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About this mod
New version for the Skyrim AE with more content.
- Requirements
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- Changelogs
or Backported Extended ESL Support
If Updating from v3.7 or earlier, starting a new game is required!!!
(Updating from 3.8 or later to latest is perfectly fine, or when installing first time.)
If you are unable to use Saints & Seducers
Download the NoCC -version
Adds the ability to craft:
- Katana
- Dai-Katana
- Wakizashi
- Tanto
You can craft them in:
Wood, Iron, Steel, Silver, Dwarven, Elven, Orcish, Orichalcum, Nordic, Glass, Ebony, Stalhrim, Daedric, Dragonbone, Dawnguard, Volkihar, Amber, Madness, Golden, Dark, Spectral & Heartstone -style.
Crafting requirements are the same as vanilla Skyrim for each material.
Technical details:
- Katanas are of speed 1.125 vs. regular sword speed of 1.000, with -1 to base damage (exceptions: iron, silver and steel don't have -1 to base damage due to balance).
- Dai-Katanas are of speed 0.850 vs. regular great sword speed of 0.7000, with -1 to base damage.
- Wakizashi are of speed 1.225 vs. regular sword speed of 1.000 with, -2 base damage and -10% to reach.
- Tanto are 1:1 to regular daggers except with reduced weight.
Critical Damage value of the weapons is not lower, only base damage. Some variants have higher critical damage than their regular sword counter parts.
(Base dame e.g.: a (non tempered) Steel sword has base damage of 8, a Daedric Sword has 14)
- Katanas are classified as 1-handed swords.
- Dai-Katanas are classified as 2-handed swords.
- Wakizashis are classified as 1-handed swords.
- Tantos are classified as daggers.
Dawnguard variants are unlocked with Advanced Armors -perk.
Volkihar variants require Steel Smithing and being a Vampire.
(Enchanted "Bloodforged" -variants require Arcane Blacksmith in addition.)
Spectral Variants require Arcane Blacksmith -perk.
Heartstone variants require Smithing skill 100, Deadric, Elven and Arcane Blacksmithing -perks, and have base stats equivalent to daedric weapons.
Heartstone variants fire force waves on each swing, and drain 15 mana per swing.
The force wave ability can be toggled on/off by using the "Weapon Attunement" -power, that is gained while you are equipped with a Heartstone variant.
Force wave damage is 10 + player level for 1-handed, and 20 + player level for 2-handed variants.
All the models use whatever textures you are using for your regular weapon variants!
I highly recommend installing texture replacement mods or other HD texture packs.
Daedric Armor and Weapon Improvement for Daedric.
Frankly HD Dragonbone and Dragonscale - Armor and Weapons for Dragonbone.
Glass Armors and Weapons Retexture SE for Glass.
Ebony Armors and Weapons Retexture SE for Ebony.
aMidianBorn Book of Silence SE for everything else (especially Orcish & Steel).
For additional Katana -animation mods, check out: (patched _conditions.txt found under optional downloads)
Animated Armoury - New Weapons with animations SSE Version - for Katanas
Samurai - Dai Katana 2H Katana Animation (MCO SCAR) - for Dai-Katanas
ADXP I MCO I BFCO ER Katana (SCAR) - for Katanas
This mod was made possible by SSE NIF Optimizer by Ousnius
A bit of lore:
- The katana type weapons in TES originate from the very first game, and have been present in every game since but only in their Akaviri basic form after Morrowind.
In Arena and Daggerfall, they came in all available materials, including mithril (which also has made it's last modern appearance in Oblivion).
- Because the Dai-Katana has been called that, and not Nodachi/Ódachi that is what I also call them, it is a tradition.
- The katana weapons of TES universe are the invention of the people of Tsaesci of Akavir.