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About this mod

This mod improves the "hoovestep" sounds of the horses by adding "sound sets" for different surfaces.

Permissions and credits
Improved Horse Step Sounds v2.2 © 2018 Crystan
(tested with Skyrim Special Edition)
Legacy Edition:

Check the credits and distribution permission page for corresponding informations.
Under absolutely no circumstances you're allowed to include my mod in a modpack.

It would be great if you leave a comment and mention how you found it, if not through Nexus itself!

And in case you made a review or featured my mod in one of your videos, feel free te send me a link.
I'll add it to the video section and link it here on the page!
If you have issues with missing step sounds, try this mod:
Unofficial Material Fix
(Thanks to Zireael1251 for the suggestion)

Incompatible with "Skyrim Horse Renewal Animations". Causes double footstep sounds.
(Thanks to HaydenDaws for finding this out)

If you want to support me by other means than DLing the mod, please consider checking
out my other projects linked at the bottom of the page!

-> Nexus exclusive mod <-
-> If the mod have been uploaded elsewhere, it happened without my permission. <-
-> I'll never allow my mod to be uploaded elsewhere. If you see it somewhere else, please contact me. <-


Version 2 has been released

- updated to form 44

- fixed randomly missing step sounds

- fixed randomly missing step sounds

- slightly changed sounds
- added subtile "saddle/foley" sounds

This mod improves the "hoovestep" sounds of horses by adding "sound sets" for different grounds. That means all horses will have different step sounds for surfaces like snow, dirt, stone etc.

As usual, every sound is completely self made (recorded and edited).


Currently there are six sound sets supported:


Should be compatible with every horse mod.

How to change the volume of the horse step sounds:

Load up the IHSS.esp in the creation kit

Select Audio->Sound Descriptor and enter horse in the Filter text box.
Now you can edit (double click) every entry shown in the screenshot. (ignore the grey marked entries)

Now you can modify the static attenuation which changes the volume, you can preview your
changes immediately with the play button above the soundfile name box.

When you're done, save and start skyrim.

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Checkout my other Mods for Skyrim LE:

Better Weapon Swing Sounds and Dagger Sounds 4 Daggers