Skyrim Special Edition

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SparrowPrince CaptainCockerel and StepModifications

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  1. CaptainCockerel
    • premium
    • 1,170 kudos
    Before anyone asks, yes we could technically add extra LOD files for stuff that is not currently covered by the main ERM mod, but most of the files you'd notice are covered already. Other mods that we've seen seem to use some vanilla assets mixed in because they require custom texture tweaks. As ERM doesn't need any bespoke tweaks, it's kind of pointless to include any extra files that really aren't needed.

    If any further assets get added to ERM, we will surely update this LOD pack when it is possible to do so.

    ERM LOD files are also built from the ground-up from ERM's HQ assets. There's no stock vanilla models included.

    Majestic Mountains

    This is the only mod we are aware of that's not fully compatible with this LOD pack. Textures specifically for MM may not look correct either.

    ERM is compatible with pretty much every texture mod out there since the dawn of Skyrim, and so are these LODs. Take your pick.
  2. z929669
    • premium
    • 73 kudos
  3. Neiiraa
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Hey i'm tryng to understand something there, i ve been strungling with lod for hours (even tho i ve done it a 1000 times before)

    - If i don't use you matching texture i get plain blanck mountain like just lodgen texture on it without detail >
    - But It does work perfectly with your texture addon`(erm rugged, beautiful by the way)

    For info I'm using skyland AIO overwrite by Fantasia Landscape

    You mention vanilla path for texture, does this means Fantasia doesnt use vanilla path (how could i know this)  ? If so can i o correct it ?

    Could this issue be totally unrelated to this ? i can provide screenshot
    1. z929669
      • premium
      • 73 kudos
      To find out if your mods use vanilla texture paths, open one of the mountain meshes, and look at the texture path under and compare to the vanilla mesh. Otherwise, you can ask the MA of your mountain mod(s).

      The best way to resolve is to post with your DynDOLOD logs on the DynDOLOD support forum. I would include the required logs for your run with the problem textures. Otherwise, this seems like issues for Skyland/Fantasia MAs to address.
    2. Neiiraa
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Turns out it was a misconfiguration (on my hand) of Fantasia landscape to work with Terrain parallax fixes that f*#@ my lod.

      Thank you for the reply, the issues is fixed.
  4. ItsRainmoon
    • supporter
    • 3 kudos
    whos winning overwrites? dyndolod ressource or this mod?
    1. z929669
      • premium
      • 73 kudos
      All mods with DynDOLOD support should override DynDOLOD Resources (most mods have DynDOLOD support if they contain any folders named 'lod' or 'DynDOLOD'). This mod has DynDOLOD support.
  5. moikhalius
    • supporter
    • 4 kudos
    PSA: For those having dark/off-colored snow on mountains, using the ESP from Majestic mountains and generating lods seems to have fixed it.
    1. z929669
      • premium
      • 73 kudos
      This is not the proper 'fix'. There's likely incompatible assets in the mod list causing the problem. MM and ERM should not both exist in the LO.
    2. moikhalius
      • supporter
      • 4 kudos
      The ESP itself may be fine, as it seems to resolve the snow looking weird. The only issue might be that the meshes from MM will also appear and may cause strong z-fighting in some areas.

      The proper fix would be the mod author actually fixing it, which will likely never happen. If you would like a "proper fix," you should ask the mod author. Another commenter has already posted, too, that using Cathedral snow's esp works, too. This mod will need to contain an esp to fix this, it seems.
    3. z929669
      • premium
      • 73 kudos
      MM and ERM should not be used together (see the sticky post). There's noting broken in ERM or this add-on so nothing to 'fix'. ERM has no plugin. It's a vanilla mesh replacer. The issue is with your LO and/or installed mods. You may be using parallax or something akin to that and require the double-pass shaders.
    4. CaptainCockerel
      • premium
      • 1,170 kudos
      The conclusion was that if this is an issue caused by ERM, then it would be visible in the vanilla game with only ERM active. It's not. So that leaves the possibilities of a plugin making the dynamic snow layer(s) too dark or that there's snow textures installed that are also too dark. I know that Better Dynamic Snow has two brightness options for its dynamic snow shaders. I don't recall why exactly, but it's most likely to cover varying brightness settings across multiple user mod setups.
    5. moikhalius
      • supporter
      • 4 kudos
      The bottom line is that, with majestic landscapes snow and erm, the lods will not be the right color unless the MM plugin is active. I have no idea why this issue occurs, but I stand by my main point that something about MM and/or cathedral snow's esps seem to fix this problem.
    6. z929669
      • premium
      • 73 kudos
      So the issue in your setup is Majestic Landscapes (ML). It likely has a plugin that is causing the issue, and the CL/MM plugins are most likely obviating the problematic change introduced by ML. I would use xEdit to look at the common conflicts you see with ML/CL and ML/MM and make a patch for yourself to test which of the overrides resolves the issue (assuming that both MM and CL plugins load at higher priority than the ML plugin).
      Are you using BDS? If so, then there's another one to check.
      All I'm saying is that using a plugin from yet another mod to resolve a compatibility issue with ML-ERM is not a reasonable method to resolve the issue and is not a recommended approach to resolving for the masses, since it's an ML problem.
    7. moikhalius
      • supporter
      • 4 kudos
      I tried creating LODs with just ERM and SOS. Same problem. Just gonna give up.
    8. web02php
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      It is indeed a problem since I have the same as you, but I just bear with it .~.
    9. CaptainCockerel
      • premium
      • 1,170 kudos
      Same as I said to z before I posted my last reply here: if you have any issue with ERM + ERM LODs in a totally vanilla game, then that would be a cause for concern. I would gladly look into any such causes for concern. Right now all we have been told is that ERM and *insert other mod* doesn't gel. Well, okay, I guess? Again, does this happen without any other mods?

