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  • Create topics with player names for generation

    Heya, I wrote a python script to make it easier to replace player names in topics (<Alias=Player>).

    Other creators have been doing this with spreadsheets for what I can tell, but as soon as I tried to go that route I realized it was a super repetitive and prone to errors task. So I automated it.

    This is useful for other voice packs, has nothing to do with Bella perse.


    Download the file FOR MODDERS - Script to replace names in topics under miscellaneous.

    Within you'll find 3 files: = the script.
    player_names.txt = the file with the list of names you want to create topics for.
    topics_to_process.topic = the file with the original topics to process (lines without�...

  • Book Support

    Any dragon priest - Amongst the Draugr & The Dragon War
    Miraak - Guardian & the Traitor & Cultist Orders
    Otar the Mad - The Secrets of Ragnvald (Currently not found in game)
    Rahgot - Alchemist's Note, Rahgot's Reply & Note
    Vahlok the Jailor - Guardian & the Traitor...

  • How To Create A Patch

    How to make a patch for other mods.

    The aim of the patch will be to block the FemaleGuard and FemaleBreton voice types from the mod you want to patch

    Create a new .esp file with New Female Guard and the mod you want to patch as masters.
    Find any quests containing dialogue for generic guards and add two conditions to the Quest Data tab;
    GetIsVoiceType / FemaleBreton == 0
    GetIsVoiceType / FemaleGuard == 0
    Save the .esp.

    You can do this in Creation Kit or SSEEDIT. If you're using SSEEDIT, highlight all the dialogue quests and select 'copy as override into (new mod). Then add the conditions as above.

    If you want all the dialogue to be included from...

  • How to work with parallax maps without sacrificing performance.

    The parallax map is a grayscale procedural map. Heights are calculated relative to the midpoint red127green127blue127, which is the relative zero of the surface, where 0,0,0 is the absolute depth, and 255,255,255 is the absolute height (in fact, the zero value is discarded by the engine, like white, must be at least 1,1,1 or 254 , 254,254).
    To display heights correctly and avoid visual distortions such as spiky surfaces, stretching, and holographic fluctuations in the main diffuse map image, your height map must be plotted (read drawn in gray) within a very narrow range of values. It doesn’t matter where this range will be located - closer to black or white, adjacent areas should differ very slightly. To do this, on the finished map you need to use the Brightness/Contrast tools of ...

  • Requirements

    I made this entirely in Creation Kit. I initially loaded a bunch of other mods in the Data window but I'm pretty sure I only used or edited vanilla assets. I removed unused masters in SSEEdit, so it only lists Skyrim, and flagged as ESL. Please tell me if anything is missing or different from my limited screenshots....

  • Planned Patches

    Note: Some might not be possible, some are for containers, and others would be more so you don't need EAS Gourmet Patches
    Adamant Bard
    AI Overhaul
    CC Bittercup
    CC Bow of Shadows
    CC Farming
    CC Fishing
    Hand to Hand Trainers
    Ghosts of The Tribunal: Reduced Cut
    Legacy of The Dragonborn
    Rare Curios
    Riften Docks Overhaul
    Tamrielic Distribution
    Simple Hunting Overhaul
    Skyrim on Skooma
    SkyTest Redux

  • Necromancer Archer Kit

    This is indeed the best necromancer archer starter kit you'll get a bunch of good spells and enchanted items from the start of your journey. This mod requires a full version of skyrim anniversary edition.Armor Set:Shadow Necromancer Hood, Light Armor Rating 40+.Shadow Boots, Light Armor Rating 70+.Shadow Gloves, Light Armor Rating 50+.Shadow Master Robes of Conjuration Light Armor 160+.Armor Set Echantments:Shadow Boots, Your Magic Resistance is increased by 25%.Shadow Gloves, You deal 25% extra damage with ranged weapons.Shadow Master Robes of Conjuration, Your Conjuration spells cost 25% less. Your Magicka Regeneration is increased by 50%.Shadow Necromancer Hood, Your magicka is increased by 100. Your health is reduced by 25.Jewelries Enchantment:Necklace Of Peerless Strength, Your Carry...

  • Echizen Spear Remastered Readme Update 7-17-2024

    -Changed the animation of the Echizen Spear from the Battleaxe set to the Greatsword set.
    -Here's the changes.
    -Impact Data Set:WPNBashBladeImactSet To WPNzBlade2HandImpactSet
    -Block Bash Impact Data Set:WPNBashBluntImpactSet To WPNBashBladeImactSet
    -Alternate Block Material:MaterialBlockBlunt2Hand To MaterialBlockBlade2Hand
    -Anim Type:TwoHandAxe To TwoHandSword
    -Equip Sound:WPNAxe2HandDrawSD To WPNBlade2HandDrawSD
    -UnEquip Sound: WPNAxe2HandSheatheSD To WPNBlade2HandSheatheSD
    -Hopefully this will now work with the "For Honor Nobushi moveset and Skyrim Spear Mechanic"....

  • How does all this actually work

    I originally wrote this up to help another mod author understand exactly what's happening here and how things interact/change. This could be useful to you if you want to just understand how it all works, or are looking into how to make proper patches.

    Basically, there are a number of xMarkers placed in a location, with various items linked to them. As the controlling quest advances, certain markers are enabled/disabled, which causes the items linked to them to appear/disappear.

    I've stuck with a simple naming convention for the xMarkers. Honestly, same way Environs did for their Greenwood Shack:
    EL"NAME"Marker (generally handles quest progression checks and where NPCs link to for their AI. Also doesn't ever change during evolving process so it doesn't...

  • Initial Release

    Initial release. I learned a lot from making this mod....

  • LORE

    -The Story of Yo'khana Gra-Zhabak: The Human Adopted by Orcs

    The Encounter

    Years ago, in a small village on the borders of Cyrodiil, a devastating war broke out between humans and a horde of savage beasts. Amidst the chaos, a small human girl, barely a baby, was found crying among the ruins by a group of Orc warriors patrolling the area. This group belonged to the Zhabak clan, known for their brutality in combat but also for their strict code of honor.
    The group's leader, an imposing Orc named Gar'Thok, was struck by the strength of the baby's cries and decided to bring her back to their fortress in the mountains. Though the clan members were initially opposed to raising a human, Gar'Thok's decisions were absolute. He named her Yo'khana, which in their tongu...

  • Echizen Spear Remastered Readme Update 7-16-2024

    -I was asked to change the Keyword of the Echizen Spear from 'Battleaxe' to the same Keyword as Chidori Jumonji Spear, so it could be used with "For Honor Nobushi moveset and Skyrim Spear Mechanic".
    -I made the changes to the Version 1 of Echizen.
    -Used SSEEdit to make the changes to the Keyword.
    -Changed 'WeapTypeBattleaxe' to 'WeapTypeGreatsword' .
    -Added a new Version with the Keyword change to the Mod Page, Echizen Spear Remastered V3_1.0.0
    -No other changes to V3, works like V1....

  • Report missing or poor quality DBVO Vampire lines HERE

    Here you can post individual lines which has sub-standard quality. Elevenlabs can be finicky sometimes and neither xXFearTBCXx nor I have the time to listen to every single file generated. Therefore, it would be awesome if you find the time to report individual lines that need another go, resulting in future updates of old patches.

    When reporting, please include the following:

    Line spoken, as seen on the screen if using subtitles. Exact wording.
    If you know, which patch the line belongs to. If speaking to a modded follower, it should be easy to pinpoint where the line belongs to, for example.
    What the issue is. Is the line silent? Is the Dragonborn shouting where he shouldn't? Some other quality issue?

    Failure to submit enough information ...