Skyrim Special Edition


  1. KhrysINXS
    • premium
    • 158 kudos
    I enjoy the names/avatars & knowing that behind each avatar, the mod made a difference for that person. That means the most to me
    If I don't personally reply to a comment, don't take it in any negative light. I read all and value greatly
    • I always note the next update changes in the Description Page Changelog Dropdown which would be at very top stating "NOT RELEASED YET"
    • Before posting an issue, bug or idea; be sure to check very bottom of Description Page TO-DO UPDATE NOTES Spoiler. If its written there; no need to waste your time writing same thing. Its in my mind and I am on it. That is where all things collect and get addressed same time in following update(s)
    • Can you make a Quest and/or Purchasable? 
      No one is alone on the Quest thing. In a battle between "nothing at all" VS. "a cheap excuse of anything just to have one", Nothing at all is victor. Needs to be very creative, original and epic for such a place and I just draw blanks. Anyone who has explored Thur Vonun knows its geared towards an accomplished character. Personally, I would discover it later. Build up in a separate home with family and move everyone in there after or keep the family situated where they are and use the Sanctum explicitly for Dragonborn character purposes. More here in Post TOPIC01 and TOPIC02
    • How to toggle on/off: Dragon Sound, Thur Traverses, Auto-Loot Crafting System?
    • How to adjust (optionally, turn off) volume of: Miin of Thur Jewel Sound?
    • How to change Thur Vonun's Lighting Templates (all cells individually) to anything I want?
      All these preferences can be configured to your liking from within Thur Vonun MCM
      The Dragon Sound toggle is non-accessible (greyed-out) via MCM when inside ANY Thur Vonun locations. Go outside to adjust it
    • What are all the provided ways to modify the lighting in this Player Home?
      The grandest feature is within the MCM to choose any Lighting Template the game has to offer. Extended templates are added for either ELE or Lux with provided patches. Beyond that main feature, further bulb strength calibration can be controlled via button at the Thur Throne Fireplace
    • What is this locked door in the Grottoes? Are we supposed to ignore this? 
      This mod was a big split and despite what's covered in Article: Thur Vonun Sanctum SE Background, that room is no longer occupied. It was the door to the Torchsys Laboratory which is a place designed for TruTorches SE. Its vacant now just waiting for me but I have no idea when I will get to it
    • What armors are you using in your pictures? Refer to this post CLICKME or this one CLICKME
    > I felt compelled to mention this technique I very commonly use to find info fast on very busy description pages or lengthily post sections
    CTRL+F is a keyboard shortcut to open a 'find box' to locate a specific character, word, or phrase in a document or web page
    > Depending on said browser used, you may have this feature. I use it by reflex and it saves me a crap-load of redundant reading time
    > Bypass all the useless noise in a post section or Desc. Page to locate info quick based off of the the words you enter in its search box i.e ELFX
    > In the event of webpage BBCode Spoilers used, those you will need to open prior to searching ALL information presented on said webpage
  2. kojak747
    • premium
    • 736 kudos
    I've been working on some mods with Khrys and he suggested I try this out, and oh boy am I pleased he did. This mod IS INCREDIBLE, the attention to detail, the customisation, so many beautiful nooks and crannies with things to tweak and buttons to press and ropes to climb and ziplines to zip etc...If anyone is any doubt about a well made and meticulously crafted player home, try this mod, its on another level. Beautiful work by Khrys and the Thur team, bravo!
  3. AcesOverEights
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hey there, I loaded up a couple time through through Alternate Start entry and I ended up outside a weird looking Tel Jerdein.
    I thought I must've uninstalled a patch somewhere because I was sure I checked and this home is nowhere near it.
    Anyway, loaded again and same thing, this time noticing that I loaded "outside the cave".. checked the map and yep, the cave is somehow inside Tel Jerdein xD
    Anyway, maybe I'm the only one having the problem so just mentioning.
    I was kinda impressed on that one, that was new lol :)
    1. KhrysINXS
      • premium
      • 158 kudos
      I have no idea what to make of that. I have not touched that patch since the update i crested it lol... Thats freakie deekie

