
Icons for builder UI arrived!

In version 1.3 I've added optional icon pack so you don't see that ugly exclamation mark - icons are here!

Icons are currently working correctly, but due to how Bethesda implemented them, they come with limitations and requirements of their own.

There are three options:
- continue without icons and you can stop reading
- use new icon pack with vanilla UI, which requires my mod to be placed FIRST in the load order! (workaround is working and being tested, coming soon!)
- use new icon pack with StarUI Outposts, and you can have any load order as usual

I have nothing to say about first option, just download the main file and you can use the mod without icons.
Other two options are explained in more details below.

NOTE! (2023-11-29)
Due to improving my workflows, from v1.8 onwards I am returning dual versions, one for vanilla UI and one for StarUI Outpost mod.

Whichever of the paths you choose, to see the icons in game my optional icon pack will need to be installed (extracted) in the "My Documents" folder. Full path for the icons should have a similar path to the following:"C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\Documents\My Games\Starfield\Data\Textures\interface\workshopicons\<filename>.dds"

Icons in vanilla user interface (UI)

To use icons with vanilla interface you need to download current main file, it will be denoted in description as "vanilla UI" or simply a main download file.
Then you need to download separate optional icon-pack file.

Install main file (ESM) as usual, using Plugins.txt Enabler and SFSE.
But when adding lines into Plugins.txt file you MUST put the "BASE.esm" into first place before any other mods load. So it will look like this:

# This file is used by Starfield to keep track of your downloaded content.

This is required because icons are available as loose files that are referenced by vanilla UI by their ID. And ID consists of 2 parts. Let's say ID is [MMxxxxxx], in this format "MM" is index of the ESM file itself, so if we have vanilla then first mod will get [02xxxxxx] and all others will follow with IDs of 03, 03, 05 and so on. Only known way to force vanilla UI to load icons is to name them [] which means that mod with icons HAS TO be first in load order ([00] and [01] are resrved for Bethesda original ESMs).

If you dislike this for any reason, you have two options remaining, no icons, or StarUI as user interface replacer.


Note: I have working workaround, and this spoiler is here for the people that know how to read *all* instructions:-) This will enable you to batch rename icons, so that if you use my mod in plugins.txt mod order as example mod "05", you will be able to rename all DDS files in less than a minute, though you'll need to use xEdit and Powershell a little.

# Script to batch rename all files in folder where this script or command is running
# Instructions:
# Open Powershell by clicking Start and typing: pwsh
# Once Powershell window opens, make sure to go to folder of your choosing, for example:
#cd "C:\Downloads\#Starfield\base-icons-extracted"
# make sure this folder contains bunch of files named "" and ""
# Change the line at the bottom so that first two numbers "05" are changed to whatever my "BASE.esm" file is in your load order, first file is always "02" then count from there
# Please leave rest of zeroes, so it says eg "0500" not just "05"
# Finally save this file, and either run the line below in PowerShell by copy / pasting, or run this whole file by running command:
#& '.\#rename.ps1'
get-childitem *.dds | foreach { rename-item $_ $_.Name.Replace("0200", "0500") }

If you are not sure which load order number you need, download SF1Edit, unpack and run it. When it loads it will autoselect all files from Plugins.txt, confirm the selection and wait 10 minutes so it loads (sorry, xEdit needs this on first run). Once it loads, look on the left panel names of files and find BASE.esm. It will have numbers in front eg "[05] BASE.esm". Then you use 05 in the script. If it says 28 use 28 in the script.

If you insert other mods later in front of BASE.esm, you will need to rename icons again to the new number.

If you find this helpful and think it's OK to remove spoiler tag, comment in the posts, or msg me. If I get enough positive comments I will unhide this section. Likewise, if you have something to add please do comment with suggestions!

Anyway, back to icons themselves, you need to place icons into path such as:
...\My Documents\My Games\Starfield\Data\textures\interface\workshopicons\<iconname>.dds

For this to actually load you also need to enable loose files in the file:
...\My Documents\My Games\Starfield\StarfieldCustom.ini

... by adding the following lines (if you haven't done that already for hundreds of other mods that use the same system of installation):

So when you have ESM, Plugins.txt (and Plugins.exe Enabler with SFSE), icon pack extracted in correct location and enabled loose files, you can just enter game and when you go into outpost building interface icons will be there.

Icons with StarUI Outpost (mod)

Note: This functionality is now available to public in StarUI Outpost v1.2 (and newer) on Nexus!

Please see above section for enabling the loose files and placing icon files in the correct place. These steps are same for both implementations.

Where icons with StarUI differ is that you have to download alternative ESM, which will be denoted as "StarUI version". That's not to say that ESM for vanilla version isn't compatible with StarUI, because it works just fine, but to have icons and NOT need the ESM in first place of the load order, you will need tweaked ESM. This file contains names of icons inside the item names, and StarUI Outpost mod will handle the rest.

To download StarUI Outpost follow the link, read the mod's description and requirements, please don't ask me how to install other people's mods.

Once you have StarUI Outpost installed, working, and setup to your liking, please go to B.A.S.E. download section and get the StarUI customized version of my "Base.esm". Extract it and add to Plugins.txt (anywhere in the load order).

Then download the icon pack file, extract it, and place icons in correct path, same as in above section for vanilla UI.

Run the game and icons will be there, enjoy!

Other mods
So far I haven't seen other mods rushing to add this functionality. There's just a few with a few icons.

But now we have another one!

✓ MXNovaKnight updated Outpost Construction Expanded (Even More Outpost Objects) with 150+ icons ✓

Read his own instructions article as well if you plan to use both mods. I have tested it myself, and both mods work side by side without issues, icons included.

MXNovaKnight was even kind enough to add an optional icon pack download for users with BASE, if BASE is first, and Outpost Construction Expanded (Even More Outpost Objects) second. More info in his article.

Any possible problems can only come from additional changes in load order, and you can just use the script in spoiler section as a workaround, be it to rename their icons or mine (logic is the same, so far my icons are and theirs are, adjust to actual load order as needed). You don't need to change anything in the ESM, just batch rename all the icons to whatever your load order requires. Icons starting with 00 are vanilla objects which lacked icons, which don't need renaming.


Q: What happens if I use StarUI Outpost + icons with vanilla ESM?
A: Nothing special, if your mod is first in load order it will still load icons into StarUI. If it's anywhere but first, everything will work, you'll just be missing icons until you either get the custom ESM for StarUI or place the ESM to the first place in your load order. StarUI Outpost will honor display of icons in both cases, it just needs to get the icons from the engine.

Q: What happens if I use vanilla UI + icons with StarUI ESM?
A: Again, nothing special, if you place icons correctly they'll still be available, if ESM is first in load order. There is one thing that will happen though, you will sometimes be able to see the text "" as pure text in the interface as part of the building piece name. If it bothers you, make sure to follow instructions correctly and it will be gone.

Q: Anything else?
A: Nope, all is covered. If you have issues - please re-read and re-try before starting an issue in bug tracker.

Q: When is workaround for vanilla UI icons and random load order coming?
A: Soon. Please keep tracking my mod for a few days. This article will be updated with either the additional instructions or with a link to the separate small article.

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