Skyrim Special Edition

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  1. MihailMods
    • premium
    • 10,494 kudos

    • This mod is the release of a mod developed by me initially for the Legendary Edition, now available here also for the Special Edition and Anniversary Edition versions of Skyrim. The .esp is converted to Form 44 format, and all the .NIFs (meshes) and .DDSs (textures) are optimized in the correct ways to run in both SE and AE, requiring absolutely no further work on your part.

    • When possible, my releases to SE and AE are flagged as .ESLs, which means they don't take up an .ESP slot in the users load order. However, this is not always possible. Below, you can check the three possible scenarios and check which scenario applies to this specific release. Since the other two will be crossed out, and the correct one will be marked in yellow:

    • The mod is flagged as .ESL, so it won't take up space in your load order, and yet it will be read and executed perfectly by your game;
    • The mod is not flagged as .ESL, just like a normal .ESP, because it has FaceGen data on it, so if it was flagged, whoever is not using the last official updates for SE or AE, including most pirated Skyrim users, will have the NPCs added by this mod having the gray face bug. However, if you have the latest update installed, you can flag this mod as an .ESL using SSEEdit, at your own risk, but generally with no problems;
    • The mod is not flagged as .ESL, just like a normal .ESP, as it requires the use of .SEQ files. In all the tests I did, even regenerating the .SEQ files after flagging the .ESPs as .ESLs, the dialogues stopped working. So, to maintain the integrity of dialogues and even quests added by my mods with .SEQ files, you should not attempt to flag this file under any circumstances, and you should use it in the exact way I made it available for download.

    • One last comment: there is a common misconception that all LE meshes need to go through NifOptimizer in order to be used in SE or AE, with the most varied arguments defending this, and a few absurdities about what would happen if it wasn't done. This is just another one of the myths that this community believes without any basis, and that it spreads only because it saw many people repeating the same thing. DO NOT OPTIMIZE meshes, neither mine nor any from other mod's. Most meshes are ready to run directly from LE to SE. NifOptimizer should only be used in cases where they DO NOT WORK DIRECTLY WITHOUT BEING OPTIMIZED. Using NifOptimizer indiscriminately without need, and without knowing how to do it correctly, leads to terrible consequences, being able to damage UV's, Normal Maps, the very 3d structure of the models, and much more, in short, causing more problems than the possible problems you could have with 1 in every 100 meshes needing to be optimized, something you would later do manually and individually when proven necessary.

      It's a fact that yes NifOptimizer can solve problems in problematic Nifs, but in this case, and if these Nifs are mine, just contact me and I'll solve the problem for you. If you have really in-depth knowledge of how to correct any negative consequences of using the program on the problematic mesh, that's ok, do it, but if not, just contact me and I'll solve it, since the nif having the problem would be caused by a little oversight of mine while I was producing it, so would be my responsability to fix the problem as well.Unfortunately, because the use of NifOptimizer was recommended in many tutorials as a possible step, a lot of people took it as mandatory, and many fools started to use it as gospel and to convince others, but remember, it's not because it's on the internet that is real. There is absolutely NO such thing as an "old nif format". NiTriShape works perfectly in SE and AE, it is NOT necessary in any way to convert the .nifs to BSTriShape format for them to run smoothly in game, and this messy conversion can even lead you to severe ingame problems. Unfortunately, 3 or 4 paranoids managed to create a legion of players who live in constant panic of corrupting their games, and in an attempt to avoid it, they end up diving into a corruption many times greater, created by themselves, unnecessarily.But don't just take my word for it based on my years of experience and dedication to this activity, listen to Arcane University's own words about it, possibly the best center of studies on modding for The Elder Scrolls available on the internet: (image extracted from the link:   

    Play more, have more fun, and let the authors be responsible for the technical condition and functionality of the mods they release. And if you don't trust them enough to use mods without trying to fix what often doesn't need to be fixed, just stop using those mods.

    Take care, and if you have any doubts, 
    look for me on my Discord server,
  2. KalelSniper
    • member
    • 1 kudos

    So, basically, i'm unsure if this is a bug, but these "Banded guar chargers" have been bugging out for some reason in my game; they just fly away, walking fast af, or make the mounted guards bug.

    It only happens with the  Banded guar chargers mounted by guards. I have SSE display tweaks, so perhaps an incompatibility issue with something related to havok? I've only seen this type of issues when someone decided to uncap the frames, so things started flying across the map.

    Some videos to show you what's going on:



    I gotta say, it's kind of hilarious, and also harmless, but it is still an "error"? Anyways, thanks for your mods; your creativity is genuinely good. Have a nice day.
    1. MihailMods
      • premium
      • 10,494 kudos
      a bug on mounts, specially non-horse ones, can happen on vanilla from time to time, but if its that frequent then i think is some mod incompatibility going on certainly, perhaps regarding havok yes, but also may be animation related, or even horse related.
    2. KalelSniper
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Welp, because i don't have horse mods, or animations related to the mounting matter, i'd say it's a good possibility that there's an incompatibility with SSE display tweaks.

      Though, as said before, it is harmless and it never occurred with my mounts... yet.

