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Created by

aedenthorn and FlyingTNT

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About this mod

Converts the combat system into a cuddling system!

Permissions and credits
This is a continuation of Pacifist Valley by aedenthorn.

This mod attempts turn Stardew Valley into a more peaceful place by removing deadly violence from the game.


  • Replaces all weapons with hearts, feathers, stuffed animals, and other non-violent love devices
  • Replaces attacking with kissing and heart emoting (some monsters are hard to love, still working on it)
  • Replaces gore with hearts (still not 100%)
  • Replaces monster death with monster falling in love with farmer (constant heart emoting, no hurting farmers) - you still get experience, rep, and loot from your new friends!
  • Replaces as much violent text as I could find with cuddly alternatives - slay quests, weapon descriptions, etc.


  • This mod makes no guarantee that the game will be 100% free of violence, death, torture, or dismemberment, but I'm happy to patch it if you find residual deadliness in the game.
  • This mod also doesn't change any interactions with non-monster NPCs, but they seem nice enough.
  • It also doesn't fix the genocidal arcade game, nor does it take out the vicious massacre of fish and ocean life.

To avoid the barbaric act of fish-hooking, try Here Fishy. <- May or may not work with 1.6. If it doesn't, lmk; I'll get around to it eventually.


You can modify the following values by editing the config file or using Generic Mod Config Menu:

  • MillisecondsPerLove: adjusts the kiss speed (formerly attack speed). Default: 200 (200ms per kiss)
  • DeviceSpeedFactor: adjusts how much each love device's inherent speed affects the actual kissing speed. Default: 2
  • AreaOfKissEffectModifier: adds range to kissing action. Default: 10 (10 pixels bigger hitbox)
  • PreventUnlovedMonsterDamage: prevents monsters that haven't yet fallen in love with the farmer from hurting them (this actually just turns off all farmer damage, I think). Default: false
  • LovedMonstersStillSwarm: allows loved monsters to move towards the player as normal. Default: false
  • MonstersIgnorePlayer: causes monsters to never react to the player. Default: false


Requires SMAPI, uses Harmony.

Implements a Generic Mod Config Menu interface to change config settings in-game.

Code is at