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  • Update Preview



    1. 将 “材料”(Ingredient,做药水用的那种)更改为 “原料”,以和 Material 区分。
    2. “鹤嘴锄”(Pickaxe)更改为 “十字镐” “矿镐”
    3. 在大多数非中文字符与中文间加空格(例如将 “使目标麻痹5秒” 改为 “使目标麻痹 5 秒”)


  • AFT SE AE - User Manual

    "Amazing Follower Tweaks (SE AE)" is a follower management mod. It gives the player more ways to manage Followers using the games built-in functions and features. Almost all of AFT's features and functions are optional and some can be parameter or event driven.  

    ⦁ Manage up to 64 followers and have up to 7 followers actively following you (if you installed UpgrayDD).  
    ⦁ Pack Mule Support for Followers (1000 carry acapacity). 
    ⦁ Item transfer automation and fencing (selling). 
    ⦁ Follower outfit management for up to 3 outfits:  Home, City and Combat. 
    ⦁ Follower Combat style choice. 
    ⦁ Follower Combat Spell teaching including custom spells and conditions on casting. 
    ⦁ Agression, Morality and Courage mo...

  • Friendly Fire and Spell Damage

    Once AFT is installed it will make sure you or your followers cannot damage each other with base game spells. Ensure that "Ignore Friendly Fire" option is turned on. AFT's No Friendly Spell Damage may not work for some spells in the official DLC and generally will not work for custom spells added by other mods. 

    The UpgrayDD.esp has additional features and settings to ensure Friendly Fire is not an issue. Mods with custom spells may still allow followers to damage each other and it is possible to eventually have them fight but you would have to work very ahrd to make this happen. UpgrayDD & No Follwer Spell Damage can only help mitigate the Friendly Fire incidents and consequences. 

    There is a Patch for Mysticism and AFT No Friendly Spell Damage in the Do...

  • Original AFT Description

    About this Mod
    Multiple followers. Manage outfits, spells, combat style,home assignment and level up. Make werewolves, vampires lords. Followers ride
    horses, make camp, ignore traps, friendly fire. Toggle city/home/standard
    outfits & helmets, pose, dance, and more...
    === Summary ===
    Multiple followers. Manage outfits, spells, combat style,home assignment and level up. Make werewolves or vampires lords. Followers will
    ride horses, make camp, avoid traps, ignore friendly fire, auto relax, auto
    change into standard/city/home outfit. Auto toggle helmets. Followers pose,
    dance, and more...
    === Requirements ===
    Dragonborn is NOT required.
    Dawnguard is NOT required.
    SKSE is NOT required.

  • How to implement horse riding for custom followers

    !!! Disclaimer: This is how I implemented horse riding for my own follower mod, this might not be the best way to do this !!! 
    Guide: Implementing Horse Riding for Custom Followers


    This guide explains how to implement horse riding for custom followers using the same framework as Henry or Lucien.
    I assume that your follower is already completed and that we only need to implement horse riding.
    Feel free to send me a PM if the guide is not detailed enough.
    1. The Horse

    The first step is to give your follower a horse. If you have trouble with this step, I recommend watching DarkFox127's tutorial for the basics.

    Object Window - Actor Tab

    You need to pick a horse actor, such as "EncHorseBlack", dupli...

  • Experimental - Changes - Future

    Experimental & Changes
    As far as requests and changes to AFT go, I will always guard against any changes to AFT that would make it less compatible, less stable, less functional and any changes that take us away from the original idea behind AFT; nothing is more frustrating than your play-through breaking after 200 hours playing. I am going to also make sure this version of AFT stays compatible with SE and uses Header 1.70 and Form 44. I will not be making any additional major changes to AFT for any future updates to AE or the CC content beyond what is already there and working for .1170 in AFT versions 1.67ae. Minor changes may inlude a new bonus outfit, small tweaks, possibly an old script bug fixed, etc. 

    The #1 request is more active followers. I may do this in t...

  • VRAMr v13.4

    Wanting to get some notes to you all ref this new version.  An updated User Guide and new video will follow soon although VRAMr development has very much consumed me since Christmas that I'm going to take a holiday first.

