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About this mod

This mod is my own twist on Myrwatch, making it harder to get, among other things.

Permissions and credits
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I found Myrwatch to be way to easy to get. The only thing you need to do is cast Flames, a spell I may add, every player starts off with.

Mods like Rebalancing Anniversary Edition - Quest Requirements take this into consideration, by adding a Magicka requirement. It's a great mod and I would recommend it.
However, I wanted to add my own spin on it. In addition, there were several things that made it feel too playerhome-y. This is what I changed:

  • Added a stairway instead of a magic portal, to get to the second floor.
  • Added a vestibule.
  • Added a hallway.
  • Added a balcony.
  • Once the outside door is unlocked, you gain access to the vestibule. There you can find a note with instructions to gain further access. (see below for details)
  • Removed Staff Enchanter and all of its clutter. (This bypassed Neloth's quest to gain access to a staff enchanter.)
  • Removed Forge, Grinding Stone, Working Bench and Tanning Rack (It felt out of place. Not every player home needs all crafting stations. The "All Forge" also bypassed the need for the Dawnguard Forge and Skyforge.)
  • Removed many late game items that were too easy to acquire.
  • Removed named displays for unique items (like dragon priest masks, paragons, Daedric artifacts, etc)
  • Havok disabled all clutter. (If you use my other mod, all stuff should stay in place, while still being lootable.)
  • Added carpenter's workbench at the vestibule, after you bought the home, which allows you to add the missing crafting stations at the 2nd floor, Hearthfire-style: Tanning rack, grindstone, workbench, forge, smelter, woodchopping block and staff enchanter (last one requires the Reluctant Steward to be completed)
  • Renamed second floor to "Myrwatch Workshop".
  • Removed several food objects and alchemy ingredients on the first floor.
  • Added a visible chimney with smoke, outside of the tower.
  • Fixed a gap outside the tower at the summoning circle.

Acquiring Myrwatch

If you read the note in the vestibule it will inform you with the following:


You'll need to talk to Tolfdir in the College of Winterhold and convince him to purchase Myrwatch.
There are 3 ways:

After you've convinced him, you can purchase Myrwatch. The default price is 20,000 septims, but you can change this price by using a console command:

set ccEEJSSE002_HousePrice to X

Whereas X is the amount of gold. (Default value is 20,000.) Keep in mind that if you edit this midgame that the value may not be correctly displayed in dialogue, but the actual price is.



This mod should be compatible with:

I've added synergy patches for:
  • CC Fishing. Adds 2 craftable fish tanks. You need to have completed Catch of the Day, for them to be craftable.
  • Sorcerer. Adds a craftable Scroll and Staff Enchanter from that mod.


Q: Why did you remove the unique displays/all-forge/magic teleport doors?! They were the only thing that were interesting from this mod and you just removed them!
Unique displays: I was never a fan of unique displays. Especially if you have already-named displays for artifacts, but your character hasn't even heard of said artifacts. That's why I opted for generic displays. So you can still put in unique weapons/armors in those and they won't be named after the artifacts by default.
All-forge: It was too easy to use this to bypass any and all related requirements for crafting certain items. In the base mod you just need to cast flames to get access to it, but even with the College of Winterhold quest + the 20k price tag that I've added, I still don't think that justifies bypassing any of related quest content. In addition, I don't think every player home should have access to every crafting station by default. If you buy/build the crafting stations, that's a different story though. I might be open to add the option to build the All-forge, if you have completed all the relevant content that is needed to unlock it.
Magic teleport doors: They were noisy and they ruined immersion. I want this to feel like an actual tower, not a "pocket dimension".

Q: Why did you add a balcony? It looks ugly and out of place.
A: I disagree. I like balconies. It makes the interior and exterior of the tower feel more consistent and immersive, rather than feeling like a "pocket dimension".

A: Yes.

Q: Does installing/updating/uninstalling on an existing save work?
A: Most likely not.

Q: Is this compatible with <insert mod>?
A: I don't know by heart. You might need to check yourself.

Q: Will you make a patch for <insert mod>?
A: Only if it's a mod I use myself or plan on using, I have enough time and I actually like the idea. Otherwise, feel free to do it yourself. (see permissions)

Q: I have a suggestion to improve the mod. Can you do it?
A: Maybe, if I have time and I like the idea, I'll consider it.

Q: Will you port this to <insert platform>?
A: No, I myself only support the Steam and GOG English SE and AE versions of Skyrim. If someone else wants to port it, feel free. (see permission) If you decide to port it, you yourself take full responsibility to offer support to said port. I will not provide no support for any ports by third parties.

Q: I use a ported version of this mod on <insert platform> and I have a problem. Can you help?
A: I don't provide any support for third party ports on other platforms than the Steam and GOG English SE and AE versions of Skyrim. If you have issues, you should adress the person that ported it.

Q: Does this work on Skyrim 1.6+, aka "Anniversary Edition"?
A: Yes, it should.

Q: Why don't your mods use MCMs and instead use this janky console command system to set globals?
A: I am not a fan of MCMs. You can set the globals by making a patch in xEdit. I have no plans of changing this. If you want to add an MCM, feel free. (see permissions)

Q: Why don't you use FOMODs?
A: That would require reuploading the entire mod, in question, even if I only make a small change. My internet is limited and reuploading the files each time will take a huge chunk of my monthly volume.