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  1. TheOGTennessee
    • member
    • 105 kudos
    It's finally happened. The All In One is up. Some special notes. If you are updating from the individual modules, you will need to uninstall those before installing this mod. Remove them from your plugins.txt, go into the game, save once, then go back and enable THIS mod in your plugins.txt. Any supplemental reactors or supplemental cockpits you previously purchased will need to be repurchased. player.additem 0f ###### is the command for adding money to cover it.

    Why would I release an all in one? Well, simple, we're gonna have a maximum number of mods eventually, and we'll hit the limit sooner or later. Putting everything in one mod helps keep your load order full of great jam packed mods.

    Q. Will you add the Space Mining into the all in one?
    A. No, that mod has some ship modules, but its focus is not on ship building, and it will likely be getting its own set of features and the like.
    1. TheOGTennessee
      • member
      • 105 kudos
      To address questions about the v2 of the mod. Mod compatibility is always a big problem. There is a way for someone to add new categories to the Ship Builder. However, only one mod can normally do this at once. If the creator of Grav Boosters wants to add a category, and say the creator of another mod wanted to add a category for their own stuff, they couldn't. Those two mods would not be compatible.

      I also wanted to place some of the content added by my mod into categories, and it had long been a thorn in my side that all of the weapons are shoved into one spot, and it's impossible to find the weapons I want to. So, I added a TON of categories and added them all in. Some are being used by my mod right now. Others can be referenced by other mods like Grav Boosters to use the "Grav Boosters" category from my mod, and then another mod could do the same. By making their mods compatible with my mod, they would also be compatible with each other.

      So, v2 includes this as a feature. If you don't want to bother with this, keep using v1. However, the DerreTech Patch I also just released uses the new Cockpits (Supp) category added by the All In One v2, and the DerreTech patch only works with v2.

      Did I mention I added a DerreTech patch where you can now have the Starborn cockpit as a supplemental cockpit?

      Version 2.0.6 of the DerreTech patch has dropped! It includes the new structural parts now, as well as fixes an ongoing issue with the Satellite dish. The Satellite dish will now properly snap to weapon nodes, and even rotate around to match the snap point. There's no more unattached errors.
  2. TheOGTennessee
    • member
    • 105 kudos
    A patch for the Place Doors Yourself mod has been released for the Habs Tweaks mod. You can go and grab it from the files section of that mod, and it will work with both the Hab Tweaks mod, as well as the All in One.
    1. TheOGTennessee
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      • 105 kudos
      I want to give a little boost and shout out for Grav Drive Boosters. The creator was talking with me for a while on discord about this coming out. He figured out how to do a few things that myself and Synth both thought wouldn't work. He managed to make a sort of supplemental grav drives mod, and even break the cap on the jump range. So it's worth checking out!
    2. TheOGTennessee
      • member
      • 105 kudos
      A patch for the All in One version of SMSEX is now available. I've been waiting for a long time for the All in One. I'm currently using it myself, and I love it. The version here as opposed to the version I put on the Useful Ship Structures page includes the Braking Thruster, and keeps it in the Thrusters category.
    3. TheOGTennessee
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      • 105 kudos
      So, big change. The mod is now dependent on the Ship Builder Categories mod. This was created by rux616, the creator of Junk in Your Trunk, and it is based on the work I and others (rux616 and metalsnakegear) did in creating a bunch of categories for the ship builder. I was not the only one who wanted to add new categories. As you know the creator of Grav Drive Boosters was doing the same, JIYT was doing the same, and I am sure others were wanting to as well. Rux616 has taken it on himself to create and maintain a community resource mod so that all of our mods will remain compatible with one another.

      I have updated all of my patches, including the JIYT patch. It is no longer a required patch for our mods to work together, but it is still highly recommended, as it does carry the changes I made to certain parts over to the flipped and alternate versions he created.

      Lastly, you can still get a version of my mod without the extra dependency if you want, but I recommend you update as soon as Grav Drive Boosters is updated to work with Ship Builder Categories as well.

      Edit: The update to Grav Drive Boosters is out!