      EDIT: Ahh, Tel Jerdien the mod..
      I thought you misspelt 'Tel Jerdien' meaning Solstheim's 'Tel Mithryn'. I was like "How do folk manage to get some results baffles me" lol.
      Yes, Thur passage just so happens to use the same Tamriel cell(s) as Tel Jerdien.... That must have been quite a surprise for you
      They are probably very incompatible regarding Tamriel. Yeh, they would be. Same with Maple Manor. Same tamriel cells
    2. AcesOverEights
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Yea no worries, to me the map looks like this place is NE of Whiterun so you could imagine my surprise.
      When I came back I thought the same thing that it's nowhere near it. So yea it's just me lol thanks for the reply, it does look a bit clearer now.
  4. ID3ATH
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Hey Khrys, its me your biggest fan. Just a quick question. I see that you posted up top of the posts section about questions asked and answered. But, from what I understand, is that you posted the answers in the post section- I thought this was the post section. Anyway, long story short. The turn of dragon sound is greyed completely out for me. The dragon constantly growling is driving me nuts, and this is my favorite player home. I don't know where you were referring to as the post section if not this section. What do you suggest as far as getting that turned off? Do I need to go into the mods .ini stuff? Not sure why the toggle option is turned off in the book. Thank you also soooo much for all the hard work you have put into this. My favorite player home. Thanks.
    1. KhrysINXS
      • premium
      • 158 kudos
      Hi there.. Glad you enjoy. That option is grey out as a safety precaution when you are in ALL Thur Vonun locations. The dragons sound on/off toggle option only becomes accessible when out of the home. Leave the home > then you can adjust it in the MCM > then you can re-enter home. The option will once again grey out because you are now back in a Thur Location.
      I should add a note on that in the sticky post now that you reminded me about the dragon option
    2. ID3ATH
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Hey thank you sooo much. With that info just finished off a full perfect modlist. Hey, your player home is my favorite. I am sooo poor at the moment im getting food from food bank, but as soon as I get some money I will without a doubt send some to you. Thank you for this awesome home. Jeez, I can only imagine all the work that went into it. Great job. I promise I will get back to you to throw you a little bit of money, I can only imagine how many hours you have put into this. Thanks again. Also, I voted mod of the month for you. Maybe it will help a little.
  5. Icedragan
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I noticed that that there is no oven or am I missing it? 
    1. KhrysINXS
      • premium
      • 158 kudos
      Yeh, there isn't one. I did not know where to put one where it made sense given my limited amount of space left at the time
  6. Icedragan
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    the ladder and trapdoor got desynced. How do I fix it? 
    1. KhrysINXS
      • premium
      • 158 kudos
      Desynced. Like they don't connect anymore? I've never heard of such a thing before happening in any mod. I don't know what could be the cause of that tbh or how to correct it. Try reverting to an earlier save maybe. Something clearly got screwed up somehow to do such a freakish thing
    2. Icedragan
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      visual   one happens and the other goes away.
    3. Icedragan
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      100 saves ago apparently. I save often.    spam clicking the button fixed it somehow. haha
    4. KhrysINXS
      • premium
      • 158 kudos
      Ohh, that ladder and trapdoor. That makes sense. I thought whole time you meant the Solid Bunker to the Kids room Ladder Trapdoors (which is a Teleport Link).... I was way off. YES. I know what you are talking about now and I also replicated that issue along time ago. I looked the entire implementation of the Ladder/trapdoor setup over (after it happened to me) and it all checked out. I was never able to reproduce the glitch again (you just had) so I did not know what it was.

      ONLY thing I can think of to cause something like that is:
      Clicking/activating things back and forth too fast IE pulling the chain too much before letting its last action finish maybe combined with saving in-between that too. That was all I could blame myself on for causing that. Its the same reason WHY I have a 5 second activate block delay on the Toggable Manny buttons... Mannies is more serious consequence if the user pushes the button too much while the game is still finishing off its last activation process. That's how bugs materialize with anything but for the Mannies, I had to put some mechanic on the button to MAKE SURE its last activation completes (with a breath after) before its interrupted by users. This is my only guess why that happened to you and I
  7. dragonbornop234
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Bro what, Literally whaaaaaat. I didn't know house mods (or 99% of all other type mods to be honest ) could be made made in this quality. You sir might a real terran wizard.  👏 👏 👏 👏
  8. xarxyc
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    I have an issue with MCM lightning settings resetting to the default state. So far MCM THUR VONUM is the only one doing that.
    1. KhrysINXS
      • premium
      • 158 kudos
      It should always save the last option you choose from the MCM  when you continue a save. Its setup in the code that way so I am not sure why that is happening for you. This was tested thoroughly before release of that update making sure that if the user picks an option > saves their playthrough state > reload a continued save > it will be how they last set it prior to making that save.
      Maybe you need to make a Real save. I am not sure. Did not test quick saves
    2. xarxyc
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      MCM changes stay between saves, both normal and quick.