      Good day, friend.
    3. MihailMods
      • premium
      • 10,494 kudos
      have a great weekend
      • member
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      just disable  sse display and see what happens
    5. tbezant
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      also encountered the bug shown in the 2nd video, could be related to or actually is a similar bug that occurs when you make a quicksave while riding a horse and load that quicksave
    6. charlietoohuman
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Did you ever find out what incompatibility was specifically causing this issue? I ran into the same problem. I'm going to test SSE Display Tweaks now and see if that's my case as well. EDIT: Tested with SSE Display Tweaks disabled. Definitely not the culprit. Most likely clash with other animation mods, at least in my case.
    7. handsomechicken12345
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I have the same problem aswell. One of the guards who rides a guar kept glitching, I had to disable the creature with console commands
  3. fustru
    • premium
    • 94 kudos
    Hey! Could I still flag as ESL if using latest version of Skyrim VR? since it is based on an older version and does not receive updates?
    1. MihailMods
      • premium
      • 10,494 kudos
      i think so
    2. fustru
      • premium
      • 94 kudos
      Will try it out! Cheers!
    3. MihailMods
      • premium
      • 10,494 kudos
  4. isrra20
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    It is an excellent mod but unfortunately I have a bug with it, and that is that the creatures that appear in this mod are immortal. There is one that even attacks me in the riften stables but it is immortal, no matter how many times I kill it it does not die. She just stands there and after a few seconds she starts attacking me again, help

    As soon as I leave the riften the mount starts attacking me. And well, I can't kill her under any means.
    1. MihailMods
      • premium
      • 10,494 kudos
      yes, some guars are set as essential like many npcs in the game, usually the guars that belong to npcs.
      since those essential/protected npcs are not planned to be killed and can't actually be killed without mods, the guars match their settings.
      but kagoutis and most guars are perfectly killable.
    2. isrra20
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      As soon as I leave Riften, the guard attacks me. Any idea what could cause this behavior? I have been trying the rest of the mods and I love it, but since that guard outside of riften attacks me. I don't know what to do. Another thing, what loading order should I place it in? above or below combat mods or where more or less
    3. MihailMods
      • premium
      • 10,494 kudos
      its a mod incompatibility that modifies factions, probably, since does not happen in vanilla, it can be lots of things.
      moving the mod on load order probably will not change much untill you discover the mod causing the weird interaction.
    4. isrra20
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Do you think it is a mod that modifies factions? Sorry for so many questions, I'm kind of new to mods and I love your work. Do your guars belong to a specific faction?If you mean place, I have a mod that modifies the outskirts of riften, but if you mean factions/guilds, I would appreciate any information to verify the conflict. Thanks in advance

      I have the immersive school, immersive patrols and wenches, immersive caravans, I don't know if any of those affect anything
    5. isrra20
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      use ssedit to try to find a conflict between this and the rest of the mods. The following came out: cell, non player character, spell and world space. In Non player character I searched and there comes a part that says faction (sorder) and SNAM faction but from what I saw your mod is all the way to the right (supposedly winning the conflict) I don't know what else to do.
    6. MihailMods
      • premium
      • 10,494 kudos
      try disabling  immersive patrols and wenches and tell me if worked.
      if its the culprit, then we find a way around for you to use both mods.
    7. Rambosturkey
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      definitely still an issue i have no mods that alter factions either
    8. MihailMods
      • premium
      • 10,494 kudos
      you probably have, there are not many other possible causes for it.
      on vanilla i have absolute no problem with guars attacking me on riften.
    9. MihailMods
      • premium
      • 10,494 kudos
      i recorded a video of me around the mentioned guar without problems, as you can see, it only attacks if i attack first, what of course triggers the aggression of the guards like any other domestic animal you attack on skyrim:
  5. AznCandyPie
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Cool mod!

    Just one issue though, the Guars seem to be missing textures? The one in Riften is all purple. I tried disabling this one and just downloading your Guar standalone mod and that one was fine - any idea why this may be?
    1. MihailMods
      • premium
      • 10,494 kudos
      error during installation, friend
    2. AznCandyPie
      • member
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      weird, I installed it with mod manager (MO2) with no error. Tried reinstalling, no dice. Probably something wonky going on. I'll just use your Guars mod since that one is fine, thanks for your time! :)
    3. MihailMods
      • premium
      • 10,494 kudos
      sometimes it happens regarding textures, some end up not being properly downloaded.
  6. Gelblich
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Awesome mod, I just wanted to ask because for some reason a Guar was tagged as a "Death Hound". Probably a conflict with another mod, but wanted to ask if anyone else got this conflict?
    1. MihailMods
      • premium
      • 10,494 kudos
      mod conflict, friend
  7. DarkWandererAmon
    • premium
    • 110 kudos
    This seems to edit an npc as well, conflicts with Modpocalypse and Jampion npcs. Specifically this npcs: 000093A1 Can we remove this person ?
    1. MihailMods
      • premium
      • 10,494 kudos
      yes, no problem.
  8. sushibear
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Absolutely love this mod, having the guards ride around town looks fantastic, really brings Raven Rock together. However.... could I request someone to make a patch between this and Raven Rock Bathhouse [ ]? The best guess on the issue is the bathhouse causes some navigation mesh problems. In my load order, it can lead to a consistent crash when first loading into the area.
    1. MihailMods
      • premium
      • 10,494 kudos
      thanks friend
      regarding the patch, lets hope someone works on it.
    2. lainV01
      • premium
      • 11 kudos
      Fwiw I use both and don't experience any crashes. My load order looks like:
      - This mod
      - RR bath house
      - Quaint RR
  9. Edelweiss3945
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    thank you for bringing this adorable creature to skyrim <3 excited for the stable/taming update!
    1. MihailMods
      • premium
      • 10,494 kudos
  10. Monstar77
    • member
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    There is a guar mount in hella's folly that is static not moving and can also be walked through the body I've tried reloading but still the same
    1. MihailMods
      • premium
      • 10,494 kudos
      mod incompatibility, friend, is working fine in vanilla.
    • member
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    1. MihailMods
      • premium
      • 10,494 kudos