the Webb Telescope...
    1. aurreth
      • member
      • 18 kudos
      McClure II.  It's mostly water.  Some nice islands you can use.  A bit on the cold side, but you don't need a helmet.  I used it as the template for one of my custom planets.
    2. BlueGunk
      • premium
      • 110 kudos
      Thank you!
    3. ludachris
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      one of the Tau Cetis i forget which one is mostly water and earth-like as well, with 1.0 gravity too
    4. Fireapple
      • premium
      • 256 kudos
      Serpentis IV, it says the water is chemical but we swim in it all the time with no ill effects. Other than the occasional bout of flesh eating bacteria.. But that's no different than swimming in Florida!
    5. Kainschilde209
      • premium
      • 87 kudos
      The planet your Dream House is on (Nesoi, in the Olympus system) is a good outpost planet whether you took that trait or not. Good spread of biomes, decent selection of resources, and it's about 40% water coverage so lots of waterfront sites available. And it's got sea fauna, making the diving and water building useful for surveying too.
    6. aurreth
      • member
      • 18 kudos
      The water on Nesoi is "chemical" I think, but there's a mod somewhere that changes that to "safe".
    7. Razorback70
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Decarren III, and Porrima II are both great M class like planets . I have retreat outposts on both
    8. DigitalBoy760
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      Tau Ceti II, IIRC. That's the first mission the Vanguard sends you on after you join, and is a garden world - temperate, 02 atmo, safe water and has animal and plant life.
  7. Toniigaming4
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Help i added this mod and cant go underwater! any help would be useful thank you!
    1. aurreth
      • member
      • 18 kudos
      Are you in 1st person?  You can only go underwater in 1st person, if you scroll back out to 3rd person you will see yourself on the surface.
    2. Toniigaming4
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      yes but i think i installed it wrong was wondering though i didn't use vortex manager i did it manually in the game files but also does the game have a certain depth before you can go underwater sadly I'm just a noob to modding thank you for the reply also!
    3. aurreth
      • member
      • 18 kudos
      I'm not sure if there is a minimum depth, I usually just go until I start swimming, then change to 1st person and tilt down.

      Honestly the only time I ever do that is to place the outpost beacon, which I move above the water afterwards.  I really didn't make this to build underwater, it just happens to work for that  

      And you should use a mod manager.  Especially if you are a "noob to modding".  Maybe try MO2.  I keep having Vortex screw up my load order.
    4. Toniigaming4
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Oh well alright thank you so much i will try that!
  8. athena1978
    • member
    • 0 kudos

    I have no idea where to ask this, but seems with your build in water that you may have an answer.

    So I have an elevated land that ends in water and I need to build a bridge. Therefore I use solid storage and stack em horizontally, to make a bridge. However, it doesn't allow me to put another one in the other end that goes half of the storage in the ground. 

    It is hard to describe it but basicly, elevated land, storage, storage, storage, "cannot place item: intersects with an existing object (ground)"

    thx in adv.
    1. aurreth
      • member
      • 18 kudos
      I haven't figured out "intersects with an existing object" yet.  I know where the error message itself is, but I can't find the function that calls it.

      What I end up doing is using console commands.  Place the item as close as I can to where I want, then use the console to move it into it's final position.
    2. athena1978
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      lol. I just found a glitch. Maybe some people knows about it already, but who knows.

      let me share it.

      So I was stacking boxes on an elevated ground when one of the box had a "cannot intersect blah blah". So I remember watching people glitching ship parts with flip ALSO remember that when doing clipping boxes, rotate function will move it to the next clip-able side.

      Here what make the glitch works. I use ROTATE (left click - right click), with left and right mouse button several times while clicking "E" (build button). VOILA............. the box goes inside. DONE.

      Ironically, I'm smiling like crazy even tho the game has lots of glitches and bugs.

  9. Talismancer
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    Hey I just revisited my 2 outposts outside Neon...(one "in" the water on the surface with an underwater cargo-link pad, the 2nd fully at the bottom of the ocean with a large landing pad and a few glass habs) and I had my smile on from thanks again!

    I thought I'd list the things that need to happen to make Underwater viable (ie mod ideas):
    - Spacesuits that work (you can't drown in a spacesuit!)
    - Some/all weapons work underwater. (even a knife!)
    - Hab interiors count as above water.
    - Chasmbass are farmable via Animal husbandry facility
    - Stuff that's actually's pretty barren down here..

    If anyone has any hacks that solve any of these I'm all ears. I've exhausted the game and I'm just hacking it now (just stole the Vigilance) until DLCs arrive.

    Edit: So I managed to solve one of these. I just uploaded a Waterbreathing mod. Thanks to Aurreth for the inspiration!
    1. aurreth
      • member
      • 18 kudos
      I thought that WaterBreathing value was a left over cruft from previous games, like all the magic schools or power armor settings in the ESM.  Didn't occur to me it would actually do anything when the space suit should take care of it.  Good find!
    2. aurreth
      • member
      • 18 kudos
      Oh, I folded your water breathing into my local copy of this mod, so if I ever upload an update it will be included.  I'll make sure to give you credit :)  I really don't plan on updating this until more of those problems you mentioned are solved though.
    3. Talismancer
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      No problems I'm happy to have this out there.
      Re Previous Games: I'm definitely trying DragonRend (look it up) on the next TerrorMorph I meet...
    4. aurreth
      • member
      • 18 kudos
      lol  I saw that.  I'm working on new/custom star systems at the moment, then I'll come back around to this.

      The reason you can't use weapons underwater is because the game treats you as swimming.  Scroll out to third person and you'll see the water surface.  That has to be fixed first, so that you are actually submerged.
    5. aurreth
      • member
      • 18 kudos
      Added a recommendation for Water Breathing to the mod description.
  10. tomomi1922
    • supporter
    • 24 kudos
    Would this conflict with Underwater Diving Restoration?
    1. aurreth
      • member
      • 18 kudos
      You can leave Underwater Diving if you want, but it's redundant.  Both mods are setting the same boolean to "true", so they do exactly the same thing as far as swimming goes.  With this mod you don't need to remember to run a batch file though.
    2. tomomi1922
      • supporter
      • 24 kudos
      Thank you for the clarification.  Now I am looking for the setting to delete.  Redundant is not good in ini settings :)
    3. aurreth
      • member
      • 18 kudos
      It's a boolean.  Both Underwater Diving and this mod set bPlayerDivingEnabled  to True (1).  Whichever mod sets it last, that's the value it will have, except in this case they both want it to be True so that's what it will always end up.

      So will it hurt to leave the settings from Underwater Diving?  No, but you don't need them if you use this mod, because it does the same thing.
  11. tomomi1922
    • supporter
    • 24 kudos
    Say, if the ship is submerged half way, will the top half stick out of the water?  Because I accidentally landed under water, and the ship doesn't pop up above water.

    How I manage to land on water ...  I landed on Earth somewhere.  Then I installed "Earth Restored" mod that changed some parts to be under water.  So my previous landing spot happens to be ... under water with the new mod.  Very interesting.  
    1. aurreth
      • member
      • 18 kudos
      Yes, if you build a landing pad with the top just under the water surface your ship will land on it and be half or whatever out of water.  In one of my tests I swam out to my landing pad, and when I got on top of it started wading waist-deep to my ship.