Skyrim Special Edition

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  • Frequently Asked Questions

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Can I get rid of the quest items when Chasing the Current is complete? Yes, dump those letters from River.
    Do I need to start a new game when installing for the first time? You should be able to add this mod mid-save.
    Do I need to start a new game when installing 2.0, when I have 1.0? 100%.
    When the mod updates, can I still use the same save file? I have over 80 hours in! Yes, unless otherwise indicated. Like above.
    Where is Irin, and why did you choose that place instead of Akavir, for example? Think of Irin as just another place outside the Elder Scrolls universe. And why, because Kat and I just wanted to name a place. That's all. :)
    How come they comment on Skyrim quests that are in my journal but we're not in th...

  • Easter Egg Quests

    The content below is meant to be experienced at random. However, if you would like to experience it without waiting to chance upon the actors or fulfill the hidden conditions, please continue reading. If you would like to avoid spoilers, please don’t read further.

    The Hunter's Pursuit
    Chadryn - biggieboss
    This quest will not show up in your journal. Katana is required for all stages, and Megara is needed for all but one. 
    Immediately after recruiting Megara for the first time, Chadryn shows up outside the Drunken Huntsman, where a scene will play.
    If Chadryn does not start his scene after you leave the Drunken Huntsman AND recruit Megara, go back into the Drunken Huntsman then come out again. 
    He is next found in Solitude outside of Radiant ...

  • Chasing the Current Quest Stages

    If Skyrim decided to be hilarious, type this into the console: setstage ak69katanapersonalquest NUMBER

    First stage - 1 game hour - "So, what brings you to Skyrim?"
    Second stage - 3 game hours - "I'm so curious about why you're here."
    Third stage - 3 game hours - "Katana, I..."
    Fourth stage - 6 game hours - Upon talking to Katana, she'll tell you that you both need to head to Whiterun, which means you shouldn't be in that area for this stage. 

    Talk to Katana right after recruiting her to start the quest timers.

    Quest Stages

    Description: Katana has a plan, but it looks like I need to wait and talk to her later.
    Objective: Talk to Katana another time

    Description: At the Drunken Huntsman, ...

  • Megara's Buffs

    Megara's Potion/Buff System

    The player can pick one of the buffs through the favor dialogue.
    Megara won't remove the potions from the player's inventory.
    Every time combat begins, the player would have the selected buff.
    The player can choose to disable buffs.
    Apothecary patch available.

    Fortify Block
    Description: Blocking absorbs 15% more damage for 60 seconds.
    You need one of the following sets of potions:

    4 Potion of the Defender
    3 Draught of the Defender
    2 Philter of the Defender
    1 Elixir of the Defender

    Fortify Conjuration
    Description: Conjurations spells last 75% longer for 60 seconds.
    You need one of the following sets of potions:

    4 Conjurer's Potion

  • Katana's Trust System

    Trust System
    Katana comes with a Relationship Check Spell.

    Enabling/Disabling Decrease

    If you would like Katana to look the other way when you commit certain acts, talk to her and select About my lifestyle...
    You will get these notifications that confirm your choice:
    Katana will acknowledge all of your actions. = DEFAULT TRUST.
    Katana will look the other way if you decide to partake in certain activities. = NO TRUST DECREASE.

    So if you have an evil character, no problem! Just disable the decrease feature of the system.
    Just know that you will miss dialogue that was created for certain actions.

    General Idea

    Cautious: -5 -- Katana won't say much to you.
    Civil: 0 -- Can trade and wait.