      Edit2: With the SBC update, I released another update that removes the formID List copy I was keeping in the All in One. This should improve compatibility. Download this if you're having trouble with the Habz patch he put out.
  3. InfernalDiamond
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I don't usually comment on mods but damnit, this is one of the best mod sets, combined mods I've ever had for a BGS game.  Keep up the great work.
  4. oXoMAYHEMoXo
    • supporter
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    DerreTech has released a new version of his mod for the update (on a new modpage) will the DerreTech patch here need to be updated for it to work well or is the old 0 patch fine?
    1. TheOGTennessee
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      • 105 kudos
      It will need to be updated, but it isn't incompatible. It is just missing things added by the more recent DerreTech release. It seems DerreTech is in a rather broken state though as of the last patch.
    2. bradman2341
      • premium
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      Derretech has listed that he does not want patches for his mod that he does not make. Please check with him about it.
    3. TheOGTennessee
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      • 105 kudos
      This topic has been covered before. I won't rehash it. There was an entire huge drama over it.
  5. spacejockey107
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Is this mod compatible with other mods that add things for shipbuilder? For example, I am also looking at Matilija's Aerospace, Derretech, Darkstar Astrodynamics, and Avontech Shipyards. Does anyone know if there are any conflicts with this mod and any of the other listed mods?
    1. blackdeath9190
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      other than you wont get some of the benefits this mod introduces with those parts, no.
    2. TheOGTennessee
      • member
      • 105 kudos
      Yes, and I have some patches for certain mods. I may due more patches soon, but that's a time issue right now. The parts don't have to be updated with patches though. Essentially as blackdeath said, my patches just make the parts added by other mods fall in line with my mod's changes.
  6. blackdeath9190
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    ive been looking through the comments, and i cant get a solid answer about if this mod works with 1.11.36? 
    simple yes or no is all i ask.
    1. TheOGTennessee
      • member
      • 105 kudos
      It works. No updates are needed, but I might have to update some patches here soon, due to other mods updating.
  7. ErahkEC
    • premium
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    Any word on if this or any of TN's mods work with the new update 1.11.36?
    1. TheOGTennessee
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      • 105 kudos
      I wish I could say. I have updated, but I am currently experiencing a bug where I crash when entering the ship builder. I have no idea the cause yet. If anyone else is getting this with my mods, please let me know.

      Edit: I am now in Starfield again. So far so good, no issues from my mods yet. The issue I was having had to do with other mods not updating their nif files yet.
    2. Badchocobo77
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      From what I've read the StarUI mods seem to be the culprit. so, if using StarUI, StarUI Ship Building Categories, etc., then that may be the culprit to your crashes in ship builder.
      I Haven't played the new Update, was waiting for this Mod, as it's one of 2 goto mods for ship building, my favorite part of the game.
  8. rgdelta
    • premium
    • 9 kudos
    Was curious the May Update looks good but with changes to shipbuilding do you think there may be any Update needed?
    1. TheOGTennessee
      • member
      • 105 kudos
      Possibly. I don't mess with the betas, but when it releases, I will start working with it and see what needs worked on.
    2. bradman2341
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      If your mode uses base game assests like meshes it will more than likely be broken. They renamed all ship meshes. It complete broke Derretech.
    3. TheOGTennessee
      • member
      • 105 kudos
      I don't think I touched anything that would cause a break like that, since I don't touch the visuals. So... I will just have to see. I will be updating tonight. Then I have to wait until a few mods are updated (SFSE stuff) before I can run it.
  9. Bravo0417
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    QQ. If I were to incorporate the AiO, the Class M and DerreTech mods, would this be an accurate load order for them to be compatible and if any of the patches that are in the optional section required (I included them in the load order in case)? The last bottom 3 esms I already have installed but don't think there would be much conflict once I attempt to install AiO, Class M and DerreTech

    *Stealth Overhaul.esm
    *Improved Combat AI.esm
    1. TheOGTennessee
      • member
      • 105 kudos
      That looks about right. It follows the right steps. Patches are always after the mods that they rely on, and SBC is up near the top.
  10. jcm1975
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    SSEO - Outpost Investor seems to cause issues with this mod. When they are loaded together it wipes out all the hab categories in the ship builder. 
    1. TheOGTennessee
      • member
      • 105 kudos
      Load SBC after that mod in the load order, and it should fix it. I have no idea why something that has to do with outpost would modify that FormID List though. Unless they have a really good reason to modify ship builder categories, I would report it over there.
  11. Badchocobo77
    • premium
    • 5 kudos
    Since I've downloaded all in one. is it ok to disable/uninstall the Habs Tweak mod had previously installed?
    1. TheOGTennessee
      • member
      • 105 kudos
      Yeah, you can turn off the hab tweaks.
    2. Badchocobo77
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      cool, thanks
    3. TheOGTennessee
      • member
      • 105 kudos
      Oh hey, so... I made a mistake earlier. I am sorry I rejected your pictures. I thought they were being uploaded on a different mod of mine, not this one. If you try and send them again, I will hit accept this time, I promise.

      (I thought it was uploaded on my M class mod and I didn't see any M class parts. It is my bad.)
    4. Badchocobo77
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      lol no problem. 
  12. gotswrv
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Great mods boss!!!
    Any chance to add vertical flipped stroud panels? shown in the pic are the particular parts I'm hoping for. 

    1. TheOGTennessee
      • member
      • 105 kudos
      Not my thing. I think you're wanting Better Ship Part Flips or something.