      What causes reversion is game restarting. 
    3. KhrysINXS
      • premium
      • 158 kudos
      Alright. Thanks for reporting. You are right. I must have forgot to test that way during dev of that new feature. Will attempt to correct it
    4. KhrysINXS
      • premium
      • 158 kudos
      OKAY So. Whatever I said to you last message, disregard it. It was a false-positive. I CANNOT reproduce your issue no matter how many times I try. Its working between saves (both normal and quick) and from fresh desktop game launch. Its all working as intended which means:
       (1st) You will need to download this modified MCM/PlayerAlias Script for Thur Vonun [LINK] which has lots of debug tracing code enabled.
      - Install it as a normal mod and make sure your mod manager says its overwriting the native script that is inside the Thur BSA
       (2nd) I will need your Papyrus.logs. You can paste them like I did per this PASTEBIN LINK. There are also instructions how to enable tracing (pastebin link above) and there is also this PAGE (from me) you can follow
       (3rd) After you are all setup above, I want you to:
      - start a new game > Go to Thur Vonun > configure the MCM as you like it > Save
      - Quit to MAIN MENU > continue > quit to main menu again > Load specific save and let it load > Quit to DESKTOP
       (4th) Now you should have a Papyrus.0.log created in the directory they are created in. I want you to launch the game again from Desktop.
      - Launching the game again will make the existing 0.log get renamed to 1.log so a NEW Papyrus.0.log will begin tracing while you play
       (5th) Get to main Menu and continue your last save and let the game load it fully > Then you can quit to desktop fully
       (6th) DONE... Now I just need you to provide me with those logs so I can see what is causing this issue on your end. This is the only way I can help
  9. DaveMB
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Never commented on a mod before but wow, This mod is top tier amazing work and definitely my new house.

    I have spent some serious time in Skyrim and have no desire to hunt collectibles so I used the cheat chest from Rayek's End along with the console and 'add item menu' and spent a few hours combing every inch of the mod and putting everything in its place.

    Thur Vonun is now fully 'decorated' and looks amazing.

    Just wanted to say thanks for such an incredible work of art.

    Edit: also wanted to compliment the choice of soundtrack, some excellent choices there. (The Fields of Ard Skellig) always just makes me stop and listen.
  10. kekzoom
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    This mod is wild. I'm blown away at all the different things you find in the sanctum not to mention whipping around looking for the dang place was honestly pretty fun and the sabre kittens were good company. But man the sanctum is crazy. So much stuff to check out and every step is just exploding with personality. And of course I'm a sucker for interactables and I wanted to click all of them X3 but my fave was the doom cages, :P yes roast those knaves, how dare they steal my sweet roll!

    Anyway I've checked tons of mods and I'm probably one of the most picky when it comes to player homes and I'm honestly caught with this one because the sanctum makes sense, but for alot of play styles you'd like some bright lighting and open areas for mod checking and stupid amounts of followers. But for a sketchy play through with any number of nightmare mod set ups. This would definitely be my go to.

    Consequently based on the comments and my own experience, that lighting is a hell of a double edge sword. It fosters this personality that makes the sanctum even more magical. But it makes it so hard to keep the place  >_<

    However just throwing it out there. This location I wouldn't change anything about it, your idea is gorgeous in my opinion. That being said would you ever consider designing another player home mod? I usually don't nitpick but the potential is just too good. Based on what I seen here, if you made an original castle mod that has the same attention to detail. It'd probably become one of the best player homes on the site, I know at the very least it'd be my favorite. :P
    1. KhrysINXS
      • premium
      • 158 kudos
      Consequently based on the comments and my own experience, that lighting is a hell of a double edge sword. It fosters this personality that makes the sanctum even more magical. But it makes it so hard to keep the place  >_<

      I'm glad you like it
      You know you can change the sanctum to any lighting template the game has to offer in its MCM and there is an adjuster on the fire place to fine tune it after you stage your ideal template. Read the changelog info over posts. Posts age and updates are newer. Many updates address old post stuff. This place has more lighting features then anything out there home-wise I think and the core of it is harnessed in the MCM

      That being said would you ever consider designing another player home mod?
      Nah. To be honest, this one did me in. I am mostly in third-party project development now. Helping other creators behind the scenes in some larger scaled mods. So, I juggle a lot of stuff and don't really aim my concentration on creating mods of my own to put up. Once in a blue moon I do but this home took well into the thousands of hours to create. I don't have that kind of time nor motivation to make more.
      Thur Vonun was something I had a vision of long before I began it and I just ended up pursuing it but it took me away from all other mod creation endeavors as it consumed all of me. I can't do that anymore make something like this leaving no time for other things
    2. kekzoom
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      Thanks for the reply. Yeah i checked the lighting features you made, it's really nice that you gave people the capability to work with that.
      As for the player home, I had a feeling that was the case. The amount of detail and the style of this place did seem like it was one of those mods where a designer takes all the assets they've built up and all they've learned to make that one mod that you put all you got into it to see what you could come with. Definitely I wouldn't expect you to make another player home and I see that this was a very unique case. It really is cool when you run into situations like this and get to see what people come up with.
  11. Mjolner8873
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    no no no ive had this mod since day one,still love going to update today when i get home,youre telling me there is a knob i can fiddle with to mess with the light AND a lux lighting template?no no now i will console in the "tv" sword and after the 3 hours it takes to play with the light i will take "tv" sword to riften and celebrate...thank you