    To start I'd like to thank HOSE, BennyDollaz, Ms Mayhem, Machina and 1xAnonymous for their support, testing and feedback.  Appreciate you

    VRAMr is now faster - about 33% as an average reported from the testing team

    You will also find a considerable more amount of VRAM has been freed up in game.  The testing team said Whiterun Tundra felt much smoother for example

    With the above said, VRAMr demands a much higher initial and temporary amount of free disk space.  If you don't have that space to sp...

  • Follower Compatability - Unique Followers - Cusotm Followers

    Follower Compatability, Unique Followers, Dialogues 
    ( Worth a read if you want to understand followers )

    There are special Quest followers in game. These followers, like the Goblin in the AE CC content, should not be managed by AFT or any Follower Manager. Vigilant, the dog follower for purchase, is another exception. These followers will always go home to their original location. They are not standard followers meant to be managed. There are some dumb NPC's, like Boethias cult guards, that also cannot be managed by the in-game manager or any follower manager.  

    Cicero & Serana are special base game followers. Lots of mods like messing with these two... ugh. 

    Cicero is the most complex base game follower. There are actually 3 dif...

  • Submission Guidelines for the Shrine to the Lost Companion

    The Shrine to the Lost Companion is indefinitely accepting new submissions from users. Please read below for details on how to contribute.

    What is it?

    The Shrine to the Lost Companion is a shrine that travelers from across Skyrim visit to leave offerings and notes honoring the companions -- pets, friends, family members -- they have lost through the years. Players can visit this shrine and activate it to receive a buff, as well as read the various notes travelers have left scattered around the shrine. I am looking for player submissions for new notes to be added to the shrine in future updates of Khajiit Will Follow. You can see a short video walkthrough of the shrine below:

    Guidelines for submissions?

  • Epic Fire Wyrm Conjuration Spell

    Fire wyrms are fire-breathing creatures that appear in Age of the Ring and World of Warcraft. This is a warcraft inspired conjuration spell.You can now summon this epic fire wyrm with minimal requirements really, will level up with the player all the way to 100, starting at level 25 perfect for low to mid tier level players. The shout this dragon use are dragon fire breath and unrelenting force both shouts are level 2 it should be not overpower. The summon is much stronger than frost wyrm considering the health, magicka, and stamina is higher than usual.Fire wyrm also have 100% elemental fire damage resistance, and i also added fiery appearance can damage multiple target when in close contact with the wyrm dealing heavy fire damage. i think its more visible at night. The wyrm is weak to fr...

  • Skyrim Crashing for no Reason Using MO2 This Might help.

    I run Skyrim AE GOG 1179 and the other day via mo2 Skyrim kept crashing. It kept stating nicamera and I researched it and people kept point towards various solutions. Problem was this was on a fresh install and I had all my mods turned off. I couldn't figure out why it was happening and decided to try skse loader directly and that loaded in a window albeit incorrect resolution but it loaded, Then it hit me I remembered mo2 copies its files for settings into its own profile folder. These are hour 3 ini files such as Skyrim.ini which you can you ini editor in mk2 to modify. I deleted those 3 files in profile folder inside mo2 forcing an error on next launch stating they were missing (duh) and it copied them back. Everything loaded fine after this. I believe for some reason mo2 or perhaps the...

  • ncient Fire Spirit Summons

    Here are spells to summon ancient animal spirits. They are intended to be associated with Hephaestus in Greek mythology and Vulcan in Roman mythology. They are fire based, and will level with the player to 100. No conjuration perks needed to use these summons.Level:Summon Fire Fox Spirit (Level 3 to 100)Summon Fire Wolf Spirit (Level 5 to 100)
    Summon Fire Sabre Cat Spirit (Level 10 to 100)
    Summon Fire Cave Bear Spirit (Level 25 to 100)Perks:Summon Fire Fox Spirit (100% Fire Resistance, 33% Weakness To Frost, 10% Flame Cloak DMG, Flame Trail, Waterwalking, Fortify Unarmed Damage 7%)Summon Fire Wolf Spirit (100% Fire Resistance, 33% Weakness To Frost, 10% Flame Cloak DMG, Flame Trail, Waterwalking, Fortify Unarmed Damage 11%)Summon Fire Sabre Cat Spirit (100% Fire Resistance, 33%...