      I'm pretty sure object snow cover is controlled by various Directional Materials (DNAM). Try resetting any colour (R,G,B) changes to these to default values in SSEEdit if a mod is affecting them. Also, make sure you have not got anything overwriting "textures/effects/".
    10. iKn0x
      • supporter
      • 48 kudos
      If you have dark blue color on mountains, you can change bEnableProjecteUVDiffuseNormals=1 to 0. If you have weather mods with ini file like NAT III or Cathedral Weathers, you have to change there to 0 as well.
  6. dulipat
    • supporter
    • 3 kudos
    Hello, I'm fairly new with DynDOLOD, I set up DynDOLOD before finding ERM and this add-on. Do I have to re-run DynDOLOD to be able to use ERM and this add-on? Thanks.
  7. deleted202687922
    • account closed
    • 0 kudos
    I want use majestic mountains and erm together, but they say both mods are not compatible. 
  8. ysrwho
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    hello, do we still need the z fighting patch on drjacopo's page or is this mod fixes that issue too?
    1. z929669
      • premium
      • 73 kudos
      The z-fighting on mountains and distant rocks is mostly caused by incorrect LOD and possibly large references. If you use ONLY ERM with this mod for rocks and mountains, you shouldn't have any issues, but if you also install other mods that modify the same distant landscapes, then you could have these problems (DynDOLOD DLL NG is recommended for LODGen).

      If you use only ERM (without Magestic Mountains/Landscapes or similar mods), then you should not have these issues. For ice and glaciers, the same principles apply. Make sure you use one mod that also provides it's own correct LOD (or mods that have the correct LODs in DynDOLOD Resources).
    2. ysrwho
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      okay thanks
  9. trancybrat
    • supporter
    • 10 kudos
    i've just regenerated my distant terrain with DynDOLOD with ERM + this installed and my distant mountain statics are invisible...
    1. z929669
      • premium
      • 73 kudos
      Post on the official DynDOLOD support forum for LODGen issues. Be sure to provide your logs.
    2. trancybrat
      • supporter
      • 10 kudos
      I'm not sure the cause is DynDOLOD. the only missing distant meshes are the ones from this mod; I've used DynDOLOD many times and never encountered this issue
    3. z929669
      • premium
      • 73 kudos
      I'm not saying the issue is DynDOLOD, but the problem appears in LOD, and troubleshooting with DynDOLOD support should identify the problem.

      Also, read the sticky post.
  10. Archinatic
    • premium
    • 2,063 kudos
    Nice. Using ERM and this addon with Majestic Mountains - Northside and it gives Majestic Mountains a run for it's money. Much less of a headache as well with compatibility.
    1. moikhalius
      • supporter
      • 4 kudos
      So you're got this in order?

      Majestic Mountains
      Majestic Mountains Lod pack
      Majestic Mountains - Northside
      ERM Lod pack

      Is that correct?
    2. moikhalius
      • supporter
      • 4 kudos
      What is the point of using MM Northside if you're just going to overwrite it's textures with ERM?
    3. z929669
      • premium
      • 73 kudos
      This mod replaces vanilla LOD models, so MM-N or any other vanilla retexture will work with this if it provides the vanilla texture paths. The same is true for ERM with respect to the full models. ERM is first a vanilla mesh replacer that also provides vanilla replacement textures as an optional file.

      This is probably what the OP means, too.
  11. Torwak
    • premium
    • 27 kudos
    Fantastic mod! Maybe I'm missing something obvious here but I'm struggling to find a straight answer on how to create a mesh rule properly. So far I've only edited the 'tree' and '\' rules in Expert mode, I've never created one myself. What's the proper way to do it?
    1. z929669
      • premium
      • 73 kudos
      In DynDOLOD_SSE.ini, set Expert=1 (zero is default), start DynDOLOD, and set the mesh rule as noted in the Description:
      mask=mountain, LOD4/Level0, LOD8/Level0, LOD16/Level1, (LOD32/Level0 if running ACMoS).

      Place this rule above the tree and '/' rules.

      Have a look at the documentation for GUI guidance.
  12. Kostaskavourinos1050
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    Anyone is having white texture rocks inside dungeons? Took me many days to realise it has this mod, my load order is very small and I don't run any texture type of mod other than SMIM and Noble Skyrim. I found out the DunLod addon so will make sure to run ERM with it, but if anyone had the same issue and managed to find a solution, let me know how you fixed it?