File information
Created by
Lestryagain and OperatorCactusUploaded by
LetstryagainVirus scan
About this mod
A glass armor thieves, scout, and assassins could actually wear proudly.
Lore friendly, somehow sexy. Female only.
Variant without paludrons and/or standalone are available.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Russian
A Glass Armor that thieves, scout, and assassins could actually wear proudly. Female only.
Lore friendly, somehow sexy.
Textures are linked with the vanilla version (i.e. if you use a texture replacer it will affect also this armor),
while the under-armor leather suit has its own textures.
What is it? ______________________________________________________________
A replacer for the female vanilla glass armor.
Textures of the leather suit are especially made for this armor by OperatorCactus (the seams are 100% original).
Metching versions? _____________________________________________________________________
Truly Light Elven Armor (MALE)
Truly Light Elven Armor (FEMALE)
Why are you claiming this is truly light? _______________________________________
A light armor should be planned to be silent, light, and avoid to prevent movements; no matter if
some parts of the body are poorly covered. That is: rigid plates should not cover mobile parts
(prevents movements), no jingling parts like chain mail or glass skirt (noisy), caution with mobile
joints (could be noisy and/or prevents movements).
A heavy armor is planned to cover the body completely as it is needed for a field battle; no matter
if it is bulky, heavy, noisy, and prevents some movements. I's only goal is to bring you home alive.
Therefore, vanilla Glass Armor looks actually as a heavy armor while it should be light.
Ported versions____________________________________________________________
Xbox One - Truly Light Glass Armor for Seraphim
Skyrim version (original mod) - Truly light Glass Armor - Replacer
SSE CBBE 3BA (3BBB) version - Truly Light Glass Armor (Female) for SSE - Replacer - Standalone - CBBE 3BA (3BBB)
The mod includes the textures of the leather suit only (by OperatorCactus), while points to the vanilla
textures for all the rest of the armor. Therefore, if you are using a mod replacing the glass armor textures
it will affect this mod too. Many of the pictures above are using different retextures mods.
In my personal opinion the Retexture [aMidianBorn Glass Armor (by Modd3r and CaBaL), Thalmor variant] is fully
within the spirit of this armor for scaut-rangers-assassins.
Change Log_______________________________________________________________
v 1.1 - REPLACER - Chest armor (bone-weighing paludrons free from arm movements), helmet, boots and gountlets, 1st-person without paludrons
v 1.1sa - same as 1.1 but standalone version
v 1.1np - OPTIONAL FILE - Chest armor without paludrons
v 1.1npsa - OPTIONAL FILE for standalone version - Chest armor without paludrons
-> CBBE slider files for bodyslide for version NoPauldrones-Standalone by vindicator1219 - UNDER REVISION
-> instructions for the slider files by vindicator1219
Questions and answers_____________________________________________________
Are you going to produce a male version?
Well,this is not scheduled yet. If you will produce the mail version from this armor you are welcome
(please cite this page, and for the leather textures ask permission to OperatorCactus).
How about a standalone version?
I did it for Skyrim, (see ported versions) but I don't have SSE and I cannot make sure it works for SSE.
Conversions to other body types?
Conversion to different breast size (A, C, D) and to a muscle body are scheduled but not that soon.
Moreover the armor is independent from the body type (only armor with visible skin are linked to UNP-type or CBBE-type).
In case there is a shape issue. This shape was made over a DrimGirl-like body, UNP-family.
Preset of the wonderful green face lady
The wonderful lady with green stripes on the face was uploaded by snelss0, a preset is available here:
Celena Preset by snelss0
it was made for Skyrim, please Post here or PM me for saying if it works for SSE too.
How about the scarf?
The pics of the scarf (and a Bodyslide conversion) are by OperatorCactus (my coauthor, the texturer), about the scarf he said:
The scarf is of Skyrim Scarves and Mufflers with my own personal tweaks to the colors. If that mod does not exist anymore, Keeping Warm uses the same models so making a red scarf in photoshop or gimp is easy peasy.
The red cape is from HDT capes and is easily found on the nexus.
Hope I've helped.
The glass armor parts use vanilla texture paths so any retexture will also affect this armor.
Bodyslide version
I do not use bodyslide. OperatorCactus said:
It's very easy to make a conversion yourself. The pictures I uploaded show the armor with my own preset and tweaks.
For Modders_____________________________________________________________
I need someone able to build a simple quest for the "Dibella Relic Armor". The armor is nearly ready
(I'm at half work with the male version). A lore friendly story is ready (but negotiable), I can help as Papyrus
scripter. The idea to publish armor and quest nearly the same day with a link among them in the respective
Nexus pages. If you are a bit interested PM me, and I will send you the story.
- Blender 2.49b
- Nif-Scope
- Nif-Tools
- Python
- BSA browser
- Bone weight copy (Blender Script)
- Mesh X Mirror for Modders (Blender Script)
- Mesh_0 Generator (Blender Script)
- Mesh_1 toMesh_0 (Blender Script)
- SSE NIF Optimizer
- OperatorCactus for the LEATHER TEXTURES especially made for this armor (the seam in the maps is 100% original)
- OperatorCactus for leather UV editing
- OperatorCactus for support and suggestions
- Snelss0 for his wonderful pictures
- Eiries for his wonderful pictures
- Demon99 for UNP body
- Petrovich for Dream Girl body
- ousnius for the SSE NIF Optimizer
- vindicator1219 for the CBBE sliders & instructions
- Bethesda for Skyrim
- The Nexus for being there (thanks to the Divines!)
To get the armor and check it immediately ____________________________________
Type in the console: player.additem CODE 1
where the glass armor CODEs are:
Boots 00013938
Armor 00013939
Gauntlets 0001393A
Helmet 0001393B
See permission table.